z3-z3-4.13.0.src.math.lp.nex.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation
Lev Nachmanson (levnach)
#pragma once
#include "math/lp/nla_defs.h"
namespace nla {
class nex;
typedef std::function nex_lt;
typedef std::function lt_on_vars;
enum class expr_type { SCALAR, VAR, SUM, MUL, UNDEF };
inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& out, expr_type t) {
switch (t) {
case expr_type::SUM:
out << "SUM";
case expr_type::MUL:
out << "MUL";
case expr_type::VAR:
out << "VAR";
case expr_type::SCALAR:
out << "SCALAR";
out << "NN";
return out;
// forward definitions
class nex;
class nex_scalar;
class nex_pow;
class nex_mul;
class nex_var;
class nex_sum;
// This is the class of non-linear expressions
class nex {
// the scalar and the variable have size 1
virtual unsigned size() const { return 1; }
virtual expr_type type() const = 0;
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream&) const = 0;
bool is_elementary() const {
switch(type()) {
case expr_type::SUM:
case expr_type::MUL:
return false;
return true;
nex_mul& to_mul();
nex_mul const& to_mul() const;
nex_sum& to_sum();
nex_sum const& to_sum() const;
nex_var& to_var();
nex_var const& to_var() const;
nex_scalar& to_scalar();
nex_scalar const& to_scalar() const;
virtual unsigned number_of_child_powers() const { return 0; }
virtual const nex* get_child_exp(unsigned) const { return this; }
virtual unsigned get_child_pow(unsigned) const { return 1; }
virtual bool all_factors_are_elementary() const { return true; }
bool is_sum() const { return type() == expr_type::SUM; }
bool is_mul() const { return type() == expr_type::MUL; }
bool is_var() const { return type() == expr_type::VAR; }
bool is_scalar() const { return type() == expr_type::SCALAR; }
virtual bool is_pure_monomial() const { return false; }
std::string str() const { std::stringstream ss; print(ss); return ss.str(); }
virtual ~nex() = default;
virtual bool contains(lpvar j) const { return false; }
virtual unsigned get_degree() const = 0;
// simplifies the expression and also assigns the address of "this" to *e
virtual const rational& coeff() const { return rational::one(); }
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
virtual void sort() {};
bool virtual is_linear() const = 0;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const nex&);
class nex_var : public nex {
lpvar m_j;
nex_var(lpvar j) : m_j(j) {}
lpvar var() const { return m_j; }
std::ostream & print(std::ostream& out) const override { return out << "j" << m_j; }
expr_type type() const override { return expr_type::VAR; }
unsigned number_of_child_powers() const override { return 1; }
bool contains(lpvar j) const override { return j == m_j; }
unsigned get_degree() const override { return 1; }
bool is_linear() const override { return true; }
class nex_scalar : public nex {
rational m_v;
nex_scalar(const rational& v) : m_v(v) {}
const rational& value() const { return m_v; }
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const override { return out << m_v; }
expr_type type() const override { return expr_type::SCALAR; }
unsigned get_degree() const override { return 0; }
bool is_linear() const override { return true; }
class nex_pow {
friend class cross_nested;
friend class nex_creator;
nex const* m_e;
unsigned m_power;
nex ** ee() const { return & const_cast(m_e); }
nex *& e() { return const_cast(m_e); }
explicit nex_pow(nex const* e, unsigned p): m_e(e), m_power(p) {}
const nex * e() const { return m_e; }
unsigned pow() const { return m_power; }
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& s) const {
if (pow() == 1) {
if (e()->is_elementary()) {
s << *e();
} else {
s <<"(" << *e() << ")";
else {
if (e()->is_elementary()){
s << "(" << *e() << "^" << pow() << ")";
} else {
s << "((" << *e() << ")^" << pow() << ")";
return s;
std::string to_string() const {
std::stringstream s;
return s.str();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const nex_pow & p) { return p.print(out); }
inline unsigned get_degree_children(const vector& children) {
int degree = 0;
for (const auto& p : children) {
degree += p.e()->get_degree() * p.pow();
return degree;
class nex_mul : public nex {
friend class nex_creator;
friend class cross_nested;
friend class grobner_core; // only debug.
rational m_coeff;
vector m_children;
nex_pow* begin() { return m_children.begin(); }
nex_pow* end() { return m_children.end(); }
nex_pow& operator[](unsigned j) { return m_children[j]; }
const nex* get_child_exp(unsigned j) const override { return m_children[j].e(); }
unsigned get_child_pow(unsigned j) const override { return m_children[j].pow(); }
unsigned number_of_child_powers() const override { return m_children.size(); }
nex_mul() : m_coeff(1) {}
nex_mul(rational const& c, vector const& args) : m_coeff(c), m_children(args) {}
const rational& coeff() const override { return m_coeff; }
unsigned size() const override { return m_children.size(); }
expr_type type() const override { return expr_type::MUL; }
// A monomial is 'pure' if does not have a numeric coefficient.
bool is_pure_monomial() const override { return size() == 0 || !m_children[0].e()->is_scalar(); }
std::ostream & print(std::ostream& out) const override {
bool first = true;
if (!m_coeff.is_one()) {
out << m_coeff << " ";
first = false;
for (const nex_pow& v : m_children) {
if (first) {
first = false;
out << v;
} else {
out << "*" << v;
return out;
const nex_pow& operator[](unsigned j) const { return m_children[j]; }
const nex_pow* begin() const { return m_children.begin(); }
const nex_pow* end() const { return m_children.end(); }
bool contains(lpvar j) const override {
for (const nex_pow& c : *this) {
if (c.e()->contains(j))
return true;
return false;
void get_powers_from_mul(std::unordered_map & r) const {
TRACE("nla_cn_details", tout << "powers of " << *this << "\n";);
for (const auto & c : *this) {
if (c.e()->is_var()) {
lpvar j = c.e()->to_var().var();
SASSERT(r.find(j) == r.end());
r[j] = c.pow();
TRACE("nla_cn_details", tout << "powers of " << *this << "\n"; print_vector(r, tout)<< "\n";);
unsigned get_degree() const override {
int degree = 0;
for (const auto& p : *this) {
degree += p.e()->get_degree() * p.pow();
return degree;
bool is_linear() const override {
return get_degree() < 2; // todo: make it more efficient
bool all_factors_are_elementary() const override;
// #ifdef Z3DEBUG
// virtual void sort() {
// for (nex * c : m_children) {
// c->sort();
// }
// std::sort(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), [](const nex* a, const nex* b) { return *a < *b; });
// }
// #endif
class nex_sum : public nex {
friend class nex_creator;
friend class cross_nested;
friend class grobner_core;
ptr_vector m_children;
nex*& operator[](unsigned j) { return m_children[j]; }
nex_sum(ptr_vector const& ch) : m_children(ch) {}
expr_type type() const override { return expr_type::SUM; }
unsigned size() const override { return m_children.size(); }
bool is_linear() const override {
TRACE("nex_details", tout << *this << "\n";);
for (auto e : *this) {
if (!e->is_linear())
return false;
TRACE("nex_details", tout << "linear\n";);
return true;
// we need a linear combination of at least two variables
bool is_a_linear_term() const {
TRACE("nex_details", tout << *this << "\n";);
unsigned number_of_non_scalars = 0;
for (auto e : *this) {
int d = e->get_degree();
if (d == 0) continue;
if (d > 1) return false;
TRACE("nex_details", tout << (number_of_non_scalars > 1?"linear":"non-linear") << "\n";);
return number_of_non_scalars > 1;
std::ostream & print(std::ostream& out) const override {
bool first = true;
for (const nex* v : *this) {
std::string s = v->str();
if (first) {
first = false;
if (v->is_elementary())
out << s;
out << "(" << s << ")";
} else {
if (v->is_elementary()) {
if (s[0] == '-') {
out << s;
} else {
out << "+" << s;
} else {
out << "+" << "(" << s << ")";
return out;
unsigned get_degree() const override {
unsigned degree = 0;
for (auto e : *this) {
degree = std::max(degree, e->get_degree());
return degree;
nex const* operator[](unsigned j) const { return m_children[j]; }
const nex * const* begin() const { return m_children.data(); }
const nex * const* end() const { return m_children.data() + m_children.size(); }
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
void sort() override {
for (nex * c : m_children) {
std::sort(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), [](const nex* a, const nex* b) { return *a < *b; });
inline nex_sum& nex::to_sum() { SASSERT(is_sum()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline nex_sum const& nex::to_sum() const { SASSERT(is_sum()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline nex_var& nex::to_var() { SASSERT(is_var()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline nex_var const& nex::to_var() const { SASSERT(is_var()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline nex_mul& nex::to_mul() { SASSERT(is_mul()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline nex_mul const& nex::to_mul() const { SASSERT(is_mul()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline nex_scalar& nex::to_scalar() { SASSERT(is_scalar()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline nex_scalar const& nex::to_scalar() const { SASSERT(is_scalar()); return *static_cast(this); }
inline const nex_sum* to_sum(const nex* a) { return &(a->to_sum()); }
inline nex_sum* to_sum(nex * a) { return &(a->to_sum()); }
inline const nex_var* to_var(const nex* a) { return &(a->to_var()); }
inline nex_var* to_var(nex * a) { return &(a->to_var()); }
inline const nex_scalar* to_scalar(const nex* a) { return &(a->to_scalar()); }
inline nex_scalar* to_scalar(nex * a) { return &(a->to_scalar()); }
inline const nex_mul* to_mul(const nex* a) { return &(a->to_mul()); }
inline nex_mul* to_mul(nex * a) { return &(a->to_mul()); }
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const nex& e ) {
return e.print(out);
inline rational get_nex_val(const nex* e, std::function var_val) {
switch (e->type()) {
case expr_type::SCALAR:
return to_scalar(e)->value();
case expr_type::SUM: {
rational r(0);
for (nex const* c: e->to_sum())
r += get_nex_val(c, var_val);
return r;
case expr_type::MUL: {
auto & m = e->to_mul();
rational t = m.coeff();
for (nex_pow const& c: m)
t *= get_nex_val(c.e(), var_val).expt(c.pow());
return t;
case expr_type::VAR:
return var_val(e->to_var().var());
TRACE("nla_cn_details", tout << e->type() << "\n";);
return rational();
inline std::unordered_set get_vars_of_expr(const nex *e ) {
std::unordered_set r;
switch (e->type()) {
case expr_type::SCALAR:
return r;
case expr_type::SUM:
for (auto c: e->to_sum())
for ( lpvar j : get_vars_of_expr(c))
return r;
case expr_type::MUL:
for (auto &c: e->to_mul())
for ( lpvar j : get_vars_of_expr(c.e()))
return r;
case expr_type::VAR:
return r;
TRACE("nla_cn_details", tout << e->type() << "\n";);
return r;
inline bool is_zero_scalar(nex const*e) {
return e->is_scalar() && e->to_scalar().value().is_zero();