cvc5-cvc5-1.2.0.src.smt.env.cpp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Top contributors (to current version):
* Andrew Reynolds, Gereon Kremer, Mathias Preiner
* This file is part of the cvc5 project.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2024 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
* in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
* All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
* directory for licensing information.
* ****************************************************************************
* Smt Environment, main access to global utilities available to
* internal code.
#include "smt/env.h"
#include "context/context.h"
#include "expr/node.h"
#include "expr/node_algorithm.h"
#include "expr/skolem_manager.h"
#include "expr/subtype_elim_node_converter.h"
#include "options/base_options.h"
#include "options/printer_options.h"
#include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
#include "options/smt_options.h"
#include "options/strings_options.h"
#include "printer/printer.h"
#include "proof/conv_proof_generator.h"
#include "smt/solver_engine_stats.h"
#include "theory/evaluator.h"
#include "theory/quantifiers/oracle_checker.h"
#include "theory/rewriter.h"
#include "theory/theory.h"
#include "theory/trust_substitutions.h"
#include "util/resource_manager.h"
#include "util/statistics_registry.h"
using namespace cvc5::internal::smt;
namespace cvc5::internal {
Env::Env(NodeManager* nm, const Options* opts)
: d_nm(nm),
d_context(new context::Context()),
d_userContext(new context::UserContext()),
d_rewriter(new theory::Rewriter(nm)),
if (opts != nullptr)
d_statisticsRegistry.reset(new StatisticsRegistry(
d_options.base.statisticsInternal, d_options.base.statisticsAll));
// make the evaluators, which depend on the alphabet of strings
d_evalRew.reset(new theory::Evaluator(d_rewriter.get(),
new theory::Evaluator(nullptr, d_options.strings.stringsAlphaCard));
d_resourceManager = std::make_unique(*d_statisticsRegistry, d_options);
d_rewriter->d_resourceManager = d_resourceManager.get();
Env::~Env() {}
NodeManager* Env::getNodeManager() { return d_nm; }
void Env::finishInit(ProofNodeManager* pnm)
if (pnm != nullptr)
Assert(d_proofNodeManager == nullptr);
d_proofNodeManager = pnm;
new theory::TrustSubstitutionMap(*this, d_userContext.get()));
if (d_options.quantifiers.oracles)
d_ochecker.reset(new theory::quantifiers::OracleChecker(*this));
void Env::shutdown()
// d_resourceManager must be destroyed before d_statisticsRegistry
context::Context* Env::getContext() { return d_context.get(); }
context::UserContext* Env::getUserContext() { return d_userContext.get(); }
ProofNodeManager* Env::getProofNodeManager() { return d_proofNodeManager; }
bool Env::isSatProofProducing() const
return d_proofNodeManager != nullptr
&& d_options.smt.proofMode != options::ProofMode::PP_ONLY;
bool Env::isTheoryProofProducing() const
return d_proofNodeManager != nullptr
&& d_options.smt.proofMode == options::ProofMode::FULL;
theory::Rewriter* Env::getRewriter() { return d_rewriter.get(); }
theory::Evaluator* Env::getEvaluator(bool useRewriter)
return useRewriter ? d_evalRew.get() : d_eval.get();
theory::TrustSubstitutionMap& Env::getTopLevelSubstitutions()
return *d_topLevelSubs.get();
const LogicInfo& Env::getLogicInfo() const { return d_logic; }
StatisticsRegistry& Env::getStatisticsRegistry()
return *d_statisticsRegistry;
const Options& Env::getOptions() const { return d_options; }
ResourceManager* Env::getResourceManager() const
return d_resourceManager.get();
bool Env::isOutputOn(OutputTag tag) const
return d_options.base.outputTagHolder[static_cast(tag)];
bool Env::isOutputOn(const std::string& tag) const
return isOutputOn(options::stringToOutputTag(tag));
std::ostream& Env::output(const std::string& tag) const
return output(options::stringToOutputTag(tag));
std::ostream& Env::output(OutputTag tag) const
if (isOutputOn(tag))
return *d_options.base.out;
return cvc5::internal::null_os;
bool Env::isVerboseOn(int64_t level) const
return !Configuration::isMuzzledBuild() && d_options.base.verbosity >= level;
std::ostream& Env::verbose(int64_t level) const
if (isVerboseOn(level))
return *d_options.base.err;
return cvc5::internal::null_os;
std::ostream& Env::warning() const
return verbose(0);
Node Env::evaluate(TNode n,
const std::vector& args,
const std::vector& vals,
bool useRewriter) const
std::unordered_map visited;
return evaluate(n, args, vals, visited, useRewriter);
Node Env::evaluate(TNode n,
const std::vector& args,
const std::vector& vals,
const std::unordered_map& visited,
bool useRewriter) const
if (useRewriter)
return d_evalRew->eval(n, args, vals, visited);
return d_eval->eval(n, args, vals, visited);
Node Env::rewriteViaMethod(TNode n, MethodId idr)
if (idr == MethodId::RW_REWRITE)
return d_rewriter->rewrite(n);
if (idr == MethodId::RW_EXT_REWRITE)
return d_rewriter->extendedRewrite(n);
if (idr == MethodId::RW_REWRITE_EQ_EXT)
return d_rewriter->rewriteEqualityExt(n);
if (idr == MethodId::RW_EVALUATE)
return evaluate(n, {}, {}, false);
if (idr == MethodId::RW_IDENTITY)
// does nothing
return n;
// unknown rewriter
Unhandled() << "Env::rewriteViaMethod: no rewriter for " << idr
<< std::endl;
return n;
bool Env::isFiniteType(TypeNode tn) const
return isCardinalityClassFinite(tn.getCardinalityClass(),
void Env::setUninterpretedSortOwner(theory::TheoryId theory)
d_uninterpretedSortOwner = theory;
theory::TheoryId Env::getUninterpretedSortOwner() const
return d_uninterpretedSortOwner;
theory::TheoryId Env::theoryOf(TypeNode typeNode) const
return theory::Theory::theoryOf(typeNode, d_uninterpretedSortOwner);
theory::TheoryId Env::theoryOf(TNode node) const
theory::TheoryId tid = theory::Theory::theoryOf(node,
// Special case: Boolean term skolems belong to THEORY_UF.
if (tid==theory::TheoryId::THEORY_BOOL && isBooleanTermSkolem(node))
return theory::TheoryId::THEORY_UF;
return tid;
bool Env::hasSepHeap() const { return !d_sepLocType.isNull(); }
TypeNode Env::getSepLocType() const { return d_sepLocType; }
TypeNode Env::getSepDataType() const { return d_sepDataType; }
void Env::declareSepHeap(TypeNode locT, TypeNode dataT)
// remember the types we have set
d_sepLocType = locT;
d_sepDataType = dataT;
void Env::addPlugin(Plugin* p) { d_plugins.push_back(p); }
const std::vector& Env::getPlugins() const { return d_plugins; }
theory::quantifiers::OracleChecker* Env::getOracleChecker() const
return d_ochecker.get();
void Env::registerBooleanTermSkolem(const Node& k)
bool Env::isBooleanTermSkolem(const Node& k) const
// optimization: check whether k is a variable
if (!k.isVar())
return false;
return d_boolTermSkolems.find(k) != d_boolTermSkolems.end();
Node Env::getSharableFormula(const Node& n) const
Node on = n;
if (!d_options.base.pluginShareSkolems)
// note we only remove purify skolems if the above option is disabled
on = SkolemManager::getOriginalForm(n);
SkolemManager * skm = d_nm->getSkolemManager();
std::vector toProcess;
size_t index = 0;
Node nn = toProcess[index];
// get the symbols contained in nn
std::unordered_set syms;
expr::getSymbols(nn, syms);
for (const Node& s : syms)
Kind sk = s.getKind();
if (sk == Kind::INST_CONSTANT || sk == Kind::DUMMY_SKOLEM)
// these kinds are never sharable
return Node::null();
if (sk == Kind::SKOLEM)
if (!d_options.base.pluginShareSkolems)
// not shared if option is false
return Node::null();
// must ensure that the indices of the skolem are also legal
SkolemId id;
Node cacheVal;
if (!skm->isSkolemFunction(s, id, cacheVal))
// kind SKOLEM should imply that it is a skolem function
return Node::null();
if (!cacheVal.isNull()
&& std::find(toProcess.begin(), toProcess.end(), cacheVal)
== toProcess.end())
// if we have a cache value, add it to process vector
} while (index < toProcess.size());
// If we didn't encounter an illegal term, we now eliminate subtyping
SubtypeElimNodeConverter senc(d_nm);
on = senc.convert(on);
return on;
} // namespace cvc5::internal