z3-z3-4.13.0.src.ast.rewriter.seq_rewriter.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Basic rewriting rules for sequences constraints.
Nikolaj Bjorner (nbjorner) 2015-12-5
#pragma once
#include "ast/seq_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/ast_pp.h"
#include "ast/arith_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/rewriter_types.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/bool_rewriter.h"
#include "util/params.h"
#include "util/lbool.h"
#include "util/sign.h"
#include "math/automata/automaton.h"
#include "math/automata/symbolic_automata.h"
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, expr_ref_pair_vector const& es) {
for (auto const& p : es) {
out << expr_ref(p.first, es.get_manager()) << "; " << expr_ref(p.second, es.get_manager()) << "\n";
return out;
class sym_expr {
enum ty {
ty m_ty;
sort* m_sort;
sym_expr* m_expr;
expr_ref m_t;
expr_ref m_s;
unsigned m_ref;
sym_expr(ty ty, expr_ref& t, expr_ref& s, sort* srt, sym_expr* e) :
m_ty(ty), m_sort(srt), m_expr(e), m_t(t), m_s(s), m_ref(0) {}
~sym_expr() { if (m_expr) m_expr->dec_ref(); }
expr_ref accept(expr* e);
static sym_expr* mk_char(expr_ref& t) { return alloc(sym_expr, t_char, t, t, t->get_sort(), nullptr); }
static sym_expr* mk_char(ast_manager& m, expr* t) { expr_ref tr(t, m); return mk_char(tr); }
static sym_expr* mk_pred(expr_ref& t, sort* s) { return alloc(sym_expr, t_pred, t, t, s, nullptr); }
static sym_expr* mk_range(expr_ref& lo, expr_ref& hi) { return alloc(sym_expr, t_range, lo, hi, hi->get_sort(), nullptr); }
static sym_expr* mk_not(ast_manager& m, sym_expr* e) { expr_ref f(m); e->inc_ref(); return alloc(sym_expr, t_not, f, f, e->get_sort(), e); }
void inc_ref() { ++m_ref; }
void dec_ref() { --m_ref; if (m_ref == 0) dealloc(this); }
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const;
bool is_char() const { return m_ty == t_char; }
bool is_pred() const { return !is_char(); }
bool is_range() const { return m_ty == t_range; }
bool is_not() const { return m_ty == t_not; }
sort* get_sort() const { return m_sort; }
expr* get_char() const { SASSERT(is_char()); return m_t; }
expr* get_pred() const { SASSERT(is_pred()); return m_t; }
expr* get_lo() const { SASSERT(is_range()); return m_t; }
expr* get_hi() const { SASSERT(is_range()); return m_s; }
sym_expr* get_arg() const { SASSERT(is_not()); return m_expr; }
class sym_expr_manager {
void inc_ref(sym_expr* s) { if (s) s->inc_ref(); }
void dec_ref(sym_expr* s) { if (s) s->dec_ref(); }
class expr_solver {
virtual ~expr_solver() = default;
virtual lbool check_sat(expr* e) = 0;
typedef automaton eautomaton;
class re2automaton {
typedef boolean_algebra boolean_algebra_t;
typedef symbolic_automata symbolic_automata_t;
ast_manager& m;
sym_expr_manager sm;
seq_util u;
scoped_ptr m_solver;
scoped_ptr m_ba;
scoped_ptr m_sa;
bool is_unit_char(expr* e, expr_ref& ch);
eautomaton* re2aut(expr* e);
eautomaton* seq2aut(expr* e);
re2automaton(ast_manager& m);
eautomaton* operator()(expr* e);
void set_solver(expr_solver* solver);
bool has_solver() const { return m_solver; }
eautomaton* mk_product(eautomaton *a1, eautomaton *a2);
\brief Cheap rewrite rules for seq constraints
class seq_rewriter {
class op_cache {
struct op_entry {
decl_kind k;
expr* a, *b, *c, *r;
op_entry(decl_kind k, expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr* r): k(k), a(a), b(b), c(c), r(r) {}
op_entry():k(0), a(nullptr), b(nullptr), c(nullptr), r(nullptr) {}
struct hash_entry {
unsigned operator()(op_entry const& e) const {
return combine_hash(mk_mix(e.k, e.a ? e.a->get_id() : 0, e.b ? e.b->get_id() : 0), e.c ? e.c->get_id() : 0);
struct eq_entry {
bool operator()(op_entry const& a, op_entry const& b) const {
return a.k == b.k && a.a == b.a && a.b == b.b && a.c == b.c;
typedef hashtable op_table;
unsigned m_max_cache_size { 10000 };
expr_ref_vector m_trail;
op_table m_table;
void cleanup();
op_cache(ast_manager& m);
expr* find(decl_kind op, expr* a, expr* b, expr* c);
void insert(decl_kind op, expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr* r);
seq_util m_util;
arith_util m_autil;
bool_rewriter m_br;
re2automaton m_re2aut;
op_cache m_op_cache;
expr_ref_vector m_es, m_lhs, m_rhs;
bool m_coalesce_chars;
enum length_comparison {
length_comparison compare_lengths(expr_ref_vector const& as, expr_ref_vector const& bs) {
return compare_lengths(as.size(), as.data(), bs.size(), bs.data());
length_comparison compare_lengths(unsigned sza, expr* const* as, unsigned szb, expr* const* bs);
bool get_head_tail(expr* e, expr_ref& head, expr_ref& tail);
bool get_head_tail_reversed(expr* e, expr_ref& head, expr_ref& tail);
bool get_re_head_tail(expr* e, expr_ref& head, expr_ref& tail);
bool get_re_head_tail_reversed(expr* e, expr_ref& head, expr_ref& tail);
expr_ref re_and(expr* cond, expr* r);
expr_ref re_predicate(expr* cond, sort* seq_sort);
expr_ref mk_seq_concat(expr* a, expr* b);
// Construct the expressions for taking the first element, the last element, the rest, and the butlast element
expr_ref mk_seq_first(expr* s);
expr_ref mk_seq_rest(expr* s);
expr_ref mk_seq_last(expr* s);
expr_ref mk_seq_butlast(expr* s);
bool try_get_unit_values(expr* s, expr_ref_vector& result);
//replace b in a by c into result
void replace_all_subvectors(expr_ref_vector const& as, expr_ref_vector const& bs, expr* c, expr_ref_vector& result);
// Calculate derivative, memoized and enforcing a normal form
expr_ref is_nullable_rec(expr* r);
expr_ref mk_derivative_rec(expr* ele, expr* r);
expr_ref mk_der_op(decl_kind k, expr* a, expr* b);
expr_ref mk_der_op_rec(decl_kind k, expr* a, expr* b);
expr_ref mk_der_concat(expr* a, expr* b);
expr_ref mk_der_union(expr* a, expr* b);
expr_ref mk_der_inter(expr* a, expr* b);
expr_ref mk_der_compl(expr* a);
expr_ref mk_der_cond(expr* cond, expr* ele, sort* seq_sort);
expr_ref mk_der_antimirov_union(expr* r1, expr* r2);
bool ite_bdds_compatible(expr* a, expr* b);
/* if r has the form deriv(en..deriv(e1,to_re(s))..) returns 's = [e1..en]' else returns '() in r'*/
expr_ref is_nullable_symbolic_regex(expr* r, sort* seq_sort);
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
bool check_deriv_normal_form(expr* r, int level = 3);
void mk_antimirov_deriv_rec(expr* e, expr* r, expr* path, expr_ref& result);
expr_ref mk_antimirov_deriv(expr* e, expr* r, expr* path);
expr_ref mk_in_antimirov_rec(expr* s, expr* d);
expr_ref mk_in_antimirov(expr* s, expr* d);
expr_ref mk_antimirov_deriv_intersection(expr* elem, expr* d1, expr* d2, expr* path);
expr_ref mk_antimirov_deriv_concat(expr* d, expr* r);
expr_ref mk_antimirov_deriv_negate(expr* elem, expr* d);
expr_ref mk_antimirov_deriv_union(expr* d1, expr* d2);
expr_ref mk_antimirov_deriv_restrict(expr* elem, expr* d1, expr* cond);
expr_ref mk_regex_reverse(expr* r);
expr_ref mk_regex_concat(expr* r1, expr* r2);
expr_ref merge_regex_sets(expr* r1, expr* r2, expr* unit, std::function& decompose, std::function& compose);
// elem is (:var 0) and path a condition that may have (:var 0) as a free variable
// simplify path, e.g., (:var 0) = 'a' & (:var 0) = 'b' is simplified to false
expr_ref simplify_path(expr* elem, expr* path);
bool lt_char(expr* ch1, expr* ch2);
bool eq_char(expr* ch1, expr* ch2);
bool neq_char(expr* ch1, expr* ch2);
bool le_char(expr* ch1, expr* ch2);
bool pred_implies(expr* a, expr* b);
bool are_complements(expr* r1, expr* r2) const;
bool is_subset(expr* r1, expr* r2) const;
br_status mk_seq_unit(expr* e, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_concat(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_length(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
expr_ref mk_len(rational const& offset, expr_ref_vector const& xs);
bool extract_pop_suffix(expr_ref_vector const& as, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
bool extract_push_offset(expr_ref_vector const& as, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
bool extract_push_length(expr_ref_vector& as, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_extract(expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_contains(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_at(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_nth(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_nth_i(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_index(expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_last_index(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_replace(expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_replace_all(expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_replace_re_all(expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_replace_re(expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_prefix(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_suffix(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_map(expr* f, expr* s, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_mapi(expr* f, expr* i, expr* s, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_foldl(expr* f, expr* b, expr* s, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_seq_foldli(expr* f, expr* i, expr* b, expr* s, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_units(func_decl* f, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_itos(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_stoi(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_ubv2s(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_sbv2s(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_in_regexp(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_to_regexp(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_le(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_lt(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_from_code(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_to_code(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_str_is_digit(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_concat(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_union(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_inter(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_union0(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_inter0(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_complement(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_star(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_diff(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_plus(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_opt(expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_power(func_decl* f, expr* a, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_loop(func_decl* f, unsigned num_args, expr* const* args, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_range(expr* lo, expr* hi, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_reverse(expr* r, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_re_derivative(expr* ele, expr* r, expr_ref& result);
br_status lift_ites_throttled(func_decl* f, unsigned n, expr* const* args, expr_ref& result);
bool lift_ites_filter(func_decl* f, expr* ite);
br_status reduce_re_eq(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
br_status reduce_re_is_empty(expr* r, expr_ref& result);
bool non_overlap(expr_ref_vector const& p1, expr_ref_vector const& p2) const;
bool non_overlap(zstring const& p1, zstring const& p2) const;
bool rewrite_contains_pattern(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
bool has_fixed_length_constraint(expr* a, unsigned& len);
/* r = ite(c1,ite(c2,to_re(s),to_re(t)),to_re(u)) ==> returns true, result = ite(c1,ite(c2,s,t),u)*/
bool lift_str_from_to_re_ite(expr * r, expr_ref & result);
/* same as lift_to_re_from_ite and also: r = to_re(u) ==> returns true, result = u */
bool lift_str_from_to_re(expr * r, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_bool_app_helper(bool is_and, unsigned n, expr* const* args, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_eq_helper(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref& result);
bool cannot_contain_prefix(expr* a, expr* b);
bool cannot_contain_suffix(expr* a, expr* b);
expr_ref zero() { return expr_ref(m_autil.mk_int(0), m()); }
expr_ref one() { return expr_ref(m_autil.mk_int(1), m()); }
expr_ref minus_one() { return expr_ref(m_autil.mk_int(-1), m()); }
expr_ref mk_sub(expr* a, rational const& n);
expr_ref mk_sub(expr* a, unsigned n) { return mk_sub(a, rational(n)); }
bool is_suffix(expr* s, expr* offset, expr* len);
bool is_prefix(expr* s, expr* offset, expr* len);
bool sign_is_determined(expr* len, sign& s);
bool set_empty(unsigned sz, expr* const* es, bool all, expr_ref_pair_vector& eqs);
bool reduce_non_overlap(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& eqs);
bool reduce_subsequence(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& eqs);
bool reduce_by_length(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& eqs);
bool has_var(expr_ref_vector const& es);
bool reduce_itos(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& eqs);
bool reduce_eq_empty(expr* l, expr* r, expr_ref& result);
std::pair min_length(expr_ref_vector const& es);
std::pair min_length(expr* e);
std::pair min_length(unsigned sz, expr* const* es);
std::pair max_length(expr* e);
bool max_length(expr* e, rational& len) { auto ml = max_length(e); len = ml.second; return ml.first; }
lbool eq_length(expr* x, expr* y);
expr* concat_non_empty(expr_ref_vector& es);
bool reduce_by_char(expr_ref& r, expr* ch, unsigned depth);
bool is_string(unsigned n, expr* const* es, zstring& s) const;
void add_next(u_map& next, expr_ref_vector& trail, unsigned idx, expr* cond);
bool is_sequence(expr* e, expr_ref_vector& seq);
bool is_sequence(eautomaton& aut, expr_ref_vector& seq);
bool get_lengths(expr* e, expr_ref_vector& lens, rational& pos);
bool reduce_value_clash(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& new_eqs);
bool reduce_back(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& new_eqs);
bool reduce_front(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& new_eqs);
void remove_empty_and_concats(expr_ref_vector& es);
void remove_leading(unsigned n, expr_ref_vector& es);
class seq_util::rex& re() { return u().re; }
class seq_util::rex const& re() const { return u().re; }
class seq_util::str& str() { return u().str; }
class seq_util::str const& str() const { return u().str; }
void intersect(unsigned lo, unsigned hi, svector>& ranges);
seq_rewriter(ast_manager & m, params_ref const & p = params_ref()):
m_util(m), m_autil(m), m_br(m, p), m_re2aut(m), m_op_cache(m), m_es(m),
m_lhs(m), m_rhs(m), m_coalesce_chars(true) {
ast_manager & m() const { return m_util.get_manager(); }
family_id get_fid() const { return m_util.get_family_id(); }
seq_util const& u() const { return m_util; }
seq_util& u() { return m_util; }
void updt_params(params_ref const & p);
static void get_param_descrs(param_descrs & r);
void set_solver(expr_solver* solver) { m_re2aut.set_solver(solver); }
bool has_solver() { return m_re2aut.has_solver(); }
bool coalesce_chars() const { return m_coalesce_chars; }
br_status mk_app_core(func_decl * f, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_eq_core(expr * lhs, expr * rhs, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_le_core(expr* lhs, expr* rhs, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_bool_app(func_decl* f, unsigned n, expr* const* args, expr_ref& result);
expr_ref mk_app(func_decl* f, expr_ref_vector const& args) { return mk_app(f, args.size(), args.data()); }
expr_ref mk_app(func_decl* f, unsigned n, expr* const* args) {
expr_ref result(m());
if (f->get_family_id() != u().get_family_id() ||
BR_FAILED == mk_app_core(f, n, args, result))
result = m().mk_app(f, n, args);
return result;
* makes concat and simplifies
expr_ref mk_re_append(expr* r1, expr* r2) {
expr_ref result(m());
if (mk_re_concat(r1, r2, result) == BR_FAILED)
result = re().mk_concat(r1, r2);
return result;
* check if regular expression is of the form all ++ s ++ all ++ t + u ++ all, where, s, t, u are sequences
bool is_re_contains_pattern(expr* r, vector& patterns);
bool reduce_eq(expr* l, expr* r, expr_ref_pair_vector& new_eqs, bool& change);
bool reduce_eq(expr_ref_vector& ls, expr_ref_vector& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& new_eqs, bool& change);
bool reduce_contains(expr* a, expr* b, expr_ref_vector& disj);
expr_ref mk_length(expr* s);
void add_seqs(expr_ref_vector const& ls, expr_ref_vector const& rs, expr_ref_pair_vector& new_eqs);
create the nullability check for r
expr_ref is_nullable(expr* r);
make the derivative of r wrt the given element ele
expr_ref mk_derivative(expr* ele, expr* r);
make the derivative of r wrt the canonical variable v0 = (:var 0),
for example mk_derivative(a+) = (if (v0 = 'a') then a* else [])
expr_ref mk_derivative(expr* r);
// heuristic elimination of element from condition that comes form a derivative.
// special case optimization for conjunctions of equalities, disequalities and ranges.
void elim_condition(expr* elem, expr_ref& cond);
/* Apply simplifications to the union to keep the union normalized (r1 and r2 are not normalized)*/
expr_ref mk_regex_union_normalize(expr* r1, expr* r2);
/* Apply simplifications to the intersection to keep it normalized (r1 and r2 are not normalized)*/
expr_ref mk_regex_inter_normalize(expr* r1, expr* r2);