z3-z3-4.13.0.src.ast.euf.euf_ac_plugin.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2023 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
plugin structure for ac functions
Nikolaj Bjorner (nbjorner) 2023-11-11
xyz -> xy, then xyzz -> xy by repeated rewriting
monomials = [0 |-> xyz, 1 |-> xy, 2 |-> xyzz]
parents(x) = [0, 1, 2]
parents(z) = [0, 1]
for p in parents(xyzz):
p != xyzz
p' := simplify_using(xyzz, p)
if p != p':
repeat reduction using p := p'
#pragma once
#include "ast/euf/euf_plugin.h"
namespace euf {
class ac_plugin : public plugin {
// enode structure for AC equivalences
struct node {
enode* n; // associated enode
node* root; // path compressed root
node* next; // next in equivalence class
justification j; // justification for equality
node* target = nullptr; // justified next
unsigned_vector shared; // shared occurrences
unsigned_vector eqs; // equality occurrences
unsigned root_id() const { return root->n->get_id(); }
~node() {}
static node* mk(region& r, enode* n);
class equiv {
node& n;
class iterator {
node* m_first;
node* m_last;
iterator(node* n, node* m) : m_first(n), m_last(m) {}
node* operator*() { return m_first; }
iterator& operator++() { if (!m_last) m_last = m_first; m_first = m_first->next; return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(iterator const& other) const { return m_last == other.m_last && m_first == other.m_first; }
bool operator!=(iterator const& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
equiv(node& _n) :n(_n) {}
equiv(node* _n) :n(*_n) {}
iterator begin() const { return iterator(&n, nullptr); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(&n, &n); }
struct bloom {
uint64_t m_tick = 0;
uint64_t m_filter = 0;
enum eq_status {
processed, to_simplify, is_dead
// represent equalities added by merge_eh and by superposition
struct eq {
eq(unsigned l, unsigned r, justification j):
l(l), r(r), j(j) {}
unsigned l, r; // refer to monomials
eq_status status = to_simplify;
justification j; // justification for equality
// represent shared enodes that use the AC symbol.
struct shared {
enode* n; // original shared enode
unsigned m; // monomial index
justification j; // justification for current simplification of monomial
struct monomial_t {
ptr_vector m_nodes;
bloom m_bloom;
node* operator[](unsigned i) const { return m_nodes[i]; }
unsigned size() const { return m_nodes.size(); }
void set(ptr_vector const& ns) { m_nodes.reset(); m_nodes.append(ns); m_bloom.m_tick = 0; }
node* const* begin() const { return m_nodes.begin(); }
node* const* end() const { return m_nodes.end(); }
node* * begin() { return m_nodes.begin(); }
node* * end() { return m_nodes.end(); }
struct monomial_hash {
ac_plugin& p;
monomial_hash(ac_plugin& p) :p(p) {}
unsigned operator()(unsigned i) const {
unsigned h = 0;
auto& m = p.monomial(i);
if (!p.is_sorted(m))
for (auto* n : m)
h = combine_hash(h, n->root_id());
return h;
struct monomial_eq {
ac_plugin& p;
monomial_eq(ac_plugin& p) :p(p) {}
bool operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j) const {
auto const& m1 = p.monomial(i);
auto const& m2 = p.monomial(j);
if (m1.size() != m2.size()) return false;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < m1.size(); ++k)
if (m1[k]->root_id() != m2[k]->root_id())
return false;
return true;
theory_id m_fid = 0;
unsigned m_op = null_decl_kind;
func_decl* m_decl = nullptr;
vector m_eqs;
ptr_vector m_nodes;
bool_vector m_shared_nodes;
vector m_monomials;
svector m_shared;
justification::dependency_manager m_dep_manager;
tracked_uint_set m_to_simplify_todo;
tracked_uint_set m_shared_todo;
uint64_t m_tick = 1;
monomial_hash m_hash;
monomial_eq m_eq;
map m_monomial_table;
// backtrackable state
enum undo_kind {
svector m_undo;
ptr_vector m_node_trail;
svector> m_update_shared_trail;
svector> m_merge_trail;
svector> m_update_eq_trail;
node* mk_node(enode* n);
void merge(node* r1, node* r2, justification j);
bool is_op(enode* n) const { auto d = n->get_decl(); return d && (d == m_decl || (m_fid == d->get_family_id() && m_op == d->get_decl_kind())); }
std::function m_undo_notify;
void push_undo(undo_kind k);
enode_vector m_todo;
unsigned to_monomial(enode* n);
unsigned to_monomial(enode* n, ptr_vector const& ms);
unsigned to_monomial(ptr_vector const& ms) { return to_monomial(nullptr, ms); }
monomial_t const& monomial(unsigned i) const { return m_monomials[i]; }
monomial_t& monomial(unsigned i) { return m_monomials[i]; }
void sort(monomial_t& monomial);
bool is_sorted(monomial_t const& monomial) const;
uint64_t filter(monomial_t& m);
bool can_be_subset(monomial_t& subset, monomial_t& superset);
bool can_be_subset(monomial_t& subset, ptr_vector const& m, bloom& b);
bool are_equal(ptr_vector const& a, ptr_vector const& b);
bool are_equal(monomial_t& a, monomial_t& b);
bool backward_subsumes(unsigned src_eq, unsigned dst_eq);
bool forward_subsumes(unsigned src_eq, unsigned dst_eq);
void init_equation(eq const& e);
bool orient_equation(eq& e);
void set_status(unsigned eq_id, eq_status s);
unsigned pick_next_eq();
void forward_simplify(unsigned eq_id, unsigned using_eq);
bool backward_simplify(unsigned eq_id, unsigned using_eq);
void superpose(unsigned src_eq, unsigned dst_eq);
ptr_vector m_src_r, m_src_l, m_dst_r, m_dst_l;
struct ref_counts {
unsigned_vector ids;
unsigned_vector counts;
void reset() { for (auto idx : ids) counts[idx] = 0; ids.reset(); }
unsigned operator[](unsigned idx) const { return counts.get(idx, 0); }
void inc(unsigned idx, unsigned amount) { counts.reserve(idx + 1, 0); ids.push_back(idx); counts[idx] += amount; }
void dec(unsigned idx, unsigned amount) { counts.reserve(idx + 1, 0); ids.push_back(idx); counts[idx] -= amount; }
unsigned const* begin() const { return ids.begin(); }
unsigned const* end() const { return ids.end(); }
ref_counts m_src_l_counts, m_dst_l_counts, m_src_r_counts, m_dst_r_counts, m_eq_counts, m_m_counts;
unsigned_vector m_eq_occurs;
bool_vector m_eq_seen;
unsigned_vector const& forward_iterator(unsigned eq);
unsigned_vector const& superpose_iterator(unsigned eq);
unsigned_vector const& backward_iterator(unsigned eq);
void init_ref_counts(monomial_t const& monomial, ref_counts& counts) const;
void init_ref_counts(ptr_vector const& monomial, ref_counts& counts) const;
void init_overlap_iterator(unsigned eq, monomial_t const& m);
void init_subset_iterator(unsigned eq, monomial_t const& m);
void compress_eq_occurs(unsigned eq_id);
// check that src is a subset of dst, where dst_counts are precomputed
bool is_subset(ref_counts const& dst_counts, ref_counts& src_counts, monomial_t const& src);
// check that dst is a superset of dst, where src_counts are precomputed
bool is_superset(ref_counts const& src_counts, ref_counts& dst_counts, monomial_t const& dst);
void rewrite1(ref_counts const& src_l, monomial_t const& src_r, ref_counts& dst_r_counts, ptr_vector& dst_r);
bool reduce(ptr_vector& m, justification& j);
void index_new_r(unsigned eq, monomial_t const& old_r, monomial_t const& new_r);
bool is_to_simplify(unsigned eq) const { return m_eqs[eq].status == eq_status::to_simplify; }
bool is_processed(unsigned eq) const { return m_eqs[eq].status == eq_status::processed; }
bool is_alive(unsigned eq) const { return m_eqs[eq].status != eq_status::is_dead; }
justification justify_rewrite(unsigned eq1, unsigned eq2);
justification::dependency* justify_equation(unsigned eq);
justification::dependency* justify_monomial(justification::dependency* d, monomial_t const& m);
justification join(justification j1, unsigned eq);
bool is_correct_ref_count(monomial_t const& m, ref_counts const& counts) const;
bool is_correct_ref_count(ptr_vector const& m, ref_counts const& counts) const;
void register_shared(enode* n);
void propagate_shared();
void simplify_shared(unsigned idx, shared s);
std::ostream& display_monomial(std::ostream& out, monomial_t const& m) const { return display_monomial(out, m.m_nodes); }
std::ostream& display_monomial(std::ostream& out, ptr_vector const& m) const;
std::ostream& display_equation(std::ostream& out, eq const& e) const;
std::ostream& display_status(std::ostream& out, eq_status s) const;
ac_plugin(egraph& g, unsigned fid, unsigned op);
ac_plugin(egraph& g, func_decl* f);
~ac_plugin() override {}
theory_id get_id() const override { return m_fid; }
void register_node(enode* n) override;
void merge_eh(enode* n1, enode* n2) override;
void diseq_eh(enode* eq) override;
void undo() override;
void propagate() override;
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const override;
void set_undo(std::function u) { m_undo_notify = u; }
struct eq_pp {
ac_plugin& p; eq const& e;
eq_pp(ac_plugin& p, eq const& e) : p(p), e(e) {};
eq_pp(ac_plugin& p, unsigned eq_id): p(p), e(p.m_eqs[eq_id]) {}
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const { return p.display_equation(out, e); }
struct m_pp {
ac_plugin& p; ptr_vector const& m;
m_pp(ac_plugin& p, monomial_t const& m) : p(p), m(m.m_nodes) {}
m_pp(ac_plugin& p, ptr_vector const& m) : p(p), m(m) {}
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const { return p.display_monomial(out, m); }
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, ac_plugin::eq_pp const& d) { return d.display(out); }
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, ac_plugin::m_pp const& d) { return d.display(out); }