z3-z3-4.13.0.examples.python.bincover.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
from z3 import *
import math
# Rudimentary bin cover solver using the UserPropagator feature.
# It supports the most basic propagation for bin covering.
# - each bin has a propositional variable set to true if the bin is covered
# - each item has a bit-vector recording the assigned bin
# It searches for a locally optimal solution.
class Bin:
Each bin carries values:
- min_bound - the lower bound required to be added to bin
- weight - the sum of weight of items currently added to bin
- slack - the difference between the maximal possible assignment and the assignments to other bin2bound.
- var - is propagated to true/false if the bin gets filled/cannot be filled.
def __init__(self, min_bound, index):
assert min_bound > 0
assert index >= 0
self.index = index
self.min_bound = min_bound
self.weight = 0
self.slack = 0
self.added = []
self.var = Bool(f"bin-{index}")
def set_slack(self, slack):
self.slack = slack
def set_fill(self, fill):
self.weight = fill
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.var}:bound-{self.min_bound}"
class Item:
def __init__(self, weight, index):
self.weight = weight
self.index = index
self.var = None
def set_var(self, num_bits):
self.var = BitVec(f"binof-{self.index}", num_bits)
def __repr__(self):
return f"binof-{self.index}:weight-{self.weight}"
class BranchAndBound:
"""Branch and Bound solver.
It keeps track of a current best score and a slack that tracks bins that are set unfilled.
It blocks branches that are worse than the current best score.
In Final check it blocks the current assignment.
def __init__(self, user_propagator):
self.up = user_propagator
def init(self, soft_literals):
self.value = 0
self.best = 0
self.slack = 0
self.id2weight = {}
self.assigned_to_false = []
for p, weight in soft_literals:
self.slack += weight
self.id2weight[p.get_id()] = weight
def fixed(self, p, value):
weight = self.id2weight[p.get_id()]
if is_true(value):
old_value = self.value
self.up.trail += [lambda : self._undo_value(old_value)]
self.value += weight
elif self.best > self.slack - weight:
self.assigned_to_false += [ p ]
old_slack = self.slack
self.up.trail += [lambda : self._undo_slack(old_slack)]
self.slack -= weight
self.assigned_to_false += [p]
def final(self):
if self.value > self.best:
self.best = self.value
print("Number of bins filled", self.value)
for bin in self.up.bins:
print(bin.var, bin.added)
def _undo_value(self, old_value):
self.value = old_value
def _undo_slack(self, old_slack):
self.slack = old_slack
class BinCoverSolver(UserPropagateBase):
"""Represent a bin-covering problem by associating each bin with a variable
For each item i associate a bit-vector
- bin-of-i that carries the bin identifier where an item is assigned.
def __init__(self, s=None, ctx=None):
UserPropagateBase.__init__(self, s, ctx)
self.bins = []
self.items = []
self.item2index = {}
self.trail = [] # Undo stack
self.lim = []
self.solver = s
self.initialized = False
self.add_fixed(lambda x, v : self._fixed(x, v))
self.branch_and_bound = None
# Initialize bit-vector variables for items.
# Register the bit-vector variables with the user propagator to get callbacks
# Ensure the bit-vector variables are assigned to a valid bin.
# Initialize the slack of each bin.
def init(self):
print(self.bins, len(self.bins))
assert not self.initialized
self.initialized = True
powerof2, num_bits = self._num_bits()
for item in self.items:
self.item2index[item.var.get_id()] = item.index
if not powerof2:
bound = BitVecVal(len(self.bins), num_bits)
ineq = ULT(item.var, bound)
total_weight = sum(item.weight for item in self.items)
for bin in self.bins:
bin.slack = total_weight
# Register optional branch and bound weighted solver.
# If it is registered, it
def init_branch_and_bound(self):
soft = [(bin.var, 1) for bin in self.bins]
self.branch_and_bound = BranchAndBound(self)
for bin in self.bins:
self.add_final(lambda : self.branch_and_bound.final())
def add_bin(self, min_bound):
assert not self.initialized
index = len(self.bins)
bin = Bin(min_bound, index)
self.bins += [bin]
return bin
def add_item(self, weight):
assert not self.initialized
assert weight > 0
index = len(self.items)
item = Item(weight, index)
self.items += [item]
return item
def num_items(self):
return len(self.items)
def num_bins(self):
return len(self.bins)
def _num_bits(self):
log = math.log2(self.num_bins())
if log.is_integer():
return True, int(log)
return False, int(log) + 1
def _set_slack(self, bin, slack_value):
bin.slack = slack_value
def _set_fill(self, bin, fill_value):
bin.weight = fill_value
def _itemvar2item(self, v):
index = self.item2index[v.get_id()]
if index >= len(self.items):
return None
return self.items[index]
def _value2bin(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, BitVecNumRef)
bin_index = value.as_long()
if bin_index >= len(self.bins):
return NOne
return self.bins[bin_index]
def _add_item2bin(self, item, bin):
# print("add", item, "to", bin)
old_weight = bin.weight
bin.weight += item.weight
bin.added += [item]
self.trail += [lambda : self._set_fill(bin, old_weight)]
if old_weight < bin.min_bound and old_weight + item.weight >= bin.min_bound:
# This item can never go into bin
def _exclude_item2bin(self, item, bin):
# print("exclude", item, "from", bin)
# Check if bin has already been blocked
if bin.slack < bin.min_bound:
if bin.weight >= bin.min_bound:
old_slack = bin.slack
new_slack = old_slack - item.weight
bin.slack = new_slack
self.trail += [lambda : self._set_slack(bin, old_slack)]
# If the new slack does not permit the bin to be filled, propagate
if new_slack < bin.min_bound:
# Callback from Z3 when an item gets fixed.
def _fixed(self, _item, value):
if self.branch_and_bound and is_bool(value):
self.branch_and_bound.fixed(_item, value)
item = self._itemvar2item(_item)
if item is None:
print("no item for ", _item)
bin = self._value2bin(value)
if bin is None:
print("no bin for ", value)
self._add_item2bin(item, bin)
for idx in range(len(self.bins)):
if idx == bin.index:
other_bin = self.bins[idx]
self._exclude_item2bin(item, other_bin)
def _propagate_filled(self, bin):
"""Propagate that bin_index is filled justified by the set of
items that have been added
justification = [i.var for i in bin.added]
self.propagate(bin.var, justification)
def _propagate_slack(self, bin):
"""Propagate that bin_index cannot be filled"""
justification = []
for other_bin in self.bins:
if other_bin.index == bin.index:
justification += other_bin.added
justification = [item.var for item in justification]
self.propagate(Not(bin.var), justification)
def push(self):
self.lim += [len(self.trail)]
def pop(self, n):
head = self.lim[len(self.lim) - n]
while len(self.trail) > head:
self.lim = self.lim[0:len(self.lim)-n]
# Find a first maximally satisfying subset
class MaximalSatisfyingSubset:
def __init__(self, s):
self.s = s
self.model = None
def tt(self, f):
return is_true(self.model.eval(f))
def get_mss(self, ps):
s = self.s
if sat != s.check():
return []
self.model = s.model()
mss = { q for q in ps if self.tt(q) }
return self._get_mss(mss, ps)
def _get_mss(self, mss, ps):
ps = set(ps) - mss
backbones = set([])
s = self.s
while len(ps) > 0:
p = ps.pop()
if sat == s.check(mss | backbones | { p }):
self.model = s.model()
mss = mss | { p } | { q for q in ps if self.tt(q) }
ps = ps - mss
backbones = backbones | { Not(p) }
return mss
class OptimizeBinCoverSolver:
def __init__(self):
self.solver = Solver()
self.bin_solver = BinCoverSolver(self.solver)
self.mss_solver = MaximalSatisfyingSubset(self.solver)
# Facilities to set up solver
# First add items and bins.
# Keep references to the returned objects.
# Then call init
# Then add any other custom constraints to the "solver" object.
def init(self):
def add_item(self, weight):
return self.bin_solver.add_item(weight)
def add_bin(self, min_bound):
return self.bin_solver.add_bin(min_bound)
def optimize(self):
mss = self.mss_solver.get_mss([bin.var for bin in self.bin_solver.bins])
print("filled bins", mss)
print("bin contents")
for bin in self.bin_solver.bins:
print(bin, bin.added)
def example1():
s = OptimizeBinCoverSolver()
i1 = s.add_item(2)
i2 = s.add_item(4)
i3 = s.add_item(5)
i4 = s.add_item(2)
b1 = s.add_bin(3)
b2 = s.add_bin(6)
b3 = s.add_bin(1)
class BranchAndBoundCoverSolver:
def __init__(self):
self.solver = Solver()
self.bin_solver = BinCoverSolver(self.solver)
def init(self):
def add_item(self, weight):
return self.bin_solver.add_item(weight)
def add_bin(self, min_bound):
return self.bin_solver.add_bin(min_bound)
def optimize(self):
def example2():
s = BranchAndBoundCoverSolver()
i1 = s.add_item(2)
i2 = s.add_item(4)
i3 = s.add_item(5)
i4 = s.add_item(2)
b1 = s.add_bin(3)
b2 = s.add_bin(6)
b3 = s.add_bin(1)