Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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import java.util.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.descriptors.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DatabaseMapping;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.converters.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.ObjectCopyingPolicy;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.queryframework.JoinedAttributeManager;
* Purpose: Maps an attribute to the corresponding database field type.
* The list of field types that are supported by TopLink's direct to field mapping
* is dependent on the relational database being used.
* A converter can be used to convert between the object and data type if they do not match.
* @see Converter
* @see ObjectTypeConverter
* @see TypeConversionConverter
* @see SerializedObjectConverter
* @author Sati
* @since TopLink/Java 1.0
public abstract class AbstractDirectMapping extends DatabaseMapping {
/** DatabaseField which this mapping represents. */
protected DatabaseField field;
/** To specify the conversion type */
protected transient Class attributeClassification;
protected transient String attributeClassificationName;
/** PERF: Also store object class of attribute in case of primitive. */
protected transient Class attributeObjectClassification;
/** Allows user defined conversion between the object attribute value and the database value. */
protected Converter converter;
/** Support specification of the value to use for null. */
protected transient Object nullValue;
* PERF: Indicates if this mapping's attribute is a simple atomic value and cannot be modified, only replaced.
* This is a tri-state to allow user to set to true or false, as default is false but
* some data-types such as Calendar or byte[] or converter types may be desired to be used as mutable.
protected Boolean isMutable;
* Default constructor.
public AbstractDirectMapping() {
* Return the converter on the mapping.
* A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.
public Converter getConverter() {
return converter;
* Set the converter on the mapping.
* A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.
public void setConverter(Converter converter) {
this.converter = converter;
* Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified,
* only replaced.
* This is false by default unless a mutable converter is used such as the SerializedObjectConverter.
* This can be set to false in this case, or if a Calendar or byte[] is desired to be used as a mutable value it can be set to true.
public boolean isMutable() {
if (isMutable == null) {
return false;
return isMutable.booleanValue();
* Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified,
* only replaced.
* This is false by default unless a mutable converter is used such as the SerializedObjectConverter.
* This can be set to false in this case, or if a Calendar or byte[] is desired to be used as a mutable value it can be set to true.
public void setIsMutable(boolean isMutable) {
if (isMutable == true) {
this.isMutable = Boolean.TRUE;
} else {
this.isMutable = Boolean.FALSE;
* Clone the attribute from the clone and assign it to the backup.
public void buildBackupClone(Object clone, Object backup, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork) {
buildClone(clone, backup, unitOfWork);
* Clone the attribute from the original and assign it to the clone.
public void buildClone(Object original, Object clone, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork) {
buildCloneValue(original, clone, unitOfWork);
* Clone the attribute from the original and assign it to the clone.
public void buildCloneValue(Object original, Object clone, AbstractSession session) {
// Optimized for clone copy policy, setting of the value is not required.
if (isCloningRequired()) {
Object attributeValue = getAttributeValueFromObject(original);
if (isMutable()) {
attributeValue = getAttributeValue(getFieldValue(attributeValue, session), session);
setAttributeValueInObject(clone, attributeValue);
* Copy of the attribute of the object.
* This is NOT used for unit of work but for templatizing an object.
public void buildCopy(Object copy, Object original, ObjectCopyingPolicy policy) {
buildCloneValue(original, copy, policy.getSession());
* Cascade perform delete through mappings that require the cascade
public void cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired(Object object, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, IdentityHashtable visitedObjects) {
//objects referenced by this mapping are not registered as they have
// no identity, this is a no-op.
* Cascade registerNew for Create through mappings that require the cascade
public void cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired(Object object, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, IdentityHashtable visitedObjects) {
//objects referenced by this mapping are not registered as they have
// no identity, this is a no-op.
* The mapping clones itself to create deep copy.
public Object clone() {
AbstractDirectMapping clone = (AbstractDirectMapping)super.clone();
// Field must be cloned so aggregates do not share fields.
return clone;
* Returns the field this mapping represents.
protected Vector collectFields() {
Vector databaseField = new Vector(1);
return databaseField;
* Compare the clone and backup clone values and return a change record if the value changed.
public ChangeRecord compareForChange(Object clone, Object backUp, ObjectChangeSet owner, AbstractSession session) {
// same code as write from object into row for update
if ((owner.isNew()) || (!compareObjects(backUp, clone, session))) {
return buildChangeRecord(clone, owner, session);
return null;
* Directly build a change record without comparison
public ChangeRecord buildChangeRecord(Object clone, ObjectChangeSet owner, AbstractSession session) {
return internalBuildChangeRecord(getAttributeValueFromObject(clone), owner);
* Build a change record
public ChangeRecord internalBuildChangeRecord(Object newValue, ObjectChangeSet owner) {
DirectToFieldChangeRecord changeRecord = new DirectToFieldChangeRecord(owner);
return changeRecord;
* Compare the attributes belonging to this mapping for the objects.
public boolean compareObjects(Object firstObject, Object secondObject, AbstractSession session) {
Object one = getAttributeValueFromObject(firstObject);
Object two = getAttributeValueFromObject(secondObject);
// PERF: Check identity before conversion.
if (one == two) {
return true;
// CR2114 - following two lines modified; getFieldValue() needs class as an argument
one = getFieldValue(one, session);
two = getFieldValue(two, session);
// PERF: Check identity/nulls before special type comparison.
if (one == two) {
return true;
if ((one == null) || (two == null)) {
return false;
// Arrays must be checked for equality because default does identity
if ((one.getClass() == ClassConstants.APBYTE) && (two.getClass() == ClassConstants.APBYTE)) {
return Helper.compareByteArrays((byte[])one, (byte[])two);
if ((one.getClass() == ClassConstants.APCHAR) && (two.getClass() == ClassConstants.APCHAR)) {
return Helper.compareCharArrays((char[])one, (char[])two);
if ((one.getClass().isArray()) && (two.getClass().isArray())) {
return Helper.compareArrays((Object[])one, (Object[])two);
// BigDecimals equals does not consider the precision correctly
if (one instanceof java.math.BigDecimal && two instanceof java.math.BigDecimal) {
return Helper.compareBigDecimals((java.math.BigDecimal)one, (java.math.BigDecimal)two);
return one.equals(two);
* Convert all the class-name-based settings in this mapping to actual class-based
* settings
* This method is implemented by subclasses as necessary.
* @param classLoader
public void convertClassNamesToClasses(ClassLoader classLoader){
if (converter != null) {
if (converter instanceof TypeConversionConverter) {
} else if (converter instanceof ObjectTypeConverter) {
// To avoid 1.5 dependencies with the EnumTypeConverter check
// against ObjectTypeConverter.
((ObjectTypeConverter) converter).convertClassNamesToClasses(classLoader);
* Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types. For these databases,
* the base data type must be explicitly specified in the mapping to tell TopLink to force
* the instance variable value to that data type
public Class getAttributeClassification() {
return attributeClassification;
public String getAttributeClassificationName() {
return attributeClassificationName;
* Allows for subclasses to convert the attribute value.
public Object getAttributeValue(Object fieldValue, AbstractSession session) {
// PERF: Direct variable access.
Object attributeValue = fieldValue;
if ((fieldValue == null) && (getNullValue() != null)) {// Translate default null value
return this.nullValue;
// Allow for user defined conversion to the object value.
if (this.converter != null) {
attributeValue = this.converter.convertDataValueToObjectValue(attributeValue, session);
} else {
// PERF: Avoid conversion check when not required.
if ((attributeValue == null) || (attributeValue.getClass() != this.attributeObjectClassification)) {
try {
attributeValue = session.getDatasourcePlatform().convertObject(attributeValue, this.attributeClassification);
} catch (ConversionException e) {
throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e);
if (attributeValue == null) {// Translate default null value, conversion may have produced null.
attributeValue = this.nullValue;
return attributeValue;
* Returns the field which this mapping represents.
public DatabaseField getField() {
return field;
public boolean isAbstractDirectMapping() {
return true;
* Return the classifiction for the field contained in the mapping.
* This is used to convert the row value to a consistent Java value.
public Class getFieldClassification(DatabaseField fieldToClassify) {
// PERF: This method is a major performance code point,
// so has been micro optimized and uses direct variable access.
if (fieldToClassify.type != null) {
return fieldToClassify.type;
} else {
if (this.converter != null) {
return null;
} else {
return this.attributeClassification;
* Return the class type of the field value.
* This can be used if field value differs from the object value,
* has specific typing requirements such as usage of java.sql.Blob or NChar.
public Class getFieldClassification() {
if (getField() == null) {
return null;
return getField().getType();
* Set the class type of the field value.
* This can be used if field value differs from the object value,
* has specific typing requirements such as usage of java.sql.Blob or NChar.
* This must be called after the field name has been set.
public void setFieldClassification(Class fieldType) {
* Set the JDBC type of the field value.
* This can be used if field type does not corespond directly to a Java class type,
* such as MONEY.
* This is used for binding.
public void setFieldType(int jdbcType) {
* Name of the field this mapping represents.
public String getFieldName() {
return getField().getQualifiedName();
* Convert the attribute value to a field value.
* Process any converter if defined, and check for null values.
public Object getFieldValue(Object attributeValue, AbstractSession session) {
// PERF: This method is a major performance code point,
// so has been micro optimized and uses direct variable access.
Object fieldValue = attributeValue;
if ((this.nullValue != null) && (this.nullValue.equals(fieldValue))) {
return null;
// Allow for user defined conversion to the object value.
if (this.converter != null) {
fieldValue = this.converter.convertObjectValueToDataValue(fieldValue, session);
Class fieldClassification = getFieldClassification(getField());
// PERF: Avoid conversion if not required.
if ((fieldValue == null) || (fieldClassification != fieldValue.getClass())) {
try {
fieldValue = session.getPlatform(getDescriptor().getJavaClass()).convertObject(fieldValue, fieldClassification);
} catch (ConversionException exception) {
throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), exception);
return fieldValue;
* Allow for the value used for null to be specified.
* This can be used to convert database null values to application specific values, when null values
* are not allowed by the application (such as in primitives).
* Note: the default value for NULL is used on reads, writes, and query SQL generation
public Object getNullValue() {
return nullValue;
* Return the weight of the mapping, used to sort mappings to ensure that
* DirectToField Mappings get merged first
public Integer getWeight() {
return this.weight;
* Initialize the attribute classification.
public void preInitialize(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
this.attributeClassification = getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeClass();
this.attributeObjectClassification = Helper.getObjectClass(this.attributeClassification);
* The mapping is initialized with the given session.
* This mapping is fully initialized after this.
public void initialize(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
// Initialize isMutable if not specified, default is false (assumes atomic).
if (this.isMutable == null) {
if (getConverter() != null) {
} else {
if (getField() == null) {
if (getConverter() != null) {
getConverter().initialize(this, session);
public boolean isDirectToFieldMapping() {
return true;
* Iterate on the appropriate attribute.
public void iterate(DescriptorIterator iterator) {
// PERF: Only iterate when required.
if (iterator.shouldIterateOnPrimitives()) {
iterator.iteratePrimitiveForMapping(getAttributeValueFromObject(iterator.getVisitedParent()), this);
* Merge changes from the source to the target object.
public void mergeChangesIntoObject(Object target, ChangeRecord changeRecord, Object source, MergeManager mergeManager) {
setAttributeValueInObject(target, ((DirectToFieldChangeRecord)changeRecord).getNewValue());
* Merge changes from the source to the target object. This merge is only called when a changeSet for the target
* does not exist or the target is uninitialized
public void mergeIntoObject(Object target, boolean isTargetUnInitialized, Object source, MergeManager mergeManager) {
Object attributeValue = getAttributeValueFromObject(source);
if ( (this.getDescriptor().getObjectChangePolicy().isObjectChangeTrackingPolicy()) && (!compareObjects(target, source, mergeManager.getSession())) ) {
// if it didn't change then there will be no event
Object targetAttribute = getAttributeValueFromObject(target);
setAttributeValueInObject(target, attributeValue);
//set the value first, if the owner is new ( or aggregate) the change set may be created directly
//from the target.
this.getDescriptor().getObjectChangePolicy().raiseInternalPropertyChangeEvent(target, getAttributeName(), targetAttribute, attributeValue);
//just set the value and continue
setAttributeValueInObject(target, attributeValue);
* Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types. For these databases,
* the base data type must be explicitly specified in the mapping to tell TopLink to force
* the instance variable value to that data type
public void setAttributeClassification(Class attributeClassification) {
this.attributeClassification = attributeClassification;
* Set the name of the class for MW usage.
public void setAttributeClassificationName(String attributeClassificationName) {
this.attributeClassificationName = attributeClassificationName;
* Set the field in the mapping.
* This can be used for advanced field types, such as XML nodes, or to set the field type.
public void setField(DatabaseField theField) {
field = theField;
* Allow for the value used for null to be specified.
* This can be used to convert database null values to application specific values, when null values
* are not allowed by the application (such as in primitives).
* Note: the default value for NULL is used on reads, writes, and query SQL generation
public void setNullValue(Object nullValue) {
this.nullValue = nullValue;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "[" + getAttributeName() + "-->" + getField() + "]";
* Either create a new change record or update with the new value. This is used
* by attribute change tracking.
public void updateChangeRecord(Object clone, Object newValue, Object oldValue, ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl uow) {
DirectToFieldChangeRecord changeRecord = (DirectToFieldChangeRecord)objectChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(this.getAttributeName());
if (changeRecord == null) {
objectChangeSet.addChange(internalBuildChangeRecord(newValue, objectChangeSet));
} else {
* Return if this mapping supports change tracking.
public boolean isChangeTrackingSupported() {
return !isMutable();
* Return if this mapping requires its attribute value to be cloned.
public boolean isCloningRequired() {
return isMutable() || getDescriptor().getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance();
* Allow for subclasses to perform validation.
public void validateBeforeInitialization(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
if ((getFieldName() == null) || (getFieldName().length() == 0)) {
* Get the value from the object for this mapping.
public Object valueFromObject(Object object, DatabaseField field, AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
return getFieldValue(getAttributeValueFromObject(object), session);
* Extract value from the row and set the attribute to this value in the
* working copy clone.
* In order to bypass the shared cache when in transaction a UnitOfWork must
* be able to populate working copies directly from the row.
public void buildCloneFromRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow, JoinedAttributeManager joinManager, Object clone, ObjectBuildingQuery sourceQuery, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, AbstractSession executionSession) {
// Even though the correct value may exist on the original, we can't
// make that assumption. It is easy to just build it again from the
// row even if copy policy already copied it.
// That optimization is lost.
Object attributeValue = valueFromRow(databaseRow, joinManager, sourceQuery, executionSession);
setAttributeValueInObject(clone, attributeValue);
* Builds a shallow original object. Only direct attributes and primary
* keys are populated. In this way the minimum original required for
* instantiating a working copy clone can be built without placing it in
* the shared cache (no concern over cycles).
* @parameter original later the input to buildCloneFromRow
public void buildShallowOriginalFromRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow, Object original, ObjectBuildingQuery query, AbstractSession executionSession) {
readFromRowIntoObject(databaseRow, null, original, query, executionSession);
* In the case of building a UnitOfWork clone directly from a row, the
* session set in the query will not know which database platform to use
* for converting the value. Allows the correct session to be passed in.
* @param row
* @param query
* @param executionSession
* @return
public Object valueFromRow(AbstractRecord row, JoinedAttributeManager joinManager, ObjectBuildingQuery query, AbstractSession executionSession) {
// PERF: Direct variable access.
Object fieldValue = row.get(this.field);
Object attributeValue = getAttributeValue(fieldValue, executionSession);
return attributeValue;
* Get a value from the object and set that in the respective field of the row.
public void writeFromObjectIntoRow(Object object, AbstractRecord row, AbstractSession session) {
if (isReadOnly()) {
Object attributeValue = getAttributeValueFromObject(object);
Object fieldValue = getFieldValue(attributeValue, session);
writeValueIntoRow(row, getField(), fieldValue);
protected abstract void writeValueIntoRow(AbstractRecord row, DatabaseField field, Object value);
* Get a value from the object and set that in the respective field of the row.
* Validation preventing primary key updates is implemented here.
public void writeFromObjectIntoRowWithChangeRecord(ChangeRecord changeRecord, AbstractRecord row, AbstractSession session) {
if (isReadOnly()) {
if (isPrimaryKeyMapping() && !changeRecord.getOwner().isNew()) {
throw ValidationException.primaryKeyUpdateDisallowed(changeRecord.getOwner().getClassName(), changeRecord.getAttribute());
Object attributeValue = ((DirectToFieldChangeRecord)changeRecord).getNewValue();
Object fieldValue = getFieldValue(attributeValue, session);
row.add(getField(), fieldValue);
* Write the attribute value from the object to the row for update.
public void writeFromObjectIntoRowForUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query, AbstractRecord aDatabaseRow) {
if (query.getSession().isUnitOfWork()) {
if (compareObjects(query.getBackupClone(), query.getObject(), query.getSession())) {
super.writeFromObjectIntoRowForUpdate(query, aDatabaseRow);
* Write fields needed for insert into the template for with null values.
public void writeInsertFieldsIntoRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow, AbstractSession session) {
if (isReadOnly()) {
databaseRow.add(getField(), null);
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