z3-z3-4.12.6.src.smt.smt_relevancy.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2008-06-04.
Revision History:
#pragma once
#include "ast/ast.h"
namespace smt {
class context;
class relevancy_propagator;
class relevancy_eh {
void mark_as_relevant(relevancy_propagator & rp, expr * n);
void mark_args_as_relevant(relevancy_propagator & rp, app * n);
virtual ~relevancy_eh() = default;
\brief This method is invoked when n is marked as relevant.
virtual void operator()(relevancy_propagator & rp, expr * n) { operator()(rp); }
\brief This method is invoked when atom is assigned to val.
virtual void operator()(relevancy_propagator & rp, expr * atom, bool val) { operator()(rp); }
\brief Fallback for the two previous methods.
virtual void operator()(relevancy_propagator & rp) = 0;
class simple_relevancy_eh : public relevancy_eh {
expr * m_target;
simple_relevancy_eh(expr * t):m_target(t) {}
~simple_relevancy_eh() override {}
void operator()(relevancy_propagator & rp) override;
\brief Propagate relevancy to m_target if both m_source1 and m_source2 are relevant.
class pair_relevancy_eh : public relevancy_eh {
expr * m_source1;
expr * m_source2;
expr * m_target;
pair_relevancy_eh(expr * s1, expr * s2, expr * t):m_source1(s1), m_source2(s2), m_target(t) {}
~pair_relevancy_eh() override {}
void operator()(relevancy_propagator & rp) override;
\brief Relevancy propagator.
The relevancy propagation constraints are specified to the
relevancy propagator using the methods:
- add_handler
- add_watch
This class also provides helper methods for specifying commonly used constraints.
It uses the following API from smt::context
- find_assignment(expr * n)
- find_enode(expr * n)
It notifies smt::context that an expression became relevant by invoking
- relevant_eh(expr * n)
smt::context notifies the relevancy_propagator that a literal was assigned by
invoking assign_eh(n, bool val)
class relevancy_propagator {
context & m_context;
relevancy_propagator(context & ctx);
virtual ~relevancy_propagator() = default;
context & get_context() { return m_context; }
\brief Install an event handler that is invoked whenever n is marked as relevant.
virtual void add_handler(expr * n, relevancy_eh * eh) = 0;
\brief Install an event handler that is invoked whenever n is assigned to the given value.
The relevancy propagator is notified of new assignments by the method assign_eh.
virtual void add_watch(expr * n, bool val, relevancy_eh * eh) = 0;
\brief Install an event handler that just marks target as relevant whenever n is assigned to the given value.
The relevancy propagator is notified of new assignments by the method assign_eh.
virtual void add_watch(expr * n, bool val, expr * target) = 0;
\brief smt::context invokes this method whenever the expression is assigned to true/false
virtual void assign_eh(expr * n, bool val) = 0;
\brief Mark the given expression is relevant.
virtual void mark_as_relevant(expr * n) = 0;
\brief Return true if the given expression is marked as relevant.
virtual bool is_relevant(expr * n) const = 0;
\brief Propagate relevancy using the event handlers
specified by add_handler and add_watch, and the structure
of the expressions already marked as relevant.
virtual void propagate() = 0;
\brief Return true if it can propagate relevancy.
virtual bool can_propagate() const = 0;
\brief Create a backtracking point
virtual void push() = 0;
\brief Backtrack.
virtual void pop(unsigned num_scopes) = 0;
\brief Display relevant expressions.
virtual void display(std::ostream & out) const = 0;
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
virtual bool check_relevancy(expr_ref_vector const & v) const = 0;
virtual bool check_relevancy_or(app * n, bool root) const = 0;
// --------------------------
// Helper method
// --------------------------
\brief Return true if relevancy propagation is enabled.
bool enabled() const;
\brief Return the region allocator for the smt::context that owns this propagator.
region & get_region() const;
\brief Return the ast_manager for the smt::context that owns this propagator.
ast_manager & get_manager() const;
relevancy_eh * mk_relevancy_eh(Eh const & eh) { return new (get_region()) Eh(eh); }
\brief Creates an event handler that marks target as relevant whenever src is marked
as relevant.
void add_dependency(expr * src, expr * target);
relevancy_eh * mk_or_relevancy_eh(app * n);
relevancy_eh * mk_and_relevancy_eh(app * n);
relevancy_eh * mk_ite_relevancy_eh(app * n);
relevancy_eh * mk_term_ite_relevancy_eh(app * c, app * t, app * e);
relevancy_propagator * mk_relevancy_propagator(context & ctx);