z3-z3-4.13.0.src.math.simplex.sparse_matrix.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Nikolaj Bjorner (nbjorner) 2014-01-15
#pragma once
#include "util/mpq_inf.h"
#include "util/statistics.h"
namespace simplex {
class sparse_matrix {
typedef typename Ext::numeral numeral;
typedef typename Ext::scoped_numeral scoped_numeral;
typedef typename Ext::manager manager;
typedef unsigned var_t;
struct row_entry {
numeral m_coeff;
var_t m_var;
row_entry(numeral && c, var_t v) : m_coeff(std::move(c)), m_var(v) {}
inline numeral const& coeff() const { return m_coeff; }
inline var_t var() const { return m_var; }
struct stats {
unsigned m_add_rows;
stats() { reset(); }
void reset() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
static const unsigned dead_id = UINT_MAX;
\brief A row_entry is: m_var*m_coeff
m_col_idx points to the place in the
column where the variable occurs.
struct _row_entry : public row_entry {
union {
int m_col_idx;
int m_next_free_row_entry_idx;
_row_entry(numeral && c, var_t v) : row_entry(std::move(c), v), m_col_idx(0) {}
_row_entry() : row_entry(numeral(), dead_id), m_col_idx(0) {}
bool is_dead() const { return row_entry::m_var == dead_id; }
\brief A column entry points to the row and the row_entry within the row
that has a non-zero coefficient on the variable associated
with the column entry.
struct col_entry {
int m_row_id;
union {
int m_row_idx;
int m_next_free_col_entry_idx;
col_entry(int r, int i): m_row_id(r), m_row_idx(i) {}
col_entry(): m_row_id(0), m_row_idx(0) {}
bool is_dead() const { return (unsigned) m_row_id == dead_id; }
struct column;
\brief A row contains a base variable and set of
row_entries. The base variable must occur in the set of
row_entries with coefficient 1.
struct _row {
vector<_row_entry> m_entries;
unsigned m_size; // the real size, m_entries contains dead row_entries.
int m_first_free_idx; // first available position.
unsigned size() const { return m_size; }
unsigned num_entries() const { return m_entries.size(); }
void reset(manager& m);
_row_entry & add_row_entry(unsigned & pos_idx);
void del_row_entry(unsigned idx);
void compress(manager& m, vector & cols);
void compress_if_needed(manager& _m, vector & cols);
void save_var_pos(svector & result_map, unsigned_vector& idxs) const;
//bool is_coeff_of(var_t v, numeral const & expected) const;
int get_idx_of(var_t v) const;
\brief A column stores in which rows a variable occurs.
The column may have free/dead entries. The field m_first_free_idx
is a reference to the first free/dead entry.
struct column {
svector m_entries;
unsigned m_size;
int m_first_free_idx;
mutable unsigned m_refs;
column():m_size(0), m_first_free_idx(-1), m_refs(0) {}
unsigned size() const { return m_size; }
unsigned num_entries() const { return m_entries.size(); }
void reset();
void compress(vector<_row> & rows);
void compress_if_needed(vector<_row> & rows);
//void compress_singleton(vector<_row> & rows, unsigned singleton_pos);
col_entry const * get_first_col_entry() const;
col_entry & add_col_entry(int & pos_idx);
void del_col_entry(unsigned idx);
manager& m;
vector<_row> m_rows;
svector m_dead_rows; // rows to recycle
vector m_columns; // per var
svector m_var_pos; // temporary map from variables to positions in row
unsigned_vector m_var_pos_idx; // indices in m_var_pos
stats m_stats;
scoped_numeral m_zero;
bool well_formed_row(unsigned row_id) const;
bool well_formed_column(unsigned column_id) const;
void del_row_entry(_row& r, unsigned pos);
void reset_rows();
sparse_matrix(manager& _m): m(_m), m_zero(m) {}
void reset();
class row {
unsigned m_id;
explicit row(unsigned r):m_id(r) {}
row():m_id(UINT_MAX) {}
bool operator!=(row const& other) const {
return m_id != other.m_id;
unsigned id() const { return m_id; }
void ensure_var(var_t v);
row mk_row();
void add_var(row r, numeral const& n, var_t var);
void add(row r, numeral const& n, row src);
void mul(row r, numeral const& n);
void div(row r, numeral const& n);
void neg(row r);
void del(row r);
void gcd_normalize(row const& r, scoped_numeral& g);
class row_iterator {
friend class sparse_matrix;
unsigned m_curr;
_row & m_row;
void move_to_used() {
while (m_curr < m_row.num_entries() &&
m_row.m_entries[m_curr].is_dead()) {
row_iterator(_row & r, bool begin):
m_curr(0), m_row(r) {
if (begin) {
else {
m_curr = m_row.num_entries();
row_entry & operator*() const { return m_row.m_entries[m_curr]; }
row_entry * operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
row_iterator & operator++() { ++m_curr; move_to_used(); return *this; }
row_iterator operator++(int) { row_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(row_iterator const & it) const { return m_curr == it.m_curr; }
bool operator!=(row_iterator const & it) const { return m_curr != it.m_curr; }
row_iterator row_begin(row const& r) { return row_iterator(m_rows[r.id()], true); }
row_iterator row_end(row const& r) { return row_iterator(m_rows[r.id()], false); }
class row_entries_t {
friend class sparse_matrix;
sparse_matrix& s;
row r;
row_entries_t(sparse_matrix& s, row r): s(s), r(r) {}
row_iterator begin() { return s.row_begin(r); }
row_iterator end() { return s.row_end(r); }
row_entries_t get_row(row r) { return row_entries_t(*this, r); }
unsigned column_size(var_t v) const { return m_columns[v].size(); }
unsigned num_vars() const { return m_columns.size(); }
unsigned num_rows() const { return m_rows.size(); }
class col_iterator {
friend class sparse_matrix;
unsigned m_curr;
column const& m_col;
vector<_row>& m_rows;
void move_to_used() {
while (m_curr < m_col.num_entries() && m_col.m_entries[m_curr].is_dead()) {
col_iterator(column const& c, vector<_row>& r, bool begin):
m_curr(0), m_col(c), m_rows(r) {
if (begin) {
else {
m_curr = m_col.num_entries();
~col_iterator() {
row get_row() const {
return row(m_col.m_entries[m_curr].m_row_id);
row_entry& get_row_entry() const {
col_entry const& c = m_col.m_entries[m_curr];
int row_id = c.m_row_id;
return m_rows[row_id].m_entries[c.m_row_idx];
std::pair operator*() { return std::make_pair(get_row(), &get_row_entry()); }
col_iterator & operator++() { ++m_curr; move_to_used(); return *this; }
col_iterator operator++(int) { col_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(col_iterator const & it) const { return m_curr == it.m_curr; }
bool operator!=(col_iterator const & it) const { return m_curr != it.m_curr; }
col_iterator col_begin(int v) { return col_iterator(m_columns[v], m_rows, true); }
col_iterator col_end(int v) { return col_iterator(m_columns[v], m_rows, false); }
class col_entries_t {
friend class sparse_matrix;
sparse_matrix& m;
int v;
col_entries_t(sparse_matrix& m, int v): m(m), v(v) {}
col_iterator begin() { return m.col_begin(v); }
col_iterator end() { return m.col_end(v); }
col_entries_t get_col(int v) { return col_entries_t(*this, v); }
class var_rows {
friend class sparse_matrix;
sparse_matrix& s;
int v;
var_rows(sparse_matrix& s, int v):s(s), v(v) {}
col_iterator begin() { return s.col_begin(v); }
col_iterator end() { return s.col_end(v); }
var_rows get_rows(int v) { return var_rows(*this, v); }
class all_row_iterator {
friend class sparse_matrix;
unsigned m_curr;
vector<_row> const& m_rows;
void move_to_next() {
while (m_curr < m_rows.size() && m_rows[m_curr].size() == 0) {
//std::cout << "size is 0 for " << m_curr << "\n";
all_row_iterator(unsigned curr, vector<_row> const& rows): m_curr(curr), m_rows(rows) {
row operator*() { return row(m_curr); }
all_row_iterator & operator++() { m_curr++; move_to_next(); return *this; }
all_row_iterator operator++(int) { all_row_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
bool operator==(all_row_iterator const& it) const { return m_curr == it.m_curr; }
bool operator!=(all_row_iterator const& it) const { return m_curr != it.m_curr; }
class all_rows {
friend class sparse_matrix;
sparse_matrix& s;
all_rows(sparse_matrix& s): s(s) {}
all_row_iterator begin() { return all_row_iterator(0, s.m_rows); }
all_row_iterator end() { return all_row_iterator(s.m_rows.size(), s.m_rows); }
all_rows get_rows() { return all_rows(*this); }
numeral const& get_coeff(row r, unsigned v) {
for (auto & row : get_row(r))
if (row.m_var == v)
return row.m_coeff;
return m_zero;
void display(std::ostream& out);
void display_row(std::ostream& out, row const& r);
bool well_formed() const;
manager& get_manager() { return m; }
void collect_statistics(::statistics & st) const;
struct mpz_ext {
typedef mpz numeral;
typedef scoped_mpz scoped_numeral;
typedef unsynch_mpz_manager manager;
typedef mpq_inf eps_numeral;
typedef unsynch_mpq_inf_manager eps_manager;
struct mpq_ext {
typedef mpq numeral;
typedef scoped_mpq scoped_numeral;
typedef unsynch_mpq_manager manager;
typedef mpq_inf eps_numeral;
typedef unsynch_mpq_inf_manager eps_manager;