uk.ac.starlink.fits.WideFits Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package uk.ac.starlink.fits;
* Defines a convention for storing extended column data in a FITS
* BINTABLE extension. The general idea assumes storing the
* BINTABLE data as if there were no 999 column limit, with a
* container column containing the byte data for all the extended
* columns and some non-standard way to record column metadata
* for the columns beyond the container.
* For practical purposes it only makes sense to use a container
* column index of 999, the maximum allowed standard column index
* allowed by FITS BINTABLE. But the interface provides the
* option to use a smaller value, perhaps for testing purposes.
* There are various options for filling in the details,
* in particular how the metadata for the extended columns
* is stored in the FITS headers. These are defined by the
* implementation(s) in the {@link AbstractWideFits} class.
This convention is based on an idea suggested by William Pence
* on the FITSBITS list in June 2012, and by Francois-Xavier Pineau (CDS)
* in 2016.
* It was discussed at some length on the FITSBITS mailing list in
* July 2017 in the thread
* BINTABLE convention for >999 columns
* @author Mark Taylor
* @since 27 Jul 2017
public interface WideFits {
/** Maximum number of standard columns, imposed by FITS standard (999). */
public static final int MAX_NCOLSTD = 999;
/** Default WideFits instance; currently TFORMaaa using column 999. */
public static final WideFits DEFAULT =
AbstractWideFits.createHierarchWideFits( 999 );
* Returns the index of the column used (if any) by this specification
* for extended column data. The result is the FITS column index,
* so the first column in the table is 1.
* This value is equal to the number of standard columns
* if extended columns are included.
Under normal circumstances, this returns 999 ({@link #MAX_NCOLSTD}).
* @return 1-based index of container column
int getContainerColumnIndex();
* Maximum extended number of columns that can be represented by
* this convention. This value includes the standard columns.
* @return maximum extended column count
int getExtColumnMax();
* Returns an array of per-HDU header cards that announce the operation
* of this convention in a BINTABLE HDU.
* @param ncolExt total column count including extended
* @return cards to append to BINTABLE header
CardImage[] getExtensionCards( int ncolExt );
* Returns an array of per-HDU header cards
* that describe the single container column (with index icolContainer)
* used to implement this convention in a BINTABLE HDU.
* @param nbyteExt number of bytes per row in container column
* @param nslice if >0 this will result in a TDIMnnn header
* that gives a 2-element shape, with the supplied
* value being the second element;
* if you don't want TDIMnnn, use 0
* @return cards to append to BINTABLE header
CardImage[] getContainerColumnCards( long nbyteExt, long nslice );
* Returns the total number of columns, including extended ones,
* described by a FITS header according to this convention.
* @param hdr FITS header
* @param ncolStd number of 'standard' BINTABLE columns,
* got from TFIELDS header
* @return extended number of columns, includes standard ones
int getExtendedColumnCount( FitsHeader hdr, int ncolStd );
* Creates a BintableColumnHeader instance suitable for use with
* the extended column convention defined by this class.
* @param icolContainer 1-based index of container column used for
* storing extended column data
* @param jcol 1-based column index for an extended column
* @return new column header instance
BintableColumnHeader createExtendedHeader( int icolContainer, int jcol );