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* #%L
* Genome Damage and Stability Centre SMLM Package
* Software for single molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM)
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2023 Alex Herbert
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* .
* #L%
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.IterativeLegendreGaussIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.UnivariateIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException;
* This is a function to compute the likelihood assuming a Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian distribution.
* For each observed value the log-likelihood is computed from the Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian
* distribution (a Poisson convolved with a Gamma distribution convolved with a Gaussian). The
* Poisson-Gamma distribution is derived analytically in the paper Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007).
* Nature Methods 4, 319-321 to explain the probability distribution of ADUs given a fixed photon
* level per pixel and set gain in an EM-CCD camera (The Poisson distribution models the photon
* count and the Gamma distribution models the EM-gain). This is then numerically convolved with a
* Gaussian distribution to model the read noise of the camera.
The distribution of Ulbrich & Isacoff has no analytical solution to the convolution with a
* Gaussian. However the convolution with a Gaussian has the most effect when the counts are low.
* The Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian can be approximated using the Poisson-Gamma and a partial convolution
* with a Gaussian at low counts. This method is provided as Python source code within the
* supplementary information of the paper Mortensen, et al (2010) Nature Methods 7, 377-383. This
* Java implementation is based on the Python code.
The mean of the Poisson distribution is set using the expected value. The scale (EM-gain) for
* the Gamma distribution and standard deviation of the Gaussian is fixed and set in the
* constructor. The mean of the Gaussian is assumed to be zero.
The likelihood function is designed to model on-chip amplification of a EMCCD camera which
* captures a Poisson process of emitted light, converted to electrons on the camera chip, amplified
* by gain modelled by the Gamma distribution and then read with Gaussian noise.
public class PoissonGammaGaussianFunction implements LikelihoodFunction, LogLikelihoodFunction {
* The minimum read-noise. Values below this will be set to zerro and read-noise is not modelled.
public static final double MIN_READ_NOISE = 1e-3;
/** Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI). */
private static final double SQRT_2PI = Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
/** The convolution mode. */
private ConvolutionMode convolutionMode = ConvolutionMode.APPROXIMATION;
/** The pmf mode flag for the convolution of the Dirac delta function at c=0. */
private boolean pmfMode = true;
* The scale of the Gamma distribution (e.g. the on-chip gain multiplication factor)
private final double gain;
* The standard deviation of the Gaussian (e.g. Width of the noise distribution in the EMCCD
* output)
private final double sigma;
/** The two sigma 2. */
private final double twoSigma2;
/** The sqrt 2 sigma 2. */
private final double sqrt2sigma2;
/** The sqrt 2 pi sigma 2. */
private final double sqrt2piSigma2;
/** The minimum probability. */
private double minimumProbability = Double.MIN_VALUE;
/** The integrator. */
private UnivariateIntegrator integrator;
/** The kernel. */
private double[] kernel;
* Define the convolution mode for combining the Poisson-Gamma PMF with the Gaussian PDF.
public enum ConvolutionMode {
* Use the approximation described in the Python source code within the supplementary
* information of the paper Mortensen, et al (2010) Nature Methods 7, 377-383.
* Convolve the Poisson-Gamma PDF with the Gaussian PDF using integer intervals. This method is
* accurate when the read noise is far above 1. If the noise is below 1 then the
* {@link #DISCRETE_PMF} is used. This computes a PDF(X=x).
* Convolve the Poisson-Gamma PMF on discrete (integer) intervals with the Gaussian cumulative
* probability density function. This method is accurate for all read noise. This computes a
* PMF(X=x) on the integer scale.
* Convolve the Poisson-Gamma PDF with the Gaussian PDF using Simpson's Rule. If integration
* fails then the approximation will be used.
* Convolve the Poisson-Gamma with the Gaussian PDF using a Legendre-Gauss
* quadrature. If integration fails then the approximation will be used.
* Provide the Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian function as a {@link UnivariateFunction}.
private class PggFunction implements UnivariateFunction {
int counter;
final double obs;
final double exp;
final double gain;
PggFunction(double obs, double exp, double gain) {
this.obs = obs;
this.exp = exp;
this.gain = gain;
public double value(double count) {
final double pg = PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(count, exp, gain);
return (pg == 0) ? 0 : pg * gaussianPdf(count - obs);
* Instantiates a new poisson gamma gaussian function.
* @param alpha Inverse gain of the EMCCD chip
* @param sd The Gaussian standard deviation at readout
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the gain is below 1 (the Gamma distribution is not modelled
* for a scale below 1).
public PoissonGammaGaussianFunction(double alpha, double sd) {
if (!(alpha > 0 && alpha <= 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gain must be above 1");
this.gain = 1.0 / alpha;
sd = Math.abs(sd);
// Ignore tiny read noise
if (sd < MIN_READ_NOISE) {
sigma = twoSigma2 = sqrt2sigma2 = sqrt2piSigma2 = 0;
} else {
sigma = sd;
twoSigma2 = 2 * sd * sd;
sqrt2sigma2 = Math.sqrt(2 * sd * sd);
sqrt2piSigma2 = Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI * sd * sd);
* {@inheritDoc}
This code is adapted from the Python source code within the supplementary information of the
* paper Mortensen, et al (2010) Nature Methods 7, 377-383.
The output is a PMF. Ideally the input x should be discrete but this is not a requirement.
public double likelihood(final double obs, final double exp) {
// This did not speed up MLE fitting so has been commented out.
// // When the observed ADUs and expected ADUs are much higher than the sigma then
// // there is no point in convolving with a Gaussian
// double mySigma = sigma;
// final double sLimit = sigma * 10;
// if (o > sLimit && e > sLimit)
// {
// //System.out.println("Skipping convolution");
// //mySigma = sigma;
// }
// if (mySigma == 0)
if (sigma == 0) {
// No convolution with a Gaussian. Simply evaluate for a Poisson-Gamma distribution.
// This can handle e<=0.
return checkMinProbability(PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGamma(obs, exp, gain));
// If no Poisson mean then just use the Gaussian (Poisson-Gamma p=1 at x=0, p=0 otherwise)
if (exp <= 0) {
// Output as PMF
return checkMinProbability(gaussianCdf(obs - 0.5, obs + 0.5));
if (convolutionMode == ConvolutionMode.APPROXIMATION) {
return mortensenApproximation(obs, exp);
// Integrate to infinity is not necessary. The convolution of the function with the
// Gaussian should be adequately sampled using a nxSD around the function value.
// Find a bracket around the value.
final double range = 5 * sigma;
final double upperu = obs + range;
if (upperu < 0) {
return 0;
ConvolutionMode mode = convolutionMode;
double loweru = obs - range;
if (loweru < 0) {
loweru = 0;
// Edge case
if (upperu == 0) {
mode = ConvolutionMode.DISCRETE_PMF;
double pvalue = 0;
// PDF method does not work for small sigma
if (mode == ConvolutionMode.DISCRETE_PDF && sigma < 1) {
mode = ConvolutionMode.DISCRETE_PMF;
if (mode == ConvolutionMode.DISCRETE_PDF) {
// Check
if (loweru == upperu) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// Use a cached kernel using a range of 5
final double[] g = createKernel(5);
// Perform a simple convolution at point o with the kernel
for (int i = 0, j = -g.length / 2; i < g.length; i++, j++) {
final double u = obs - j;
if (u >= 0.5) {
// This approximates [u-0.5 to u+0.5] as a single point
pvalue += PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(u, exp, gain) * g[i];
} else if (u >= 0) {
// Only count [0 to u+0.5] as a single point as the Poisson-Gamma
// function is a step at x=0
pvalue += PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(u, exp, gain) * g[i] * (0.5 + u);
} else if (mode == ConvolutionMode.DISCRETE_PMF) {
// Integrate the Poisson-Gamma to a PMF.
// Convolve with the Gaussian CDF over the range (i.e. a discrete Gaussian PMF).
// Use a simple integration by adding the points in the range.
// Use the error function to obtain the integral of the Gaussian
final int upper = (int) Math.ceil(upperu);
int lower = (int) Math.floor(loweru);
// Do an integration of the Poisson-Gamma PMF.
// Trapezoid integration underestimates the total probability when the
// Poisson-Gamma curve has no roots on the gradient (e.g. p<1).
// (Since the trapezoid lines always miss part of the curve as it decays to zero.)
// Simpson integration could be used to improve this.
// Make this an option. For now just set to true as this mode should not be used
// anyway. The Simpson integrator should be faster.
final boolean doSimpson = true;
double pg;
// This is the CDF of the Gaussian
double gauss;
// If at zero then the Poisson-Gamma PMF approximation for u=0
// is the integral from 0 to 0.5
if (lower == 0) {
// Lower = -0.5
final double prevPg = PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(0, exp, gain);
final double prevGauss = gaussianErf(-0.5 - obs);
// Upper = 0.5
pg = PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(0.5, pvalue, gain);
gauss = gaussianErf(0.5 - obs);
final double sum = (doSimpson)
? (prevPg + pg + 4 * PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(0.25, exp, gain)) / 12
: (prevPg + pg) / 4;
pvalue += sum * (gauss - prevGauss) / 2;
} else {
pg = PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(lower - 0.5, exp, gain);
gauss = gaussianErf(lower - 0.5 - obs);
// For the rest of the range the Poisson-Gamma PMF approximation for u
// is the integral from u-0.5 to u+0.5
for (int u = lower; u <= upper; u++) {
final double prevPg = pg;
final double prevGauss = gauss;
pg = PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(u + 0.5, exp, gain);
gauss = gaussianErf(u + 0.5 - obs);
final double sum =
(doSimpson) ? (prevPg + pg + 4 * PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(u, exp, gain)) / 6
: (prevPg + pg) / 2;
pvalue += sum * (gauss - prevGauss) / 2;
} else {
// Use integrator
// Note that the Poisson-Gamma function has a delta function at u=0.
// This prevents integration close to the zero boundary as the function
// is not smooth.
// So integration is done using the non-delta function version.
// The integrator may be the fastest method when the range (upper-lower)
// is large as it uses fewer points.
// Specify the function to integrate.
final PggFunction f = new PggFunction(obs, exp, gain);
try {
pvalue += createIntegrator().integrate(2000, f, loweru, upperu);
} catch (final TooManyEvaluationsException ex) {
() -> String.format("Integration failed: o=%g, e=%g, eval=%d", obs, exp, f.counter));
return mortensenApproximation(obs, exp);
// Special case:
// Due to the Poisson-Gamma function delta function at u=0
// The probability at u=0 may be very large compared to the rest of
// the Poisson-Gamma when e is low. To compensate always compute the
// at u=0.
// If this function is to be used as a PMF (with discrete integer observed values)
// then use the Gaussian CDF convolution. This is the best option for
// EM-CCD data fitting.
// If this function is to be used as a PDF (e.g. for integration routines)
// then use the Gaussian PDF convolution.
if (pmfMode) {
final double erf2 = gaussianErf(-obs + 0.5);
if (erf2 != -1) {
// Assume u==0
pvalue += PoissonGammaFunction.dirac(exp) * (erf2 - gaussianErf(-obs - 0.5)) * 0.5;
} else {
pvalue += PoissonGammaFunction.dirac(exp) * gaussianPdf(-obs);
return checkMinProbability(pvalue);
private double checkMinProbability(double pvalue) {
return (pvalue > minimumProbability) ? pvalue : minimumProbability;
* Mortensen approximation.
* @param cij the cij
* @param eta the eta
* @return the double
private double mortensenApproximation(final double cij, final double eta) {
// This code is adapted from the Python source code within the supplementary information of
// the paper Mortensen, et al (2010) Nature Methods 7, 377-383.
// The implementation of the approximation is not documented.
// This is meant to be convolving a PMF of a Poisson-Gamma mixture with the PDF of a Gaussian.
// See Ulbrich & Isacoff (2007). Nature Methods 4, 319-321, SI equation 3.
// G n>0 (c) = sum n { (1 / n!) p^n e^-p (1 / ((n-1!)m^n)) c^n-1 e^-c/m }
// G n>0 (c) = sqrt(p/(c*m)) * exp(-c/m - p) * Bessel.I1(2 * sqrt(c*p/m))
// G n>0 (c) = sqrt(p/(c*m)) * exp(-c/m - p) * exp(2 * sqrt(c*p/m)) / sqrt(2*pi*sqrt(c*p/m))
// G n=0 (c) = exp(-p)
// p = eta
// m = 1/alpha
// c = cij
// This is the value of the Poisson-Gamma at c=0:
// PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(0, eta, m);
final double exp_eta = StdMath.exp(-eta);
final double f0 = exp_eta * eta / gain;
// ?
final double fp0 = f0 * 0.5 * (eta - 2) / gain;
// The cumulative normal distribution of the read noise
// at the observed count
final double conv0 = gaussianCdf(cij);
// [Noise * Gaussian PMF at observed count] +
// [observed count * cumulative distribution of read noise at observed count]
// [sigma*StdMath.exp(-cij**2/(twoSigma2))/Math.sqrt(2*pi)] + [cij*conv0]
final double conv1 = sigma * StdMath.exp(-(cij * cij) / twoSigma2) / SQRT_2PI + cij * conv0;
// ?
double temp = f0 * conv0 + fp0 * conv1 + exp_eta * gaussianPdf(cij);
// // Simple method:
// temp = StdMath.exp(-eta) * gauss(cij); // G(c==0) * Gaussian;
// if (cij <= 0)
// return temp;
// // Reset. The remaining will be the Poisson-Gamma and no convolution
// f0 = fp0 = 0;
// // Q. How to normalise so that at low cij there is a mixture and at high cij there is no
// mixture and the result is the Poisson-Gamma. Perhaps this is what the above code is doing.
if (cij > 0) {
temp += PoissonGammaFunction.poissonGammaN(cij, eta, gain) - f0 - fp0 * cij;
// XXX : Debugging: Store the smallest likelihood we ever see.
// This can be used to set a limit for the likelihood
// if (pMinObserved > temp && temp > 0)
// {
// pMinObserved = temp;
// }
return checkMinProbability(temp);
* {@inheritDoc}
This computes the log of {@link #likelihood(double, double)}.
The output is a PMF. Ideally the input x should be discrete but this is not a requirement.
* @param obs The observed count
* @param exp The expected count
* @return The log-likelihood
* @see #likelihood(double, double)
public double logLikelihood(final double obs, final double exp) {
return Math.log(likelihood(obs, exp));
* Gaussian PDF.
* @param x the x
* @return the density
double gaussianPdf(final double x) {
return StdMath.exp(-(x * x) / twoSigma2) / sqrt2piSigma2;
* Gaussian CDF.
* @param x the x
* @return the cumulative density
double gaussianCdf(final double x) {
// return 0.5 * (1 + org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erf(x / sqrt2sigma2));
// This may not be precise enough.
// Absolute error is <3e-7. Not sure what relative error is.
// The standard Erf is much slower.
return 0.5 * (1 + Erf.erf(x / sqrt2sigma2));
* Gaussian CDF.
* @param x the x
* @param x2 the x 2
* @return the cumulative density
double gaussianCdf(final double x, final double x2) {
// return 0.5 * (org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erf(x / sqrt2sigma2, x2 / sqrt2sigma2));
// This may not be precise enough.
// Absolute error is <3e-7. Not sure what relative error is.
// The standard Erf is much slower.
return 0.5 * Erf.erf(x / sqrt2sigma2, x2 / sqrt2sigma2);
* Gaussian CDF.
* @param x the x
* @return the cumulative density
double gaussianErf(final double x) {
// return org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erf(x / sqrt2sigma2);
// This may not be precise enough.
// Absolute error is <3e-7. Not sure what relative error is.
// The standard Erf is much slower.
return Erf.erf(x / sqrt2sigma2);
* Gets the alpha.
* @return the alpha
public double getAlpha() {
return 1 / gain;
* Gets the sigma.
* @return the sigma
public double getSigma() {
return sigma;
* Gets the minimum probability that will ever be returned. Setting this above zero allows the use
* of Math.log() on the likelihood value.
* @return the minimum probability
public double getMinimumProbability() {
return minimumProbability;
* Sets the minimum probability that will ever be returned. Setting this above zero allows the use
* of Math.log() on the likelihood value.
* @param probability the new minimum probability
public void setMinimumProbability(double probability) {
this.minimumProbability = probability;
* Gets the convolution mode.
* @return the convolution mode
public ConvolutionMode getConvolutionMode() {
return convolutionMode;
* Sets the convolution mode.
* @param convolutionMode the new convolution mode
public void setConvolutionMode(ConvolutionMode convolutionMode) {
this.convolutionMode = convolutionMode;
integrator = null;
* Checks if is PMF mode. This is a hint on how to convolve the Dirac delta contribution at
* observed count zero (c=0) with the Gaussian. If using the function for full integration then it
* should be set to false. The default is true for modelling discrete count data from an EM-CCD.
* @return true, if PMF mode
* @see #likelihood(double, double)
* @see #getConvolutionMode()
public boolean isPmfMode() {
return pmfMode;
* Sets the PMF mode flag. This is a hint on how to convolve the Dirac delta contribution at
* observed count zero (c=0) with the Gaussian. If using the function for full integration then it
* should be set to false. The default is true for modelling discrete count data from an EM-CCD.
* @param pmfMode the new PMF mode
* @see #likelihood(double, double)
* @see #setConvolutionMode(ConvolutionMode)
public void setPmfMode(boolean pmfMode) {
this.pmfMode = pmfMode;
private UnivariateIntegrator createIntegrator() {
UnivariateIntegrator in = integrator;
if (in == null) {
// This is the integrator for the Poisson-Gamma when observed count x>=1
// i.e. not at the boundary x=0.
final double relativeAccuracy = 1e-4;
final double absoluteAccuracy = 1e-16;
int minimalIterationCount;
switch (convolutionMode) {
// This is a CustomSimpsonIntegrator that computes 1 refinement
// on the first iteration.
// Number of function evaluations = 2^(iteration+1) + 1
// => 5 for 1 iterations
// => 9 for 2 iterations
minimalIterationCount = 1;
in = new CustomSimpsonIntegrator(relativeAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy,
minimalIterationCount, CustomSimpsonIntegrator.SIMPSON_MAX_ITERATIONS_COUNT);
// Not sure how to configure this.
// The integration points are used for each sub-interval.
// Function evaluations = integrationpoints * intervals.
// The intervals start at 1,2 and increase by at least 4 at each stage after that.
// At least 1 stage is done thus 3 * integrationpoints functions evaluations
// will be done for minimalIterationCount=1.
minimalIterationCount = 1;
final int maximalIterationCount = 32;
final int integrationpoints = 8;
in = new IterativeLegendreGaussIntegrator(integrationpoints, relativeAccuracy,
absoluteAccuracy, minimalIterationCount, maximalIterationCount);
throw new IllegalStateException();
integrator = in;
return in;
private double[] createKernel(int range) {
double[] knl = kernel;
if (knl == null) {
kernel = knl = GaussianKernel.makeGaussianKernel(sigma, range, true);
return knl;