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package xitrum.routing
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap}
import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorRefFactory, Props}
import xitrum.{Config, Log, SockJsAction}
import xitrum.handler.inbound.Dispatcher
* "websocket" and "cookieNeeded" members are named after SockJS options, ex:
* {"websocket": true, "cookie_needed": false, "origins": ["*:*"], "entropy": 123}
* - websocket: true means WebSocket is enabled
* - cookieNeeded: true means load balancers needs JSESSION cookie
class SockJsClassAndOptions(
val actionClass: Class[_ <: SockJsAction], // Classes that extend SockJsAction are not always actor
val websocket: Boolean,
val cookieNeeded: Boolean
) extends Serializable
class SockJsRouteMap(map: MMap[String, SockJsClassAndOptions]) {
/** @param xitrumRoutes true: log only Xitrum routes, false: log only app routes */
def logRoutes(xitrumRoutes: Boolean) {
// This method is only run once on start, speed is not a problem
val map = { case (path, sockJsClassAndOptions) =>
sockJsClassAndOptions.actionClass.getName.startsWith("xitrum") == xitrumRoutes
if (map.isEmpty) return
val (pathPrefixMaxLength, handlerClassNameMaxLength, websocketOptionMaxLength) =
map.toList.foldLeft((0, 0, "websocket: true,".length)) {
case ((pmax, hmax, wmax), (pathPrefix, sockJsClassAndOptions)) =>
val plen = pathPrefix.length
val hlen = sockJsClassAndOptions.actionClass.getName.length
val pmax2 = if (pmax < plen) plen else pmax
val hmax2 = if (hmax < hlen) hlen else hmax
val wmax2 = if (sockJsClassAndOptions.websocket) wmax else "websocket: false,".length
(pmax2, hmax2, wmax2)
val logFormat = "%-" + (pathPrefixMaxLength + 1) + "s %-" + handlerClassNameMaxLength + "s %-" + websocketOptionMaxLength + "s %s"
val strings = { case (pathPrefix, sockJsClassAndOptions) =>
"/" + pathPrefix,
"websocket: " + sockJsClassAndOptions.websocket + ",",
"cookie_needed: " + sockJsClassAndOptions.cookieNeeded
if (xitrumRoutes)"Xitrum SockJS routes:\n" + strings.mkString("\n"))
else"SockJS routes:\n" + strings.mkString("\n"))
/** Creates actor attached to Config.actorSystem. */
def createSockJsAction(pathPrefix: String): ActorRef = {
createSockJsAction(Config.actorSystem, pathPrefix)
/** Creates actor attached to the given context. */
def createSockJsAction(context: ActorRefFactory, pathPrefix: String): ActorRef = {
val sockJsClassAndOptions = map(pathPrefix)
val actorClass = sockJsClassAndOptions.actionClass
/** @param sockJsHandlerClass Normal SockJsHandler subclass or object class */
def findPathPrefix(sockJsActorClass: Class[_ <: SockJsAction]): String = {
// Need to compare by class name because the classes may be loaded by
// different class loaders
val className = sockJsActorClass.getName
val kv = map.find { case (k, v) => v.actionClass.getName == className }
kv match {
case Some((k, v)) => "/" + k
case None => throw new Exception("Cannot lookup SockJS URL for class: " + sockJsActorClass)
def lookup(pathPrefix: String) = map(pathPrefix)
def removeByPrefix(withoutSlashPrefix: String) = { { case (pathPrefixOfAction, sockJsClassAndOptions) =>
if (pathPrefixOfAction.startsWith(withoutSlashPrefix)) map.remove(pathPrefixOfAction)