z3-z3-4.13.0.src.api.api_context.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Interface of Z3 with "external world".
It was called _Z3_context
Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-02-29.
Revision History:
#pragma once
#include "util/hashtable.h"
#include "util/mutex.h"
#include "util/event_handler.h"
#include "ast/ast.h"
#include "ast/arith_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/bv_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/seq_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/datatype_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/dl_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/fpa_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/recfun_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/special_relations_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/seq_rewriter.h"
#include "smt/params/smt_params.h"
#include "smt/smt_kernel.h"
#include "smt/smt_solver.h"
#include "cmd_context/tactic_manager.h"
#include "cmd_context/cmd_context.h"
#include "solver/solver.h"
#include "api/z3.h"
#include "api/api_util.h"
#include "api/api_polynomial.h"
namespace smtlib {
class parser;
namespace realclosure {
class manager;
namespace smt2 {
class parser;
void free_parser(parser*);
namespace api {
class seq_expr_solver : public expr_solver {
ast_manager& m;
params_ref const& p;
solver_ref s;
seq_expr_solver(ast_manager& m, params_ref const& p): m(m), p(p) {}
lbool check_sat(expr* e) override {
if (!s) {
s = mk_smt_solver(m, p, symbol("ALL"));
lbool r = s->check_sat();
return r;
class context : public tactic_manager {
struct add_plugins { add_plugins(ast_manager & m); };
ast_context_params m_params;
bool m_user_ref_count; //!< if true, the user is responsible for managing reference counters.
bool m_concurrent_dec_ref = false;
scoped_ptr m_manager;
scoped_ptr m_cmd;
add_plugins m_plugins;
mutex m_mux;
arith_util m_arith_util;
bv_util m_bv_util;
datalog::dl_decl_util m_datalog_util;
fpa_util m_fpa_util;
seq_util m_sutil;
recfun::util m_recfun;
// Support for old solver API
smt_params m_fparams;
// -------------------------------
ptr_vector m_asts_to_flush, m_asts_to_flush2;
ptr_vector m_objects_to_flush, m_objects_to_flush2;
ast_ref_vector m_ast_trail;
ref m_last_obj; //!< reference to the last API object returned by the APIs
u_map m_allocated_objects; // !< table containing current set of allocated API objects
unsigned_vector m_free_object_ids; // !< free list of identifiers available for allocated objects.
family_id m_array_fid;
family_id m_bv_fid;
family_id m_dt_fid;
family_id m_datalog_fid;
family_id m_pb_fid;
family_id m_fpa_fid;
family_id m_seq_fid;
family_id m_char_fid;
family_id m_special_relations_fid;
datatype_decl_plugin * m_dt_plugin;
std::string m_string_buffer; // temporary buffer used to cache strings sent to the "external" world.
Z3_error_code m_error_code;
Z3_error_handler * m_error_handler;
std::string m_exception_msg; // catch the message associated with a Z3 exception
Z3_ast_print_mode m_print_mode;
ptr_vector m_interruptable; // Reference to an object that can be interrupted by Z3_interrupt
// Scoped obj for setting m_interruptable
class set_interruptable {
context & m_ctx;
set_interruptable(context & ctx, event_handler & i);
// ------------------------
// Core
// ------------------------
context(ast_context_params * p, bool user_ref_count = false);
ast_manager & m() const { return *(m_manager.get()); }
ast_context_params & params() { m_params.updt_params(); return m_params; }
scoped_ptr& cmd() { return m_cmd; }
bool produce_proofs() const { return m().proofs_enabled(); }
bool produce_models() const { return m_params.m_model; }
bool produce_unsat_cores() const { return m_params.m_unsat_core; }
bool use_auto_config() const { return m_params.m_auto_config; }
unsigned get_timeout() const { return m_params.m_timeout; }
unsigned get_rlimit() const { return m_params.rlimit(); }
arith_util & autil() { return m_arith_util; }
bv_util & bvutil() { return m_bv_util; }
datalog::dl_decl_util & datalog_util() { return m_datalog_util; }
fpa_util & fpautil() { return m_fpa_util; }
datatype_util& dtutil() { return m_dt_plugin->u(); }
seq_util& sutil() { return m_sutil; }
recfun::util& recfun() { return m_recfun; }
family_id get_basic_fid() const { return basic_family_id; }
family_id get_array_fid() const { return m_array_fid; }
family_id get_arith_fid() const { return arith_family_id; }
family_id get_bv_fid() const { return m_bv_fid; }
family_id get_dt_fid() const { return m_dt_fid; }
family_id get_datalog_fid() const { return m_datalog_fid; }
family_id get_pb_fid() const { return m_pb_fid; }
family_id get_fpa_fid() const { return m_fpa_fid; }
family_id get_seq_fid() const { return m_seq_fid; }
family_id get_char_fid() const { return m_char_fid; }
datatype_decl_plugin * get_dt_plugin() const { return m_dt_plugin; }
family_id get_special_relations_fid() const { return m_special_relations_fid; }
Z3_error_code get_error_code() const { return m_error_code; }
void reset_error_code() { m_error_code = Z3_OK; }
void set_error_code(Z3_error_code err, char const* opt_msg);
void set_error_code(Z3_error_code err, std::string &&opt_msg);
void set_error_handler(Z3_error_handler h) { m_error_handler = h; }
void enable_concurrent_dec_ref() {
set_error_code(Z3_EXCEPTION, "Can't use concurrent features with a single-thread build");
m_concurrent_dec_ref = true;
unsigned add_object(api::object* o);
void del_object(api::object* o);
void dec_ref(ast* a);
void flush_objects();
Z3_ast_print_mode get_print_mode() const { return m_print_mode; }
void set_print_mode(Z3_ast_print_mode m) { m_print_mode = m; }
// Store a copy of str in m_string_buffer, and return a reference to it.
// This method is used to communicate local/internal strings with the "external world"
char * mk_external_string(char const * str, unsigned n);
char * mk_external_string(char const * str);
char * mk_external_string(std::string && str);
sbuffer m_char_buffer;
// Create a numeral of the given sort
expr * mk_numeral_core(rational const & n, sort * s);
// Return a conjunction that will be exposed to the "external" world.
expr * mk_and(unsigned num_exprs, expr * const * exprs);
// Hack for preventing an AST for being GC when ref-count is not used
// void persist_ast(ast * n, unsigned num_scopes);
// "Save" an AST that will exposed to the "external" world.
void save_ast_trail(ast * n);
// Similar to previous method, but it "adds" n to the result.
void save_multiple_ast_trail(ast * n);
// Reset the cache that stores the ASTs exposed in the previous call.
// This is a NOOP if ref-count is disabled.
void reset_last_result();
// "Save" a reference to an object that is exposed by the API
void save_object(object * r);
// Process exception: save message and set error code.
void handle_exception(z3_exception & ex);
char const * get_exception_msg() const { return m_exception_msg.c_str(); }
// Interrupt the current interruptible object
void interrupt();
void invoke_error_handler(Z3_error_code c);
void check_sorts(ast * n);
// ------------------------------------------------
// State reused by calls to Z3_eval_smtlib2_string
// ------------------------------------------------
// The m_parser field is reused by all calls of Z3_eval_smtlib2_string using this context.
// It is an optimization to save the cost of recreating these objects on each invocation.
// See https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/pull/6422 for the motivation
smt2::parser* m_parser = nullptr;
// ------------------------
// Polynomial manager & caches
// -----------------------
reslimit m_limit;
pmanager m_pmanager;
polynomial::manager & pm() { return m_pmanager.pm(); }
reslimit & poly_limit() { return m_limit; }
// ------------------------
// RCF manager
// -----------------------
unsynch_mpq_manager m_rcf_qm;
scoped_ptr m_rcf_manager;
realclosure::manager & rcfm();
// ------------------------
// Solver interface for backward compatibility
// ------------------------
smt_params & fparams() { return m_fparams; }
inline api::context * mk_c(Z3_context c) { return reinterpret_cast(c); }
#define RESET_ERROR_CODE() { mk_c(c)->reset_error_code(); }
#define SET_ERROR_CODE(ERR, MSG) { mk_c(c)->set_error_code(ERR, MSG); }
#define CHECK_NON_NULL(_p_,_ret_) { if (_p_ == 0) { SET_ERROR_CODE(Z3_INVALID_ARG, "ast is null"); return _ret_; } }
#define CHECK_VALID_AST(_a_, _ret_) { if (_a_ == 0 || !CHECK_REF_COUNT(_a_)) { SET_ERROR_CODE(Z3_INVALID_ARG, "not a valid ast"); return _ret_; } }
inline bool is_expr(Z3_ast a) { return is_expr(to_ast(a)); }
#define CHECK_IS_EXPR(_p_, _ret_) { if (_p_ == 0 || !is_expr(_p_)) { SET_ERROR_CODE(Z3_INVALID_ARG, "ast is not an expression"); return _ret_; } }
inline bool is_bool_expr(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a) { return is_expr(a) && mk_c(c)->m().is_bool(to_expr(a)); }
#define CHECK_FORMULA(_a_, _ret_) { if (_a_ == 0 || !CHECK_REF_COUNT(_a_) || !is_bool_expr(c, _a_)) { SET_ERROR_CODE(Z3_INVALID_ARG, nullptr); return _ret_; } }
inline void check_sorts(Z3_context c, ast * n) { mk_c(c)->check_sorts(n); }