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* #%L
* Genome Damage and Stability Centre SMLM Package
* Software for single molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM)
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2023 Alex Herbert
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
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* #L%
* Implements the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma Mixture.
* The implementation uses the Poisson-Gamma mixture described from Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007).
* Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3:
{@code Gp,m(0) = e^-p}
* {@code Gp,m(c|c>0) = sqrt(p/(c*m)) * e^(-c/m -p) * I1(2*sqrt(c*p/m))}
* Where:
c = the observed value at the pixel
p = the function value (expected number of
* photons)
m = the gain of the pixel
I1 = Modified Bessel function of the first kind
* The likelihood function is designed to model on-chip amplification of a EMCCD/CCD/sCMOS camera
* which captures a Poisson process of emitted light, converted to electrons on the camera chip,
* amplified by a gain and then read with Gaussian noise.
public class PoissonGammaFunction
implements LikelihoodFunction, LogLikelihoodFunction, GradientLikelihoodFunction {
private static final double TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;
// Allow parameters names [c, p, m] to match Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007).
// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: ParameterNames
* The on-chip gain multiplication factor.
final double m;
* Instantiates a new poisson gamma function.
* @param m The on-chip gain multiplication factor
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the gain is zero or below
public PoissonGammaFunction(double m) {
ValidationUtils.checkArgument(m > 0, "Gain must be strictly positive: %f", m);
this.m = m;
* Creates the with standard deviation.
* @param alpha The inverse of the on-chip gain multiplication factor
* @return the poisson gamma function
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the gain is zero or below
public static PoissonGammaFunction createWithAlpha(final double alpha) {
return new PoissonGammaFunction(1.0 / alpha);
* Calculate the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of EM-gain.
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
* @param c The count to evaluate
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param m The multiplication factor (gain)
* @return The probability
public static double poissonGamma(double c, double p, double m) {
// Any observed count above zero
if (c > 0) {
// The observed count converted to photons
final double c_m = c / m;
// The current implementation of Bessel.II(x) is Infinity at x==710.
// Also exp(-c/m -p) will be sub-normal at < -709.
// Switch to an approximation.
final double x = 2 * Math.sqrt(p * c_m);
final double c_m_p = -c_m - p;
if (x > 709 || c_m_p < -709) {
// return StdMath.exp(0.5 * Math.log(p / (c * m)) + c_m_p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(twoPi * x))
return (x / (2 * c)) * StdMath.exp(c_m_p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(TWO_PI * x));
// return Math.sqrt(p / (c * m)) * StdMath.exp(c_m_p) * Bessel.i1(x)
return (x / (2 * c)) * StdMath.exp(c_m_p) * Bessel.i1(x);
} else if (c == 0) {
return StdMath.exp(-p) * (1 + p / m);
} else {
return 0;
* Calculate the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of EM-gain.
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
Note: This implementation will underestimate the cumulative probability ({@code sum<1}) when
* the mean is close to 1 and the gain is low ({@code <10}).
* @param c The count to evaluate
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param m The multiplication factor (gain)
* @param gradient the gradient of the function G(c) with respect to parameter p
* @return The probability
public static double poissonGamma(double c, double p, double m, double[] gradient) {
// Any observed count above zero
if (c > 0) {
// The observed count converted to photons
final double c_m = c / m;
final double cp_m = p * c_m;
// The current implementation of Bessel.II(x) is Infinity at x==710
// due to the use of Math.exp(x). Switch to an approximation.
final double x = 2 * Math.sqrt(cp_m);
final double c_m_p = -c_m - p;
if (x > 709 || c_m_p < -709) {
// Approximate Bessel function i0(x)/i1(x) when using large x:
// In(x) ~ exp(x)/sqrt(2*pi*x)
final double exp_transform = StdMath.exp(c_m_p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(TWO_PI * x));
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_transform;
gradient[0] = exp_transform / m - G;
return G;
// G(c) = e^-p . e^-c/m . sum n=1 to inf { 1/(n!(n-1)!) . p^n c^(n-1) / m^n }
// dG(c)/dp = e^-p . e^-c/m . sum n=1 to inf { 1/(n!(n-1)!) . n * p^(n-1) c^(n-1) / m^n } -
// e^-p . e^-c/m . sum n=1 to inf { 1/(n!(n-1)!) . p^n c^(n-1) / m^n }
// dG(c)/dp = e^-p . e^-c/m . 1/m . sum n=1 to inf { 1/((n-1)!(n-1)!) . p^(n-1) c^(n-1) /
// m^(n-1) } - G(c)
// dG(c)/dp = e^-p . e^-c/m . 1/m . sum n=0 to inf { 1/(n!^2) . (pc/m)^n } - G(c)
// Bessel I0 = sum n=0 to inf { 1/(n!^2) . ((x/2)^2)^n }
// x = 2 * sqrt(cp/m)
// dG(c)/dp = e^-p . e^-c/m . 1/m . I0(2*sqrt(cp/m)) - G(c)
// dG(c)/dp = e^(-c/m -p) . I0(2*sqrt(cp/m))/m - G(c)
final double exp_c_m_p = StdMath.exp(c_m_p);
// double G = Math.sqrt(p / (c * m)) * exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i1(x);
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i1(x);
gradient[0] = exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i0(x) / m - G;
return G;
} else if (c == 0) {
// f(p) = exp(-p) * (1 + p / m)
// df/dp = (-exp(-p) * (1 + p / m)) + (exp(-p) / m)
final double exp_p = StdMath.exp(-p);
final double G = exp_p * (1 + p / m);
gradient[0] = exp_p / m - G;
return G;
} else {
gradient[0] = 0;
return 0;
* Calculate the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of EM-gain
* for observed Poisson counts. This avoids the computation of the Dirac delta function at c=0.
This method is suitable for use in integration routines.
If c==0 then the true probability is obtained by adding Math.exp(-p).
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
* @param c The count to evaluate
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param m The multiplication factor (gain)
* @return The probability function for observed Poisson counts
* @see #poissonGamma(double, double, double)
* @see #dirac(double)
public static double poissonGammaN(double c, double p, double m) {
// As above with no Dirac delta function at c=0
if (c > 0) {
final double c_m = c / m;
final double x = 2 * Math.sqrt(p * c_m);
final double c_m_p = -c_m - p;
if (x > 709 || c_m_p < -709) {
// return StdMath.exp(0.5 * Math.log(p / (c * m)) + c_m_p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(twoPi * x))
return (x / (2 * c)) * StdMath.exp(c_m_p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(TWO_PI * x));
// return Math.sqrt(p / (c * m)) * StdMath.exp(c_m_p) * Bessel.i1(x)
return (x / (2 * c)) * StdMath.exp(c_m_p) * Bessel.i1(x);
} else if (c == 0) {
// No Dirac delta function
return StdMath.exp(-p) * p / m;
} else {
return 0;
* Calculate the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of EM-gain
* for observed Poisson counts. This avoids the computation of the Dirac delta function at c=0.
This method is suitable for use in integration routines.
If c==0 then the true probability is obtained by adding Math.exp(-p).
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
* @param c The count to evaluate
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param m The multiplication factor (gain)
* @param gradient the gradient of the function G(c) with respect to parameter p
* @return The probability function for observed Poisson counts
* @see #poissonGamma(double, double, double)
* @see #dirac(double)
public static double poissonGammaN(double c, double p, double m, double[] gradient) {
// As above with no Dirac delta function at c=0
if (c > 0) {
final double c_m = c / m;
final double cp_m = p * c_m;
final double x = 2 * Math.sqrt(cp_m);
final double c_m_p = -c_m - p;
if (x > 709 || c_m_p < -709) {
final double exp_transform = StdMath.exp(c_m_p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(TWO_PI * x));
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_transform;
gradient[0] = exp_transform / m - G;
return G;
final double exp_c_m_p = StdMath.exp(c_m_p);
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i1(x);
gradient[0] = exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i0(x) / m - G;
return G;
} else if (c == 0) {
// No Dirac delta function
final double exp_p_m = StdMath.exp(-p) / m;
final double G = exp_p_m * p;
gradient[0] = exp_p_m - G;
return G;
} else {
gradient[0] = 0;
return 0;
* Calculate the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of EM-gain
* for no observed Poisson counts. This is the Dirac delta function at c=0.
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @return The probability function for observed Poisson counts
* @see #poissonGamma(double, double, double)
public static double dirac(double p) {
return StdMath.exp(-p);
* Calculate the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of EM-gain
* for no observed Poisson counts. This is the Dirac delta function at c=0.
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param gradient the gradient of the function G(c) with respect to parameter p
* @return The probability function for observed Poisson counts
* @see #poissonGamma(double, double, double)
public static double dirac(double p, double[] gradient) {
final double exp_p = StdMath.exp(-p);
gradient[0] = -exp_p;
return exp_p;
* Calculate the probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of EM-gain.
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
This is a special version which computes only part of the gradient. The partial gradient is
* equal to the actual gradient plus the value of the function.
* @param c The count to evaluate
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param m The multiplication factor (gain)
* @param gradient the partial gradient of the function G(c) with respect to parameter p
* @return The probability
static double poissonGammaPartial(double c, double p, double m, double[] gradient) {
// As above but do not subtract the function value G from the gradient.
if (c > 0) {
final double c_m = c / m;
final double cp_m = p * c_m;
final double x = 2 * Math.sqrt(cp_m);
final double c_m_p = -c_m - p;
if (x > 709 || c_m_p < -709) {
final double exp_transform = StdMath.exp(c_m_p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(TWO_PI * x));
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_transform;
gradient[0] = exp_transform / m;
return G;
final double exp_c_m_p = StdMath.exp(c_m_p);
// double G = Math.sqrt(p / (c * m)) * exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i1(x)
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i1(x);
gradient[0] = exp_c_m_p * Bessel.i0(x) / m;
return G;
} else if (c == 0) {
final double exp_p = StdMath.exp(-p);
final double G = exp_p * (1 + p / m);
gradient[0] = exp_p / m;
return G;
} else {
gradient[0] = 0;
return 0;
* Calculate the an unscaled probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model
* of EM-gain.
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
This is unscaled as the factor exp^p has been removed. This stabilises computation for large
* p.
This is a special version which computes only part of the gradient. The partial gradient is
* equal to the actual gradient plus the value of the function.
* @param c The count to evaluate
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param m The multiplication factor (gain)
* @param gradient the partial gradient of the function G(c) with respect to parameter p
* @return The unscaled probability
static double unscaledPoissonGammaPartial(double c, double p, double m, double[] gradient) {
// As above but:
// - do not multiply by exp^-p
// - do not subtract the function value G from the gradient.
if (c > 0) {
final double c_m = c / m;
final double cp_m = p * c_m;
final double x = 2 * Math.sqrt(cp_m);
if (x > 709 || -c_m < -709) {
final double exp_transform = StdMath.exp(-c_m + x - 0.5 * Math.log(TWO_PI * x));
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_transform;
gradient[0] = exp_transform / m;
return G;
final double exp_c_m = StdMath.exp(-c_m);
final double G = (x / (2 * c)) * exp_c_m * Bessel.i1(x);
gradient[0] = exp_c_m * Bessel.i0(x) / m;
return G;
} else if (c == 0) {
final double G = 1 + p / m;
gradient[0] = 1 / m;
return G;
} else {
gradient[0] = 0;
return 0;
* Calculate the log probability density function for a Poisson-Gamma distribution model of
* EM-gain.
See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
* @param c The count to evaluate
* @param p The average number of photons per pixel input to the EM-camera (must be positive)
* @param m The multiplication factor (gain)
* @return The log probability
public static double logPoissonGamma(double c, double p, double m) {
// As above without final exp
if (c > 0) {
final double c_m = c / m;
final double cp_m = p * c_m;
final double x = 2 * Math.sqrt(cp_m);
if (x > 709) {
return 0.5 * Math.log(p / (c * m)) - c_m - p + x - 0.5 * Math.log(TWO_PI * x);
return 0.5 * Math.log(p / (c * m)) - c_m - p + Math.log(Bessel.i1(x));
} else if (c == 0) {
// log (StdMath.exp(-p) * (1 + p / m))
return -p + Math.log(1 + p / m);
} else {
public double likelihood(final double count, final double photoelectrons) {
return poissonGamma(count, photoelectrons, m);
public double likelihood(double count, double photoelectrons, double[] gradient) {
return poissonGamma(count, photoelectrons, m, gradient);
public double logLikelihood(double count, double photoelectrons) {
return logPoissonGamma(count, photoelectrons, m);