z3-z3-4.13.0.examples.python.visitor.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2015
from __future__ import print_function
from z3 import *
def visitor(e, seen):
if e in seen:
seen[e] = True
yield e
if is_app(e):
for ch in e.children():
for e in visitor(ch, seen):
yield e
if is_quantifier(e):
for e in visitor(e.body(), seen):
yield e
def modify(e, fn):
seen = {}
def visit(e):
if e in seen:
elif fn(e) is not None:
seen[e] = fn(e)
elif is_and(e):
chs = [visit(ch) for ch in e.children()]
seen[e] = And(chs)
elif is_or(e):
chs = [visit(ch) for ch in e.children()]
seen[e] = Or(chs)
elif is_app(e):
chs = [visit(ch) for ch in e.children()]
seen[e] = e.decl()(chs)
elif is_quantifier(e):
# Note: does not work for Lambda that requires a separate case
body = visit(e.body())
is_forall = e.is_forall()
num_pats = e.num_patterns()
pats = (Pattern * num_pats)()
for i in range(num_pats):
pats[i] = e.pattern(i).ast
num_decls = e.num_vars()
sorts = (Sort * num_decls)()
names = (Symbol * num_decls)()
for i in range(num_decls):
sorts[i] = e.var_sort(i).ast
names[i] = to_symbol(e.var_name(i), e.ctx)
r = QuantifierRef(Z3_mk_quantifier(e.ctx_ref(), is_forall, e.weight(), num_pats, pats, num_decls, sorts, names, body.ast), e.ctx)
seen[e] = r
seen[e] = e
return seen[e]
return visit(e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
x, y = Ints('x y')
fml = x + x + y > 2
seen = {}
for e in visitor(fml, seen):
if is_const(e) and e.decl().kind() == Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED:
print("Variable", e)
s = SolverFor("HORN")
inv = Function('inv', IntSort(), IntSort(), BoolSort())
i, ip, j, jp = Ints('i ip j jp')
s.add(ForAll([i, j], Implies(i == 0, inv(i, j))))
s.add(ForAll([i, ip, j, jp], Implies(And(inv(i, j), i < 10, ip == i + 1), inv(ip, jp))))
s.add(ForAll([i, j], Implies(And(inv(i, j), i >= 10), i == 10)))
a0, a1, a2 = Ints('a0 a1 a2')
b0, b1, b2 = Ints('b0 b1 b2')
x = Var(0, IntSort())
y = Var(1, IntSort())
template = And(a0 + a1*x + a2*y >= 0, b0 + b1*x + b2*y >= 0)
def update(e):
if is_app(e) and eq(e.decl(), inv):
return substitute_vars(template, (e.arg(0)), e.arg(1))
return None
for f in s.assertions():
f_new = modify(f, update)