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* #%L
* Genome Damage and Stability Centre SMLM Package
* Software for single molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM)
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2023 Alex Herbert
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* .
* #L%
* Represent a cubic spline function. N splines are drawn into a target region.
* The parameters are [Background + n *{Intensity, X, Y, Z}]. The spline can be scaled-down
* before sampling (i.e. drawing on the target region). Only one sample is taken per index in the
* target region.
public abstract class CubicSplineFunction implements Gradient2Function {
/** Index of the background in the parameters array. */
public static final int BACKGROUND = 0;
/** Index of the signal intensity in the parameters array. */
public static final int SIGNAL = 1;
/** Index of the x-position in the parameters array. */
public static final int X_POSITION = 2;
/** Index of the y-position in the parameters array. */
public static final int Y_POSITION = 3;
/** Index of the z-position in the parameters array. */
public static final int Z_POSITION = 4;
/** The number of parameters per spline. */
public static final int PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK = 4;
* The scale to reduce the size of the spline before mapping to the target range (maxx * maxy).
protected int scale;
/** The scale squared (stored for convenience). */
int scale2;
/** The x centre of the spline (unscaled). */
protected double cx;
/** The y centre of the spline (unscaled). */
protected double cy;
/** The z centre of the spline (unscaled). */
protected double cz;
* The scaled lower x bound of the spline function with the centre at x=0,y=0 in the target
* region.
protected double lx;
* The scaled lower y bound of the spline function with the centre at x=0,y=0 in the target
* region.
protected double ly;
* The scaled upper x bound of the spline function with the centre at x=0,y=0 in the target
* region.
protected double ux;
* The scaled upper y bound of the spline function with the centre at x=0,y=0 in the target
* region.
protected double uy;
/** Max size of spline data in the x-dimension. */
protected final int maxSx;
/** Max size of spline data in the y-dimension. */
protected final int maxSy;
/** Max size of spline data in the z-dimension. */
protected final int maxSz;
/** The tricubic spline packed as Z * YX arrays. */
protected final CustomTricubicFunction[][] splines;
/** The target range in the x-dimension. */
protected final int maxx;
/** The target range in the y-dimension. */
protected final int maxy;
/** The target background. */
protected double tb;
* Gets the name of the parameter assuming a 2D Gaussian function.
* @param index the index (zero or above)
* @return the name
public static String getName(int index) {
final int i = 1 + (index - 1) % PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK;
switch (i) {
case BACKGROUND: return "Background";
case SIGNAL: return "Signal";
case X_POSITION: return "X";
case Y_POSITION: return "Y";
case Z_POSITION: return "Z";
default: return "Unknown: "+index;
* Gets the peak number (zero-based index) of the parameter assuming a cubic spline function.
* @param index the index (zero or above)
* @return the peak number
public static int getPeak(int index) {
if (index < 1) {
return 0;
return (index - 1) / PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK;
* Gets the index of the parameter in a multi-peak parameter array assuming a cubic spline
* function.
* @param peak the peak number (zero-based index)
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index for a single peak (this can use the class constants,
* e.g. {@link CubicSplineFunction#SIGNAL})
* @return the index
public static int getIndex(int peak, int parameterIndex) {
if (parameterIndex < 1) {
return 0;
return peak * PARAMETERS_PER_PEAK + parameterIndex;
* Gets the name of the gradient parameter.
* @param index the index (must be within the array returned from {@link #gradientIndices()})
* @return the name
public String getGradientParameterName(int index) {
return getName(gradientIndices()[index]);
* Locate the index within the gradient indices for the specified parameter.
* @param parameterIndex the parameter index
* @return the gradient index (or -1 if not present)
public int findGradientIndex(int parameterIndex) {
final int[] gradientIndices = gradientIndices();
for (int i = 0; i < gradientIndices.length; i++) {
if (gradientIndices[i] == parameterIndex) {
return i;
return -1;
* Internal class to control visiting the correct cubic spline node for each [x][y] index in the
* target range {@code [0 <= x < maxx]}, {@code [0 <= y < maxy]}.
protected abstract class TargetSpline {
/** The id. */
int id;
/** The offset used for derivatives. */
int offset;
/** Working space for first order gradients. */
double[] dfda = new double[3];
/** Working space for second order gradients. */
double[] d2fda2 = new double[3];
* The x-index within the xy splines for x=0 in the target region. It is offset by the scale for
* faster iteration with pre-increment loops. This may be negative indicating that the spline
* does not overlap the target at x=0.
int ix0;
* The y-index within the xy splines for y=0 in the target region. It is offset by the scale for
* faster iteration with pre-increment loops. This may be negative indicating that the spline
* does not overlap the target at y=0.
int iy0;
/** The current y-index during iteration. */
int yindex;
* The index of the current (X,Y) index within the xy splines. Used during forEach iteration.
int yxindex;
/** The xy splines for the target z-position. */
CustomTricubicFunction[] xySplines;
/** Flag for each x-index to indicate if the spline overlaps the target region. */
boolean[] activeX = new boolean[maxx];
/** The target intensity multiplied by the scale^2 to normalise the integral. */
double tiByS2;
* The target intensity multiplied by the scale^3 and negated. Used to scale the first order
* gradients.
double negtiByS3;
/** The target intensity multiplied by the scale^4. Used to scale the second order gradients. */
double tiByS4;
* Initialise the target. This checks if the spline, shifted to centre at the given XYZ
* coordinates, will overlap the target region. If true then initialisation is performed for
* function evaluation.
* @param id the id (used to write the correct derivatives)
* @param intensity the target Intensity
* @param tx the target X
* @param ty the target Y
* @param tz the target Z
* @param order the derivative order
* @return true, if the spline partially overlaps with the target region
public boolean initialise(int id, double intensity, double tx, double ty, double tz,
int order) {
// Map z to a position in the spline
// We want 0 to be in the centre.
// Note: Scale up the input parameter to the spline scale.
final double z = cz + scale * tz;
if (z < 0 || z > maxSz) {
return false;
// Shift the scaled XY spline bounds by the target centre
final double x1 = lx + tx;
final double x2 = ux + tx;
final double y1 = ly + ty;
final double y2 = uy + ty;
// Check if it is within the region
if (!(x2 > 0 && y2 > 0 && x1 < maxx && y1 < maxy)) {
return false;
// Convert the lower bounds to integer grid in the target region,
// i.e. we sample the region at x=0,1,2,...
// We want the first integer that the function overlaps,
// i.e. can interpolate a value for so it must be above the lower bounds
final int ix1 = (int) Math.ceil(x1);
final int iy1 = (int) Math.ceil(y1);
// How far into the unscaled function is the first point.
// i.e. x=1 may be 0.6 above the scaled lower bound (0.4) but that would require
// the first sample to be taken at spline[1] @ 0.2 if the scale is 2.
final double x = scale * (ix1 - x1);
final double y = scale * (iy1 - y1);
// This is the first index for the spline sample
final int ix = (int) x;
final int iy = (int) y;
int iz = (int) z;
if (iz == maxSz) {
// Special edge case. Interpolation uses the node below with a (z-iz) value of 1
// Get the spline index position for 0,0 offset by the scale (for pre-increment loops)
ix0 = ix - scale * ix1 - scale;
iy0 = iy - scale * iy1 - scale;
// Store the xy splines for the z position
xySplines = splines[iz];
// Set the working flag for all x
for (int i = 0, xindex = ix0; i < maxx; i++) {
xindex += scale;
// Note that in theory we could interpolate if xindex==maxSx
// but this requires a new power table with (x-ix)==1 and previous xindex.
// For speed this situation is ignored to avoid computing additional
// power tables.
activeX[i] = xindex >= 0 && xindex < maxSx;
computePowerTable(x - ix, y - iy, z - iz, order);
// The scale is the increment we sample the PSF.
// In order to have the same integral we adjust the intensity.
this.tiByS2 = intensity * scale2; = id;
if (order > 0) {
this.offset = 1 + id * 4;
this.negtiByS3 = -tiByS2 * scale;
if (order == 2) {
this.tiByS4 = tiByS2 * scale2;
return true;
* Reset for iteration through YX-order.
public void reset() {
yindex = iy0;
* Checks if is the next Y-index is active. If true then it initialises the worker for iteration
* through x.
* @return true, if is next Y active
public boolean isNextYActive() {
// pre-increment yindex
yindex += scale;
// Note that in theory we could interpolate if yindex==maxSy
// but this requires a new power table with (y-iy)==1 and previous yindex.
// For speed this situation is ignored to avoid computing additional
// power tables.
if (yindex >= 0 && yindex < maxSy) {
// The y-index is inside the XY spline data
// Reset the yx-index for iteration
yxindex = yindex * maxSx + ix0;
return true;
return false;
* Checks if is the next Y-index is active. If true then it initialises the worker for iteration
* through x. Otherwise it resets the gradients.
* @param gradient1 the first order gradients
* @return true, if is next Y active
public boolean isNextYActive(double[] gradient1) {
// pre-increment yindex
yindex += scale;
if (yindex >= 0 && yindex < maxSy) {
// The y-index is inside the XY spline data
// Reset the yx-index for iteration
yxindex = yindex * maxSx + ix0;
return true;
// Zero gradients
gradient1[offset] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 1] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 2] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 3] = 0;
return false;
* Checks if is the next Y-index is active. If true then it initialises the worker for iteration
* through x. Otherwise it resets the gradients.
* @param gradient1 the first order gradients
* @param gradient2 the second order gradients
* @return true, if is next Y active
public boolean isNextYActive(double[] gradient1, double[] gradient2) {
// pre-increment yindex
yindex += scale;
if (yindex >= 0 && yindex < maxSy) {
// The y-index is inside the XY spline data
// Reset the yx-index for iteration
yxindex = yindex * maxSx + ix0;
return true;
// Zero gradients
gradient1[offset] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 1] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 2] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 3] = 0;
gradient2[offset + 1] = 0;
gradient2[offset + 2] = 0;
gradient2[offset + 3] = 0;
return false;
* Compute the power tables for the given spline position and derivative order.
* @param x the x (range 0-1)
* @param y the y (range 0-1)
* @param z the z (range 0-1)
* @param order the order
public abstract void computePowerTable(double x, double y, double z, int order);
* Compute the value at the given x-index. Assumes that the current y-index has been set with a
* call to #{@link TargetSpline#isNextYActive()}.
* @param x the x
* @return the value
public double value(int x) {
yxindex += scale; // pre-increment
return (activeX[x]) ? tiByS2 * computeValue(xySplines[yxindex]) : 0;
* Compute the value and derivatives at the given x-index. Assumes that the current y-index has
* been set with a call to {@link TargetSpline#isNextYActive(double[])}.
* @param x the x
* @param gradient1 the first order gradients
* @return the value
public double value(int x, double[] gradient1) {
yxindex += scale; // pre-increment
if (activeX[x]) {
final double v = computeValue1(xySplines[yxindex]);
// Copy the gradients into the correct position and account for the intensity.
// Negate the gradients as a shift of the position moves the spline the
// other direction. Also scale the gradients appropriately.
gradient1[offset] = scale2 * v;
gradient1[offset + 1] = negtiByS3 * dfda[0];
gradient1[offset + 2] = negtiByS3 * dfda[1];
gradient1[offset + 3] = negtiByS3 * -dfda[2];
return tiByS2 * v;
// Zero gradients
gradient1[offset] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 1] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 2] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 3] = 0;
return 0;
* Compute the value and derivatives at the given x-index. Assumes that the current y-index has
* been set with a call to #{@link TargetSpline#isNextYActive(double[],double[])}.
* @param x the x
* @param gradient1 the first order gradients
* @param gradient2 the second order gradients
* @return the value
public double value(int x, double[] gradient1, double[] gradient2) {
yxindex += scale; // pre-increment
if (activeX[x]) {
final double v = computeValue2(xySplines[yxindex]);
// Copy the gradients into the correct position and account for the intensity.
// Negate the gradients as a shift of the position moves the spline the
// other direction. Also scale the gradients appropriately.
gradient1[offset] = scale2 * v;
gradient1[offset + 1] = negtiByS3 * dfda[0];
gradient1[offset + 2] = negtiByS3 * dfda[1];
gradient1[offset + 3] = negtiByS3 * -dfda[2];
gradient2[offset + 1] = tiByS4 * d2fda2[0];
gradient2[offset + 2] = tiByS4 * d2fda2[1];
gradient2[offset + 3] = tiByS4 * d2fda2[2];
return tiByS2 * v;
// Zero gradients
gradient1[offset] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 1] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 2] = 0;
gradient1[offset + 3] = 0;
gradient2[offset + 1] = 0;
gradient2[offset + 2] = 0;
gradient2[offset + 3] = 0;
return 0;
* Compute the value.
* @param customTricubicFunction the custom tricubic function
* @return the value
public abstract double computeValue(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction);
* Compute the value and first-order derivatives. The derivatives are stored in
* {@link TargetSpline#dfda}.
* @param customTricubicFunction the custom tricubic function
* @return the value
public abstract double computeValue1(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction);
* Compute the value, first- and second-order derivatives. The derivatives are stored in
* {@link TargetSpline#dfda} and {@link TargetSpline#d2fda2}.
* @param customTricubicFunction the custom tricubic function
* @return the value
public abstract double computeValue2(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction);
* Checks if the power table is at the boundary of the cubic polynomial.
* @param dimension the dimension
* @return true, if is node boundary
public abstract boolean isNodeBoundary(int dimension);
// Note: The code was updated to factorise the computation making the division
// into double / float specialisation unnecessary.
// Currently using a float cubic spline saves 2-fold memory usage but penalises computation
// speed approximately 2-fold (see gdsc-examples-jmh project).
// The code should be evaluated to verify it works and the speed implications before the
// switch between double / float is totally removed.
* Double precision computation of the target spline.
protected class DoubleTargetSpline extends TargetSpline {
private CubicSplinePosition x;
private CubicSplinePosition y;
private CubicSplinePosition z;
public void computePowerTable(double x, double y, double z, int order) {
this.x = new CubicSplinePosition(x);
this.y = new CubicSplinePosition(y);
this.z = new CubicSplinePosition(z);
public double computeValue(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction) {
return customTricubicFunction.value(x, y, z);
public double computeValue1(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction) {
return customTricubicFunction.value(x, y, z, dfda);
public double computeValue2(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction) {
return customTricubicFunction.value(x, y, z, dfda, d2fda2);
public boolean isNodeBoundary(int dimension) {
CubicSplinePosition position;
if (dimension == 0) {
position = x;
} else if (dimension == 1) {
position = y;
} else {
position = z;
return CustomTricubicFunction.isBoundary(position);
* Single precision computation of the target spline.
protected class FloatTargetSpline extends TargetSpline {
private CubicSplinePosition x;
private CubicSplinePosition y;
private CubicSplinePosition z;
public void computePowerTable(double x, double y, double z, int order) {
this.x = new CubicSplinePosition(x);
this.y = new CubicSplinePosition(y);
this.z = new CubicSplinePosition(z);
public double computeValue(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction) {
return customTricubicFunction.value(x, y, z);
public double computeValue1(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction) {
return customTricubicFunction.value(x, y, z, dfda);
public double computeValue2(CustomTricubicFunction customTricubicFunction) {
return customTricubicFunction.value(x, y, z, dfda, d2fda2);
public boolean isNodeBoundary(int dimension) {
CubicSplinePosition position;
if (dimension == 0) {
position = x;
} else if (dimension == 1) {
position = y;
} else {
position = z;
return CustomTricubicFunction.isBoundary(position);
* Instantiates a new cubic spline function.
* @param splineData the spline data
* @param maxx The maximum x value of the 2-dimensional data
* @param maxy The maximum y value of the 2-dimensional data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the function does not have an integer grid spacing from the
* origin
public CubicSplineFunction(CubicSplineData splineData, int maxx, int maxy) {
this.splines = splineData.splines;
this.maxx = (maxx < 1) ? 1 : maxx;
this.maxy = (maxy < 1) ? 1 : maxy;
maxSx = splineData.maxx;
maxSy = splineData.maxy;
maxSz = splines.length;
// Centre in the middle, assuming the min is zero
cx = (maxSx / 2.0);
cy = (maxSy / 2.0);
cz = (maxSz / 2.0);
// setScale(1);
scale2 = scale = 1;
* Instantiates a new cubic spline function.
* @param splineData the spline data
* @param maxx The maximum x value of the 2-dimensional data
* @param maxy The maximum y value of the 2-dimensional data
* @param cx the x centre of the spline data
* @param cy the y centre of the spline data
* @param cz the z centre of the spline data
* @param scale the scale of the spline data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the function does not have an integer grid spacing from the
* origin
public CubicSplineFunction(CubicSplineData splineData, int maxx, int maxy, double cx, double cy,
double cz, int scale) {
this.splines = splineData.splines;
this.maxx = (maxx < 1) ? 1 : maxx;
this.maxy = (maxy < 1) ? 1 : maxy;
maxSx = splineData.maxx;
maxSy = splineData.maxy;
maxSz = splines.length; = cx; = cy; = cz;
// setScale(scale);
this.scale = scale;
scale2 = scale * scale;
* Update function bounds.
private void updateFunctionBounds() {
// Store the bounds of the cubic spline if it were positioned at 0,0
lx = -cx / scale;
ux = (maxSx - cx) / scale;
ly = -cy / scale;
uy = (maxSy - cy) / scale;
// Check if the centre was within the function
if (lx > 0 || ly > 0 || ux < 0 || uy < 0 || cz < 0 || cz > maxSz) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Require the centre within the cubic spline");
* Gets the maximum x value of the 2-dimensional data.
* @return the maximum x value of the 2-dimensional data.
public int getMaxX() {
return maxx;
* Gets the maximum y value of the 2-dimensional data.
* @return the maximum y value of the 2-dimensional data.
public int getMaxY() {
return maxy;
* Gets the scale to map the cubic spline function to the integer grid. E.g. set a scale of 2 to
* render the spline at half its size.
* @return the scale
public int getScale() {
return scale;
* Sets the scale to map the cubic spline function to the integer grid. E.g. set a scale of 2 to
* render the spline at half its size.
* @param scale the new scale
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the scale is not strictly positive
public void setScale(int scale) {
if (scale < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.scale = scale;
scale2 = scale * scale;
* Gets the number of splines to draw.
* @return the number of splines to draw
public abstract int getN();
* Gets the centre X.
* @return the centre X
public double getCentreX() {
return cx;
* Sets the centre X.
* @param cx the new centre X
public void setCentreX(double cx) { = cx;
* Gets the centre Y.
* @return the centre Y
public double getCentreY() {
return cy;
* Sets the centre Y.
* @param cy the new centre Y
public void setCentreY(double cy) { = cy;
* Gets the centre Z.
* @return the centre Z
public double getCentreZ() {
return cz;
* Sets the centre Z.
* @param cz the new centre Z
public void setCentreZ(double cz) { = cz;
// The following properties may be overridden by optimised versions (e.g. no background
// computation)
* Check if the function can evaluate the background gradient.
* @return True if the function can evaluate the background gradient.
public boolean evaluatesBackground() {
return true;
* Check if the function can evaluate the signal gradient.
* @return True if the function can evaluate the signal gradient.
public boolean evaluatesSignal() {
return true;
* Check if the function can evaluate the XY-position gradient.
* @return True if the function can evaluate the XY-position gradient.
public boolean evaluatesPosition() {
return evaluatesX() && evaluatesY();
* Check if the function can evaluate the X-position gradient.
* @return True if the function can evaluate the X-position gradient.
public boolean evaluatesX() {
return true;
* Check if the function can evaluate the Y-position gradient.
* @return True if the function can evaluate the Y-position gradient.
public boolean evaluatesY() {
return true;
* Check if the function can evaluate the Z-position gradient.
* @return True if the function can evaluate the Z-position gradient.
public boolean evaluatesZ() {
return true;
public int size() {
return maxx * maxy;
public void initialise(double[] parameters) {
initialise(parameters, 0);
* Initialise.
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param order the order
protected abstract void initialise(double[] parameters, int order);
public void initialise0(double[] parameters) {
initialise(parameters, 0);
public void initialise1(double[] parameters) {
initialise(parameters, 1);
public void initialise2(double[] parameters) {
initialise(parameters, 2);
* Checks if the gradient parameter is on a cubic spline node boundary. If true then the second
* order derivative will not be smooth as they are not constant across spline points.
This only applies to XYZ gradients.
* @param gradientIndex the gradient index
* @return true, if the peak is on a node boundary
public abstract boolean isNodeBoundary(int gradientIndex);