Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import cats.{MonadError, Monoid, StackSafeMonad}
import glass.PContains
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import tofu.Guarantee
sealed trait Calc[-R, -S1, +S2, +E, +A] {
final def run(r: R, init: S1): (S2, Either[E, A]) =, r, init)
final def runUnit(init: S1)(implicit ev: Unit <:< R) = run((), init)
final def narrowRead[R1 <: R]: Calc[R1, S1, S2, E, A] = this
final def exec(r: R, init: S1): S2 = run(r, init)._1
final def execUnit(init: S1)(implicit ev: Unit <:< R): S2 = exec((), init)
object Calc {
def unit[S]: Calc[Any, S, S, Nothing, Unit] = Pure(())
def pure[S, A](a: A): Calc[Any, S, S, Nothing, A] = Pure(a)
def read[S, R]: Calc[R, S, S, Nothing, R] = Read()
def get[S]: Calc[Any, S, S, Nothing, S] = Get()
def set[S](s: S): Calc[Any, Any, S, Nothing, Unit] = Set(s)
def update[S1, S2](f: S1 => S2): Calc[Any, S1, S2, Nothing, Unit] =
get[S1].flatMapS(s => set(f(s)))
def raise[S, E](e: E): Calc[Any, S, S, E, Nothing] = Raise(e)
def defer[R, S1, S2, E, A](x: => Calc[R, S1, S2, E, A]) = Defer(() => x)
def delay[S, A](x: => A): Calc[Any, S, S, Nothing, A] = defer(pure(x))
def write[S](s: S)(implicit S: Monoid[S]): Calc[Any, S, S, Nothing, Unit] = update(S.combine(_, s))
sealed trait CalcRes[-R, -S1, +S2, +E, +A] extends Calc[R, S1, S2, E, A] {
def submit[X](r: R, s: S1, ke: (S2, E) => X, ka: (S2, A) => X): X
final case class Pure[S, +A](a: A) extends CalcRes[Any, S, S, Nothing, A] {
def submit[X](r: Any, s: S, ke: (S, Nothing) => X, ka: (S, A) => X): X = ka(s, a)
final case class Read[S, R]() extends CalcRes[R, S, S, Nothing, R] {
def submit[X](r: R, s: S, ke: (S, Nothing) => X, ka: (S, R) => X): X = ka(s, r)
final case class Get[S]() extends CalcRes[Any, S, S, Nothing, S] {
def submit[X](r: Any, s: S, ke: (S, Nothing) => X, ka: (S, S) => X): X = ka(s, s)
final case class Set[S](s: S) extends CalcRes[Any, Any, S, Nothing, Unit] {
def submit[X](r: Any, s1: Any, ke: (S, Nothing) => X, ka: (S, Unit) => X): X = ka(s, ())
final case class Raise[S, E](e: E) extends CalcRes[Any, S, S, E, Nothing] {
def submit[X](r: Any, s: S, ke: (S, E) => X, ka: (S, Nothing) => X): X = ke(s, e)
final case class Defer[R, S1, S2, E, A](e: () => Calc[R, S1, S2, E, A]) extends Calc[R, S1, S2, E, A]
final case class Cont[R, S1, S2, S3, E1, E2, A, B](
src: Calc[R, S1, S2, E1, A],
ksuc: A => Calc[R, S2, S3, E2, B],
kerr: E1 => Calc[R, S2, S3, E2, B]
) extends Calc[R, S1, S3, E2, B] {
type MidState = S2
type MidErr = E1
implicit final class invariantOps[R, S1, S2, E, A](private val calc: Calc[R, S1, S2, E, A]) extends AnyVal {
def cont[R1 <: R, E2, S3, B](
f: A => Calc[R1, S2, S3, E2, B],
h: E => Calc[R1, S2, S3, E2, B]
): Calc[R1, S1, S3, E2, B] = Cont(calc, f, h)
def flatMap[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B](f: A => Calc[R1, S2, S2, E1, B]): Calc[R1, S1, S2, E1, B] = cont(f, raise(_: E))
def >>=[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B](f: A => Calc[R1, S2, S2, E1, B]) = flatMap(f)
def >>[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B](c: => Calc[R1, S2, S2, E1, B]) = flatMap(_ => c)
def handleWith[E1](f: E => Calc[R, S2, S2, E1, A]): Calc[R, S1, S2, E1, A] = cont(pure(_: A), f)
def handle(f: E => A): Calc[R, S1, S2, E, A] = handleWith(e => pure(f(e)))
def map[B](f: A => B): Calc[R, S1, S2, E, B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
def as[B](b: => B): Calc[R, S1, S2, E, B] = map(_ => b)
def mapError[E1](f: E => E1): Calc[R, S1, S2, E1, A] = handleWith(e => Calc.raise(f(e)))
def focus[S3, S4](lens: PContains[S3, S4, S1, S2]): Calc[R, S3, S4, E, A] =
get[S3].flatMapS { s3 =>
set(lens.extract(s3)) *>> calc.cont(
result => get[S2].flatMapS(s2 => set(lens.set(s3, s2)) *>> pure(result)),
err => get[S2].flatMapS(s2 => set(lens.set(s3, s2)) *>> raise(err))
implicit final class CalcSuccessfullOps[R, S1, S2, A](private val calc: Calc[R, S1, S2, Nothing, A]) extends AnyVal {
def flatMapS[R1 <: R, S3, B, E](f: A => Calc[R1, S2, S3, E, B]): Calc[R1, S1, S3, E, B] =
calc.cont[R1, E, S3, B](f, (e: Nothing) => e)
def productRS[R1 <: R, S3, B, E](r: => Calc[R1, S2, S3, E, B]): Calc[R1, S1, S3, E, B] = flatMapS(_ => r)
def *>>[R1 <: R, S3, B, E](r: => Calc[R1, S2, S3, E, B]): Calc[R1, S1, S3, E, B] = productRS(r)
def runSuccess(r: R, init: S1): (S2, A) = {
val (s2, res) =, init)
s2 -> res.merge
implicit final class CalcUnsuccessfullOps[R, S1, S2, E](private val calc: Calc[R, S1, S2, E, Nothing])
extends AnyVal {
def handleWithS[R1 <: R, E1, S3, B, A](f: E => Calc[R, S2, S3, E1, A]): Calc[R1, S1, S3, E1, A] =
calc.cont((a: Calc[R1, S2, S3, E1, A]) => a, f)
implicit final class CalcFixedStateOps[R, S, E, A](private val calc: Calc[R, S, S, E, A]) extends AnyVal {
def when(b: Boolean): Calc[R, S, S, E, Any] = if (b) calc else Calc.unit
def runEmpty(r: R)(implicit S: Monoid[S]): (S, Either[E, A]) =, S.empty)
def runUnitEmpty(implicit S: Monoid[S], ev: Unit <:< R): (S, Either[E, A]) = calc.runUnit(S.empty)
def execEmpty(r: R)(implicit S: Monoid[S]): S = calc.exec(r, S.empty)
def execUnitEmpty(implicit S: Monoid[S], ev: Unit <:< R): S = calc.exec((), S.empty)
implicit final class CalcFixedStateSuccessOps[R, S, A](private val clc: Calc[R, S, S, Nothing, A]) extends AnyVal {
def calc(r: R, s: S): (S, A) =, s) match { case (a, b) => a -> b.merge }
def calcEmpty(r: R)(implicit S: Monoid[S]): (S, A) = clc.calc(r, S.empty)
def calcUnit(s: S)(implicit ev: Unit <:< R): (S, A) = clc.calc((), s)
def calcUnitEmpty(implicit S: Monoid[S], ev: Unit <:< R): (S, A) = clc.calcUnit(S.empty)
implicit final class CalcFixedStateUnsuccessOps[R, S, E](private val clc: Calc[R, S, S, E, Nothing]) extends AnyVal {
def error(r: R, s: S): (S, E) =, s) match { case (a, b) => a -> b.merge }
def errorEmpty(r: R)(implicit S: Monoid[S]) = clc.error(r, S.empty)
def errorUnit(s: S)(implicit ev: Unit <:< R): (S, E) = clc.error((), s)
def errorUnitEmpty(implicit S: Monoid[S], ev: Unit <:< R): (S, E) = clc.errorUnit(S.empty)
implicit class CalcSimpleStateOps[S1, S2, A](private val calc: Calc[Any, S1, S2, Nothing, A]) extends AnyVal {
final def runSuccessUnit(init: S1): (S2, A) = calc.runSuccess((), init)
def toState: IndexedState[S1, S2, A] = IndexedState(runSuccessUnit)
@tailrec def run[R, S1, S2, S3, E1, E2, A](calc: Calc[R, S1, S3, E2, A], r: R, init: S1): (S3, Either[E2, A]) =
calc match {
case res: CalcRes[R, S1, S3, E2, A] =>
res.submit(r, init, (s2, e) => (s2, Left(e)), (s2, a) => (s2, Right(a)))
case Defer(f) => run(f(), r, init)
case c: Cont[
R @unchecked,
S1 @unchecked,
S2 @unchecked,
S3 @unchecked,
E1 @unchecked,
E2 @unchecked,
S2 @unchecked,
A @unchecked
] =>
c.src match {
case res: CalcRes[R, S1, c.MidState, c.MidErr, c.MidState] =>
val (sm, next) =
res.submit[(c.MidState, Calc[R, c.MidState, S3, E2, A])](
(sm, e) => (sm, c.kerr(e)),
(sm, a) => (sm, c.ksuc(a))
run(next, r, sm)
case Defer(f) => run(f().cont(c.ksuc, c.kerr), r, init)
case Cont(src1, ks1, ke1) =>
run(src1.cont(a => ks1(a).cont(c.ksuc, c.kerr), e => ke1(e).cont(c.ksuc, c.kerr)), r, init)
implicit def calcInstance[R, S, E]: CalcFunctorInstance[R, S, E] = new CalcFunctorInstance[R, S, E]
class CalcFunctorInstance[R, S, E]
extends MonadError[Calc[R, S, S, E, _], E] with cats.Defer[Calc[R, S, S, E, _]]
with StackSafeMonad[Calc[R, S, S, E, _]] with Guarantee[Calc[R, S, S, E, _]] {
def defer[A](fa: => Calc[R, S, S, E, A]): Calc[R, S, S, E, A] = Calc.defer(fa)
def raiseError[A](e: E): Calc[R, S, S, E, A] = Calc.raise(e)
def handleErrorWith[A](fa: Calc[R, S, S, E, A])(f: E => Calc[R, S, S, E, A]): Calc[R, S, S, E, A] = fa.handleWith(f)
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Calc[R, S, S, E, A])(f: A => Calc[R, S, S, E, B]): Calc[R, S, S, E, B] = fa.flatMap(f)
def pure[A](x: A): Calc[R, S, S, E, A] = Calc.pure(x)
def bracket[A, B, C](acquire: Calc[R, S, S, E, A])(use: A => Calc[R, S, S, E, B])(
release: (A, Boolean) => Calc[R, S, S, E, C]
): Calc[R, S, S, E, B] =
acquire.flatMap { a =>
b => release(a, true).as(b),
e => release(a, false) >> Calc.raise(e)
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