cvc5-cvc5-1.2.0.src.proof.alethe.alethe_let_binding.cpp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Top contributors (to current version):
* Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds
* This file is part of the cvc5 project.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2024 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
* in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
* All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
* directory for licensing information.
* ****************************************************************************
* The implementation of the module for Alethe let binding.
#include "proof/alethe/alethe_let_binding.h"
namespace cvc5::internal {
namespace proof {
AletheLetBinding::AletheLetBinding(uint32_t thresh) : LetBinding("let", thresh)
Node AletheLetBinding::convert(Node n, const std::string& prefix)
if (d_letMap.empty())
return n;
NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
// terms with a child that is being declared
std::unordered_set hasDeclaredChild;
// For a term being declared, its position relative to the list of children
// of the parent of this term, its parent, and its declaration value. These
// are necessary to properly declare letified terms occurring for the first
// time once conversions start
std::unordered_map declaredPosition;
std::unordered_map parentOf;
std::unordered_map declaredValue;
// visiting utils
std::unordered_map visited;
std::unordered_map::iterator it;
std::vector visit;
TNode cur;
// start with input
cur = visit.back();
it = visited.find(cur);
if (it == visited.end())
uint32_t id = getId(cur);
// do not letify id 0
if (id > 0)
<< "Node " << cur << " has id " << id << "\n";
// if cur has previously been declared, just use the let variable.
if (d_declared.find(cur) != d_declared.end())
// create the let variable for cur
std::stringstream ss;
ss << prefix << id;
visited[cur] = nm->mkBoundVar(ss.str(), cur.getType());
<< "\tdeclared, use var " << visited[cur] << "\n";
// If the input of this method is letified and it has not yet been
// declared, we will need to declare its post-visit result. So we do
// nothing at this point other than book-keep. The information is
// necessary to guarantee that this occurrence, its first in the overall
// term, is ultimately used as a declaration rather than as just the
// letified variable. For this we find the parent of this first
// occurrence of cur and the position in its children in which cur
// occurs. The declaration will be created when cur is post-visited and
// used when the parent of this occurrence of cur is post-visited.
if (cur != n)
// The parent of cur will have been set when it was visited
Assert(parentOf.find(cur) != parentOf.end());
Node parent = parentOf[cur];
auto itPos = std::find(parent.begin(), parent.end(), cur);
Assert(itPos != parent.end());
declaredPosition[cur] = itPos - parent.begin();
<< "\tset for its parent " << parent << " mark position "
<< itPos - parent.begin() << "\n";
// Mark that future occurrences are just the variable
if (cur.isClosure())
// We do not convert beneath quantifiers, so we need to finish the
// traversal here. However if id > 0, then we need to declare cur's
// variable. Since cur is not post-visited the declaration is of cur
// itself.
if (id == 0)
visited[cur] = cur;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(! ";
options::ioutils::applyOutputLanguage(ss, Language::LANG_SMTLIB_V2_6);
// We print terms non-flattened and with lambda applications in
// non-curried manner
options::ioutils::applyDagThresh(ss, 0);
options::ioutils::applyFlattenHOChains(ss, true);
ss << " :named " << prefix << id << ")";
Node letVar = nm->mkRawSymbol(ss.str(), cur.getType());
visited[cur] = letVar;
declaredValue[cur] = letVar;
visited[cur] = Node::null();
// We now check if any of the children of cur is being declared, in which
// case we associate cur as the parent of declared children, as will as
// that cur has declared children.
// We also use this loop to add the children to be visited. Note we add
// them in reverse order, since we must do post-order traversal (last
// added to the list are first visited, thus this entails left-to-right
// traversal of children)
for (size_t i = 0, size = cur.getNumChildren(); i < size; ++i)
visit.push_back(cur[size - i - 1]);
id = getId(cur[i]);
if (id > 0 && d_declared.find(cur[i]) == d_declared.end())
parentOf[cur[i]] = cur;
else if (it->second.isNull())
Node ret = cur;
bool childChanged = false;
uint32_t id;
std::vector children;
if (cur.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED)
// if cur is a parent has declared child, then for each position we must
// check if that position is of a child being declared and whose declared
// position is that one. In this case we use not the value in visited but
// rather the value in declaredValue
bool checkDeclaredChild = hasDeclaredChild.count(cur);
if (checkDeclaredChild)
<< "Post-visiting node " << cur << " with declared child\n";
for (size_t i = 0, size = cur.getNumChildren(); i < size; ++i)
bool useVisited = true;
// cur has a declared child and if cur[i] is declared and in this
// position, then we use its declared value rather than visited[cur[i]].
if (checkDeclaredChild)
const auto& itDeclPos = declaredPosition.find(cur[i]);
useVisited =
itDeclPos == declaredPosition.end() || itDeclPos->second != i;
Assert(useVisited || getId(cur[i]) > 0)
<< "With input " << n << " we got child " << cur[i]
<< " to use declared value but its id is 0\n";
it = useVisited ? visited.find(cur[i]) : declaredValue.find(cur[i]);
Assert(it != visited.end())
<< "With input " << n << " did not find for term " << cur
<< " its child " << cur[i] << " in map with useVisited "
<< useVisited << "\n";
childChanged = childChanged || cur[i] != it->second;
if (childChanged)
ret = nm->mkNode(cur.getKind(), children);
id = getId(cur);
// if cur has id bigger than 0, then we are declaring its conversion to
// ret. We save the declaration in declaredValue and set the value in
// visited to be the let variable, since next occurrences should use that.
// The use of the declared value will be controlled by the parent. If cur
// is n, since there is no parent, then we use directly the declared
// value.
if (id > 0)
std::stringstream ss, ssVar;
ss << "(! ";
options::ioutils::applyOutputLanguage(ss, Language::LANG_SMTLIB_V2_6);
// We print terms non-flattened and with lambda applications in
// non-curried manner
options::ioutils::applyDagThresh(ss, 0);
options::ioutils::applyFlattenHOChains(ss, true);
ssVar << prefix << id;
ss << " :named " << ssVar.str() << ")";
Node declaration = nm->mkRawSymbol(ss.str(), ret.getType());
declaredValue[cur] = declaration;
visited[cur] =
cur == n ? declaration : nm->mkBoundVar(ssVar.str(), cur.getType());
visited[cur] = ret;
} while (!visit.empty());
Assert(visited.find(n) != visited.end());
return visited[n];
} // namespace proof
} // namespace cvc5::internal