z3-z3-4.13.0.src.nlsat.nlsat_solver.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Nonlinear arithmetic satisfiability procedure. The procedure is
complete for nonlinear real arithmetic, but it also has limited
support for integers.
Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-01-02.
Revision History:
#pragma once
#include "nlsat/nlsat_types.h"
#include "util/params.h"
#include "util/statistics.h"
#include "util/rlimit.h"
namespace nlsat {
class evaluator;
class explain;
class display_assumption_proc {
virtual ~display_assumption_proc() = default;
virtual std::ostream& operator()(std::ostream& out, assumption a) const = 0;
class solver {
struct imp;
struct ctx;
imp * m_imp;
ctx * m_ctx;
solver(ctx& c);
solver(reslimit& rlim, params_ref const & p, bool incremental);
\brief Return reference to rational manager.
unsynch_mpq_manager & qm();
\brief Return reference to algebraic number manager.
anum_manager & am();
\brief Return a reference to the polynomial manager used by the solver.
pmanager & pm();
void set_display_var(display_var_proc const & proc);
void set_display_assumption(display_assumption_proc const& proc);
// -----------------------
// Variable, Atoms, Clauses & Assumption creation
// -----------------------
\brief Create a fresh boolean variable that is not associated with any
nonlinear arithmetic atom.
bool_var mk_bool_var();
literal mk_true();
\brief Create a real/integer variable.
var mk_var(bool is_int);
\brief Create an atom of the form: p=0, p<0, p>0
Where p = ps[0]^e[0]*...*ps[sz-1]^e[sz-1]
e[i] = 1 if is_even[i] is false
e[i] = 2 if is_even[i] is true
\pre sz > 0
bool_var mk_ineq_atom(atom::kind k, unsigned sz, poly * const * ps, bool const * is_even);
\brief Create a literal for the p=0, p<0, p>0.
Where p = ps[0]^e[0]*...*ps[sz-1]^e[sz-1] for sz > 0
p = 1 for sz = 0
e[i] = 1 if is_even[i] is false
e[i] = 2 if is_even[i] is true
literal mk_ineq_literal(atom::kind k, unsigned sz, poly * const * ps, bool const * is_even);
\brief Create an atom of the form: x=root[i](p), xroot[i](p)
bool_var mk_root_atom(atom::kind k, var x, unsigned i, poly * p);
void inc_ref(bool_var b);
void inc_ref(literal l) { inc_ref(l.var()); }
void dec_ref(bool_var b);
void dec_ref(literal l) { dec_ref(l.var()); }
\brief Create a new clause.
void mk_clause(unsigned num_lits, literal * lits, assumption a = nullptr);
// -----------------------
// Basic
// -----------------------
\brief Return the number of Boolean variables.
unsigned num_bool_vars() const;
\brief Get atom associated with Boolean variable. Return 0 if there is none.
atom * bool_var2atom(bool_var b);
\brief extract free variables from literal.
void vars(literal l, var_vector& vs);
\brief provide access to atoms. Used by explain.
atom_vector const& get_atoms();
\brief Access var -> asserted equality.
atom_vector const& get_var2eq();
\brief expose evaluator.
evaluator& get_evaluator();
\brief Access explanation module.
explain& get_explain();
\brief Access assignments to variables.
void get_rvalues(assignment& as);
void set_rvalues(assignment const& as);
void get_bvalues(svector const& bvars, svector& vs);
void set_bvalues(svector const& vs);
\brief reorder variables.
void reorder(unsigned sz, var const* permutation);
void restore_order();
\brief Return number of integer/real variables
unsigned num_vars() const;
bool is_int(var x) const;
// -----------------------
// Search
// -----------------------
lbool check();
lbool check(literal_vector& assumptions);
// -----------------------
// Model
// -----------------------
anum const & value(var x) const;
lbool bvalue(bool_var b) const;
bool is_interpreted(bool_var b) const;
lbool value(literal l) const;
// -----------------------
// Core
// -----------------------
void get_core(vector& deps);
// -----------------------
// Misc
// -----------------------
void updt_params(params_ref const & p);
static void collect_param_descrs(param_descrs & d);
void reset();
void collect_statistics(statistics & st);
void reset_statistics();
void display_status(std::ostream & out) const;
// -----------------------
// Pretty printing
// -----------------------
\brief Display solver's state.
std::ostream& display(std::ostream & out) const;
\brief Display literal
std::ostream& display(std::ostream & out, literal l) const;
std::ostream& display(std::ostream & out, unsigned n, literal const* ls) const;
std::ostream& display(std::ostream & out, literal_vector const& ls) const;
std::ostream& display(std::ostream & out, atom const& a) const;
std::ostream& display_smt2(std::ostream & out, literal l) const;
std::ostream& display_smt2(std::ostream & out, unsigned n, literal const* ls) const;
std::ostream& display_smt2(std::ostream & out, literal_vector const& ls) const;
\brief Display variable
std::ostream& display(std::ostream & out, var x) const;
display_var_proc const & display_proc() const;