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gate.persist.SerialDataStore Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 *  Copyright (c) 1995-2012, The University of Sheffield. See the file
 *  COPYRIGHT.txt in the software or at
 *  This file is part of GATE (see, and is free
 *  software, licenced under the GNU Library General Public License,
 *  Version 2, June 1991 (in the distribution as file licence.html,
 *  and also available at
 *  Hamish Cunningham, 19/Jan/2001
 *  $Id: 17662 2014-03-14 16:19:05Z markagreenwood $

package gate.persist;

import gate.Corpus;
import gate.DataStore;
import gate.Document;
import gate.Factory;
import gate.FeatureMap;
import gate.Gate;
import gate.LanguageResource;
import gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl;
import gate.creole.ResourceData;
import gate.event.DatastoreEvent;
import gate.event.DatastoreListener;
import gate.util.AbstractFeatureBearer;
import gate.util.Files;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;
import gate.util.Out;
import gate.util.Strings;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Vector;

 * A data store based on Java serialisation.
public class SerialDataStore
extends AbstractFeatureBearer implements DataStore {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = -2109852254191554517L;

  /** Debug flag */
  private static final boolean DEBUG = false;

  /** The name of the datastore */
  protected String name;

   * Construction requires a file protocol URL
   * pointing to the storage directory used for
   * the serialised classes. NOTE: should not be called except by
   * GATE code.
  public SerialDataStore(String storageDirUrl) throws PersistenceException {
  } // construction from URL

   * Default construction. NOTE: should not be called except by
   * GATE code.
  public SerialDataStore() { };

   * The directory used for the serialised classes.
  protected File storageDir;

  /** Set method for storage URL */
  public void setStorageDir(File storageDir) { this.storageDir = storageDir; }

  /** Get method for storage URL */
  public File getStorageDir() { return storageDir; }

  /** Set the URL for the underlying storage mechanism. */
  public void setStorageUrl(String urlString) throws PersistenceException {
    URL storageUrl = null;
    try {
     storageUrl  = new URL(urlString);
    } catch ( ex) {
      throw new PersistenceException(
        "The URL passed is not correct: " + urlString
    if(! storageUrl.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("file"))
      throw new PersistenceException(
        "A serial data store needs a file URL, not " + storageUrl
    try {
      this.storageDir = new File(storageUrl.toURI());
    } catch(URISyntaxException use){
      this.storageDir = Files.fileFromURL(storageUrl);
  } // setStorageUrl

  /** Get the URL for the underlying storage mechanism. */
  public String getStorageUrl() {
    if(storageDir == null) return null;

    URL u = null;
    try { u = storageDir.toURI().toURL(); } catch(MalformedURLException e) {
      // we can assume that this never happens as storageUrl should always
      // be a valid file and therefore convertable to URL

    return u.toString();
  } // getStorageUrl()

  /** Create a new data store. This tries to create a directory in
    * the local file system. If the directory already exists and is
    * non-empty, or is
    * a file, or cannot be created, PersistenceException is thrown.
  public void create()
  throws PersistenceException {
    if(storageDir == null)
      throw new PersistenceException("null storage directory: cannot create");

    if(! storageDir.exists()) { // if doesn't exist create it
      if(! storageDir.mkdir())
        throw new
          PersistenceException("cannot create directory " + storageDir);
    } else { // must be empty
      String[] existingFiles = filterIgnoredFileNames(storageDir.list());
      if(! (existingFiles == null || existingFiles.length == 0) )
        throw new PersistenceException(
          "directory "+ storageDir +" is not empty: cannot use for data store"

    // dump the version file
    try {
      File versionFile = getVersionFile();
      OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(
        new FileOutputStream(versionFile)
      osw.write(versionNumber + Strings.getNl());
    } catch(IOException e) {
      throw new PersistenceException("couldn't write version file: " + e);
  } // create()

  /** The name of the version file */
  private static String versionFileName = "__GATE_SerialDataStore__";

  /** The protocol version of the currently open data store */
  protected String currentProtocolVersion = null;

  /** Get a File for the protocol version file. */
  protected File getVersionFile() throws IOException {
    return new File(storageDir, versionFileName);
  } // getVersionFile

   * Version number for variations in the storage protocol.
   * Protocol versions:
  • * 1.0: uncompressed. Originally had no version file - to read a 1.0 * SerialDataStore that has no version file add a version file containing * the line "1.0". *
  • * 1.1: has a version file. Uses GZIP compression. *
* This variable stores the version of the current level of the * protocol, NOT the level in use in the currently open data store. */ protected static final String versionNumber = "1.1"; /** List of valid protocol version numbers. */ protected static final String[] protocolVersionNumbers = { "1.0", "1.1" }; // protocolVersionNumbers /** Check a version number for validity. */ protected static boolean isValidProtocolVersion(String versionNumber) { if(versionNumber == null) return false; for(int i = 0; i < protocolVersionNumbers.length; i++) if(protocolVersionNumbers[i].equals(versionNumber)) return true; return false; } // isValidProtocolVersion /** Delete the data store. */ @Override public void delete() throws PersistenceException { if(storageDir == null || ! Files.rmdir(storageDir)) throw new PersistenceException("couldn't delete " + storageDir); Gate.getDataStoreRegister().remove(this); } // delete() /** Delete a resource from the data store. */ @Override public void delete(String lrClassName, Object lrPersistenceId) throws PersistenceException { // find the subdirectory for resources of this type File resourceTypeDirectory = new File(storageDir, lrClassName); if( (! resourceTypeDirectory.exists()) || (! resourceTypeDirectory.isDirectory()) ) { throw new PersistenceException("Can't find " + resourceTypeDirectory); } // create a File to representing the resource storage file File resourceFile = new File(resourceTypeDirectory, (String)lrPersistenceId); if(! resourceFile.exists() || ! resourceFile.isFile()) throw new PersistenceException("Can't find file " + resourceFile); // delete the beast if(! resourceFile.delete()) throw new PersistenceException("Can't delete file " + resourceFile); // if there are no more resources of this type, delete the dir too if(filterIgnoredFileNames(resourceTypeDirectory.list()).length == 0) if(! resourceTypeDirectory.delete()) throw new PersistenceException("Can't delete " + resourceTypeDirectory); //let the world know about it fireResourceDeleted( new DatastoreEvent( this, DatastoreEvent.RESOURCE_DELETED, null, lrPersistenceId ) ); } // delete(lr) /** Adopt a resource for persistence. */ @Override public LanguageResource adopt(LanguageResource lr) throws PersistenceException { //ignore security info // check the LR's current DS DataStore currentDS = lr.getDataStore(); if(currentDS == null) { // an orphan - do the adoption LanguageResource res = lr; if (lr instanceof Corpus) { FeatureMap features1 = Factory.newFeatureMap(); features1.put("transientSource", lr); try { //here we create the persistent LR via Factory, so it's registered //in GATE res = (LanguageResource) Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.SerialCorpusImpl", features1); //Here the transient corpus is not deleted from the CRI, because //this might not always be the desired behaviour //since we chose that it is for the GUI, this functionality is //now move to the 'Save to' action code in NameBearerHandle } catch (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } res.setDataStore(this); // let the world know fireResourceAdopted( new DatastoreEvent(this, DatastoreEvent.RESOURCE_ADOPTED, lr, null) ); return res; } else if(currentDS.equals(this)) // adopted already here return lr; else { // someone else's child throw new PersistenceException( "Can't adopt a resource which is already in a different datastore" ); } } // adopt(LR) /** Open a connection to the data store. */ @Override public void open() throws PersistenceException { if(storageDir == null) throw new PersistenceException("Can't open: storage dir is null"); // check storage directory is readable if(! storageDir.canRead()) { throw new PersistenceException("Can't read " + storageDir); } // check storage directory is a valid serial datastore // if we want to support old style: // String versionInVersionFile = "1.0"; // (but this means it will open *any* directory) try { FileReader fis = new FileReader(getVersionFile()); BufferedReader isr = new BufferedReader(fis); currentProtocolVersion = isr.readLine(); if(DEBUG) Out.prln("opening SDS version " + currentProtocolVersion); isr.close(); } catch(IOException e) { throw new PersistenceException( "Invalid storage directory: " + e ); } if(! isValidProtocolVersion(currentProtocolVersion)) throw new PersistenceException( "Invalid protocol version number: " + currentProtocolVersion ); } // open() /** Close the data store. */ @Override public void close() throws PersistenceException { Gate.getDataStoreRegister().remove(this); } // close() /** Save: synchonise the in-memory image of the LR with the persistent * image. */ @Override public void sync(LanguageResource lr) throws PersistenceException { // Out.prln("SDS: LR sync called. Saving " + lr.getClass().getName()); // check that this LR is one of ours (i.e. has been adopted) if(lr.getDataStore() == null || ! lr.getDataStore().equals(this)) throw new PersistenceException( "LR " + lr.getName() + " has not been adopted by this DataStore" ); // find the resource data for this LR ResourceData lrData = Gate.getCreoleRegister().get(lr.getClass().getName()); // create a subdirectory for resources of this type if none exists File resourceTypeDirectory = new File(storageDir, lrData.getClassName()); if( (! resourceTypeDirectory.exists()) || (! resourceTypeDirectory.isDirectory()) ) { // try to create the directory, throw an exception if it does not // exist after this attempt. It is possible for mkdir to fail and exists // still to return true if another thread managed to sneak in and // create the directory in the meantime if(! resourceTypeDirectory.mkdir() && ! resourceTypeDirectory.exists()) throw new PersistenceException("Can't write " + resourceTypeDirectory); } // create an indentifier for this resource String lrName = null; Object lrPersistenceId = null; lrName = lr.getName(); lrPersistenceId = lr.getLRPersistenceId(); if(lrName == null) lrName = lrData.getName(); if(lrPersistenceId == null) { lrPersistenceId = constructPersistenceId(lrName); lr.setLRPersistenceId(lrPersistenceId); } //we're saving a corpus. I need to save its documents first if (lr instanceof Corpus) { //check if the corpus is the one we support. CorpusImpl cannot be saved! if (! (lr instanceof SerialCorpusImpl)) throw new PersistenceException("Can't save a corpus which " + "is not of type SerialCorpusImpl!"); SerialCorpusImpl corpus = (SerialCorpusImpl) lr; //this is a list of the indexes of all newly-adopted documents //which will be used by the SerialCorpusImpl to update the //corresponding document IDs for (int i = 0; i < corpus.size(); i++) { //if the document is not in memory, there's little point in saving it if ( (!corpus.isDocumentLoaded(i)) && corpus.isPersistentDocument(i)) continue; if (DEBUG) Out.prln("Saving document at position " + i); if (DEBUG) Out.prln("Document in memory " + corpus.isDocumentLoaded(i)); if (DEBUG) Out.prln("is persistent? "+ corpus.isPersistentDocument(i)); if (DEBUG) Out.prln("Document name at position" + corpus.getDocumentName(i)); Document doc = corpus.get(i); try { //if the document is not already adopted, we need to do that first if (doc.getLRPersistenceId() == null) { if (DEBUG) Out.prln("Document adopted" + doc.getName()); doc = (Document) this.adopt(doc); this.sync(doc); if (DEBUG) Out.prln("Document sync-ed"); corpus.setDocumentPersistentID(i, doc.getLRPersistenceId()); } else{ //if it is adopted, just sync it this.sync(doc); if (DEBUG) Out.prln("Document sync-ed"); } // store the persistent ID. Needs to be done even if the document was //already adopted, in case the doc was already persistent //when added to the corpus corpus.setDocumentPersistentID(i, doc.getLRPersistenceId()); if (DEBUG) Out.prln("new document ID " + doc.getLRPersistenceId()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException("Error while saving corpus: " + corpus + "because of an error storing document " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } }//for loop through documents } // create a File to store the resource in File resourceFile = new File(resourceTypeDirectory, (String) lrPersistenceId); // dump the LR into the new File try { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(resourceFile); // after 1.1 the serialised files are compressed if(! currentProtocolVersion.equals("1.0")) os = new GZIPOutputStream(os); os=new BufferedOutputStream(os); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os); oos.writeObject(lr); oos.close(); } catch(IOException e) { throw new PersistenceException("Couldn't write to storage file: " + e.getMessage(),e); } // let the world know about it fireResourceWritten( new DatastoreEvent( this, DatastoreEvent.RESOURCE_WRITTEN, lr, lrPersistenceId ) ); } // sync(LR) /** Create a persistent store Id from the name of a resource. */ protected String constructPersistenceId(String lrName) { // change the persistence ID so that it can be used as a filename lrName = lrName.substring(0, Math.min(50, lrName.length())).replaceAll( "[\\/:\\*\\?\"<>|]", "_"); return lrName + "___" + new Date().getTime() + "___" + random(); } // constructPersistenceId @Override public LanguageResource getLr(String lrClassName, Object lrPersistenceId) throws PersistenceException,SecurityException { // find the subdirectory for resources of this type File resourceTypeDirectory = new File(storageDir, lrClassName); if( (! resourceTypeDirectory.exists()) || (! resourceTypeDirectory.isDirectory()) ) { throw new PersistenceException("Can't find " + resourceTypeDirectory); } // create a File to representing the resource storage file File resourceFile = new File(resourceTypeDirectory, lrPersistenceId.toString()); if(! resourceFile.exists() || ! resourceFile.isFile()) throw new PersistenceException("Can't find file " + resourceFile); // try and read the file and deserialise it LanguageResource lr = null; try { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(resourceFile); // after 1.1 the serialised files are compressed if(! currentProtocolVersion.equals("1.0")) is = new GZIPInputStream(is); is=new BufferedInputStream(is); // Use an input stream that is aware of the GATE classloader ObjectInputStream ois = new GateAwareObjectInputStream(is); lr = (LanguageResource) ois.readObject(); ois.close(); } catch(IOException e) { throw new PersistenceException("Couldn't read file "+resourceFile+": "+e); } catch(ClassNotFoundException ee) { throw new PersistenceException("Couldn't find class "+lrClassName+": "+ee); } // set the dataStore property of the LR (which is transient and therefore // not serialised) lr.setDataStore(this); lr.setLRPersistenceId(lrPersistenceId); if (DEBUG) Out.prln("LR read in memory: " + lr); return lr; } // getLr(id) /** Get a list of the types of LR that are present in the data store. */ @Override public List getLrTypes() throws PersistenceException { if(storageDir == null || ! storageDir.exists()) throw new PersistenceException("Can't read storage directory"); // filter out the version file String[] fileArray = filterIgnoredFileNames(storageDir.list()); List lrTypes = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i getLrIds(String lrType) throws PersistenceException { // a File to represent the directory for this type File resourceTypeDir = new File(storageDir, lrType); if(! resourceTypeDir.exists()) return Arrays.asList(new String[0]); return Arrays.asList(filterIgnoredFileNames(resourceTypeDir.list())); } // getLrIds(lrType) /** Get a list of the names of LRs of a particular type that are present. */ @Override public List getLrNames(String lrType) throws PersistenceException { // the list of files storing LRs of this type; an array for the names List lrFileNames = getLrIds(lrType); List lrNames = new ArrayList(); // for each lr file name, munge its name and add to the lrNames list for(String fname : lrFileNames) { lrNames.add(getLrName(fname)); } return lrNames; } // getLrNames(lrType) /** Get the name of an LR from its ID. */ @Override public String getLrName(Object lrId) { String sLRid = lrId.toString(); int secondSeparator = sLRid.lastIndexOf("___"); sLRid = sLRid.substring(0, secondSeparator); int firstSeparator = sLRid.lastIndexOf("___"); return sLRid.substring(0, firstSeparator); } // getLrName /** Set method for the autosaving behaviour of the data store. * NOTE: this type of datastore has no auto-save function, * therefore this method throws an UnsupportedOperationException. */ @Override public void setAutoSaving(boolean autoSaving) throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "SerialDataStore has no auto-save capability" ); } // setAutoSaving /** Get the autosaving behaviour of the LR. */ @Override public boolean isAutoSaving() { return autoSaving; } /** Flag for autosaving behaviour. */ protected boolean autoSaving = false; /** Generate a random integer between 0 and 9999 for file naming. */ protected static int random() { return randomiser.nextInt(9999); } // random /** Random number generator */ private static final Random randomiser = new Random(); private transient Vector datastoreListeners; /** String representation */ @Override public String toString() { String nl = Strings.getNl(); StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("SerialDataStore: "); s.append("autoSaving: " + autoSaving); s.append("; storageDir: " + storageDir); s.append(nl); return s.toString(); } // toString() /** Calculate a hash code based on the class and the storage dir. */ @Override public int hashCode(){ return getClass().hashCode() ^ storageDir.hashCode(); } // hashCode /** Equality: based on storage dir of other. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (! (other instanceof SerialDataStore)) return false; if (! ((SerialDataStore)other).storageDir.equals(storageDir)) return false; //check for the name. First with equals, because they can be both null //in which case trying just with equals leads to a null pointer exception if (((SerialDataStore)other).name == name) return true; else return ((SerialDataStore)other).name.equals(name); } // equals @Override public synchronized void removeDatastoreListener(DatastoreListener l) { if (datastoreListeners != null && datastoreListeners.contains(l)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector v = (Vector) datastoreListeners.clone(); v.removeElement(l); datastoreListeners = v; } } @Override public synchronized void addDatastoreListener(DatastoreListener l) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector v = datastoreListeners == null ? new Vector(2) : (Vector) datastoreListeners.clone(); if (!v.contains(l)) { v.addElement(l); datastoreListeners = v; } } protected void fireResourceAdopted(DatastoreEvent e) { if (datastoreListeners != null) { Vector listeners = datastoreListeners; int count = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { listeners.elementAt(i).resourceAdopted(e); } } } protected void fireResourceDeleted(DatastoreEvent e) { if (datastoreListeners != null) { Vector listeners = datastoreListeners; int count = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { listeners.elementAt(i).resourceDeleted(e); } } } protected void fireResourceWritten(DatastoreEvent e) { if (datastoreListeners != null) { Vector listeners = datastoreListeners; int count = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { listeners.elementAt(i).resourceWritten(e); } } } /** * Returns the name of the icon to be used when this datastore is displayed * in the GUI */ @Override public String getIconName(){ return "datastore"; } /** * Returns the comment displayed by the GUI for this DataStore */ @Override public String getComment(){ return "GATE serial datastore"; } /** * Checks if the user (identified by the sessionID) * has read access to the LR */ @Override public boolean canReadLR(Object lrID) throws PersistenceException{ return true; } /** * Checks if the user (identified by the sessionID) * has write access to the LR */ @Override public boolean canWriteLR(Object lrID) throws PersistenceException{ return true; } /** Sets the name of this resource*/ @Override public void setName(String name){ = name; } /** Returns the name of this resource*/ @Override public String getName(){ return name; } /** * Try to acquire exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store. * Always call unlockLR() when the lock is no longer needed */ @Override public boolean lockLr(LanguageResource lr) throws PersistenceException,SecurityException { return true; } /** * Releases the exlusive lock on a resource from the persistent store. */ @Override public void unlockLr(LanguageResource lr) throws PersistenceException,SecurityException { return; } /** Get a list of LRs that satisfy some set or restrictions */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public List findLrIds(List constraints) throws PersistenceException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Serial DataStore does not support document retrieval."); } /** * Get a list of LRs that satisfy some set or restrictions and are * of a particular type */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public List findLrIds(List constraints, String lrType) throws PersistenceException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Serial DataStore does not support document retrieval."); } /** * This removes the names of all files from a list of file names for which * we know that we want to ignore them. * Currently, all names starting with a dot are ignored. * * @param fileNames * @return the list of file names with the ignored names removed */ protected String[] filterIgnoredFileNames(String[] fileNames) { if(fileNames == null || fileNames.length == 0) { return fileNames; } Vector filteredNames = new Vector(fileNames.length); for(String filename : fileNames) { if(!filename.startsWith(".") && !filename.equals("Icon\r")) { filteredNames.add(filename); } } return filteredNames.toArray(new String[0]); } } // class SerialDataStore

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