Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import cats.Bifunctor
import tofu.control.Bind
import glass.{Contains, Equivalent, PExtract, Same}
/** typeclass for access a functional environment in a bifuntor
* @tparam X
* contextual error
* @tparam C
* contextual result
trait BiContext[F[+_, +_], +X, +C] {
/** base F bifunctor inclusion
def bifunctor: Bifunctor[F]
/** read the contextual value of type `C` producing declared contextual error of type `X`
def context: F[X, C]
/** focus this context instance
* @param err
* error mapping in the optical form, this could be autogenerated `tofu.optics.Contains`
* @param res
* context mapping in the optical form, this could be autogenerated `tofu.optics.Contains`
* @return
* focused instance of context
def extract[E, A](err: PExtract[X, Any, E, Nothing], res: PExtract[C, Any, A, Nothing]): BiContext[F, E, A] =
new BiContextExtractInstance[F, X, C, E, A](this, err, res)
/** focus this context changing only the error
* @param ex
* error mapping in the optical form
* @return
* focused instance of context
def lextraxt[A](ex: PExtract[C, Any, A, Nothing]): BiContext[F, X, A] = extract(, ex)
/** focus this context changing only the result
* @param ex
* error mapping in the optical for
* @return
* focused instance of context
def rextract[E](ex: PExtract[X, Any, E, Nothing]): BiContext[F, E, C] = extract(ex,
object BiContext {
def apply[F[+_, +_], X, C](implicit inst: BiContext[F, X, C]): BiContext[F, X, C] = inst
/** typeclass for locally modification of environment for processess
trait BiLocal[F[+_, +_], X, C] extends BiContext[F, X, C] {
/** run the process in a locally modified environment
* @param fea
* process to run
* @param lproj
* a modification of the error part
* @param rproj
* a modification of the result part
* @return
* process with the same semantics as `fea` but run in the modified environment
def bilocal[E, A](fea: F[E, A])(lproj: X => X, rproj: C => C): F[E, A]
/** same as `bilocal` but modify only the result part
def local[E, A](fea: F[E, A])(proj: C => C): F[E, A] = bilocal(fea)(identity, proj)
/** same as `bilocal` but modify only the error part
def errLocal[E, A](fea: F[E, A])(proj: X => X): F[E, A] = bilocal(fea)(proj, identity)
/** focus this context instance this will read and modify only the given parts of the context
* @param err
* an optic for reading from and updating a larger context error
* @param res
* an optic for reading from and updating a larget context result
* @return
* focused instance
def sub[E, A](err: X Contains E, res: C Contains A): BiLocal[F, E, A] =
new BiLocalSubInstance[F, X, C, E, A](this, err, res)
/** same as `sub` but focus on the result only
def rsub[A](cts: C Contains A): BiLocal[F, X, A] = sub(, cts)
/** same as `sub` but focus on the error only
def lsub[E](cts: X Contains E): BiLocal[F, E, C] = sub(cts,
object BiLocal {
def apply[F[+_, +_], X, C](implicit inst: BiLocal[F, X, C]): BiLocal[F, X, C] = inst
/** typeclass relation for running processes with provided environment
* @tparam F
* rich process type, that requires and has access the the environment
* @tparam G
* base process type
trait BiRun[F[+_, +_], G[+_, +_], X, C] extends BiLocal[F, X, C] with BiUnlift[G, F] {
override def bifunctor: Bind[F]
/** run a process starting from the error state for the environment
* @param fa
* a process to run
* @param x
* environmental error
* @return
* base process with provided environment
def runLeft[E, A](fa: F[E, A])(x: X): G[E, A]
/** run a process starting from the success state for the environment
* @param fa
* a process to run
* @param c
* environmental result
* @return
* base process with provided environment
def runRight[E, A](fa: F[E, A])(c: C): G[E, A]
/** run a process starting the environment from the state defined by disjuction
* @param fa
* a process to run
* @param ctx
* environment
* @return
* base process with provided environment
def runEither[E, A](fa: F[E, A])(ctx: Either[X, C]): G[E, A] =
ctx match {
case Left(x) => runLeft(fa)(x)
case Right(r) => runRight(fa)(r)
/** map this environment using provided equivalences to other types
* @param err
* an optic for mapping context error
* @param res
* an optic for mapping context result
* @return
* focused instance
def imap[E, A](err: X Equivalent E, res: C Equivalent A): BiRun[F, G, E, A] =
new BiRunEqvInstance[F, G, X, C, E, A](this, err, res)
def runRightK(c: C): F FunBK G = FunBK[F](runRight(_)(c))
def runLeftK(x: X): F FunBK G = FunBK[F](runLeft(_)(x))
def runEitherK(ctx: Either[X, C]): F FunBK G = FunBK[F](runEither(_)(ctx))
override def bilocal[E, A](fea: F[E, A])(lproj: X => X, rproj: C => C): F[E, A] =
bifunctor.foldWith[X, C, E, A](context)(
x => lift(runLeft(fea)(lproj(x))),
c => lift(runRight(fea)(rproj(c)))
override def disclose[E, A](k: FunBK[F, G] => F[E, A]): F[E, A] =
bifunctor.foldWith[X, C, E, A](context)(
x => k(FunBK.apply[F](runLeft(_)(x))),
c => k(FunBK.apply[F](runRight(_)(c)))
object BiRun {
def apply[F[+_, +_], G[+_, +_], X, C](implicit inst: BiRun[F, G, X, C]): BiRun[F, G, X, C] = inst
class BiContextExtractInstance[F[+_, +_], X, C, E, A](
ctx: BiContext[F, X, C],
lext: PExtract[X, Any, E, Nothing],
rext: PExtract[C, Any, A, Nothing]
) extends BiContext[F, E, A] {
override def bifunctor: Bifunctor[F] = ctx.bifunctor
override def context: F[E, A] = bifunctor.bimap(ctx.context)(lext.extract, rext.extract)
override def extract[E1, A1](
err: PExtract[E, Any, E1, Nothing],
res: PExtract[A, Any, A1, Nothing]
): BiContext[F, E1, A1] =
ctx.extract(lext >>[Any, Nothing], rext >>[Any, Nothing])
class BiLocalSubInstance[F[+_, +_], X, C, E, A](ctx: BiLocal[F, X, C], lcts: Contains[X, E], rcts: Contains[C, A])
extends BiContextExtractInstance[F, X, C, E, A](ctx, lcts, rcts) with BiLocal[F, E, A] {
override def bilocal[E1, A1](fea: F[E1, A1])(lproj: E => E, rproj: A => A): F[E1, A1] =
ctx.bilocal(fea)(lcts.update(_, lproj), rcts.update(_, rproj))
override def sub[E1, A1](err: glass.Contains[E, E1], res: glass.Contains[A, A1]): BiLocal[F, E1, A1] =
ctx.sub(lcts >> err, rcts >> res)
class BiRunEqvInstance[F[+_, +_], G[+_, +_], X, C, X1, C1](
ctx: BiRun[F, G, X, C],
leq: Equivalent[X, X1],
req: Equivalent[C, C1]
) extends BiLocalSubInstance[F, X, C, X1, C1](ctx, leq, req) with BiRun[F, G, X1, C1] {
override def runLeft[E, A](fa: F[E, A])(x1: X1): G[E, A] = ctx.runLeft(fa)(leq.upcast(x1))
override def runRight[E, A](fa: F[E, A])(c1: C1): G[E, A] = ctx.runRight(fa)(req.upcast(c1))
override def lift[E, A](fa: G[E, A]): F[E, A] = ctx.lift(fa)
override def bifunctor: Bind[F] = ctx.bifunctor
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