tofu.Errors.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Opinionated set of tools for functional programming in Scala
package tofu
import{EitherT, OptionT, ReaderT}
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.{Applicative, ApplicativeError, FlatMap, Functor, Id, Monad}
import tofu.errorInstances._
import tofu.internal.{CachedMatcher, DataEffectComp}
import tofu.lift.Lift
import glass.PUpcast.GenericSubtypeImpl
import glass.{Downcast, Subset, Upcast}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
/** Allows to raise `E` inside type `F`.
@implicitNotFound("""can't understand how to raise ${E} inside ${F}
provide an instance of Raise[${F}, ${E}], cats.ApplicativeError[${F}, ${E}] or Upcast[..., ${E}]""")
trait Raise[F[_], E] extends ErrorBase with Raise.ContravariantRaise[F, E] {
def raise[A](err: E): F[A]
object Raise extends DataEffectComp[Raise] {
trait ContravariantRaise[F[_], -E] extends ErrorBase {
def raise[A](err: E): F[A]
def reRaise[A, E1 <: E](fa: F[Either[E1, A]])(implicit F: FlatMap[F], A: Applicative[F]): F[A] =
F.flatMap(fa)(_.fold(raise[A], A.pure))
/** Allows to recover after some error in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} as a result. A `G` can either be the same as a `F`
* or some "subconstructor" having less errors semantically.
@implicitNotFound("""can't understand how to restore from the type ${F} to the subtype ${G}
provide an instance of RestoreTo[${F}, ${G}], cats.ApplicativeError[${F}, ...]""")
trait RestoreTo[F[_], G[_]] extends Lift[G, F] with ErrorBase {
def restore[A](fa: F[A]): G[Option[A]]
/** Allows to recover after some error in a ${F}.
@implicitNotFound("""can't understand how to restore in the type ${F}
provide an instance of Restore[${F}], cats.ApplicativeError[${F}, ...]""")
trait Restore[F[_]] extends RestoreTo[F, F] {
def restoreWith[A](fa: F[A])(ra: => F[A]): F[A]
/** Allows to recover after an error of type ${E} in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} as a result. A `G` can either be the
* same as a `F` or some "subconstructor" having less errors semantically.
@implicitNotFound("""can't understand how to recover from ${E} in the type ${F} to the subtype ${G}
provide an instance of HandleTo[${F}, ${G}, ${E}], cats.ApplicativeError[${F}, ${E}]""")
trait HandleTo[F[_], G[_], E] extends RestoreTo[F, G] {
def handleWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => G[A]): G[A]
def attempt[A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: Functor[F], G: Applicative[G]): G[Either[E, A]] =
def handle[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => A)(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[A] =
handleWith(fa)(e => G.pure(f(e)))
/** Allows to recover after an error of type ${E} in a ${F}.
@implicitNotFound("""can't understand how to recover from ${E} in the type ${F}
provide an instance of Handle[${F}, ${E}], cats.ApplicativeError[${F}, ${E}] or Downcast[..., ${E}]""")
trait Handle[F[_], E] extends HandleTo[F, F, E] with Restore[F] {
def tryHandleWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => Option[F[A]]): F[A]
def recover[A](fa: F[A])(pf: PartialFunction[E, A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[A] =
def tryHandle[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => Option[A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[A] =
tryHandleWith(fa)(e => f(e).map(F.pure))
def recoverWith[A](fa: F[A])(pf: PartialFunction[E, F[A]]): F[A] =
def restoreWith[A](fa: F[A])(ra: => F[A]): F[A] = handleWith(fa)(_ => ra)
def handleWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => F[A]): F[A] =
tryHandleWith(fa)(e => Some(f(e)))
object Handle extends DataEffectComp[Handle] {
trait ByRecover[F[_], E] extends Handle[F, E] {
def recWith[A](fa: F[A])(pf: PartialFunction[E, F[A]]): F[A]
def tryHandleWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => Option[F[A]]): F[A] =
override def recoverWith[A](fa: F[A])(pf: PartialFunction[E, F[A]]): F[A] =
override def recover[A](fa: F[A])(pf: PartialFunction[E, A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[A] =
recWith(fa)(pf andThen F.pure _)
/** Allows to throw and handle errors of type ${E} in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} when recovering. A `G` can either be
* the same as `F` or some "subconstructor" having less errors semantically.
@implicitNotFound("""can't understand how to deal with errors ${E} in the type ${F} with the subtype ${G}
provide an instance of ErrorsTo[${F}, ${G}, ${E}], cats.ApplicativeError[${F}, ${E}] or Contains[..., ${E}]""")
trait ErrorsTo[F[_], G[_], E] extends Raise[F, E] with HandleTo[F, G, E]
/** Allows to throw and handle errors of type ${E} in a ${F}.
@implicitNotFound("""can't understand how to deal with errors ${E} in the type ${F}
provide an instance of Errors[${F}, ${E}], cats.ApplicativeError[${F}, ${E}] or Contains[..., ${E}]""")
trait Errors[F[_], E] extends Raise[F, E] with Handle[F, E] with ErrorsTo[F, F, E] {
def adaptError[A](fa: F[A])(pf: PartialFunction[E, E]): F[A] =
recoverWith(fa)(pf.andThen(raise[A] _))
object Errors extends DataEffectComp[Errors] {
trait Companion[E] {
type Raise[F[_]] = tofu.Raise[F, E]
type Handle[F[_]] = tofu.Handle[F, E]
type Errors[F[_]] = tofu.Errors[F, E]
/** Base trait for instance search
trait ErrorBase
object ErrorBase extends ErrorsBaseInstances {
final implicit def readerTErrors[F[_], R, E](implicit F: Errors[F, E]): Errors[ReaderT[F, R, _], E] =
new Errors[ReaderT[F, R, _], E] {
def raise[A](err: E): ReaderT[F, R, A] =
def tryHandleWith[A](fa: ReaderT[F, R, A])(f: E => Option[ReaderT[F, R, A]]): ReaderT[F, R, A] =
ReaderT(r => F.tryHandleWith( => f(e).map(
def restore[A](fa: ReaderT[F, R, A]): ReaderT[F, R, Option[A]] =
ReaderT(r => F.restore(
def lift[A](fa: ReaderT[F, R, A]): ReaderT[F, R, A] = fa
class ErrorsBaseInstances extends ErrorsBaseInstances1 {
final implicit def errorByCatsError[F[_], E](implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, E]): Errors[F, E] =
new HandleApErr[F, E] with RaiseAppApErr[F, E] with Errors[F, E]
class ErrorsBaseInstances1 extends ErrorsBaseInstances2 {
final implicit def errorPrismatic[F[_], E, E1](implicit
e: Errors[F, E],
prism: Subset[E, E1]
): Errors[F, E1] =
new FromPrism[F, E, E1, Errors, Subset] with RaisePrism[F, E, E1] with HandlePrism[F, E, E1] with Errors[F, E1]
class ErrorsBaseInstances2 extends ErrorsBaseInstances3 {
final implicit def handleDowncast[F[_], E, E1](implicit h: Handle[F, E], prism: Downcast[E, E1]): Handle[F, E1] =
new FromPrism[F, E, E1, Handle, Downcast] with HandlePrism[F, E, E1]
final implicit def raiseUpcast[F[_], E, E1](implicit r: Raise[F, E], prism: Upcast[E, E1]): Raise[F, E1] =
prism match {
case GenericSubtypeImpl =>
r.asInstanceOf[Raise[F, E1]]
case _ =>
new Raise[F, E1] {
def raise[A](err: E1): F[A] = r.raise(prism.upcast(err))
class ErrorsBaseInstances3 {
final implicit def eitherTIntance[F[_], E](implicit F: Monad[F]): ErrorsTo[EitherT[F, E, _], F, E] =
new EitherTErrorsTo[F, E]
final implicit def optionTIntance[F[_]](implicit F: Monad[F]): ErrorsTo[OptionT[F, _], F, Unit] =
new OptionTErrorsTo[F]
final implicit def eitherIntance[E]: ErrorsTo[Either[E, _], Id, E] = new EitherErrorsTo[E]
final implicit val optionTIntance: ErrorsTo[Option, Id, Unit] = OptionErrorsTo
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