z3-z3-4.13.0.src.tactic.arith.bv2real_rewriter.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2011 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Basic rewriting rules for bv2real propagation.
Nikolaj (nbjorner) 2011-08-05
#pragma once
#include "ast/ast.h"
#include "ast/rewriter/rewriter.h"
#include "ast/bv_decl_plugin.h"
#include "ast/arith_decl_plugin.h"
// bv2real[d,r](n,m) has interpretation:
// sbv2int(n)/d + sbv2int(m)/d*sqrt(r)
// where
// sbv2int is signed bit-vector 2 integer.
class bv2real_util {
struct bvr_sig {
unsigned m_msz, m_nsz;
rational m_d, m_r;
struct bvr_eq {
bool operator()(bvr_sig const& x, bvr_sig const& y) const {
x.m_msz == y.m_msz &&
x.m_nsz == y.m_nsz &&
x.m_d == y.m_d &&
x.m_r == y.m_r;
struct bvr_hash {
unsigned operator()(bvr_sig const& x) const {
unsigned a[3] = { x.m_msz, x.m_nsz, x.m_d.hash() };
return string_hash((char const*)a, 12, x.m_r.hash());
ast_manager& m_manager;
arith_util m_arith;
bv_util m_bv;
func_decl_ref_vector m_decls;
func_decl_ref m_pos_le;
func_decl_ref m_pos_lt;
expr_ref_vector m_side_conditions;
map m_sig2decl;
obj_map m_decl2sig;
rational m_default_root;
rational m_default_divisor;
rational m_max_divisor;
unsigned m_max_num_bits;
uint64_t m_max_memory;
class contains_bv2real_proc;
bv2real_util(ast_manager& m, rational const& default_root, rational const& default_divisor, unsigned max_num_bits);
void reset() { m_side_conditions.reset(); }
bool is_bv2real(func_decl* f) const;
bool is_bv2real(func_decl* f, unsigned num_args, expr* const* args,
expr*& m, expr*& n, rational& d, rational& r) const;
bool is_bv2real(expr* e, expr*& n, expr*& m, rational& d, rational& r) const;
bool is_bv2real(expr* e, expr*& n, expr*& m, rational& d);
bool contains_bv2real(expr* e) const;
bool memory_exceeded() const;
bool mk_bv2real(expr* s, expr* t, rational& d, rational& r, expr_ref& result);
expr* mk_bv2real_c(expr* s, expr* t, rational const& d, rational const& r);
expr* mk_bv2real(expr* n, expr* m) { return mk_bv2real_c(n, m, default_divisor(), default_root()); }
void mk_bv2real_reduced(expr* s, expr* t, expr_ref & result) { mk_bv2real_reduced(s, t, default_divisor(), default_root(), result); }
void mk_bv2real_reduced(expr* s, expr* t, rational const& d, rational const& r, expr_ref & result);
// Positive polarity comparison operators.
// Translation of positive polarity comparison requires fewer clauses.
bool is_pos_ltf(func_decl* f) const { return f == m_pos_lt; }
bool is_pos_lef(func_decl* f) const { return f == m_pos_le; }
bool is_pos_lt(expr const* e) const { return is_app(e) && is_pos_ltf(to_app(e)->get_decl()); }
bool is_pos_le(expr const* e) const { return is_app(e) && is_pos_lef(to_app(e)->get_decl()); }
expr* mk_pos_lt(expr* s, expr* t) { return m().mk_app(m_pos_lt, s, t); }
expr* mk_pos_le(expr* s, expr* t) { return m().mk_app(m_pos_le, s, t); }
rational const& default_root() const { return m_default_root; }
rational const& default_divisor() const { return m_default_divisor; }
rational const& max_divisor() const { return m_max_divisor; }
unsigned get_max_num_bits() const { return m_max_num_bits; }
void add_side_condition(expr* e) { m_side_conditions.push_back(e); }
unsigned num_side_conditions() const { return m_side_conditions.size(); }
expr* const* side_conditions() const { return m_side_conditions.data(); }
bool is_zero(expr* e);
expr* mk_bv_add(expr* s, expr* t);
expr* mk_bv_sub(expr* s, expr* t);
expr* mk_bv_mul(expr* s, expr* t);
expr* mk_bv_mul(rational const& n, expr* t);
expr* mk_extend(unsigned sz, expr* b);
expr* mk_sbv(rational const& n);
void align_sizes(expr_ref& s, expr_ref& t);
void align_divisors(expr_ref& s1, expr_ref& s2, expr_ref& t1, expr_ref& t2, rational& d1, rational& d2);
bool is_bv2real(expr* n, expr_ref& s, expr_ref& t, rational& d, rational& r);
bool align_divisor(expr_ref& s, expr_ref& t, rational& d);
bool mk_is_divisible_by(expr_ref& s, rational const& _overflow);
void add_aux_decl(func_decl* f) { m_decls.push_back(f); }
unsigned num_aux_decls() const { return m_decls.size(); }
func_decl* get_aux_decl(unsigned i) const { return m_decls[i]; }
ast_manager & m() const { return m_manager; }
arith_util & a() { return m_arith; }
void mk_div(expr* e, rational const& d, expr_ref& result);
void mk_sbv2real(expr* e, expr_ref& result);
class bv2real_rewriter {
ast_manager & m_manager;
bv2real_util& m_util;
bv_util m_bv;
arith_util m_arith;
bv2real_rewriter(ast_manager & m, bv2real_util& util);
br_status mk_app_core(func_decl * f, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result);
ast_manager & m() const { return m_manager; }
arith_util & a() { return m_arith; }
bv2real_util& u() { return m_util; }
br_status mk_eq(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_ite(expr* c, expr* s, expr* t, expr_ref& result);
bool mk_le(expr* s, expr* t, bool is_pos, bool is_neg, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_le(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_lt(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_le_pos(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_lt_pos(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_ge(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_gt(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_add(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_mul(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_sub(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result);
br_status mk_div(expr* s, expr* t, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_add(expr* s, expr* t, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_mul(expr* s, expr* t, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_sub(expr* s, expr* t, expr_ref& result);
br_status mk_uminus(expr* e, expr_ref & result);
struct bv2real_rewriter_cfg : public default_rewriter_cfg {
bv2real_rewriter m_r;
bool rewrite_patterns() const { return false; }
bool flat_assoc(func_decl * f) const { return false; }
br_status reduce_app(func_decl * f, unsigned num, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result, proof_ref & result_pr) {
result_pr = nullptr;
return m_r.mk_app_core(f, num, args, result);
bv2real_rewriter_cfg(ast_manager & m, bv2real_util& u):m_r(m, u) {}
class bv2real_rewriter_star : public rewriter_tpl {
bv2real_rewriter_cfg m_cfg;
bv2real_rewriter_star(ast_manager & m, bv2real_util& u):
rewriter_tpl(m, false, m_cfg),
m_cfg(m, u) {}
\brief replace le(bv2real(a),bv2real(b)) by under-approximation.
class bv2real_elim_rewriter {
bv2real_util& m_util;
bv2real_elim_rewriter(bv2real_util& util) : m_util(util) {}
br_status mk_app_core(func_decl * f, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result);
struct bv2real_elim_rewriter_cfg : public default_rewriter_cfg {
bv2real_elim_rewriter m_r;
bool rewrite_patterns() const { return false; }
bool flat_assoc(func_decl * f) const { return false; }
br_status reduce_app(func_decl * f, unsigned num, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result, proof_ref & result_pr) {
result_pr = nullptr;
return m_r.mk_app_core(f, num, args, result);
bv2real_elim_rewriter_cfg(bv2real_util& u):m_r(u) {}
class bv2real_elim_rewriter_star : public rewriter_tpl {
bv2real_elim_rewriter_cfg m_cfg;
bv2real_elim_rewriter_star(ast_manager & m, bv2real_util& u):
rewriter_tpl(m, false, m_cfg),
m_cfg(u) {}