z3-z3-4.12.6.src.api.ml.z3native.ml.pre Maven / Gradle / Ivy
(** The native (raw) interface to the dynamic Z3 library. *)
open Z3enums
type ptr
and symbol = ptr
and config = ptr
and context = ptr
and ast = ptr
and app = ast
and sort = ast
and func_decl = ast
and pattern = ast
and model = ptr
and literals = ptr
and constructor = ptr
and constructor_list = ptr
and solver = ptr
and solver_callback = ptr
and goal = ptr
and tactic = ptr
and simplifier = ptr
and params = ptr
and parser_context = ptr
and probe = ptr
and stats = ptr
and ast_vector = ptr
and ast_map = ptr
and apply_result = ptr
and func_interp = ptr
and func_entry = ptr
and fixedpoint = ptr
and optimize = ptr
and param_descrs = ptr
and rcf_num = ptr
external set_internal_error_handler : ptr -> unit
= "n_set_internal_error_handler"