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* This file is based on GitHubProvider.scala
* Original work: Copyright 2012-2014 Jorge Aliss (jaliss at gmail dot com) - twitter: @jaliss
* Modifcations: Copyright 2015 KASHIMA Kazuo (k4200 at kazu dot tv) - twitter: @k4200
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package securesocial.core.providers
import play.api.{ Environment, Configuration }
import{ WSResponse, WSAuthScheme }
import play.api.libs.json.{ Reads, Json, JsValue }
import securesocial.core._
import{ CacheService, HttpService, RoutesService }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import BitbucketProvider.{ ErrorResponse, UserResponse }
class BitbucketOAuth2Client(
httpService: HttpService, settings: OAuth2Settings)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends OAuth2Client.Default(httpService, settings)(executionContext) {
override def exchangeCodeForToken(code: String, callBackUrl: String, builder: OAuth2InfoBuilder): Future[OAuth2Info] = {
val params = Map(
OAuth2Constants.GrantType -> Seq(OAuth2Constants.AuthorizationCode),
OAuth2Constants.Code -> Seq(code),
OAuth2Constants.RedirectUri -> Seq(callBackUrl)
) ++ settings.accessTokenUrlParams.mapValues(Seq(_))
.withAuth(settings.clientId, settings.clientSecret, WSAuthScheme.BASIC)
* A Bitbucket provider
class BitbucketProvider(routesService: RoutesService,
cacheService: CacheService,
client: OAuth2Client)(implicit val configuration: Configuration, val playEnv: Environment)
extends OAuth2Provider.Base(routesService, client, cacheService) {
val GetAuthenticatedUser = ""
implicit val errorResponseReads: Reads[ErrorResponse] = Json.reads[ErrorResponse]
implicit val userTestReads: Reads[UserResponse] = Json.reads[UserResponse]
override val id = BitbucketProvider.Bitbucket
override protected def buildInfo(response: WSResponse): OAuth2Info = {
val error = (response.json \ "error").asOpt[ErrorResponse]
if (error.isDefined) {
logger.error("[securesocial] An error occurred while getting an access token: " + error.get.message)
throw new AuthenticationException()
def fillProfile(info: OAuth2Info): Future[BasicProfile] = {
client.retrieveProfile(GetAuthenticatedUser.format(info.accessToken)).map { me =>
val optError = (me \ "error").asOpt[ErrorResponse]
optError match {
case Some(error) =>
logger.error(s"[securesocial] error retrieving profile information from Bitbucket. Message = ${error.message}")
throw new AuthenticationException()
case _ =>
val userInfo =[UserResponse]
val extraInfo = Map(
"username" -> userInfo.username
BasicProfile(id, userInfo.uuid, None, None, Some(userInfo.display_name), None, None, authMethod, oAuth2Info = Some(info), extraInfo = Some(extraInfo))
} recover {
case e: AuthenticationException => throw e
case e =>
logger.error("[securesocial] error retrieving profile information from github", e)
throw new AuthenticationException()
object BitbucketProvider {
val Bitbucket = "bitbucket"
case class ErrorResponse(
message: String,
detail: String,
id: Option[String])
case class UserResponse(
uuid: String,
display_name: String,
username: String)
def apply(routesService: RoutesService, cacheService: CacheService, dummyClient: OAuth2Client)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext, configuration: Configuration, playEnv: Environment): BitbucketProvider = {
val client = new BitbucketOAuth2Client(dummyClient.httpService, dummyClient.settings)
new BitbucketProvider(routesService, cacheService, client)