z3-z3-4.13.0.src.muz.base.dl_rule.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2010-05-17.
Revision History:
#pragma once
#include "ast/ast.h"
#include "muz/base/dl_costs.h"
#include "muz/base/dl_util.h"
#include "ast/used_vars.h"
#include "ast/converters/proof_converter.h"
#include "ast/converters/model_converter.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/ast_counter.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/rewriter.h"
#include "muz/base/hnf.h"
#include "qe/lite/qe_lite_tactic.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/var_subst.h"
#include "ast/datatype_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/label_rewriter.h"
namespace datalog {
class rule;
class rule_manager;
class rule_set;
class table;
class context;
typedef obj_ref rule_ref;
typedef ref_vector rule_ref_vector;
typedef ptr_vector rule_vector;
struct uninterpreted_function_finder_proc {
ast_manager& m;
datatype_util m_dt;
dl_decl_util m_dl;
bool m_found;
func_decl* m_func;
uninterpreted_function_finder_proc(ast_manager& m):
m(m), m_dt(m), m_dl(m), m_found(false), m_func(nullptr) {}
void operator()(var * n) { }
void operator()(quantifier * n) { }
void operator()(app * n) {
if (is_uninterp(n) && !m_dl.is_rule_sort(n->get_decl()->get_range())) {
m_found = true;
m_func = n->get_decl();
else if (m_dt.is_accessor(n)) {
sort* s = n->get_arg(0)->get_sort();
if (m_dt.get_datatype_constructors(s)->size() > 1) {
m_found = true;
m_func = n->get_decl();
void reset() { m_found = false; m_func = nullptr; }
bool found(func_decl*& f) const { f = m_func; return m_found; }
struct quantifier_finder_proc {
bool m_exist;
bool m_univ;
bool m_lambda;
quantifier_finder_proc() : m_exist(false), m_univ(false), m_lambda(false) {}
void operator()(var * n) { }
void operator()(quantifier * n) {
switch (n->get_kind()) {
case forall_k: m_univ = true; break;
case exists_k: m_exist = true; break;
case lambda_k: m_lambda = true; break;
void operator()(app * n) { }
void reset() { m_exist = m_univ = m_lambda = false; }
struct fd_finder_proc {
ast_manager& m;
bv_util m_bv;
bool m_is_fd;
fd_finder_proc(ast_manager& m): m(m), m_bv(m), m_is_fd(true) {}
bool is_fd() const { return m_is_fd; }
bool is_fd(sort* s) { return m.is_bool(s) || m_bv.is_bv_sort(s); }
void operator()(var* n) { m_is_fd &= is_fd(n->get_sort()); }
void operator()(quantifier* ) { m_is_fd = false; }
void operator()(app* n) { m_is_fd &= is_fd(n->get_decl()->get_range()); }
void reset() { m_is_fd = true; }
\brief Manager for the \c rule class
\remark \c rule_manager objects are interchangeable as long as they
contain the same \c ast_manager object.
class rule_manager
ast_manager& m;
context& m_ctx;
rule_counter m_counter;
used_vars m_used;
var_idx_set m_var_idx;
expr_free_vars m_free_vars;
app_ref_vector m_body;
app_ref m_head;
expr_ref_vector m_args;
bool_vector m_neg;
hnf m_hnf;
qe_lite m_qe;
label_rewriter m_rwr;
mutable uninterpreted_function_finder_proc m_ufproc;
mutable quantifier_finder_proc m_qproc;
mutable expr_sparse_mark m_visited;
mutable fd_finder_proc m_fd_proc;
// only the context can create a rule_manager
friend class context;
explicit rule_manager(context& ctx);
\brief Move functions from predicate tails into the interpreted tail by introducing new variables.
void hoist_compound_predicates(unsigned num_bound, app_ref& head, app_ref_vector& body);
void hoist_compound(unsigned& num_bound, app_ref& fml, app_ref_vector& body);
void flatten_body(app_ref_vector& body);
void remove_labels(expr_ref& fml, proof_ref& pr);
void check_app(expr* e);
bool contains_predicate(expr* fml) const;
void bind_variables(expr* fml, bool is_forall, expr_ref& result);
void mk_negations(app_ref_vector& body, bool_vector& is_negated);
void mk_rule_core(expr* fml, proof* p, rule_set& rules, symbol const& name);
void mk_horn_rule(expr* fml, proof* p, rule_set& rules, symbol const& name);
static expr_ref mk_implies(app_ref_vector const& body, expr* head);
unsigned extract_horn(expr* fml, app_ref_vector& body, app_ref& head);
\brief Perform cheap quantifier elimination to reduce the number of variables in the interpreted tail.
void reduce_unbound_vars(rule_ref& r);
void reset_collect_vars();
var_idx_set& finalize_collect_vars();
ast_manager& get_manager() const { return m; }
void inc_ref(rule * r);
void dec_ref(rule * r);
used_vars& reset_used() { m_used.reset(); return m_used; }
var_idx_set& collect_vars(expr * pred);
var_idx_set& collect_vars(expr * e1, expr* e2);
var_idx_set& collect_rule_vars(rule * r);
var_idx_set& collect_rule_vars_ex(rule * r, app* t);
var_idx_set& collect_tail_vars(rule * r);
void accumulate_vars(expr* pred);
// ptr_vector& get_var_sorts() { return m_vars; }
var_idx_set& get_var_idx() { return m_var_idx; }
\brief Create a Datalog rule from a Horn formula.
The formula is of the form (forall (...) (forall (...) (=> (and ...) head)))
void mk_rule(expr* fml, proof* p, rule_set& rules, symbol const& name = symbol::null);
\brief Create a Datalog query from an expression.
The formula is of the form (exists (...) (exists (...) (and ...))
func_decl* mk_query(expr* query, rule_set& rules);
\brief Create a Datalog rule head :- tail[0], ..., tail[n-1].
Return 0 if it is not a valid rule.
\remark A tail may contain negation. tail[i] is assumed to be negated if is_neg != 0 && is_neg[i] == true
rule * mk(app * head, unsigned n, app * const * tail, bool const * is_neg = nullptr,
symbol const& name = symbol::null, bool normalize = true);
\brief Create a rule with the same tail as \c source and with a specified head.
rule * mk(rule const * source, app * new_head, symbol const& name = symbol::null);
\brief Create a copy of the given rule.
rule * mk(rule const * source, symbol const& name = symbol::null);
/** make sure there are not non-quantified variables that occur only in interpreted predicates */
void fix_unbound_vars(rule_ref& r, bool try_quantifier_elimination);
\brief add proof that new rule is obtained by rewriting old rule.
void mk_rule_rewrite_proof(rule& old_rule, rule& new_rule);
\brief tag rule as asserted.
void mk_rule_asserted_proof(rule& r);
\brief apply substitution to variables of rule.
void substitute(rule_ref& r, unsigned sz, expr*const* es);
\brief Check that head :- tail[0], ..., tail[n-1]
is a valid Datalog rule.
void check_valid_rule(app * head, unsigned n, app * const * tail) const;
\brief Check that \c head may occur as a Datalog rule head.
void check_valid_head(expr * head) const;
\brief Return true if \c head may occur as a fact.
bool is_fact(app * head) const;
static bool is_forall(ast_manager& m, expr* e, quantifier*& q);
rule_counter& get_counter() { return m_counter; }
app_ref ensure_app(expr* e);
void to_formula(rule const& r, expr_ref& result);
std::ostream& display_smt2(rule const& r, std::ostream & out);
bool has_uninterpreted_non_predicates(rule const& r, func_decl*& f) const;
void has_quantifiers(rule const& r, bool& existential, bool& universal, bool& lam) const;
bool has_quantifiers(rule const& r) const;
bool is_finite_domain(rule const& r) const;
class rule : public accounted_object {
friend class rule_manager;
app* m_head = nullptr;
proof* m_proof = nullptr;
unsigned m_tail_size = 0;
unsigned m_ref_cnt = 0;
unsigned m_positive_cnt = 0;
unsigned m_uninterp_cnt = 0;
symbol m_name;
The following field is an array of tagged pointers.
- Tag 0: the atom is not negated
- Tag 1: the atom is negated.
The order of tail formulas is the following:
uninterpreted positive,
uninterpreted negative,
The negated flag is never set for interpreted tails.
app * m_tail[0];
static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned n) { return sizeof(rule) + n * sizeof(app *); }
rule() : m_ref_cnt(0), m_name(symbol::null) {}
void deallocate(ast_manager & m);
void get_used_vars(used_vars& uv) const;
proof * get_proof() const { return m_proof; }
void set_proof(ast_manager& m, proof* p);
app * get_head() const { return m_head; }
func_decl* get_decl() const { return get_head()->get_decl(); }
unsigned get_tail_size() const { return m_tail_size; }
\brief Return number of positive uninterpreted predicates in the tail.
These predicates are the first in the tail.
unsigned get_positive_tail_size() const { return m_positive_cnt; }
unsigned get_uninterpreted_tail_size() const { return m_uninterp_cnt; }
\brief Return i-th tail atom. The first \c get_uninterpreted_tail_size()
atoms are uninterpreted and the first \c get_positive_tail_size() are
uninterpreted and non-negated.
app * get_tail(unsigned i) const { SASSERT(i < m_tail_size); return UNTAG(app *, m_tail[i]); }
func_decl* get_decl(unsigned i) const { SASSERT(i < get_uninterpreted_tail_size()); return get_tail(i)->get_decl(); }
bool is_neg_tail(unsigned i) const { SASSERT(i < m_tail_size); return GET_TAG(m_tail[i]) == 1; }
Check whether predicate p is in the interpreted tail.
If only_positive is true, only the positive predicate tail atoms are checked.
bool is_in_tail(const func_decl * p, bool only_positive=false) const;
bool has_negation() const;
\brief Store in d the (direct) dependencies of the given rule.
void norm_vars(rule_manager & rm);
void get_vars(ast_manager& m, ptr_vector& sorts) const;
void display(context & ctx, std::ostream & out, bool compact = false) const;
\brief Return the name(s) associated with this rule. Plural for preprocessed (e.g. obtained by inlining) rules.
This possibly returns a ";"-separated list of names.
symbol const& name() const { return m_name; } ;
unsigned hash() const;
struct rule_eq_proc {
bool operator()(const rule * r1, const rule * r2) const;
struct rule_hash_proc {
unsigned operator()(const rule * r) const;