oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.Expression Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt or
* See the License for the specific language governing
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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// Copyright (c) 1998, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
package oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions;
import java.util.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.localization.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
* Purpose: Define an object-level representation of a database query where clause.
* Description: An expression is a tree-like structure that defines the selection
* criteria for a query against objects in the database. The expression has the advantage
* over SQL by being at the object-level, i.e. the object model attributes and relationships
* can be used to be query on instead of the database field names.
* Because it is an object, not a string the expression has the advantage that is can be
* easily manipulated through code to easily build complex selection criterias.
* Responsibilities:
* - Store the selection criteria in a tree-like structure.
- Support public manipulation protocols for all comparison and function opperators.
- Use opperator overloading to support all primitive types as well as objects.
public abstract class Expression implements Serializable, Cloneable {
/** Required for serialization compatibility. */
static final long serialVersionUID = -5979150600092006081L;
/** Temporary values for table aliasing */
protected transient DatabaseTable lastTable;
protected transient DatabaseTable currentAlias;
protected boolean selectIfOrderedBy = true;
* Base Expression Constructor. Not generally used by Developers
public Expression() {
* Function, return an expression that adds to a date based on
* the specified datePart. This is eqivalent to the Sybase DATEADD funtion.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("date").addDate("year", 2)
* Java: NA
* SQL: DATEADD(date, 2, year)
public Expression addDate(String datePart, int numberToAdd) {
return addDate(datePart, new Integer(numberToAdd));
* Function, return an expression that adds to a date based on
* the specified datePart. This is eqivalent to the Sybase DATEADD funtion.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("date").addDate("year", 2)
* Java: NA
* SQL: DATEADD(date, 2, year)
public Expression addDate(String datePart, Object numberToAdd) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.AddDate);
FunctionExpression expression = new FunctionExpression();
expression.addChild(Expression.fromLiteral(datePart, this));
expression.addChild(Expression.from(numberToAdd, this));
return expression;
* Function, to add months to a date.
public Expression addMonths(int months) {
return addMonths(new Integer(months));
* Function, to add months to a date.
public Expression addMonths(Object months) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.AddMonths);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, months);
* Find the alias for a given table
public DatabaseTable aliasForTable(DatabaseTable table) {
return null;
* PUBLIC: Returns an expression equivalent to all of attributeName
* holding true for criteria
* For every expression with an anyOf, its negation has either an allOf or a
* noneOf. The following two examples will illustrate as the second is the
* negation of the first:
* AnyOf Example: Employees with a non '613' area code phone number.
* ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);
* ExpressionBuilder employee = new ExpressionBuilder();
* Expression exp = employee.anyOf("phoneNumbers").get("areaCode").notEqual("613");
* AllOf Example: Employees with all '613' area code phone numbers.
* ExpressionBuilder employee = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ExpressionBuilder phones = new ExpressionBuilder();
* Expression exp = employee.allOf("phoneNumbers", phones.get("areaCode").equal("613"));
* SQL:
* (t0.EMP_ID = t1.EMP_ID) AND NOT (t1.AREACODE = '613'))
* allOf is the universal counterpart to the existential anyOf. To have the
* condition evaluated for each instance it must be put inside of a subquery,
* which can be expressed as not exists (any of attributeName some condition).
* (All x such that y = !Exist x such that !y).
Likewise the syntax employee.allOf("phoneNumbers").get("areaCode").equal("613")
* is not supported for the equal
must go inside a subQuery.
* This method saves you from writing the sub query yourself. The above is
* equivalent to the following expression:
* ExpressionBuilder employee = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ExpressionBuilder phone = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Phone.class, phone);
* subQuery.retreivePrimaryKeys();
* subQuery.setSelectionCriteria(phone.equal(employee.anyOf("phoneNumbers").and(
* phone.get("areaCode").notEqual("613")));
* Expression exp = employee.notExists(subQuery);
* Note if employee has no phone numbers allOf ~ noneOf.
* @param criteria must have its own builder, as it will become the
* seperate selection criteria of a subQuery.
* @return a notExists subQuery expression
public Expression allOf(String attributeName, Expression criteria) {
ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery();
Expression builder = criteria.getBuilder();
criteria = builder.equal(anyOf(attributeName)).and(criteria.not());
return notExists(subQuery);
* Return an expression that is the boolean logical combination of both expressions.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "AND" operator and the Java "&&" operator.
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equal("Bob").and(employee.get("lastName").equal("Smith"))
* Java: (employee.getFirstName().equals("Bob")) && (employee.getLastName().equals("Smith"))
* SQL: F_NAME = 'Bob' AND L_NAME = 'Smith'
public Expression and(Expression theExpression) {
// Allow ands with null.
if (theExpression == null) {
return this;
ExpressionBuilder base = getBuilder();
Expression expressionToUse = theExpression;
// Ensure the same builder, unless a parralel query is used.
// For flashback added an extra condition: if left side is a 'NullExpression'
// then rebuild on it regardless.
if ((theExpression.getBuilder() != base) && ((base == this) || (theExpression.getBuilder().getQueryClass() == null))) {
expressionToUse = theExpression.rebuildOn(base);
if (base == this) {// Allow and to be sent to the builder.
return expressionToUse;
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.And);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, expressionToUse);
* Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship.
* This allows you to query whether any of the "many" side of the relationship satisfies the remaining criteria.
* Example:
* Format
* Equivalent
* TopLink
* ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);
* ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
* Expression exp = builder.get("id").equal("14858");
* exp = exp.or(builder.anyOf("managedEmployees").get("firstName").equal("Bob"));
* Java
* No direct equivalent
* SELECT DISTINCT ... WHERE (t2.MGR_ID (+) = t1.ID) AND (t2.F_NAME = 'Bob')
public Expression anyOf(String attributeName) {
QueryKeyExpression queryKey = (QueryKeyExpression)get(attributeName);
return queryKey;
* Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship.
* This allows you to query whether any of the "many" side of the relationship satisfies the remaining criteria.
* This version of the anyOf operation performs an outer join.
* Outer joins allow the join to performed even if the target of the relationship is empty.
* NOTE: outer joins are not supported on all database and have differing symantics.
* Example:
* Format
* Equivalent
* TopLink
* ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);
* ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
* Expression exp = builder.get("id").equal("14858");
* exp = exp.or(builder.anyOfAllowingNone("managedEmployees").get("firstName").equal("Bob"));
* Java
* No direct equivalent
* SELECT DISTINCT ... WHERE (t2.MGR_ID (+) = t1.ID) AND (t2.F_NAME = 'Bob')
public Expression anyOfAllowingNone(String attributeName) {
QueryKeyExpression queryKey = (QueryKeyExpression)getAllowingNull(attributeName);
return queryKey;
* This can only be used within an ordering expression.
* It will order the result ascending.
* Example:
* readAllQuery.addOrderBy(expBuilder.get("address").get("city").ascending())
public Expression ascending() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Ascending);
* Function, returns the single character strings ascii value.
public Expression asciiValue() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Ascii);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Alias a particular table within this node
protected void assignAlias(String name, DatabaseTable tableOrExpression) {
// By default, do nothing.
* Assign aliases to any tables which I own. Start with t,
* and return the new value of the counter , i.e. if initialValue is one
* and I have tables ADDRESS and EMPLOYEE I will assign them t1 and t2 respectively, and return 3.
public int assignTableAliasesStartingAt(int initialValue) {
if (hasBeenAliased()) {
return initialValue;
int counter = initialValue;
Vector ownedTables = getOwnedTables();
if (ownedTables != null) {
for (Enumeration e = ownedTables.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
assignAlias("t" + counter, (DatabaseTable)e.nextElement());
return counter;
* Function, This represents the aggregate function Average. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression average() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Average);
* Function, between two bytes
public Expression between(byte leftValue, byte rightValue) {
return between(new Byte(leftValue), new Byte(rightValue));
* Function, between two chars
public Expression between(char leftChar, char rightChar) {
return between(new Character(leftChar), new Character(rightChar));
* Function, between two doubles
public Expression between(double leftValue, double rightValue) {
return between(new Double(leftValue), new Double(rightValue));
* Function, between two floats
public Expression between(float leftValue, float rightValue) {
return between(new Float(leftValue), new Float(rightValue));
* Function, between two ints
public Expression between(int leftValue, int rightValue) {
return between(new Integer(leftValue), new Integer(rightValue));
* Function, between two longs
public Expression between(long leftValue, long rightValue) {
return between(new Long(leftValue), new Long(rightValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is between two other values.
* This means the receiver's value is greater than or equal to the leftValue argument and less than or equal to the
* rightValue argument.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "BETWEEN AND" operator and Java ">=", "<=;" operators.
* TopLink: employee.get("age").between(19,50)
* Java: (employee.getAge() >= 19) && (employee.getAge() <= 50)
public Expression between(Object leftValue, Object rightValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Between);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
public Expression between(Expression leftExpression, Expression rightExpression) {
return between((Object)leftExpression, (Object)rightExpression);
* Function, between two shorts
public Expression between(short leftValue, short rightValue) {
return between(new Short(leftValue), new Short(rightValue));
* Function Convert values returned by the query to values
* given in the caseItems hashtable. The equivalent of
* the Oracle CASE function
* Example:
* Hashtable caseTable = new Hashtable();
* caseTable.put("Robert", "Bob");
* caseTable.put("Susan", "Sue");
* TopLink: employee.get("name").caseStatement(caseTable, "No-Nickname")
* Java: NA
* SQL: CASE name WHEN "Robert" THEN "Bob"
* WHEN "Susan" THEN "Sue"
* ELSE "No-Nickname"
* @param caseItems java.util.Hashtable
* a hashtable containing the items to be processed. Keys represent
* the items to match coming from the query. Values represent what
* a key will be changed to.
* @param defaultItem java.lang.String the default value that will be used if none of the keys in the
* hashtable match
public Expression caseStatement(Hashtable caseItems, String defaultItem) {
* case (like decode) works differently than most of the functionality in the expression
* framework. It takes a variable number of arguments and as a result, the printed strings
* for a case call have to be built when the number of arguments are known.
* As a result, we do not look up case in the ExpressionOperator. Instead we build
* the whole operator here. The side effect of this is that case will not throw
* an invalid operator exception for any platform. (Even the ones that do not support
* case)
ExpressionOperator anOperator = new ExpressionOperator();
Vector v = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(caseItems.size() + 1);
v.addElement("CASE ");
FunctionExpression expression = new FunctionExpression();
Enumeration enumeration = caseItems.keys();
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
Object key = enumeration.nextElement();
expression.addChild(Expression.from(key, this));
expression.addChild(Expression.from(caseItems.get(key), this));
v.addElement(" WHEN ");
v.addElement(" THEN ");
v.addElement(" ELSE ");
expression.addChild(Expression.from(defaultItem, this));
v.addElement(" END");
return expression;
* Clone the expression maintaining clone identity in the inter-connected expression graph.
public Object clone() {
// 2612538 - the default size of IdentityHashtable (32) is appropriate
Dictionary alreadyDone = new IdentityHashtable();
return copiedVersionFrom(alreadyDone);
* This expression is built on a different base than the one we want. Rebuild it and
* return the root of the new tree.
* This method will rebuildOn the receiver even it is a parallel select or a
* sub select: it will not replace every base with newBase.
* Also it will rebuild using anyOf as appropriate not get.
* @see oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping#batchedValueFromRow
* @see #rebuildOn(Expression)
public Expression cloneUsing(Expression newBase) {
// 2612538 - the default size of IdentityHashtable (32) is appropriate
Dictionary alreadyDone = new IdentityHashtable();
// cloneUsing is identical to cloning save that the primary builder
// will be replaced not with its clone but with newBase.
// ExpressionBuilder.registerIn() will check for this newBase with
// alreadyDone.get(alreadyDone);
// copiedVersionFrom() must be called on the primary builder before
// other builders.
alreadyDone.put(alreadyDone, newBase);
return copiedVersionFrom(alreadyDone);
* Function, returns the concatenation of the two string values.
public Expression concat(Object left) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Concat);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, left);
* Return an expression that performs a key word search.
* Example:
* TopLink: project.get("description").containsAllKeyWords("TopLink rdbms java")
public Expression containsAllKeyWords(String spaceSeperatedKeyWords) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(spaceSeperatedKeyWords);
Expression expression = null;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (expression == null) {
expression = containsSubstringIgnoringCase(token);
} else {
expression = expression.and(containsSubstringIgnoringCase(token));
if (expression == null) {
return like("%");
} else {
return expression;
* Return an expression that performs a key word search.
* Example:
* TopLink: project.get("description").containsAllKeyWords("TopLink rdbms java")
public Expression containsAnyKeyWords(String spaceSeperatedKeyWords) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(spaceSeperatedKeyWords);
Expression expression = null;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (expression == null) {
expression = containsSubstringIgnoringCase(token);
} else {
expression = expression.or(containsSubstringIgnoringCase(token));
if (expression == null) {
return like("%");
} else {
return expression;
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstring("Bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().indexOf("Bob") != -1
public Expression containsSubstring(String theValue) {
return like("%" + theValue + "%");
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstring("Bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().indexOf("Bob") != -1
public Expression containsSubstring(Expression expression) {
return like((value("%").concat(expression)).concat("%"));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring, ignoring case.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstringIgnoringCase("Bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().toUpperCase().indexOf("BOB") != -1
public Expression containsSubstringIgnoringCase(String theValue) {
return toUpperCase().containsSubstring(theValue.toUpperCase());
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value contains the substring, ignoring case.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").containsSubstringIgnoringCase("Bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().toUpperCase().indexOf("BOB") != -1
public Expression containsSubstringIgnoringCase(Expression expression) {
return toUpperCase().containsSubstring(expression.toUpperCase());
* Modify this individual expression node to use outer joins wherever there are
* equality operations between two field nodes.
protected void convertNodeToUseOuterJoin() {
* Modify this expression to use outer joins wherever there are
* equality operations between two field nodes.
public Expression convertToUseOuterJoin() {
ExpressionIterator iterator = new ExpressionIterator() {
public void iterate(Expression each) {
return this;
public Expression copiedVersionFrom(Dictionary alreadyDone) {
Expression existing = (Expression)alreadyDone.get(this);
if (existing == null) {
return registerIn(alreadyDone);
} else {
return existing;
* This represents the aggregate function Average. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression count() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Count);
public Expression create(Expression base, Object singleArgument, ExpressionOperator anOperator) {
// This is a replacement for real class methods in Java. Instead of returning a new instance we create it, then
// mutate it using this method.
return this;
public Expression createWithBaseLast(Expression base, Object singleArgument, ExpressionOperator anOperator) {
// This is a replacement for real class methods in Java. Instead of returning a new instance we create it, then
// mutate it using this method.
return this;
public Expression create(Expression base, Vector arguments, ExpressionOperator anOperator) {
// This is a replacement for real class methods in Java. Instead of returning a new instance we create it, then
// mutate it using this method.
return this;
* This gives access to the current timestamp on the database through expression.
* Please note, this method is added for consistency and returns the same
* result as currentDate.
public Expression currentTimeStamp() {
return currentDate();
* This gives access to the current date on the database through expression.
public Expression currentDate() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Today);
* This gives access to the current date only on the database through expression.
* Note the difference between currentDate() and this method. This method does
* not return the time portion of current date where as currentDate() does.
public Expression currentDateDate() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.CurrentDate);
* This gives access to the current time only on the database through expression.
* Note the difference between currentDate() and this method. This method does
* not return the date portion where as currentDate() does.
public Expression currentTime() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.CurrentTime);
* Function, Return the difference between the queried part of a date(i.e. years, days etc.)
* and same part of the given date. The equivalent of the Sybase function DateDiff
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("date").dateDifference("year", new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
* Java: NA
public Expression dateDifference(String datePart, java.util.Date date) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.DateDifference);
FunctionExpression expression = new FunctionExpression();
expression.addChild(Expression.fromLiteral(datePart, this));
expression.addChild(Expression.from(date, this));
return expression;
* Function, Return the difference between the queried part of a date(i.e. years, days etc.)
* and same part of the given date. The equivalent of the Sybase function DateDiff
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("date").dateDifference("year", new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
* Java: NA
public Expression dateDifference(String datePart, Expression comparisonExpression) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.DateDifference);
FunctionExpression expression = new FunctionExpression();
expression.addChild(Expression.fromLiteral(datePart, this));
return expression;
* return a string that represents the given part of a date. The equivalent
* of the Sybase DATENAME function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("date").dateName("year")
* Java: new String(date.getYear())
* SQL: DATENAME(date, year)
public Expression dateName(String datePart) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.DateName);
FunctionExpression expression = new FunctionExpression();
expression.addChild(Expression.fromLiteral(datePart, this));
return expression;
* Function return an integer which represents the requested
* part of the date. Equivalent of the Sybase function DATEPART
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("date").datePart("year")
* Java: date.getYear()
* SQL: DATEPART(date, year)
* */
public Expression datePart(String datePart) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.DatePart);
FunctionExpression expression = new FunctionExpression();
expression.addChild(Expression.fromLiteral(datePart, this));
return expression;
* Function, returns the date converted to the string value in the default database format.
public Expression dateToString() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.DateToString);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function Convert values returned by the query to values
* given in the decodeableItems hashtable. The equivalent of
* the Oracle DECODE function. Note: This will only work on databases that support
* Decode with the syntax below.
* Example:
* Hashtable decodeTable = new Hashtable();
* decodeTable.put("Robert", "Bob");
* decodeTable.put("Susan", "Sue");
* TopLink: employee.get("name").Decode(decodeTable, "No-Nickname")
* Java: NA
* SQL: DECODE(name, "Robert", "Bob", "Susan", "Sue", "No-Nickname")
* @param decodeableItems java.util.Hashtable
* a hashtable containing the items to be decoded. Keys represent
* the items to match coming from the query. Values represent what
* a key will be changed to.
* @param defaultItem
* the default value that will be used if none of the keys in the
* hashtable match
public Expression decode(Hashtable decodeableItems, String defaultItem) {
* decode works differently than most of the functionality in the expression framework.
* It takes a variable number of arguments and as a result, the printed strings for
* a decode call have to be built when the number of arguments are known.
* As a result, we do not look up decode in the ExpressionOperator. Instead we build
* the whole operator here. The side effect of this is that decode will not thrown
* an invalid operator exception for any platform. (Even the ones that do not support
* decode)
ExpressionOperator anOperator = new ExpressionOperator();
Vector v = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(decodeableItems.size() + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < ((decodeableItems.size() * 2) + 1); i++) {
v.addElement(", ");
FunctionExpression expression = new FunctionExpression();
Enumeration enumeration = decodeableItems.keys();
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
Object key = enumeration.nextElement();
expression.addChild(Expression.from(key, this));
expression.addChild(Expression.from(decodeableItems.get(key), this));
expression.addChild(Expression.from(defaultItem, this));
return expression;
* This can only be used within an ordering expression.
* It will order the result descending.
* Example:
* readAllQuery.addOrderBy(expBuilder.get("address").get("city").descending())
public Expression descending() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Descending);
* Used in debug printing of this node.
public String descriptionOfNodeType() {
return "Expression";
* Check if any element in theObjects is Expression.
public boolean detectExpression(Vector theObjects) {
boolean foundExpression = false;
int size = theObjects.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object element = theObjects.get(i);
if (element instanceof Expression) {
foundExpression = true;
return foundExpression;
* Function return a value which indicates how much difference there is
* between two expressions. Equivalent of the Sybase DIFFERENCE function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("name").difference("Frank")
* SQL: DIFFERENCE(name, 'Frank')
* */
public Expression difference(String expression) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Difference);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, expression);
* Function, This represents the distinct option inside an aggregate function. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression distinct() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Distinct);
* Check if the object conforms to the expression in memory.
* This is used for in-memory querying.
* By default throw an exception as all valid root expressions must override.
* If the expression in not able to determine if the object conform throw a not supported exception.
public boolean doesConform(Object object, AbstractSession session, AbstractRecord translationRow, InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy valueHolderPolicy) throws QueryException {
return doesConform(object, session, translationRow, valueHolderPolicy, false);
* New parameter added to doesConform for feature 2612601
* @param isObjectRegistered true if object possibly not a clone, but is being
* conformed against the unit of work cache; if object is not in the UOW cache
* but some of its attributes are, use the registered versions of
* object's attributes for the purposes of this method.
public boolean doesConform(Object object, AbstractSession session, AbstractRecord translationRow, InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy valueHolderPolicy, boolean objectIsUnregistered) throws QueryException {
throw QueryException.cannotConformExpression();
public Expression equal(byte theValue) {
return equal(new Byte(theValue));
public Expression equal(char theChar) {
return equal(new Character(theChar));
public Expression equal(double theValue) {
return equal(new Double(theValue));
public Expression equal(float theValue) {
return equal(new Float(theValue));
public Expression equal(int theValue) {
return equal(new Integer(theValue));
public Expression equal(long theValue) {
return equal(new Long(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equal("Bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().equals("Bob")
* SQL: F_NAME = 'Bob'
public Expression equal(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Equal);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Returns an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
* Since OracleAS TopLink 10g (9.0.4) if this
is an ExpressionBuilder
and theValue
* is not used elsewhere, both will be translated to the same table. This can
* generate SQL with one less join for most exists subqueries.
* TopLink: employee.get("manager").equal(employee)
* Java: employee.getManager().equals(employee)
* SQL (optimized): EMP_ID = MANAGER_ID
* SQL (unoptimized): t0.MANAGER_ID = t1.EMP_ID AND t0.EMP_ID = t1.EMP_ID
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression equal(Expression theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Equal);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
public Expression equal(short theValue) {
return equal(new Short(theValue));
public Expression equal(boolean theBoolean) {
return equal(new Boolean(theBoolean));
* Return an expression representing an outer join comparison
// cr3546
public Expression equalOuterJoin(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.EqualOuterJoin);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression representing an outer join comparison
public Expression equalOuterJoin(Expression theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.EqualOuterJoin);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value, ignoring case.
* This is equivalent to the Java "equalsIgnoreCase" method.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equalsIgnoreCase("Bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().equalsIgnoreCase("Bob")
public Expression equalsIgnoreCase(String theValue) {
return toUpperCase().equal(theValue.toUpperCase());
* Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is equal to the other value, ignoring case.
* This is equivalent to the Java "equalsIgnoreCase" method.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equalsIgnoreCase("Bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().equalsIgnoreCase("Bob")
public Expression equalsIgnoreCase(Expression theValue) {
return toUpperCase().equal(theValue.toUpperCase());
* Return a sub query expression.
* A sub query using a report query to define a subselect within another queries expression or select's where clause.
* The sub query (the report query) will use its own expression builder be can reference expressions from the base expression builder.
* Example:
* ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Employee.class, new ExpressionBuilder());
* subQuery.setSelectionCriteria(subQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("name").equal(builder.get("name")));
* builder.exists(subQuery);
public Expression exists(ReportQuery subQuery) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Exists);
return anOperator.expressionFor(subQuery(subQuery));
* Extract the primary key from the expression into the row.
* Ensure that the query is quering the exact primary key.
* Return false if not on the primary key.
public boolean extractPrimaryKeyValues(boolean requireExactMatch, ClassDescriptor descriptor, AbstractRecord primaryKeyRow, AbstractRecord translationRow) {
return false;
* Create an expression node.
public static Expression from(Object value, Expression base) {
//CR#... null value used to return null, must build a null constant expression.
if (value instanceof Expression) {
Expression exp = (Expression)value;
if (exp.isValueExpression()) {
} else {
// We don't know which side of the relationship cares about the other one, so notify both
// However for 3107049 value.equal(value) would cause infinite loop if did that.
return exp;
if (value instanceof ReportQuery) {
Expression exp = base.subQuery((ReportQuery)value);
exp.setLocalBase(base);// We don't know which side of the relationship cares about the other one, so notify both
return exp;
return fromConstant(value, base);
* Create an expression node.
public static Expression fromConstant(Object value, Expression base) {
return new ConstantExpression(value, base);
* Create an expression node.
public static Expression fromLiteral(String value, Expression base) {
return new LiteralExpression(value, base);
* Return an expression that wraps the attribute or query key name.
* This method is used to construct user-defined queries containing joins.
* Example:
* builder.get("address").get("city").equal("Ottawa");
public Expression get(String attributeName) {
return get(attributeName, null);
public Expression get(String attributeName, Vector arguments) {
return null;
* Return an expression that wraps the attribute or query key name.
* This is only applicable to 1:1 relationships, and allows the target of
* the relationship to be null if there is no correspondingn relationship in the database.
* Implemented via an outer join in the database.
* Example:
* builder.getAllowingNull("address").get("city").equal("Ottawa");
public Expression getAllowingNull(String attributeName) {
return getAllowingNull(attributeName, null);
public Expression getAllowingNull(String attributeName, Vector arguments) {
/* this is meaningless for expressions in general */
return get(attributeName, arguments);
* Return the expression builder which is the ultimate base of this expression, or
* null if there isn't one (shouldn't happen if we start from a root)
public abstract ExpressionBuilder getBuilder();
* If there are any fields associated with this expression, return them
public DatabaseField getClonedField() {
return null;
* Return an expression representing a field in a data-level query.
* This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving
* fields and/or tables that are not mapped.
* Example:
* builder.getField("ADDR_ID").greaterThan(100);
* builder.getTable("PROJ_EMP").getField("TYPE").equal("S");
public Expression getField(String fieldName) {
throw QueryException.illegalUseOfGetField(fieldName);
* ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a field in a data-level query.
* This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving
* fields and/or tables that are not mapped.
* Example:
* builder.getField(aField).greaterThan(100);
public Expression getField(DatabaseField field) {
throw QueryException.illegalUseOfGetField(field);
public Vector getFields() {
return oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);
* Transform the object-level value into a database-level value
public Object getFieldValue(Object objectValue) {
return objectValue;
* This can be used for accessing user defined functions.
* The operator must be defined in ExpressionOperator to be able to reference it.
* @see ExpressionOperator
* Example:
* builder.get("name").getFunction(MyFunctions.FOO_BAR).greaterThan(100);
public Expression getFunction(int selector) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(selector);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* This can be used for accessing user defined functions that have arguments.
* The operator must be defined in ExpressionOperator to be able to reference it.
* @see ExpressionOperator
* Example:
* Vector arguments = new Vector();
* arguments.addElement("blee");
* builder.get("name").getFunction(MyFunctions.FOO_BAR, arguments).greaterThan(100);
public Expression getFunction(int selector, Vector arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(selector);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, arguments);
* Return a user defined function accepting the argument.
* The function is assumed to be a normal prefix function and will print like, UPPER(base).
* Example:
* builder.get("firstName").getFunction("UPPER");
public Expression getFunction(String functionName) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = ExpressionOperator.simpleFunction(0, functionName);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Return a user defined function accepting the argument.
* The function is assumed to be a normal prefix function and will print like, CONCAT(base, argument).
public Expression getFunction(String functionName, Object argument) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = ExpressionOperator.simpleTwoArgumentFunction(0, functionName);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, argument);
* Return a user defined function accepting all of the arguments.
* The function is assumed to be a normal prefix function like, CONCAT(base, value1, value2, value3, ...).
public Expression getFunctionWithArguments(String functionName, Vector arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = new ExpressionOperator();
Vector v = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(arguments.size());
v.addElement(functionName + "(");
for (int index = 0; index < arguments.size(); index++) {
v.addElement(", ");
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, arguments);
public String getName() {
return "";
* Most expression have operators, so this is just a convenience method.
public ExpressionOperator getOperator() {
return null;
* Create a new expression tree with the named operator. Part of the implementation of user-level "get"
public ExpressionOperator getOperator(int selector) {
ExpressionOperator result = ExpressionOperator.getOperator(new Integer(selector));
if (result != null) {
return result;
// Make a temporary operator which we expect the platform
// to supply later.
result = new ExpressionOperator();
return result;
* Return the tables that this node owns for purposes of table aliasing.
public Vector getOwnedTables() {
return null;
* Return an expression representing a parameter with the given name and type
public Expression getParameter(String parameterName, Object type) {
return new ParameterExpression(parameterName, this, type);
* Return an expression representing a parameter with the given name.
public Expression getParameter(String parameterName) {
return new ParameterExpression(parameterName, this, null);
* Return an expression representing a parameter with the given name.
public Expression getParameter(DatabaseField field) {
return new ParameterExpression(field, this);
public AbstractSession getSession() {
return getBuilder().getSession();
* ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a table in a data-level query.
* This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving
* fields and/or tables that are not mapped.
* Example:
* builder.getTable("PROJ_EMP").getField("TYPE").equal("S");
public Expression getTable(String tableName) {
DatabaseTable table = new DatabaseTable(tableName);
return getTable(table);
* ADVANCED: Return an expression representing a table in a data-level query.
* This is used internally in TopLink, or to construct queries involving
* fields and/or tables that are not mapped.
* Example:
* builder.getTable(linkTable).getField("TYPE").equal("S");
public Expression getTable(DatabaseTable table) {
throw QueryException.illegalUseOfGetTable(table);
* Return the aliases used. By default, return null, since we don't have tables.
public TableAliasLookup getTableAliases() {
return null;
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(byte theValue) {
return greaterThan(new Byte(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(char theChar) {
return greaterThan(new Character(theChar));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(double theValue) {
return greaterThan(new Double(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(float theValue) {
return greaterThan(new Float(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(int theValue) {
return greaterThan(new Integer(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(long theValue) {
return greaterThan(new Long(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receiver's value is greater than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">" operator.
public Expression greaterThan(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.GreaterThan);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
public Expression greaterThan(Expression theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.GreaterThan);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(short theValue) {
return greaterThan(new Short(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "=" operator and Java "equals" method.
public Expression greaterThan(boolean theBoolean) {
return greaterThan(new Boolean(theBoolean));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(byte theValue) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Byte(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(char theChar) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Character(theChar));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(double theValue) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Double(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(float theValue) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Float(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(int theValue) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Integer(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(long theValue) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Long(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.GreaterThanEqual);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(Expression theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.GreaterThanEqual);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(short theValue) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Short(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is greater and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL ">=" operator .
public Expression greaterThanEqual(boolean theBoolean) {
return greaterThanEqual(new Boolean(theBoolean));
* Answers true if this
is to be queried as of a past time.
* @return false from asOf(null); hasAsOfClause()
* @see #getAsOfClause
public boolean hasAsOfClause() {
return false;
* Answers if the database tables associated with this expression have been
* aliased. This insures the same tables are not aliased twice.
public boolean hasBeenAliased() {
return false;
* Function, returns binary array value for the hex string.
public Expression hexToRaw() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.HexToRaw);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function return the a specific value if item returned from the
* query is null. Equivalent of the oracle NVL function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("name").ifNull("no-name")
* Java: NA
* SQL: NVL(name, 'no-name')
public Expression ifNull(Object nullValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Nvl);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, nullValue);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(byte[] theBytes) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBytes.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Byte(theBytes[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(char[] theChars) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theChars.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Character(theChars[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(double[] theDoubles) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theDoubles.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Double(theDoubles[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(float[] theFloats) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theFloats.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Float(theFloats[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(int[] theInts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theInts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Integer(theInts[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(long[] theLongs) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theLongs.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Long(theLongs[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(Object[] theObjects) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theObjects.length; index++) {
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(short[] theShorts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theShorts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Short(theShorts[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression in(boolean[] theBooleans) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBooleans.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Boolean(theBooleans[index]));
return in(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* The collection can be a collection of constants or expressions.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("age").in(agesVector)
* Java: agesVector.contains(employee.getAge())
* SQL: AGE IN (55, 18, 30)
public Expression in(Vector theObjects) {
//If none of the elements in theObjects is expression, build a ConstantExpression with theObjects.
if (!detectExpression(theObjects)) {
return in(new ConstantExpression(theObjects, this));
//Otherwise build a collection of expressions.
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.In);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, theObjects);
public Expression in(Expression arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.In);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, arguments);
public Expression in(ReportQuery subQuery) {
return in(subQuery(subQuery));
* Function, returns the integer index of the substring within the source string.
public Expression indexOf(Object substring) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Instring);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, substring);
public boolean isCompoundExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isConstantExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isDataExpression() {
return false;
* PUBLIC: A logical expression for the collection attributeName
* being empty.
* Equivalent to size(attributeName).equal(0)
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.isEmpty("phoneNumbers")
* Java: employee.getPhoneNumbers().size() == 0
* This is a case where a fast operation in java does not translate to an
* equally fast operation in SQL, requiring a correlated subselect.
* @see #size(java.lang.String)
public Expression isEmpty(String attributeName) {
return size(attributeName).equal(0);
public boolean isExpressionBuilder() {
return false;
public boolean isFieldExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isFunctionExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isLiteralExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isLogicalExpression() {
return false;
* Compare to null.
public Expression isNull() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.IsNull);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
public boolean isObjectExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isParameterExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isQueryKeyExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isRelationExpression() {
return false;
public boolean isTableExpression() {
return false;
* Subclasses implement (isParameterExpression() || isConstantExpression())
public boolean isValueExpression() {
return false;
* For iterating using an inner class
public void iterateOn(ExpressionIterator iterator) {
* Function, returns the date with the last date in the months of this source date.
public Expression lastDay() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LastDay);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
public Expression leftPad(int size, Object substring) {
return leftPad(new Integer(size), substring);
* Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
public Expression leftPad(Object size, Object substring) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LeftPad);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(2);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* Function, returns the string left trimmed for white space.
public Expression leftTrim() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LeftTrim);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns the string with the substring trimed from the left.
public Expression leftTrim(Object substring) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LeftTrim2);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, substring);
* Function, returns the size of the string.
public Expression length() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Length);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(byte theValue) {
return lessThan(new Byte(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(char theChar) {
return lessThan(new Character(theChar));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(double theValue) {
return lessThan(new Double(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(float theValue) {
return lessThan(new Float(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(int theValue) {
return lessThan(new Integer(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(long theValue) {
return lessThan(new Long(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LessThan);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
public Expression lessThan(Expression theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LessThan);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(short theValue) {
return lessThan(new Short(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<" operator.
public Expression lessThan(boolean theBoolean) {
return lessThan(new Boolean(theBoolean));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(byte theValue) {
return lessThanEqual(new Byte(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(char theChar) {
return lessThanEqual(new Character(theChar));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(double theValue) {
return lessThanEqual(new Double(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(float theValue) {
return lessThanEqual(new Float(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(int theValue) {
return lessThanEqual(new Integer(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(long theValue) {
return lessThanEqual(new Long(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LessThanEqual);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(Expression theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LessThanEqual);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(short theValue) {
return lessThanEqual(new Short(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is less than and equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<=" operator.
public Expression lessThanEqual(boolean theBoolean) {
return lessThanEqual(new Boolean(theBoolean));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "LIKE" operator that except wildcards.
* The character "%" means any sequence of characters and the character "_" mean any character.
* i.e. "B%" == "Bob", "B_B" == "BOB"
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").like("B%")
* Java: NA
public Expression like(String value) {
return like(new ConstantExpression(value, this));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "LIKE ESCAPE" operator that except wildcards.
* The character "%" means any sequence of characters and the character "_" mean any character.
* i.e. "B%" == "Bob", "B_B" == "BOB"
* The escape sequence specifies a set of characters the may be used to indicate that
* an one of the wildcard characters should be interpretted literally.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").like("B\_SMITH", "\")
* Java: NA
public Expression like(String value, String escapeSequence) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LikeEscape);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "LIKE" operator that except wildcards.
* The character "%" means any sequence of characters and the character "_" mean any character.
* i.e. "B%" == "Bob", "B_B" == "BOB"
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").like("B%")
* Java: NA
public Expression like(Expression argument) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Like);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, argument);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "LIKE ESCAPE" operator that except wildcards.
* The character "%" means any sequence of characters and the character "_" mean any character.
* i.e. "B%" == "Bob", "B_B" == "BOB"
* The escape sequence specifies a set of characters the may be used to indicate that
* an one of the wildcard characters should be interpretted literally.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").like("B\_SMITH", "\")
* Java: NA
public Expression like(Expression value, Expression escapeSequence) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.LikeEscape);
Vector args = new Vector();
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like the other value, ignoring case.
* This is a case in-sensitive like.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").likeIgnoreCase("%Bob%")
* Java: none
public Expression likeIgnoreCase(String theValue) {
return toUpperCase().like(theValue.toUpperCase());
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like the other value, ignoring case.
* This is a case in-sensitive like.
public Expression likeIgnoreCase(Expression theValue) {
return toUpperCase().like(theValue.toUpperCase());
* Function, returns the position of str
in this
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").locate("ob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().indexOf("ob") + 1
* SQL: LOCATE('ob', t0.F_NAME)
* Note that while in String.locate(str) -1 is returned if not found, and the
* index starting at 0 if found, in SQL it is 0 if not found, and the index
* starting at 1 if found.
public Expression locate(Object str) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Locate);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* Function, returns the position of str
in this
* starting the search at fromIndex
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").locate("ob", 1)
* Java: employee.getFirstName().indexOf("ob", 1) + 1
* SQL: LOCATE('ob', t0.F_NAME, 1)
* Note that while in String.locate(str) -1 is returned if not found, and the
* index starting at 0 if found, in SQL it is 0 if not found, and the index
* starting at 1 if found.
public Expression locate(String str, int fromIndex) {
return locate(str, new Integer(fromIndex));
* Function, returns the position of str
in this
* starting the search at fromIndex
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").locate("ob", 1)
* Java: employee.getFirstName().indexOf("ob", 1) + 1
* SQL: LOCATE('ob', t0.F_NAME, 1)
* Note that while in String.locate(str) -1 is returned if not found, and the
* index starting at 0 if found, in SQL it is 0 if not found, and the index
* starting at 1 if found.
public Expression locate(Object str, Object fromIndex) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Locate2);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(2);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* This represents the aggregate function Maximum. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression maximum() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Maximum);
* This represents the aggregate function Minimum. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression minimum() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Minimum);
* Function, returns the decimal number of months between the two dates.
public Expression monthsBetween(Object otherDate) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.MonthsBetween);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, otherDate);
* funcation return a date converted to a new timezone. Equivalent of the Oracle NEW_TIME function
* TopLink: employee.get("date").newTime("EST", "PST")
* Java: NA
* SQL: NEW_TIME(date, 'EST', 'PST')
public Expression newTime(String timeZoneFrom, String timeZoneTo) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NewTime);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* Function, returns the date with the next day from the source date as the day name given.
public Expression nextDay(Object dayName) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NextDay);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, dayName);
* PUBLIC: Returns an expression equivalent to none of attributeName
* holding true for criteria
* For every expression with an anyOf, its negation has either an allOf or a
* noneOf. The following two examples will illustrate as the second is the
* negation of the first:
* AnyOf Example: Employees with a '613' area code phone number.
* ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);
* ExpressionBuilder employee = new ExpressionBuilder();
* Expression exp = employee.anyOf("phoneNumbers").get("areaCode").equal("613");
* NoneOf Example: Employees with no '613' area code phone numbers.
* ExpressionBuilder employee = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ExpressionBuilder phones = new ExpressionBuilder();
* Expression exp = employee.noneOf("phoneNumbers", phones.get("areaCode").equal("613"));
* SQL:
* (t0.EMP_ID = t1.EMP_ID) AND (t1.AREACODE = '613'))
* noneOf is the universal counterpart to the existential anyOf. To have the
* condition evaluated for each instance it must be put inside of a subquery,
* which can be expressed as not exists (any of attributeName some condition).
* (All x such that !y = !Exist x such that y).
Likewise the syntax employee.noneOf("phoneNumbers").get("areaCode").equal("613")
* is not supported for the equal
must go inside a subQuery.
* This method saves you from writing the sub query yourself. The above is
* equivalent to the following expression:
* ExpressionBuilder employee = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ExpressionBuilder phone = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Phone.class, phone);
* subQuery.retreivePrimaryKeys();
* subQuery.setSelectionCriteria(phone.equal(employee.anyOf("phoneNumbers").and(
* phone.get("areaCode").equal("613")));
* Expression exp = employee.notExists(subQuery);
* @param criteria must have its own builder, as it will become the
* seperate selection criteria of a subQuery.
* @return a notExists subQuery expression
public Expression noneOf(String attributeName, Expression criteria) {
ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery();
Expression builder = criteria.getBuilder();
criteria = builder.equal(anyOf(attributeName)).and(criteria);
return notExists(subQuery);
* Normalize into a structure that is printable.
* Also compute printing information such as outer joins.
public Expression normalize(ExpressionNormalizer normalizer) {
//This class has no validation but we should still make the method call for consistency
//bug # 2956674
//validation is moved into normalize to ensure that expressions are valid before we attempt to work with them
return this;
* Return an expression that is the boolean logical negation of the expression.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "NOT" operator and the Java "!" operator.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("age").equal(24).not()
* Java: (! (employee.getAge() == 24))
* SQL: NOT (AGE = 24)
public Expression not() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Not);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(byte leftValue, byte rightValue) {
return notBetween(new Byte(leftValue), new Byte(rightValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(char leftChar, char rightChar) {
return notBetween(new Character(leftChar), new Character(rightChar));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(double leftValue, double rightValue) {
return notBetween(new Double(leftValue), new Double(rightValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(float leftValue, float rightValue) {
return notBetween(new Float(leftValue), new Float(rightValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(int leftValue, int rightValue) {
return notBetween(new Integer(leftValue), new Integer(rightValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(long leftValue, long rightValue) {
return notBetween(new Long(leftValue), new Long(rightValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(Object leftValue, Object rightValue) {
return between(leftValue, rightValue).not();
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(Expression leftExpression, Expression rightExpression) {
return between(leftExpression, rightExpression).not();
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not between two other values.
* Equivalent to between negated.
* @see #between(Object, Object)
public Expression notBetween(short leftValue, short rightValue) {
return notBetween(new Short(leftValue), new Short(rightValue));
* PUBLIC: A logical expression for the collection attributeName
* not being empty.
* Equivalent to size(attributeName).greaterThan(0)
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.notEmpty("phoneNumbers")
* Java: employee.getPhoneNumbers().size() > 0
* This is a case where a fast operation in java does not translate to an
* equally fast operation in SQL, requiring a correlated subselect.
* @see #size(java.lang.String)
public Expression notEmpty(String attributeName) {
return size(attributeName).greaterThan(0);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(byte theValue) {
return notEqual(new Byte(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(char theChar) {
return notEqual(new Character(theChar));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(double theValue) {
return notEqual(new Double(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(float theValue) {
return notEqual(new Float(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(int theValue) {
return notEqual(new Integer(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(long theValue) {
return notEqual(new Long(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NotEqual);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(Expression theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NotEqual);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(short theValue) {
return notEqual(new Short(theValue));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not equal to the other value.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "<>" operator
* @see #equal(Object)
public Expression notEqual(boolean theBoolean) {
return notEqual(new Boolean(theBoolean));
* Return a sub query expression.
* A sub query using a report query to define a subselect within another queries expression or select's where clause.
* The sub query (the report query) will use its own expression builder be can reference expressions from the base expression builder.
* Example:
* ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Employee.class, new ExpressionBuilder());
* subQuery.setSelectionCriteria(subQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("name").equal(builder.get("name")));
* builder.notExists(subQuery);
public Expression notExists(ReportQuery subQuery) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NotExists);
return anOperator.expressionFor(subQuery(subQuery));
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(byte[] theBytes) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBytes.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Byte(theBytes[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(char[] theChars) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theChars.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Character(theChars[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(double[] theDoubles) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theDoubles.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Double(theDoubles[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(float[] theFloats) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theFloats.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Float(theFloats[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(int[] theInts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theInts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Integer(theInts[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(long[] theLongs) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theLongs.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Long(theLongs[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(Object[] theObjects) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theObjects.length; index++) {
return notIn(vector);
public Expression notIn(ReportQuery subQuery) {
return notIn(subQuery(subQuery));
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(short[] theShorts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theShorts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Short(theShorts[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression notIn(boolean[] theBooleans) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBooleans.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Boolean(theBooleans[index]));
return notIn(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* The collection can be a collection of constants or expressions.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("age").in(agesVector)
* Java: agesVector.contains(employee.getAge())
* SQL: AGE IN (55, 18, 30)
public Expression notIn(Vector theObjects) {
//If none of the elements in theObjects is expression, build a ConstantExpression with theObjects.
if (!detectExpression(theObjects)) {
return notIn(new ConstantExpression(theObjects, this));
//Otherwise build a collection of expressions.
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NotIn);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, theObjects);
public Expression notIn(Expression arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NotIn);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, arguments);
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not like the other value.
* Equivalent to like negated.
* @see #like(String)
public Expression notLike(String aString) {
return notLike(new ConstantExpression(aString, this));
* Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is not like the other value.
* Equivalent to like negated.
* @see #like(String)
public Expression notLike(Expression arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NotLike);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, arguments);
* Return an expression representing a comparison to null
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("age").notNull()
* Java: employee.getAge() != null
public Expression notNull() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.NotNull);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Return an expression that is the boolean logical combination of both expressions.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "OR" operator and the Java "||" operator.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").equal("Bob").OR(employee.get("lastName").equal("Smith"))
* Java: (employee.getFirstName().equals("Bob")) || (employee.getLastName().equals("Smith"))
* SQL: F_NAME = 'Bob' OR L_NAME = 'Smith'
public Expression or(Expression theExpression) {
// Allow ands with null.
if (theExpression == null) {
return this;
ExpressionBuilder base = getBuilder();
Expression expressionToUse = theExpression;
// Ensure the same builder, unless a parralel query is used.
if ((theExpression.getBuilder() != base) && (theExpression.getBuilder().getQueryClass() == null)) {
expressionToUse = theExpression.rebuildOn(base);
if (base == this) {// Allow and to be sent to the builder.
return expressionToUse;
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Or);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, expressionToUse);
public Expression performOperator(ExpressionOperator anOperator, Vector args) {
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
protected void postCopyIn(Dictionary alreadyDone) {
* Inserts the SQL as is directly into the expression.
* The sql will be printed immediately after (postfixed to) the sql for
* this.
public Expression postfixSQL(String sqlString) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = new ExpressionOperator();
Vector v = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Insert the SQL as is directly into the expression.
* The sql will be printed immediately before (prefixed to) the sql for
* this.
public Expression prefixSQL(String sqlString) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = new ExpressionOperator();
Vector v = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Print SQL
public abstract void printSQL(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer);
* Print java for project class generation
public void printJava(ExpressionJavaPrinter printer) {
//do nothing
* Print SQL, this is called from functions, so must not be converted through the mapping.
public void printSQLWithoutConversion(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer) {
* This expression is built on a different base than the one we want. Rebuild it and
* return the root of the new tree
* If receiver is a complex expression, use cloneUsing(newBase) instead.
* @see #cloneUsing(Expression newBase)
public abstract Expression rebuildOn(Expression newBase);
* For Object-relational support.
public Expression ref() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Ref);
protected Expression registerIn(Dictionary alreadyDone) {
Expression copy = (Expression)shallowClone();
alreadyDone.put(this, copy);
return copy;
* Function, returns the string with occurances of the first substring replaced with the second substring.
public Expression replace(Object stringToReplace, Object stringToReplaceWith) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Replace);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(2);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* return the result of this query repeated a given number of times.
* Equivalent of the Sybase REPLICATE function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("name").replicate(2)
* Java: NA
* SQL: REPLICATE(name, 2)
public Expression replicate(int constant) {
return replicate(new Integer(constant));
* return the result of this query repeated a given number of times.
* Equivalent of the Sybase REPLICATE function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("name").replicate(2)
* Java: NA
* SQL: REPLICATE(name, 2)
public Expression replicate(Object theValue) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Replicate);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, theValue);
* Reset cached information here so that we can be sure we're accurate.
protected void resetCache() {
* Function return the reverse of the query result. Equivalent of the
* Sybase REVERSE function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("name").reverse()
* Java: NA
* SQL: REVERSE(name)
public Expression reverse() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Reverse);
* Function return a given number of characters starting at the
* right of a string. Equivalent to the Sybase RIGHT function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("name").right(2)
* Java: NA
* SQL: RIGHT(name, 2)
public Expression right(int characters) {
return right(new Integer(characters));
* Function return a given number of characters starting at the
* right of a string. Equivalent to the Sybase RIGHT function
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("name").right(2)
* Java: NA
* SQL: RIGHT(name, 2)
public Expression right(Object characters) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Right);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, characters);
* Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
public Expression rightPad(int size, Object substring) {
return rightPad(new Integer(size), substring);
* Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size.
public Expression rightPad(Object size, Object substring) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.RightPad);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(2);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* Function, returns the string right trimmed for white space.
public Expression rightTrim() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.RightTrim);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns the string with the substring trimed from the right.
public Expression rightTrim(Object substring) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.RightTrim2);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, substring);
* Function, returns the date rounded to the year, month or day.
public Expression roundDate(Object yearOrMonthOrDayRoundToken) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.RoundDate);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, yearOrMonthOrDayRoundToken);
* Return whether this expression should be included in the SELECT clause if it is used
* in an ORDER BY clause
public boolean selectIfOrderedBy() {
return selectIfOrderedBy;
* Set the local base expression, ie the one on the other side of the operator
* Most types will ignore this, since they don't need it.
public void setLocalBase(Expression exp) {
* Set whether this expression should be included in the SELECT clause of a query
* that uses it in the ORDER BY clause.
* @param selectIfOrderedBy
public void setSelectIfOrderedBy(boolean selectIfOrderedBy) {
this.selectIfOrderedBy = selectIfOrderedBy;
public Expression shallowClone() {
Expression result = null;
try {
result = (Expression)super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return result;
* PUBLIC: A logical expression for the size of collection attributeName
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.size("phoneNumbers")
* Java: employee.getPhoneNumbers().size()
* This is a case where a fast operation in java does not translate to an
* equally fast operation in SQL, requiring a correlated subselect.
public Expression size(String attributeName) {
// Create an anoymous subquery that will get its reference class
// set during SubSelectExpression.normalize.
ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery();
return subQuery(subQuery);
* This represents the aggregate function StandardDeviation. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression standardDeviation() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.StandardDeviation);
* Return a sub query expression.
* A sub query using a report query to define a subselect within another queries expression or select's where clause.
* The sub query (the report query) will use its own expression builder be can reference expressions from the base expression builder.
* Example:
* ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
* ReportQuery subQuery = new ReportQuery(Employee.class, new ExpressionBuilder());
* subQuery.addMaximum("salary");
* builder.get("salary").equal(builder.subQuery(subQuery));
public Expression subQuery(ReportQuery subQuery) {
return new SubSelectExpression(subQuery, this);
* Function, returns the substring from the souce string.
public Expression substring(int startPosition, int size) {
return substring(new Integer(startPosition), new Integer(size));
* Function, returns the substring from the souce string.
public Expression substring(Object startPosition, Object size) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Substring);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(2);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* This represents the aggregate function Sum. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression sum() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Sum);
* Function, returns the single character string with the ascii or character set value.
public Expression toCharacter() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Chr);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns date from the string using the default format.
public Expression toDate() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ToDate);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to a character string.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "TO_CHAR" operator and Java "toString" method.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("salary").toChar().equal("100000")
* Java: employee.getSalary().toString().equals("100000")
* SQL: TO_CHAR(SALARY) = '100000'
public Expression toChar() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ToChar);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to a character string,
* with the database formating options (i.e. 'year', 'yyyy', 'day', etc.).
* This is equivalent to the SQL "TO_CHAR" operator and Java Date API.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("startDate").toChar("day").equal("monday")
* Java: employee.getStartDate().getDay().equals("monday")
* SQL: TO_CHAR(START_DATE, 'day') = 'monday'
public Expression toChar(String format) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ToCharWithFormat);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, format);
* Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to lower case.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "LOWER" operator and Java "toLowerCase" method.
* This is only allowed for String attribute values.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").toLowerCase().equal("bob")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().toLowerCase().equals("bob")
* SQL: LOWER(F_NAME) = 'bob'
public Expression toLowerCase() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ToLowerCase);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns the number converted from the string.
public Expression toNumber() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ToNumber);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Print a debug form of the expression tree.
public String toString() {
try {
StringWriter innerWriter = new StringWriter();
BufferedWriter outerWriter = new BufferedWriter(innerWriter);
toString(outerWriter, 0);
return innerWriter.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
return ToStringLocalization.buildMessage("error_printing_expression", (Object[])null);
* Print a debug form of the expression tree.
public void toString(BufferedWriter writer, int indent) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
writer.write(" ");
writer.write(" ");
writeSubexpressionsTo(writer, indent + 1);
* Return an expression that represents the receiver value converted to upper case.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "UPPER" operator and Java "toUpperCase" method.
* This is only allowed for String attribute values.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("firstName").toUpperCase().equal("BOB")
* Java: employee.getFirstName().toUpperCase().equals("BOB")
public Expression toUpperCase() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ToUpperCase);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns the string with the first letter of each word capitalized.
public Expression toUppercaseCasedWords() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Initcap);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns the string with each char from the from string converted to the char in the to string.
public Expression translate(Object fromString, Object toString) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Translate);
Vector args = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(2);
return anOperator.expressionForArguments(this, args);
* Function, returns the string trimmed for white space.
public Expression trim() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Trim);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Function, returns the string right and left trimmed for the substring.
public Expression trim(Object substring) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Trim2);
return anOperator.expressionForWithBaseLast(this, substring);
* XMLType Function, extracts a secton of XML from a larget XML document
* @param String - xpath representing the node to be returned
public Expression extract(String path) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Extract);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, path);
* XMLType Function, extracts a value from an XMLType field
* @param String - xpath expression
public Expression extractValue(String path) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ExtractValue);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, path);
* XMLType Function, gets the number of nodes returned by the given xpath expression
* returns 0 if there are none
* @param - Xpath expression
public Expression existsNode(String path) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.ExistsNode);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, path);
* XMLType Function - evaluates to 0 if the xml is a well formed document and 1 if the document
* is a fragment
public Expression isFragment() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.IsFragment);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* XMLType Function - gets a string value from an XMLType
public Expression getStringVal() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.GetStringVal);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* XMLType Function - gets a number value from an XMLType
public Expression getNumberVal() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.GetNumberVal);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* return the date truncated to the indicated datePart. Equivalent
* to the Sybase TRUNC function for dates
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("date").truncDate(year)
* Java: NA
* SQL: TRUNC(date, year)
public Expression truncateDate(String datePart) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.TruncateDate);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, datePart);
* We are given an expression that comes from a different context than the one in which this was built,
* e.g. it is the selection criteria of a mapping, or the criteria on which multiple tables are joined in a descriptor.
* We need to transform it so it refers to the objects we are dealing with, and AND it into the rest of our expression.
* We want to replace the original base expression with , and any parameters will be given values based
* on the context which provides.
* For example, suppose that the main expression is
* emp.address.streetName = 'something'
* and we are trying to twist the selection criteria for the mapping 'address' in Employee. Because that mapping
* selects addresses, we will use the 'address' node as the base. Values for any parameters will come from the 'emp' node,
* which was the base of the original expression. Note that the values need not be constants, they can be fields.
* We do this by taking the tree we're trying to merge and traverse it more or less re-executing it
* it with the appropriate initial receiver and context.
* Return the root of the new expression tree. This will probably need to be AND'ed with the root of the old tree.
public Expression twist(Expression expression, Expression newBase) {
if (expression == null) {
return null;
return expression.twistedForBaseAndContext(newBase, this);
* Rebuild myself against the base, with the values of parameters supplied by the context
* expression. This is used for transforming a standalone expression (e.g. the join criteria of a mapping)
* into part of some larger expression. You normally would not call this directly, instead calling twist
* See the comment there for more details"
public Expression twistedForBaseAndContext(Expression newBase, Expression context) {
// Will be overridden by subclasses
return this;
* Do any required validation for this node. Throw an exception for any incorrect constructs.
public void validateNode() {
* Function, this represents the value function, used in nestedtable
public Expression value() {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Value);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this);
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(byte constant) {
return value(new Byte(constant));
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(char constant) {
return value(new Character(constant));
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(double constant) {
return value(new Double(constant));
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(float constant) {
return value(new Float(constant));
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(int constant) {
return value(new Integer(constant));
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(long constant) {
return value(new Long(constant));
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(Object constant) {
return new ConstantExpression(constant, this);
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(short constant) {
return value(new Short(constant));
* Return an expression on the constant.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("a constant", builder.value("a constant"));
public Expression value(boolean constant) {
return value(new Boolean(constant));
* Return an expression on the literal.
* A literal is a specific SQL syntax string that will be printed as is without quotes in the SQL.
* It can be useful for printing database key words or global variables.
* Example:
* reportQuery.addItem("currentTime", builder.literal("SYSDATE"));
public Expression literal(String literal) {
return new LiteralExpression(literal, this);
* Return the value for in memory comparison.
* This is only valid for valueable expressions.
* New parameter added for feature 2612601
* @param isObjectRegistered true if object possibly not a clone, but is being
* conformed against the unit of work cache.
public Object valueFromObject(Object object, AbstractSession session, AbstractRecord translationRow, InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy valueHolderPolicy, boolean isObjectUnregistered) {
throw QueryException.cannotConformExpression();
* Return the value for in memory comparison.
* This is only valid for valueable expressions.
public Object valueFromObject(Object object, AbstractSession session, AbstractRecord translationRow, InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy valueHolderPolicy) {
return valueFromObject(object, session, translationRow, valueHolderPolicy, false);
* Function, this represents the aggregate function Variance. Can be used only within Report Queries.
public Expression variance() {
return getFunction(ExpressionOperator.Variance);
* Used to print a debug form of the expression tree.
public void writeDescriptionOn(BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
writer.write("some expression");
* Append the field name to the writer. Should be overriden for special operators such as functions.
protected void writeField(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, DatabaseField field, SQLSelectStatement statement) {
//print ", " before each selected field except the first one
if (printer.isFirstElementPrinted()) {
printer.printString(", ");
} else {
if (statement.requiresAliases()) {
if (field.getTable() != lastTable) {
lastTable = field.getTable();
currentAlias = aliasForTable(lastTable);
} else {
* called from SQLSelectStatement.writeFieldsFromExpression(...)
public void writeFields(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, Vector newFields, SQLSelectStatement statement) {
for (Enumeration fieldsEnum = getFields().elements(); fieldsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)fieldsEnum.nextElement();
writeField(printer, field, statement);
* Used in SQL printing.
public void writeSubexpressionsTo(BufferedWriter writer, int indent) throws IOException {
// In general, there are no sub-expressions
* Return an expression that is used with a comparison expression.
* The ANY keyword denotes that the search condition is TRUE if the comparison is TRUE
* for at least one of the values that is returned. If the subquery returns no value,
* the search condition is FALSE
public Expression any(byte[] theBytes) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBytes.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Byte(theBytes[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(char[] theChars) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theChars.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Character(theChars[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(double[] theDoubles) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theDoubles.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Double(theDoubles[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(float[] theFloats) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theFloats.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Float(theFloats[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(int[] theInts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theInts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Integer(theInts[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(long[] theLongs) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theLongs.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Long(theLongs[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(Object[] theObjects) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theObjects.length; index++) {
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(short[] theShorts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theShorts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Short(theShorts[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression any(boolean[] theBooleans) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBooleans.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Boolean(theBooleans[index]));
return any(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("age").in(agesVector)
* Java: agesVector.contains(employee.getAge())
* SQL: AGE IN (55, 18, 30)
public Expression any(Vector theObjects) {
return any(new ConstantExpression(theObjects, this));
public Expression any(Expression arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Any);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, arguments);
public Expression any(ReportQuery subQuery) {
return any(subQuery(subQuery));
* Return an expression that is used with a comparison expression.
* The SOME keyword denotes that the search condition is TRUE if the comparison is TRUE
* for at least one of the values that is returned. If the subquery returns no value,
* the search condition is FALSE
public Expression some(byte[] theBytes) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBytes.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Byte(theBytes[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(char[] theChars) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theChars.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Character(theChars[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(double[] theDoubles) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theDoubles.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Double(theDoubles[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(float[] theFloats) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theFloats.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Float(theFloats[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(int[] theInts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theInts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Integer(theInts[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(long[] theLongs) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theLongs.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Long(theLongs[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(Object[] theObjects) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theObjects.length; index++) {
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(short[] theShorts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theShorts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Short(theShorts[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression some(boolean[] theBooleans) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBooleans.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Boolean(theBooleans[index]));
return some(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("age").in(agesVector)
* Java: agesVector.contains(employee.getAge())
* SQL: AGE IN (55, 18, 30)
public Expression some(Vector theObjects) {
return some(new ConstantExpression(theObjects, this));
public Expression some(Expression arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.Some);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, arguments);
public Expression some(ReportQuery subQuery) {
return some(subQuery(subQuery));
* Return an expression that is used with a comparison expression.
* The SOME keyword denotes that the search condition is TRUE if the comparison is TRUE
* for at least one of the values that is returned. If the subquery returns no value,
* the search condition is FALSE
public Expression all(byte[] theBytes) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBytes.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Byte(theBytes[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(char[] theChars) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theChars.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Character(theChars[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(double[] theDoubles) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theDoubles.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Double(theDoubles[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(float[] theFloats) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theFloats.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Float(theFloats[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(int[] theInts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theInts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Integer(theInts[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(long[] theLongs) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theLongs.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Long(theLongs[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(Object[] theObjects) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theObjects.length; index++) {
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(short[] theShorts) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theShorts.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Short(theShorts[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
public Expression all(boolean[] theBooleans) {
Vector vector = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();
for (int index = 0; index < theBooleans.length; index++) {
vector.addElement(new Boolean(theBooleans[index]));
return all(vector);
* Return an expression that checks if the receivers value is contained in the collection.
* This is equivalent to the SQL "IN" operator and Java "contains" operator.
* Example:
* TopLink: employee.get("age").in(agesVector)
* Java: agesVector.contains(employee.getAge())
* SQL: AGE IN (55, 18, 30)
public Expression all(Vector theObjects) {
return all(new ConstantExpression(theObjects, this));
public Expression all(Expression arguments) {
ExpressionOperator anOperator = getOperator(ExpressionOperator.All);
return anOperator.expressionFor(this, arguments);
public Expression all(ReportQuery subQuery) {
return all(subQuery(subQuery));