Source code for gatelfdata.vocabs

"""Module for the Voabs class"""

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from gatelfdata.vocab import Vocab
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
formatter = logging.Formatter(
                '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')

[docs]class Vocabs(object): """A class for managing all the vocab instances that are needed by features""" def __init__(self, remove_counts=True, remove_embs=True): """ Create a vocabs instance and set the default behaviour when finishing each vocab. :param remove_counts: remove the counts per word data when finishing :param remove_embs: remove the embs per word data when finishing """ # map from embedding id to vocab instance self.remove_counts = remove_counts self.remove_embs = remove_embs self.vocabs = defaultdict()
[docs] def setup_vocab(self, attrinfo, featurestats): """Create or update the temporary Vocab instances so that the counts from different attributes get merged""" logger.debug("Pre-initialising vocab for %r", attrinfo) counts = featurestats.get("stringCounts") if counts: emb_id = attrinfo.get("emb_id") if emb_id in self.vocabs: vocab = self.vocabs.get(emb_id) vocab.add_counts(counts) else: emb_train = attrinfo.get("emb_train") emb_file = attrinfo.get("emb_file") emb_dims = attrinfo.get("emb_dims") emb_minfreq = attrinfo.get("emb_minfreq") vocab = Vocab(featurestats["stringCounts"], emb_id=emb_id, emb_train=emb_train, emb_file=emb_file, emb_dims=emb_dims, emb_minfreq=emb_minfreq) self.vocabs[emb_id] = vocab
[docs] def finish(self): """Once all the counts have been gathered, create the final instances""" for _, vocab in self.vocabs.items(): vocab.finish(remove_counts=self.remove_counts, remove_embs=self.remove_embs) logger.debug("Finished vocabs: %s" % (self.vocabs,))
[docs] def get_vocab(self, attrinfo_or_embid): """Return a vocab instance for the given attribute name or embedding id.""" if isinstance(attrinfo_or_embid, dict): emb_id = attrinfo_or_embid.get("emb_id") else: emb_id = attrinfo_or_embid if emb_id in self.vocabs: return self.vocabs.get(emb_id) else: raise Exception("No vocab for emb_id: %s got %s" % (emb_id, self.vocabs.keys()))
def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "Vocabs(vocabs=%r)" % (self.vocabs.keys())