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description='optimization parameters',
params=(('optsmt_engine', SYMBOL, 'basic', "select optimization engine: 'basic', 'symba'"),
('maxsat_engine', SYMBOL, 'maxres', "select engine for maxsat: 'core_maxsat', 'wmax', 'maxres', 'pd-maxres', 'maxres-bin', 'rc2'"),
('priority', SYMBOL, 'lex', "select how to prioritize objectives: 'lex' (lexicographic), 'pareto', 'box'"),
('dump_benchmarks', BOOL, False, 'dump benchmarks for profiling'),
('dump_models', BOOL, False, 'display intermediary models to stdout'),
('solution_prefix', SYMBOL, '', "path prefix to dump intermediary, but non-optimal, solutions"),
('timeout', UINT, UINT_MAX, 'timeout (in milliseconds) (UINT_MAX and 0 mean no timeout)'),
('rlimit', UINT, 0, 'resource limit (0 means no limit)'),
('enable_sls', BOOL, False, 'enable SLS tuning during weighted maxsat'),
('enable_lns', BOOL, False, 'enable LNS during weighted maxsat'),
('lns_conflicts', UINT, 1000, 'initial conflict count for LNS search'),
('enable_core_rotate', BOOL, False, 'enable core rotation to both sample cores and correction sets'),
('enable_sat', BOOL, True, 'enable the new SAT core for propositional constraints'),
('elim_01', BOOL, True, 'eliminate 01 variables'),
('incremental', BOOL, False, 'set incremental mode. It disables pre-processing and enables adding constraints in model event handler'),
('pp.neat', BOOL, True, 'use neat (as opposed to less readable, but faster) pretty printer when displaying context'),
('pb.compile_equality', BOOL, False, 'compile arithmetical equalities into pseudo-Boolean equality (instead of two inequalites)'),
('pp.wcnf', BOOL, False, 'print maxsat benchmark into wcnf format'),
('maxlex.enable', BOOL, True, 'enable maxlex heuristic for lexicographic MaxSAT problems'),
('rc2.totalizer', BOOL, True, 'use totalizer for rc2 encoding'),
('maxres.hill_climb', BOOL, True, 'give preference for large weight cores'),
('maxres.add_upper_bound_block', BOOL, False, 'restrict upper bound with constraint'),
('maxres.max_num_cores', UINT, 200, 'maximal number of cores per round'),
('maxres.max_core_size', UINT, 3, 'break batch of generated cores if size reaches this number'),
('maxres.maximize_assignment', BOOL, False, 'find an MSS/MCS to improve current assignment'),
('maxres.max_correction_set_size', UINT, 3, 'allow generating correction set constraints up to maximal size'),
('maxres.wmax', BOOL, False, 'use weighted theory solver to constrain upper bounds'),
('maxres.pivot_on_correction_set', BOOL, True, 'reduce soft constraints if the current correction set is smaller than current core')