Source code for gatelfdata.featureboolean

"""Module for the FeatureBoolean class"""

import logging
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
formatter = logging.Formatter(
                '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')

[docs]class FeatureBoolean(object): def __init__(self, fname, attrinfo, featurestats): """For now, we do not do anything fancy for numeric features.""" logger.debug("Creating a FeatureBoolean from fname/attrinfo=%r/%r", fname, attrinfo) self.fname = fname self.attrinfo = attrinfo self.featurestats = featurestats
[docs] def type_converted(self): return "float"
[docs] def type_original(self): return "boolean"
[docs] @staticmethod def bool2float(val): if val: return float(1.0) return float(0.0)
def __call__(self, valueorlist, normalize=None): """Converts True to float(1.0) and False to float(0.0)""" if normalize: raise Exception("Normalization not supported for boolean features") if isinstance(valueorlist, list): return [FeatureBoolean.bool2float(x) for x in valueorlist] return valueorlist def __str__(self): return "FeatureBoolean(name=%s" % self.fname def __repr__(self): return "FeatureBoolean(name=%r" % self.fname