Source code for gatelfpytorchjson.classificationmodule

import torch.nn
import logging
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
formatter = logging.Formatter(
                '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')

[docs]class ClassificationModule(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, inputlayersinfo, hiddenlayersinfo, outputlayerinfo, featureconfig): """Construct the model: inputlayers is a list of tuples, where the first element is the PyTorch module and the second element is a dictionary of config data for that layer. The config data must contain the "type" key. Hiddenlayers is a similar list of hidden layers, where the first element of the list corresponds to the layer after the input layer and the last element to the layer before the output layer. Output layer is a single tuple (module,configs). The featureconfig parameter contains the feature indices per type and maybe other config info created by the wrapper. """ super().__init__() self.inputlayersinfo = inputlayersinfo self.hiddenlayersinfo = hiddenlayersinfo self.outputlayerinfo = outputlayerinfo self.num_idxs = featureconfig["num_idxs"] self.nom_idxs = featureconfig["nom_idxs"] self.ngr_idxs = featureconfig["ngr_idxs"] # register all the layers with the module so PyTorch knows # about parameters etc. for layer, config in inputlayersinfo: self.add_module(config.get("name"), layer) for layer, config in hiddenlayersinfo: self.add_module(config.get("name"), layer) outlayer = outputlayerinfo[0] outconfig = outputlayerinfo[1] self.add_module(outconfig.get("name"), outlayer) self._on_cuda = None
[docs] def set_seed(self, seed): torch.manual_seed(seed) # make sure it is set on all GPUs as well, we can always do this as torch ignores # this if no CUDA is available torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)
[docs] def on_cuda(self): """Returns true or false depending on if the module is on cuda or not. Unfortunately there is no API method in PyTorch for this so we get this from the first parameter of the model and cache it.""" if self._on_cuda is None: self._on_cuda = next(self.parameters()).is_cuda return self._on_cuda
[docs] def forward(self, batch): # logger.debug("Calling forward with %s" % (batch,)) # logger.debug("inputlayersinfo is %s" % (self.inputlayersinfo,)) i_nom = 0 i_ngr = 0 input_layer_outputs = [] # TODO: when we use the Concat layer instead of manually concatenating, # we just create all the input variables her and append to the inputs list, # then pass this on to the concat layer. for inputlayer, config in self.inputlayersinfo: inputtype = config["type"] if inputtype == "numeric": vals = [batch[i] for i in self.num_idxs] vals4pt = torch.FloatTensor(vals).t() vals4pt.requires_grad_(True) if self.on_cuda(): vals4pt = vals4pt.cuda() out = inputlayer(vals4pt) input_layer_outputs.append(out) elif inputtype == "nominal": nom_idx = self.nom_idxs[i_nom] i_nom += 1 # the EmbeddingsModule takes the original converted batch values, not a Tensor or Variable # vals4pt = V(torch.LongTensor(batch[nom_idx]), requires_grad=False) out = inputlayer(batch[nom_idx]) input_layer_outputs.append(out) elif inputtype == "ngram": ngr_idx = self.ngr_idxs[i_ngr] i_ngr += 1 out = inputlayer(batch[ngr_idx]) input_layer_outputs.append(out) else: raise Exception("Odd input type: %s" % inputtype) # concatenate the outputs, i.e. the last dimension hidden_vals =, len(input_layer_outputs[0].size())-1) for hiddenlayer, config in self.hiddenlayersinfo: # print("DEBUG: Have shape: ", hidden_vals.size(), file=sys.stderr) # print("DEBUG: Trying to apply hidden layer: ", hiddenlayer, file=sys.stderr) # TODO: IMPORTANT: if we have an LSTM somewhere, the lstm returns a tuple, so passing # it on to the next layer will not work!! Instead we need to wrap the LSTM into a # takefromtuple layer. hidden_vals = hiddenlayer(hidden_vals) outputlayer, outputlayerconfig = self.outputlayerinfo out = outputlayer(hidden_vals) return out