z3-z3-4.13.0.src.sat.smt.sat_th.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Copyright (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Theory plugins
Nikolaj Bjorner (nbjorner) 2020-08-25
#pragma once
#include "util/top_sort.h"
#include "sat/smt/sat_smt.h"
#include "sat/sat_ddfw.h"
#include "ast/euf/euf_egraph.h"
#include "model/model.h"
#include "smt/params/smt_params.h"
namespace euf {
class solver;
class th_internalizer {
euf::enode_vector m_args;
svector m_stack;
bool visit_rec(ast_manager& m, expr* e, bool sign, bool root);
virtual bool visit(expr* e) { return false; }
virtual bool visited(expr* e) { return false; }
virtual bool post_visit(expr* e, bool sign, bool root) { return false; }
virtual ~th_internalizer() = default;
virtual sat::literal internalize(expr* e, bool sign, bool root) = 0;
virtual void internalize(expr* e) = 0;
\brief Apply (interpreted) sort constraints on the given enode.
virtual void apply_sort_cnstr(enode* n, sort* s) {}
\brief Record that an equality has been internalized.
virtual void eq_internalized(enode* n) {}
class th_decompile {
virtual ~th_decompile() = default;
virtual bool to_formulas(std::function& lit2expr, expr_ref_vector& fmls) { return false; }
class th_model_builder {
virtual ~th_model_builder() = default;
\brief compute the value for enode \c n and store the value in \c values
for the root of the class of \c n.
virtual void add_value(euf::enode* n, model& mdl, expr_ref_vector& values) {}
\brief compute dependencies for node n
virtual bool add_dep(euf::enode* n, top_sort& dep) { dep.insert(n, nullptr); return true; }
\brief should function be included in model.
virtual bool include_func_interp(func_decl* f) const { return false; }
\brief initialize model building
virtual void init_model() {}
\brief conclude model building
virtual void finalize_model(model& mdl) {}
* \brief does solver have an unhandled function.
virtual bool has_unhandled() const { return false; }
class th_solver : public sat::extension, public th_model_builder, public th_decompile, public th_internalizer {
ast_manager& m;
th_solver(ast_manager& m, symbol const& name, euf::theory_id id) : extension(name, id), m(m) {}
virtual th_solver* clone(euf::solver& ctx) = 0;
virtual void new_eq_eh(euf::th_eq const& eq) {}
virtual bool use_diseqs() const { return false; }
virtual void new_diseq_eh(euf::th_eq const& eq) {}
virtual bool enable_ackerman_axioms(euf::enode* n) const { return true; }
virtual bool is_fixed(euf::theory_var v, expr_ref& val, sat::literal_vector& lits) { return false; }
virtual void relevant_eh(euf::enode* n) {}
\brief Parametric theories (e.g. Arrays) should implement this method.
virtual bool is_shared(theory_var v) const { return false; }
\brief Determine if argument n of parent p is a beta redex position
virtual bool is_beta_redex(euf::enode* p, euf::enode* n) const { return false; }
sat::status status() const { return sat::status::th(false, get_id()); }
* Local search interface
virtual void set_bool_search(sat::ddfw* ddfw) {}
virtual void set_bounds_begin() {}
virtual void set_bounds_end(unsigned num_literals) {}
virtual void set_bounds(enode* n) {}
class th_proof_hint : public sat::proof_hint {
virtual expr* get_hint(euf::solver& s) const = 0;
class th_euf_solver : public th_solver {
solver& ctx;
euf::enode_vector m_var2enode;
unsigned_vector m_var2enode_lim;
unsigned m_num_scopes{ 0 };
smt_params const& get_config() const;
sat::literal expr2literal(expr* e) const;
region& get_region();
bool add_unit(sat::literal lit, th_proof_hint const* ps = nullptr);
bool add_units(sat::literal_vector const& lits);
bool add_clause(sat::literal lit, th_proof_hint const* ps = nullptr) { return add_unit(lit, ps); }
bool add_clause(sat::literal a, sat::literal b, th_proof_hint const* ps = nullptr);
bool add_clause(sat::literal a, sat::literal b, sat::literal c, th_proof_hint const* ps = nullptr);
bool add_clause(sat::literal a, sat::literal b, sat::literal c, sat::literal d, th_proof_hint const* ps = nullptr);
bool add_clause(sat::literal_vector const& lits, th_proof_hint const* ps = nullptr) { return add_clause(lits.size(), lits.data(), ps); }
bool add_clause(unsigned n, sat::literal* lits, th_proof_hint const* ps, bool is_redundant = false);
void add_equiv(sat::literal a, sat::literal b);
void add_equiv_and(sat::literal a, sat::literal_vector const& bs);
bool add_redundant(sat::literal_vector const& lits, th_proof_hint const* ps) { return add_clause(lits.size(), lits.data(), ps, true); }
bool add_redundant(unsigned n, sat::literal* lits, th_proof_hint const* ps);
bool is_true(sat::literal lit);
bool is_true(sat::literal a, sat::literal b) { return is_true(a) || is_true(b); }
bool is_true(sat::literal a, sat::literal b, sat::literal c) { return is_true(a) || is_true(b, c); }
bool is_true(sat::literal a, sat::literal b, sat::literal c, sat::literal d) { return is_true(a) || is_true(b, c, c); }
sat::literal eq_internalize(expr* a, expr* b);
sat::literal eq_internalize(enode* a, enode* b) { return eq_internalize(a->get_expr(), b->get_expr()); }
euf::enode* mk_enode(expr* e, bool suppress_args = false);
expr_ref mk_eq(expr* e1, expr* e2);
expr_ref mk_var_eq(theory_var v1, theory_var v2) { return mk_eq(var2expr(v1), var2expr(v2)); }
void rewrite(expr_ref& a);
virtual void push_core();
virtual void pop_core(unsigned n);
void force_push() {
CTRACE("euf_verbose", m_num_scopes > 0, tout << "push-core " << m_num_scopes << "\n";);
for (; m_num_scopes > 0; --m_num_scopes) push_core();
friend class th_explain;
th_euf_solver(euf::solver& ctx, symbol const& name, euf::theory_id id);
virtual theory_var mk_var(enode* n);
unsigned get_num_vars() const { return m_var2enode.size(); }
euf::enode* e_internalize(expr* e);
enode* expr2enode(expr* e) const;
enode* var2enode(theory_var v) const { return m_var2enode[v]; }
expr* var2expr(theory_var v) const { return var2enode(v)->get_expr(); }
bool is_representative(theory_var v) const { return v == get_representative(v); }
expr* bool_var2expr(sat::bool_var v) const;
expr_ref literal2expr(sat::literal lit) const;
enode* bool_var2enode(sat::bool_var v) const { expr* e = bool_var2expr(v); return e ? expr2enode(e) : nullptr; }
sat::literal mk_literal(expr* e) const;
theory_var get_th_var(enode* n) const { return n->get_th_var(get_id()); }
theory_var get_th_var(expr* e) const;
theory_var get_representative(theory_var v) const;
trail_stack& get_trail_stack();
bool is_attached_to_var(enode* n) const;
bool is_root(theory_var v) const { return var2enode(v)->is_root(); }
void push() override { m_num_scopes++; }
void pop(unsigned n) override;
unsigned random();
* General purpose, eager explanation object. Explanations are conjunctions of literals and equalities.
* Used literals and equalities are stored in the object and retrieved on demand for conflict resolution
* It is "eager" in the sense that relevant literals are accumulated when the explanation is created.
* This is not a real problem for conflicts, but a theory has an option to implement custom lazy explanations
* that retrieve literals on demand.
class th_explain {
sat::literal m_consequent = sat::null_literal; // literal consequent for propagations
enode_pair m_eq = enode_pair(); // equality consequent for propagations
th_proof_hint const* m_proof_hint;
unsigned m_num_literals;
unsigned m_num_eqs;
sat::literal* m_literals;
enode_pair* m_eqs;
static size_t get_obj_size(unsigned num_lits, unsigned num_eqs);
th_explain(unsigned n_lits, sat::literal const* lits, unsigned n_eqs, enode_pair const* eqs, sat::literal c, enode_pair const& eq, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* mk(th_euf_solver& th, unsigned n_lits, sat::literal const* lits, unsigned n_eqs, enode_pair const* eqs, sat::literal c, enode* x, enode* y, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* conflict(th_euf_solver& th, sat::literal_vector const& lits, enode_pair_vector const& eqs, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* conflict(th_euf_solver& th, sat::literal_vector const& lits, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr) { return conflict(th, lits.size(), lits.data(), 0, nullptr, ph); }
static th_explain* conflict(th_euf_solver& th, unsigned n_lits, sat::literal const* lits, unsigned n_eqs, enode_pair const* eqs, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* conflict(th_euf_solver& th, enode_pair_vector const& eqs, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* conflict(th_euf_solver& th, sat::literal lit, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* conflict(th_euf_solver& th, sat::literal lit, euf::enode* x, euf::enode* y, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* conflict(th_euf_solver& th, euf::enode* x, euf::enode* y, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* propagate(th_euf_solver& th, sat::literal lit, euf::enode* x, euf::enode* y, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* propagate(th_euf_solver& th, enode_pair_vector const& eqs, euf::enode* x, euf::enode* y, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* propagate(th_euf_solver& th, sat::literal_vector const& lits, enode_pair_vector const& eqs, sat::literal consequent, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
static th_explain* propagate(th_euf_solver& th, sat::literal_vector const& lits, enode_pair_vector const& eqs, euf::enode* x, euf::enode* y, th_proof_hint const* ph = nullptr);
sat::ext_constraint_idx to_index() const {
return sat::constraint_base::mem2base(this);
static th_explain& from_index(size_t idx) {
return *reinterpret_cast(sat::constraint_base::from_index(idx)->mem());
sat::extension& ext() const {
return *sat::constraint_base::to_extension(to_index());
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const;
class lits {
th_explain const& th;
lits(th_explain const& th) : th(th) {}
sat::literal const* begin() const { return th.m_literals; }
sat::literal const* end() const { return th.m_literals + th.m_num_literals; }
class eqs {
th_explain const& th;
eqs(th_explain const& th) : th(th) {}
enode_pair const* begin() const { return th.m_eqs; }
enode_pair const* end() const { return th.m_eqs + th.m_num_eqs; }
sat::literal lit_consequent() const { return m_consequent; }
enode_pair eq_consequent() const { return m_eq; }
th_proof_hint const* get_pragma() const { return m_proof_hint; }