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SIMcheck.Rec_FourierPlots Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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ImageJ plugin suite for super-resolution structured illumination microscopy data quality control.

The newest version!
 * Copyright (c) 2015, Graeme Ball and Micron Oxford,
 * University of Oxford, Department of Biochemistry.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see .

package SIMcheck;

import ij.*;
import ij.plugin.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.measure.*;
import ij.gui.*;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;

 * This plugin plots FFTs of reconstructed stacks with resolution rings.
 * @author Graeme Ball 
 * @see ij.plugin.FFT
 * @see ij.process.FHT
public class Rec_FourierPlots implements PlugIn, Executable {

    public static final String name = "Reconstructed Fourier Plots";
    public static final String TLA = "FTL";  // Fourier Transform Lateral
    public static final String TLA2 = "FTR";  // FT Radial profile
    public static final String TLA3 = "FTO";  // FT Orthogonal (XZ)
    private ResultSet results = new ResultSet(name, TLA);
    private static final IndexColorModel fourierLUT = 
    // parameter fields
    public double[] resolutions = {0.10, 0.12, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6};
    public double blurRadius = 6.0d;  // default for 512x512
    public double winFraction = 0.06d;  // window function size, 0-1
    // TODO: refactor & remove default winFraction from here
    // options
    public boolean fft3d = true;          // use 3D FFT? (requires JTransforms3)
    public boolean autoCutoff = true;     // no noise cut-off?
    public boolean manualCutoff = false;  // manual noise cut-off?
    public boolean applyWinFunc = false;  // apply window function?
    public boolean gammaMinMax = false;   // show 32-bit gamma 0.2, min-max?
    public boolean logDisplay = false;    // show 8-bit log(Amp^2)?
    public boolean autoScale = false;     // re-scale FFT to mode->max?
      // N.B. autoScale now *always*/only happens for log(Amp^2): TODO, tidy! 
    public boolean blurAndLUT = false;    // blur & apply false color LUT?
    public boolean showAxial = false;     // show axial FFT?
    private double[] channelMinima = null;
    public void run(String arg) {
        ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage();
        boolean doCheck = false;
        if (FFT3D.ensureFftLibInstalled(false) == true) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(name);
            gd.addMessage("3D FFT (JTransforms), log-scaled power spectrum");
            gd.addCheckbox("(1)_Cut-off:_auto (stack mode)", autoCutoff);
            gd.addCheckbox("     Cut-off:_manual (default=0)", manualCutoff);
            gd.addCheckbox("(2)_Window_function*", applyWinFunc);
            gd.addCheckbox("(3)_Show_axial_FFT", showAxial);
            gd.addMessage("* suppresses edge artifacts");
            gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "2D-FFT options");
            if (gd.wasOKed()) {
                // TODO: notCutoff, manualCutoff and autoScale radioButton group
                this.autoCutoff = gd.getNextBoolean();
                this.manualCutoff = gd.getNextBoolean();
                this.applyWinFunc = gd.getNextBoolean();
                this.showAxial = gd.getNextBoolean();
                if (manualCutoff) {
                    // skip if noCutoff
                    this.channelMinima = new double[imp.getNChannels()];
                            channelMinima, "Set noise cut-off:");
                doCheck = true;
            } else if (!gd.wasCanceled()) {
                // i.e. "More" button clicked to skip 3D FFT
                this.fft3d = false;
                doCheck = dialog2D(imp);
            // simplified options for 3d transform (if available)
        } else {
            doCheck = dialog2D(imp);
        if (doCheck) {
            results = exec(imp);
    /** Show dialog for check with 2D Fourier transforms and set options.
     * Return false if check was canceled. */
    private boolean dialog2D (ImagePlus imp) {
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(name);
        gd.addCheckbox("(1)_Cut-off:_auto (stack mode)", autoCutoff);
        gd.addCheckbox("     Cut-off:_manual (default=0)", manualCutoff);
        gd.addCheckbox("(2)_Window_function*", applyWinFunc);
        gd.addCheckbox("(3)_32-bit_Amp, gamma 0.2, display min-max", gammaMinMax);
        gd.addCheckbox("     8-bit log(Amp^2), display mode-max", logDisplay);
        gd.addCheckbox("(4)_Blur_&_false-color_LUT", blurAndLUT);
        gd.addCheckbox("(5)_Show_axial_FFT", showAxial);
        gd.addMessage("* suppresses edge artifacts");
        gd.addMessage("** default: 32-bit Amplitude, gamma 0.2 (display 2-40)");
	try {
	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e ) {
	    gd.addMessage("! To be able run 3D FFTs, make sure JTransforms is installed");
        if (gd.wasOKed()) {
            // TODO: notCutoff, manualCutoff and autoScale radioButton group
            this.autoCutoff = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.manualCutoff = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.applyWinFunc = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.gammaMinMax = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.logDisplay = gd.getNextBoolean();
            if (this.logDisplay) {
                this.autoScale = true;
            this.blurAndLUT = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.showAxial = gd.getNextBoolean();
            if (manualCutoff) {
                // skip if noCutoff
                this.channelMinima = new double[imp.getNChannels()];
                        channelMinima, "Set noise cut-off:");
            return true;
        } else{
            return false;

     * Execute plugin functionality: for reconstructed and ortho-resliced,
     * 2D FFT each slice and draw resolution rings (optional blur+LUT).
     * @param imps reconstructed data ImagePlus should be first imp
     * @return ResultSet containing FFT imp, ortho FFT imp, radial profile plot 
    public ResultSet exec(ImagePlus... imps) {
        try {
            // use parallel fftj for 3d transform if available
        } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
            this.fft3d = false;  // can't find ImgLib2, so no 3D FFT
        // TODO: check we have micron calibrations before continuing..
        Calibration cal = imps[0].getCalibration();
        ImagePlus imp2 = null;
        if (manualCutoff) {
            imp2 = Util_RescaleTo16bit.exec(imps[0].duplicate(), channelMinima);
        } else if (autoCutoff) {
            imp2 = Util_RescaleTo16bit.exec(imps[0].duplicate());
        } else {
            imp2 = imps[0].duplicate();
  "Conversions...", "scale");
  , "16-bit", "");
  "Conversions...", " ");
        IJ.showStatus("Fourier transforming z-sections (lateral view)");
        if (!applyWinFunc) {
            winFraction = 0.0d;
        ImagePlus impF = null;
        if (fft3d) {
  , "32-bit", "");
            impF = FFT3D.fftImp(imp2, winFraction);
        } else {
            if (logDisplay) {
                impF = FFT2D.fftImp(imp2, winFraction);
                blurRadius *= (double)impF.getWidth() / 512.0d;
                IJ.showStatus("Blurring & rescaling z-sections (lateral view)");
                impF = gaussBlur(impF);
                if (imps[0].isComposite()) {
                    impF = new CompositeImage(impF);
                setLUT(impF, 0.0d, 255.0d);
            } else {
                impF = FFT2D.fftImp(imp2, true, winFraction, 0.2d);
                impF = gaussBlur(impF);
                if (imps[0].isComposite()) {
                    impF = new CompositeImage(impF);
                if (gammaMinMax) {
                    if (blurAndLUT) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    IJ.setMinAndMax(impF, 2, 40);
                    setLUT(impF, 2.0d, 40.0d);
        impF = overlayResRings(impF, cal);
        I1l.copyStackDims(imps[0], impF);
        impF.setPosition(1, impF.getNSlices() / 2, 1);
        impF.setTitle(I1l.makeTitle(imps[0], TLA));
        results.addImp("Fourier Transform Lateral (XY; resolution rings" +
                " in microns)", impF);
        // radial & axial profiles only if we have calibration info
        if (imp2.getCalibration().getUnit().equals("pixel")) {
            IJ.log("Calibration info required for Radial & Axial FFT plots!");
        } else {
            ImagePlus radialProfiles = makeRadialProfiles(impF);
            radialProfiles.setTitle(I1l.makeTitle(imps[0], TLA2));
            results.addImp("Fourier Transform Radial profile "
                    + "(lateral, central Z)", radialProfiles);
            if (showAxial) {
                Calibration calOrtho = null;
                ImagePlus impOrtho = null;
                ImagePlus impOrthoF = null;
                if (fft3d) {
                    new StackConverter(impF).convertToGray32();  // for OrthoReslicer
                    OrthoReslicer orthoReslicer = new OrthoReslicer();
                    ImagePlus impF2 = impF.duplicate();
                    //impOrthoF = I1l.takeCentralZ(impOrthoF);
                    impOrthoF = orthoReslicer.exec(impF2, true);
                    impOrthoF = resizeAndPad3d(impOrthoF, cal);
                    IJ.setMinAndMax(impOrthoF, 20, 40);
                    setLUT(impOrthoF, 20.0d, 40.0d);
                    calOrtho = impOrthoF.getCalibration();
                } else {
                    /// for orthogonal (axial) view, reslice first
                    new StackConverter(imp2).convertToGray32();  // for OrthoReslicer
                    OrthoReslicer orthoReslicer = new OrthoReslicer();
                    impOrtho = imp2.duplicate();
                    impOrtho = orthoReslicer.exec(impOrtho, false);
                    impOrtho = I1l.takeCentralZ(impOrtho);
                    calOrtho = impOrtho.getCalibration();
                    IJ.showStatus("FFT z-sections (orthogonal view)");
                    if (logDisplay) {
                        impOrthoF = FFT2D.fftImp(impOrtho, winFraction);
                        IJ.showStatus("Blur & rescale z-sections (orthogonal view)");
                        impOrthoF = resizeAndPad(impOrthoF, cal);
                        impOrthoF = gaussBlur(impOrthoF);
                        // TODO, for multi-frame images, ensure impOrthoF is composite
                        setLUT(impOrthoF, 0.0d, 255.0d);
                    } else {
                        impOrthoF = FFT2D.fftImp(impOrtho, true, winFraction, 0.2d);
                        impOrthoF = resizeAndPad(impOrthoF, cal);
                        impOrthoF = gaussBlur(impOrthoF);
                        if (gammaMinMax) {
                            if (blurAndLUT) {
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            IJ.setMinAndMax(impOrthoF, 2, 40);
                            setLUT(impOrthoF, 2.0d, 40.0d);
                calOrtho.pixelHeight = calOrtho.pixelWidth;  // after resizeAndPad
                impOrthoF = overlayResRings(impOrthoF, calOrtho);
                I1l.copyStackDims(imps[0], impOrthoF);
                impOrthoF.setPosition(1, impF.getNSlices() / 2, 1);
                impOrthoF.setTitle(I1l.makeTitle(imps[0], TLA3));
                results.addImp("Fourier Transform Orthogonal (XZ)", impOrthoF);
        impF.setPosition(1, impF.getNSlices() / 2, 1);
        if (fft3d) {
                    "by default the reconstructed data are (1) cropped to mode;"
                            + " (2) 3D Fourier transformed (JTransforms)"
                            + " and log-scaled power spectrum displayed.");
        } else {
                    "by default the reconstructed data are (1) cropped to mode;"
                            + " (2) Fourier transformed and scaled by a gamma function"
                            + " (gamma=0.2).");
        results.addInfo("How to interpret", 
            "Fourier plots highlight potential artifacts and indicate"
            + " effective resolution:"
            + "  - Spots in Fourier spectrum indicate periodic patterns."
            + "  - Flattened Fourier spectrum (plateau in radial profile)"
            + " indicates lack of high frequency signal and poor resolution."
            + "  - Asymmetric FFT indicates angle-specific decrease in"
            + " resolution due to: angle-to-angle intensity variations,"
            + " angle-specific illumination pattern ('k0') fit error, or"
            + " angle-specific z-modulation issues.  -- ");
        return results;
    /** Set display range for each channel to mode-max. */
    private void displayModeToMax(ImagePlus imp) {
        double mode, max;
        for (int c = 1; c <= imp.getNChannels(); c++) {
            mode = I1l.getStatsForChannel(imp, c).dmode;
            max = I1l.getStatsForChannel(imp, c).max;
            IJ.setMinAndMax(imp, mode, max);

    /** Set display each channel mode-max of central 1/3 horizontal stripe. */
    private void displayCentralModeToMax(ImagePlus imp) {
        int yThird = imp.getHeight() / 3;
        Roi centralRoi = new Roi(0, yThird, imp.getWidth(), yThird);
        ImagePlus impCentral = new Duplicator().run(imp, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        double mode, max;
        for (int c = 1; c <= imp.getNChannels(); c++) {
            mode = I1l.getStatsForChannel(impCentral, c).dmode;
            max = I1l.getStatsForChannel(impCentral, c).max;
            IJ.setMinAndMax(imp, mode, max);
    /** Set display range for each channel to min-max. */
    private void displayMinToMax(ImagePlus imp) {
        double min, max;
        for (int c = 1; c <= imp.getNChannels(); c++) {
            min = I1l.getStatsForChannel(imp, c).min;
            max = I1l.getStatsForChannel(imp, c).max;
            IJ.setMinAndMax(imp, min, max);
    /** Gaussian-blur result, or not, based on blurAndLUT option field. */
    private ImagePlus gaussBlur(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (blurAndLUT) {
            imp = I1l.gaussBlur2D(imp, blurRadius);
        return imp;
    /** Rescale 8-bit imp 0-255 for input min or mode (autoscale) to max. */
    private void autoscaleSlices(ImagePlus imp) {
        int ns = imp.getStackSize();
        for (int s = 1; s <= ns; s++) {
            ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
            ImageStatistics stats = imp.getProcessor().getStatistics();
            int min = (int)stats.min;
            if (autoScale) {
                min = (int)stats.mode;
            int max = (int)stats.max;
            ByteProcessor bp = (ByteProcessor)imp.getProcessor();
            ip = (ImageProcessor)I1l.setBPminMax(bp, min, max, 255);
    /** Rescale 8-bit image to fill up to max 255. */
    private void rescaleToStackMax(ImagePlus imp) {
        int nc = imp.getNChannels();
        ImagePlus[] imps = new ImagePlus[nc];
        for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
            imps[c] = I1l.copyChannel(imp, c + 1);
            StackStatistics stats = new StackStatistics(imps[c]);
            int ns = imps[c].getStackSize();
            for (int s = 1; s <= ns; s++) {
                ByteProcessor bp = (ByteProcessor)imps[c].getProcessor();
                bp = I1l.setBPminMax(bp, 0, (int)stats.max, 255);
        imp.setStack(I1l.mergeChannels("impsMerged", imps).getStack());
    /** Use color LUT, or not, according to blurAndLUT option field. */
    private void setLUT(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (blurAndLUT) {
            I1l.applyLUT(imp, fourierLUT);
        } else {
            if (imp.isComposite()) {
                CompositeImage ci = (CompositeImage)imp;

    /** Use color LUT, or not; and update display range. */
    private void setLUT(ImagePlus imp, double min, double max) {
        if (blurAndLUT) {
            double[] displayRange = {min, max};
            I1l.applyLUT(imp, fourierLUT, displayRange);
        } else {
            if (imp.isComposite()) {
                CompositeImage ci = (CompositeImage)imp;

    /** Resize imp for same y pixel size as in cal & pad square with 0s. */
    private ImagePlus resizeAndPad(ImagePlus imp, Calibration cal) {
        int width = imp.getHeight();
        int height = imp.getHeight();
        int depth = imp.getNSlices();
        double rescaleFactor = cal.pixelHeight / cal.pixelDepth;
        int rescaledHeight = (int)((double)height * rescaleFactor);, "Scale...", 
                "x=1.0 y=" + rescaleFactor 
                + " z=1.0 width=" + width 
                + " height=" + rescaledHeight
                + " depth=" + depth + " interpolation=Bilinear"
                + " average process create title=impOrthoResized");
        ImagePlus imp2 = IJ.getImage();  // TODO: refactor
        int slices = imp2.getStackSize();
        ImageStack stack = imp2.getStack();
        ImageStack padStack = new ImageStack(width, height, 
        for (int s = 1; s <= slices; s++) {
            ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(s);
            int insertStart = width * (((height - rescaledHeight) / 2) + 1);
            int insertEnd = insertStart + width * rescaledHeight;
            if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) {
                ImageProcessor pip = new ByteProcessor(width, height); // to pad
                byte[] pix = (byte[])((ByteProcessor)ip).getPixels();
                byte[] padpix = new byte[width * height];
                for (int i = insertStart; i < insertEnd; i++) {
                    padpix[i] = pix[i - insertStart];
                padStack.setProcessor(pip, s);
            } else {
                ImageProcessor pip = new FloatProcessor(width, height); // to pad
                float[] pix = (float[])((FloatProcessor)ip).getPixels();
                float[] padpix = new float[width * height];
                for (int i = insertStart; i < insertEnd; i++) {
                    padpix[i] = pix[i - insertStart];
                padStack.setProcessor(pip, s);
        I1l.copyCal(imp, imp2);
        imp2.setProperty("FHT", imp.getProperty("FHT"));
        return imp2;
    /** Resize and pad square resliced 3D FFT result. */
    private ImagePlus resizeAndPad3d(ImagePlus imp, Calibration cal) {
        int width = imp.getWidth();
        int height = imp.getHeight();
        int depth = imp.getNSlices();
        double rescaleFactor = cal.pixelHeight / cal.pixelDepth;
        int rescaledHeight = (int)((double)width * rescaleFactor);
        double rescaleY = (double)height / rescaledHeight;, "Scale...", 
                "x=1.0 y=" + (1.0d / rescaleY) 
                + " z=1.0 width=" + width 
                + " height=" + rescaledHeight
                + " depth=" + depth + " interpolation=Bilinear"
                + " average process create title=impOrthoResized");
        ImagePlus imp2 = IJ.getImage();  // TODO: refactor
        int slices = imp2.getStackSize();
        ImageStack stack = imp2.getStack();
        ImageStack padStack = new ImageStack(width, width, 
        for (int s = 1; s <= slices; s++) {
            ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(s);
            int insertStart = width * (((width - rescaledHeight) / 2) + 1);
            int insertEnd = insertStart + width * rescaledHeight;
            ImageProcessor pip = new FloatProcessor(width, width); // to pad
            float[] pix = (float[])((FloatProcessor)ip).getPixels();
            float[] padpix = new float[width * width];
            for (int i = insertStart; i < insertEnd; i++) {
                padpix[i] = pix[i - insertStart];
            padStack.setProcessor(pip, s);
        I1l.copyCal(imp, imp2);  // imp2 cal needs to be updated later
        return imp2;
    /** Make radial profile plot for each channel at central Z. */
    private ImagePlus makeRadialProfiles(ImagePlus imp) {
        int nc = imp.getNChannels();
        int nz = imp.getNSlices();
        ImagePlus[] profiles = new ImagePlus[nc];
        RadialProfile radialProfiler = new RadialProfile();
        for (int c = 1; c <= nc; c++) {
            imp.setPosition(c, nz / 2, 1);
            ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
            ImagePlus impC = new ImagePlus("impC" + c, ip);
            impC.setProperty("FHT", "F");  // tell radialProfiler it's Fourier
            I1l.copyCal(imp, impC);
            if (logDisplay) {
                profiles[c - 1] = radialProfiler.exec(impC,
                        "Integrated Fourier amplitude (a.u.)");
            } else {
                profiles[c - 1] = radialProfiler.exec(impC);
        ImagePlus impProfiles = I1l.mergeChannels(
                "radial profiles", profiles);
        return impProfiles;
     * Overlay resolution rings on each slice of a Fourier ImagePlus. 
     *  NB. raw (non-FFT) imp is required for original calibrations.
    private ImagePlus overlayResRings(ImagePlus Fimp, Calibration cal) {
        String unit = cal.getUnit();
        if (!(unit.startsWith(""+IJ.micronSymbol) || unit.startsWith("u") 
                || unit.startsWith("micro"))) {
            IJ.log("  ! warning - non-micron calibration (" + unit
                    + ") - cannot plot resolutions");
        } else {
            int width = Fimp.getWidth();
            int height = Fimp.getHeight();
            double pixWidth = cal.pixelWidth;
            double pixHeight = cal.pixelHeight;
            int fontSize = Fimp.getProcessor().getFont().getSize();
            Overlay resOverlay = new Overlay();
            for (int ring = 0; ring < resolutions.length; ring++) {
                // res = pixel size * width/radius (i.e. 2cycles)
                double dresX = ((double) width * pixWidth 
                		/ resolutions[ring]);
                int resX = (int) dresX;
                double dresY = ((double) height * pixHeight 
                		/ resolutions[ring]);
                int resY = (int) dresY;
                // NB. referring to *display* X & Y - could be e.g. true Z
                int ovalW = resX * 2;
                int ovalH = resY * 2;
                int topLeftX = width / 2 + 1 - ovalW / 2;
                int topLeftY = height / 2 + 1 - ovalH / 2;
                OvalRoi currentOval = new OvalRoi(topLeftX, topLeftY, 
                        ovalW, ovalH);
                TextRoi currentRes = new TextRoi(
                        (int) (width / 2 - fontSize),
                        (int) (height / 2 - 2 * (-0.5 + (ring + 1) % 2)
                                * (ovalH / 2) - fontSize),
        return Fimp;
    /** main method for manual testing */
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new ImageJ();
        ImagePlus impTest = TestData.recon;;
        OrthoReslicer orthoReslicer = new OrthoReslicer();
        ImagePlus impOrtho = orthoReslicer.exec(impTest, false);;
        IJ.log("impOrtho height/width after reslice: " + impOrtho.getHeight() 
        		+ "/" + impOrtho.getWidth());
        ImagePlus impOrthoF = FFT2D.fftImp(impOrtho.duplicate());;
        int width = impOrtho.getWidth();
        int height = impOrtho.getHeight();
        ImageStack windowedStack = new ImageStack(width, height);
        int paddedSize = FFT2D.calcPadSize(impOrtho);
        if (paddedSize != width || paddedSize != height) {
            width = paddedSize;
            height = paddedSize;
        ImageStack paddedStack = new ImageStack(width, height);
        for (int s = 1; s <= impOrtho.getStackSize(); s++) {
            ImageProcessor ip = impOrtho.getStack().getProcessor(s);
            ImageProcessor wp = FFT2D.gaussWindow(ip.duplicate(), 0.125d);
            ImageProcessor pp = FFT2D.pad(wp.duplicate(), paddedSize); 
        ImagePlus impWindowed = new ImagePlus();
        ImagePlus impPadded = new ImagePlus();
        IJ.runPlugIn(Rec_FourierPlots.class.getName(), "");

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