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z3-z3-4.12.6.src.ast.recfun_decl_plugin.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation, Simon Cruanes
Module Name:
Declaration and definition of (potentially recursive) functions
Simon Cruanes 2017-11
Revision History:
#pragma once
#include "ast/ast.h"
#include "ast/ast_pp.h"
#include "ast/ast_translation.h"
#include "util/obj_hashtable.h"
namespace recfun {
class case_def; // cases;
ast_manager & m;
symbol m_name; // def_map;
typedef obj_map case_def_map;
mutable scoped_ptr m_util;
def_map m_defs; // function->def
case_def_map m_case_defs; // case_pred->def
bool m_has_rec_defs = false;
ast_manager & m() { return *m_manager; }
void compute_scores(expr* e, obj_map& scores);
~plugin() override;
void finalize() override;
util & u() const; // build or return util
bool is_fully_interp(sort * s) const override { return false; } // might depend on unin sorts
decl_plugin * mk_fresh() override { return alloc(plugin); }
sort * mk_sort(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters) override {
UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr;
func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) override;
void get_op_names(svector & op_names, symbol const & logic) override;
promise_def mk_def(symbol const& name, unsigned n, sort *const * params, sort * range, bool is_generated);
promise_def ensure_def(symbol const& name, unsigned n, sort *const * params, sort * range, bool is_generated);
void set_definition(replace& r, promise_def & d, bool is_macro, unsigned n_vars, var * const * vars, expr * rhs);
def* mk_def(replace& subst, bool is_macro, symbol const& name, unsigned n, sort ** params, sort * range, unsigned n_vars, var ** vars, expr * rhs);
void erase_def(func_decl* f);
bool has_def(func_decl* f) const { return m_defs.contains(f); }
bool has_defs() const;
bool has_rec_defs() const { return m_has_rec_defs; }
def const& get_def(func_decl* f) const { return *(m_defs[f]); }
promise_def get_promise_def(func_decl* f) const { return promise_def(&u(), m_defs[f]); }
def& get_def(func_decl* f) { return *(m_defs[f]); }
bool has_case_def(func_decl* f) const { return m_case_defs.contains(f); }
case_def& get_case_def(func_decl* f) { SASSERT(has_case_def(f)); return *(m_case_defs[f]); }
bool is_defined(func_decl* f) {return has_case_def(f) && !get_def(f).get_cases().empty(); }
func_decl_ref_vector get_rec_funs() {
func_decl_ref_vector result(m());
for (auto& kv : m_defs) result.push_back(kv.m_key);
return result;
expr_ref redirect_ite(replace& subst, unsigned n, var * const* vars, expr * e);
void inherit(decl_plugin* other, ast_translation& tr) override;
// Various utils for recursive functions
class util {
friend class decl::plugin;
ast_manager & m_manager;
family_id m_fid;
decl::plugin * m_plugin;
bool compute_is_immediate(expr * rhs);
void set_definition(replace& r, promise_def & d, bool is_macro, unsigned n_vars, var * const * vars, expr * rhs);
util(ast_manager &m);
ast_manager & m() { return m_manager; }
family_id get_family_id() const { return m_fid; }
decl::plugin& get_plugin() { return *m_plugin; }
bool is_case_pred(expr * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_fid, OP_FUN_CASE_PRED); }
bool is_defined(expr * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_fid, OP_FUN_DEFINED); }
bool is_defined(func_decl* f) const { return is_decl_of(f, m_fid, OP_FUN_DEFINED); }
bool is_generated(func_decl* f) const { return is_defined(f) && f->get_parameter(0).get_int() == 1; }
bool is_macro(func_decl* f) { return is_defined(f) && get_def(f).is_macro(); }
bool is_num_rounds(expr * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_fid, OP_NUM_ROUNDS); }
bool owns_app(app * e) const { return e->get_family_id() == m_fid; }
//has_defs(); }
bool has_rec_defs() const { return m_plugin->has_rec_defs(); }
def& get_def(func_decl* f) {
return m_plugin->get_def(f);
case_def& get_case_def(expr* e) {
return m_plugin->get_case_def(to_app(e)->get_decl());
app* mk_fun_defined(def const & d, unsigned n_args, expr * const * args) {
return m().mk_app(d.get_decl(), n_args, args);
app* mk_fun_defined(def const & d, ptr_vector const & args) {
return mk_fun_defined(d, args.size(),;
app* mk_fun_defined(def const & d, expr_ref_vector const & args) {
return mk_fun_defined(d, args.size(),;
func_decl_ref_vector get_rec_funs() {
return m_plugin->get_rec_funs();
app_ref mk_num_rounds_pred(unsigned d);
// one case-expansion of `f(`
struct case_expansion {
app_ref m_lhs; // the term to expand
recfun::def * m_def;
expr_ref_vector m_args;
case_expansion(recfun::util& u, app * n);
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, case_expansion const & e) {
return e.display(out);
// one body-expansion of `f(` using a `C_f_i(`
struct body_expansion {
app_ref m_pred;
recfun::case_def const * m_cdef;
expr_ref_vector m_args;
body_expansion(recfun::util& u, app * n) :
m_pred(n, u.m()), m_cdef(nullptr), m_args(u.m()) {
m_cdef = &u.get_case_def(n);
m_args.append(n->get_num_args(), n->get_args());
body_expansion(app_ref & pred, recfun::case_def const & d, expr_ref_vector & args) :
m_pred(pred), m_cdef(&d), m_args(args) {}
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, body_expansion const& e) {
return e.display(out);
struct propagation_item {
case_expansion* m_case { nullptr };
body_expansion* m_body { nullptr };
expr_ref_vector* m_core { nullptr };
expr* m_guard { nullptr };
~propagation_item() {
propagation_item(expr* guard):
m_guard(guard) {}
propagation_item(expr_ref_vector const& core):
m_core(alloc(expr_ref_vector, core)) {
propagation_item(body_expansion* b):
m_body(b) {}
propagation_item(case_expansion* c):
m_case(c) {}
bool is_guard() const { return m_guard != nullptr; }
bool is_core() const { return m_core != nullptr; }
bool is_case() const { return m_case != nullptr; }
bool is_body() const { return m_body != nullptr; }
expr_ref_vector const& core() const { SASSERT(is_core()); return *m_core; }
body_expansion & body() const { SASSERT(is_body()); return *m_body; }
case_expansion & case_ex() const { SASSERT(is_case()); return *m_case; }
expr* guard() const { SASSERT(is_guard()); return m_guard; }