z3-z3-4.13.0.src.util.mpn.cpp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2011 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Multi Precision Natural Numbers
Christoph Wintersteiger (cwinter) 2011-11-16.
Revision History:
#include "util/debug.h"
#include "util/trace.h"
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/mpn.h"
typedef uint64_t mpn_double_digit;
static_assert(sizeof(mpn_double_digit) == 2 * sizeof(mpn_digit), "size alignment");
int mpn_manager::compare(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lnga,
mpn_digit const * b, unsigned lngb) const {
int res = 0;
trace(a, lnga);
unsigned j = std::max(lnga, lngb);
for (; j-- > 0 && res == 0;) {
mpn_digit u_j = (j < lnga) ? a[j] : 0;
mpn_digit v_j = (j < lngb) ? b[j] : 0;
if (u_j > v_j)
res = 1;
else if (u_j < v_j)
res = -1;
TRACE("mpn", tout << ((res == 1) ? " > " : (res == -1) ? " < " : " == "); );
trace_nl(b, lngb);
return res;
bool mpn_manager::add(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lnga,
mpn_digit const * b, unsigned lngb,
mpn_digit * c, unsigned lngc_alloc,
unsigned * plngc) const {
trace(a, lnga, b, lngb, "+");
// Essentially Knuth's Algorithm A
unsigned len = std::max(lnga, lngb);
SASSERT(lngc_alloc == len+1 && len > 0);
mpn_digit k = 0;
mpn_digit r;
bool c1, c2;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < len; j++) {
mpn_digit u_j = (j < lnga) ? a[j] : 0;
mpn_digit v_j = (j < lngb) ? b[j] : 0;
r = u_j + v_j; c1 = r < u_j;
c[j] = r + k; c2 = c[j] < r;
k = c1 | c2;
c[len] = k;
unsigned &os = *plngc;
for (os = len+1; os > 1 && c[os-1] == 0; ) os--;
SASSERT(os > 0 && os <= len+1);
trace_nl(c, os);
return true; // return k != 0?
bool mpn_manager::sub(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lnga,
mpn_digit const * b, unsigned lngb,
mpn_digit * c, mpn_digit * pborrow) const {
trace(a, lnga, b, lngb, "-");
// Essentially Knuth's Algorithm S
unsigned len = std::max(lnga, lngb);
mpn_digit & k = *pborrow; k = 0;
mpn_digit r;
bool c1, c2;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < len; j++) {
mpn_digit u_j = (j < lnga) ? a[j] : 0;
mpn_digit v_j = (j < lngb) ? b[j] : 0;
r = u_j - v_j; c1 = r > u_j;
c[j] = r - k; c2 = c[j] > r;
k = c1 | c2;
trace_nl(c, lnga);
return true; // return k != 0?
bool mpn_manager::mul(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lnga,
mpn_digit const * b, unsigned lngb,
mpn_digit * c) const {
trace(a, lnga, b, lngb, "*");
// Essentially Knuth's Algorithm M.
// Perhaps implement a more efficient version, see e.g., Knuth, Section 4.3.3.
unsigned i;
mpn_digit k;
#define DIGIT_BITS (sizeof(mpn_digit)*8)
#define HALF_BITS (sizeof(mpn_digit)*4)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lnga; i++)
c[i] = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < lngb; j++) {
mpn_digit v_j = b[j];
if (v_j == 0) { // This branch may be omitted according to Knuth.
c[j+lnga] = 0;
else {
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lnga; i++) {
mpn_digit u_i = a[i];
mpn_double_digit t;
t = ((mpn_double_digit)u_i * (mpn_double_digit)v_j) +
(mpn_double_digit) c[i+j] +
(mpn_double_digit) k;
c[i+j] = (t << DIGIT_BITS) >> DIGIT_BITS;
k = t >> DIGIT_BITS;
c[j+lnga] = k;
trace_nl(c, lnga+lngb);
return true;
#define MASK_FIRST (~((mpn_digit)(-1) >> 1))
#define FIRST_BITS(N, X) ((X) >> (DIGIT_BITS-(N)))
#define LAST_BITS(N, X) (((X) << (DIGIT_BITS-(N))) >> (DIGIT_BITS-(N)))
#define BASE ((mpn_double_digit)0x01 << DIGIT_BITS)
bool mpn_manager::div(mpn_digit const * numer, unsigned lnum,
mpn_digit const * denom, unsigned lden,
mpn_digit * quot,
mpn_digit * rem) {
trace(numer, lnum, denom, lden, "/");
bool res = false;
if (lnum < lden) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (lnum-lden+1); i++)
quot[i] = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lden; i++)
rem[i] = (i < lnum) ? numer[i] : 0;
return false;
SASSERT(denom[lden-1] != 0);
if (lnum == 1 && lden == 1) {
*quot = numer[0] / denom[0];
*rem = numer[0] % denom[0];
else if (lnum < lden || (lnum == lden && numer[lnum-1] < denom[lden-1])) {
*quot = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lden; i++)
rem[i] = (i < lnum) ? numer[i] : 0;
else {
mpn_sbuffer u, v, t_ms, t_ab;
unsigned d = div_normalize(numer, lnum, denom, lden, u, v);
if (lden == 1)
res = div_1(u, v[0], quot);
res = div_n(u, v, quot, rem, t_ms, t_ab);
div_unnormalize(u, v, d, rem);
// TRACE("mpn_dbg", display_raw(tout, quot, lnum - lden + 1); tout << ", ";
// display_raw(tout, rem, lden); tout << std::endl; );
trace_nl(quot, lnum-lden+1);
trace(numer, lnum, denom, lden, "%");
trace_nl(rem, lden);
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
mpn_sbuffer temp(lnum+1, 0);
mul(quot, lnum-lden+1, denom, lden, temp.data());
unsigned real_size;
add(temp.data(), lnum, rem, lden, temp.data(), lnum+1, &real_size);
bool ok = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lnum && ok; i++)
if (temp[i] != numer[i]) ok = false;
if (temp[lnum] != 0) ok = false;
CTRACE("mpn_dbg", !ok, tout << "DIV BUG: quot * denom + rem = "; display_raw(tout, temp.data(), lnum+1); tout << std::endl; );
return res;
unsigned mpn_manager::div_normalize(mpn_digit const * numer, unsigned lnum,
mpn_digit const * denom, unsigned lden,
mpn_sbuffer & n_numer,
mpn_sbuffer & n_denom) const
unsigned d = 0;
while (lden > 0 && ((denom[lden-1] << d) & MASK_FIRST) == 0) d++;
if (d == 0) {
n_numer[lnum] = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lnum; i++)
n_numer[i] = numer[i];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lden; i++)
n_denom[i] = denom[i];
else if (lnum != 0) {
SASSERT(lden > 0);
mpn_digit q = FIRST_BITS(d, numer[lnum-1]);
n_numer[lnum] = q;
for (unsigned i = lnum-1; i > 0; i--)
n_numer[i] = (numer[i] << d) | FIRST_BITS(d, numer[i-1]);
n_numer[0] = numer[0] << d;
for (unsigned i = lden-1; i > 0; i--)
n_denom[i] = denom[i] << d | FIRST_BITS(d, denom[i-1]);
n_denom[0] = denom[0] << d;
else {
d = 0;
TRACE("mpn_norm", tout << "Normalized: n_numer="; display_raw(tout, n_numer.data(), n_numer.size());
tout << " n_denom="; display_raw(tout, n_denom.data(), n_denom.size()); tout << std::endl; );
return d;
void mpn_manager::div_unnormalize(mpn_sbuffer & numer, mpn_sbuffer & denom,
unsigned d, mpn_digit * rem) const {
if (d == 0) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < denom.size(); i++)
rem[i] = numer[i];
else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < denom.size()-1; i++)
rem[i] = numer[i] >> d | (LAST_BITS(d, numer[i+1]) << (DIGIT_BITS-d));
rem[denom.size()-1] = numer[denom.size()-1] >> d;
bool mpn_manager::div_1(mpn_sbuffer & numer, mpn_digit const denom,
mpn_digit * quot) const {
mpn_double_digit q_hat, temp, ms;
mpn_digit borrow;
for (unsigned j = numer.size()-1; j > 0; j--) {
temp = (((mpn_double_digit)numer[j]) << DIGIT_BITS) | ((mpn_double_digit)numer[j-1]);
q_hat = temp / (mpn_double_digit) denom;
if (q_hat >= BASE) {
UNREACHABLE(); // is this reachable with normalized v?
SASSERT(q_hat < BASE);
ms = temp - (q_hat * (mpn_double_digit) denom);
borrow = ms > temp;
numer[j-1] = (mpn_digit) ms;
numer[j] = ms >> DIGIT_BITS;
quot[j-1] = (mpn_digit) q_hat;
if (borrow) {
numer[j] = numer[j-1] + denom;
mpn_double_digit r_hat = temp % (mpn_double_digit) denom;
tout << "j=" << j << " q_hat=" << q_hat << " r_hat=" << r_hat;
tout << " ms=" << ms;
tout << " new numer="; display_raw(tout, numer.data(), numer.size());
tout << " borrow=" << borrow;
tout << std::endl; );
return true; // return rem != 0?
bool mpn_manager::div_n(mpn_sbuffer & numer, mpn_sbuffer const & denom,
mpn_digit * quot, mpn_digit * rem,
mpn_sbuffer & ms, mpn_sbuffer & ab) const {
SASSERT(denom.size() > 1);
// This is essentially Knuth's Algorithm D.
unsigned m = numer.size() - denom.size();
unsigned n = denom.size();
SASSERT(numer.size() == m+n);
mpn_double_digit q_hat, temp, r_hat;
mpn_digit borrow;
for (unsigned j = m; j-- > 0; ) {
temp = (((mpn_double_digit)numer[j+n]) << DIGIT_BITS) | ((mpn_double_digit)numer[j+n-1]);
q_hat = temp / (mpn_double_digit) denom[n-1];
r_hat = temp % (mpn_double_digit) denom[n-1];
if (q_hat >= BASE ||
((q_hat * denom[n-2]) > ((r_hat << DIGIT_BITS) + numer[j+n-2]))) {
r_hat += denom[n-1];
if (r_hat < BASE) goto recheck;
SASSERT(q_hat < BASE);
// Replace numer[j+n]...numer[j] with
// numer[j+n]...numer[j] - q * (denom[n-1]...denom[0])
mpn_digit q_hat_small = (mpn_digit)q_hat;
mul(&q_hat_small, 1, denom.data(), n, ms.data());
sub(&numer[j], n+1, ms.data(), n+1, &numer[j], &borrow);
quot[j] = q_hat_small;
if (borrow) {
unsigned real_size;
add(denom.data(), n, &numer[j], n+1, ab.data(), n+2, &real_size);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n+1; i++)
numer[j+i] = ab[i];
TRACE("mpn_div", tout << "q_hat=" << q_hat << " r_hat=" << r_hat;
tout << " ms="; display_raw(tout, ms.data(), n);
tout << " new numer="; display_raw(tout, numer.data(), m+n+1);
tout << " borrow=" << borrow;
tout << std::endl; );
return true; // return rem != 0?
char * mpn_manager::to_string(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lng, char * buf, unsigned lbuf) const {
SASSERT(buf && lbuf > 0);
TRACE("mpn_to_string", tout << "[mpn] to_string "; display_raw(tout, a, lng); tout << " == "; );
if (lng == 1) {
#ifdef _WINDOWS
sprintf_s(buf, lbuf, "%u", *a);
snprintf(buf, lbuf, "%u", *a);
else {
mpn_sbuffer temp(lng, 0), t_numer(lng+1, 0), t_denom(1, 0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lng; i++)
temp[i] = a[i];
unsigned j = 0;
mpn_digit rem;
mpn_digit ten = 10;
while (!temp.empty() && (temp.size() > 1 || temp[0] != 0)) {
unsigned d = div_normalize(&temp[0], temp.size(), &ten, 1, t_numer, t_denom);
div_1(t_numer, t_denom[0], &temp[0]);
div_unnormalize(t_numer, t_denom, d, &rem);
buf[j++] = '0' + rem;
while (!temp.empty() && temp.back() == 0)
buf[j] = 0;
unsigned mid = (j/2) + ((j % 2) ? 1 : 0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mid; i++)
std::swap(buf[i], buf[j-i]);
TRACE("mpn_to_string", tout << buf << std::endl; );
return buf;
void mpn_manager::display_raw(std::ostream & out, mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lng) const {
out << "[";
for (unsigned i = lng; i-- > 0; ) { out << a[i]; if (i != 0) out << "|"; }
out << "]";
void mpn_manager::trace(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lnga,
mpn_digit const * b, unsigned lngb,
const char * op) const {
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
char char_buf[4096];
TRACE("mpn", tout << "[mpn] " << to_string(a, lnga, char_buf, sizeof(char_buf));
tout << " " << op << " " << to_string(b, lngb, char_buf, sizeof(char_buf));
tout << " == "; );
void mpn_manager::trace(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lnga) const {
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
char char_buf[4096];
TRACE("mpn", tout << to_string(a, lnga, char_buf, sizeof(char_buf)); );
void mpn_manager::trace_nl(mpn_digit const * a, unsigned lnga) const {
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
char char_buf[4096];
TRACE("mpn", tout << to_string(a, lnga, char_buf, sizeof(char_buf)) << std::endl; );