z3-z3-4.13.0.src.util.state_graph.h Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Data structure for incrementally tracking "live" and "dead" states in an
abstract transition system.
Caleb Stanford (calebstanford-msr / cdstanford) 2020-7
#pragma once
#include "util/map.h"
#include "util/uint_set.h"
#include "util/union_find.h"
#include "util/vector.h"
Data structure which is capable of incrementally tracking
live states and dead states.
"States" are integers. States and edges are added to the data
structure incrementally.
- States can be marked as "live" or "done".
"Done" signals that (1) no more outgoing edges will be
added and (2) the state will not be marked as live. The data
structure then tracks
which other states are live (can reach a live state), dead
(can't reach a live state), or neither.
- Some edges are labeled as not contained in a cycle. This is to
optimize search if it is known by the user of the structure
that no cycle will ever contain this edge.
Internally, we use union_find to identify states within an SCC,
and incrementally update SCCs, while propagating backwards
live and dead SCCs.
class state_graph {
/* Wrapper for custom callback function for pretty printing states */
struct state_pp {
/* Pointer to object that owns m_pp_state, it must be passed as the first argument to m_pp_state */
void* m_printer;
/* Pointer to function that pretty prints a state label into the stream (html-encoded if the last argument is true) */
void (*m_pp_state)(void*, std::ostream&, unsigned, bool);
/* Pointer to object that owns f */
void* p,
/* Pointer to function that pretty prints a state label into the stream (html-encoded if the last argument is true) */
void (*f)(void*, std::ostream&, unsigned, bool)) : m_printer(p), m_pp_state(f) {}
/* call back to m_printer using m_pp_state to pretty print state_id to the given stream (html-encoded by default) */
std::ostream& pp_state_label(std::ostream& out, unsigned state_id, bool html_encode = true) const {
if (m_printer && m_pp_state)
(*m_pp_state)(m_printer, out, state_id, html_encode);
return out;
typedef unsigned state;
typedef uint_set state_set;
typedef u_map edge_rel;
typedef basic_union_find state_ufind;
All states are internally exactly one of:
- live: known to reach a live state
- dead: known to never reach a live state
- unknown: all outgoing edges have been added, but the
state is not known to be live or dead
- unexplored: not all outgoing edges have been added
As SCCs are merged, some states become aliases, and a
union find data structure collapses a now obsolete
state to its current representative. m_seen keeps track
of states we have seen, including obsolete states.
state_set m_live;
state_set m_dead;
state_set m_unknown;
state_set m_unexplored;
state_set m_seen;
state_ufind m_state_ufind;
Edges are saved in both from and to maps.
A subset of edges are also marked as possibly being
part of a cycle by being stored in m_sources_maybecycle.
edge_rel m_sources;
edge_rel m_targets;
edge_rel m_sources_maybecycle;
Pretty printer for states
state_pp m_state_pp;
*** To enable checking invariants, run z3 with -dbg:state_graph
(must also be in debug mode) ***
State invariants:
- live, dead, unknown, and unexplored form a partition of
the set of roots in m_state_ufind
- all of these are subsets of m_seen
- everything in m_seen is an integer less than the number of variables
in m_state_ufind
Edge invariants:
- all edges are between roots of m_state_ufind
- m_sources and m_targets are converses of each other
- no self-loops
- m_sources_maybecycle is a subrelation of m_sources
Relationship between states and edges:
- every state with a live target is live
- every state with a dead source is dead
- every state with only dead targets is dead
- there are no cycles of unknown states on maybecycle edges
#ifdef Z3DEBUG
bool is_subset(state_set set1, state_set set2) const;
bool is_disjoint(state_set set1, state_set set2) const;
bool check_invariant() const;
Output the whole state graph in dgml format into the file '.z3-state-graph.dgml'
bool write_dgml();
Output the whole state graph in dot format into the file '.z3-state-graph.dot'
bool write_dot();
'Core' functions that modify the plain graph, without
updating SCCs or propagating live/dead state information.
These are for internal use only.
void add_state_core(state s); // unexplored + seen
void remove_state_core(state s); // unknown + seen -> seen
void mark_unknown_core(state s); // unexplored -> unknown
void mark_live_core(state s); // unknown -> live
void mark_dead_core(state s); // unknown -> dead
void add_edge_core(state s1, state s2, bool maybecycle);
void remove_edge_core(state s1, state s2);
void rename_edge_core(state old1, state old2, state new1, state new2);
state merge_states(state s1, state s2);
state merge_states(state_set& s_set);
Algorithmic search routines
- live state propagation
- dead state propagation
- cycle / strongly-connected component detection
void mark_live_recursive(state s);
bool all_targets_dead(state s);
void mark_dead_recursive(state s);
state merge_all_cycles(state s);
state_graph(state_pp p):
m_live(), m_dead(), m_unknown(), m_unexplored(), m_seen(),
m_state_ufind(), m_sources(), m_targets(), m_sources_maybecycle(), m_state_pp(p)
CASSERT("state_graph", check_invariant());
Exposed methods
These methods may be called in any order, as long as:
- states are added before edges are added between them
- outgoing edges are not added from a done state
- a done state is not marked as live
- edges are not added creating a cycle containing an edge with
maybecycle = false (this is not necessary for soundness, but
prevents completeness for successfully detecting dead states)
void add_state(state s);
void add_edge(state s1, state s2, bool maybecycle);
void mark_live(state s);
void mark_done(state s);
bool is_seen(state s) const;
bool is_live(state s) const;
bool is_dead(state s) const;
bool is_done(state s) const;
unsigned get_size() const;
Pretty printing
std::ostream& display(std::ostream& o) const;