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* #%L
* Genome Damage and Stability Centre SMLM Package
* Software for single molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM)
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2023 Alex Herbert
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* .
* #L%
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Contains functions to compute the local density of 2D coordinates.
public final class LocalDensity {
/** The border limit. */
private static final int BORDER_LIMIT = (1 << 30) - 1;
* A construct of 1 or more overlapping squares of the same size.
* This stores squares using the centre. It has methods to check if another square overlaps any
* square within the multi-square; to add squares; to add multi-squares; and compute the area.
private static class MultiSquare {
private static final int[] EMPTY = {};
/** The size of the square. */
private final int size;
/** The list of x points. */
private int[] xp = EMPTY;
/** The list of y points. */
private int[] yp = EMPTY;
* The number of points.
Warning: This is zero when the multi square has only one point. In this case the centre is
* recovered from the bounds and the size.
private int np;
// Intersection testing
/** The minimum x position of the multi-square minus the size. */
private long minx;
/** The minimum y position of the multi-square minus the size. */
private long miny;
/** The maximum x position of the multi-square plus the size. */
private long maxx;
/** The maximum y position of the multi-square plus the size. */
private long maxy;
* Create an instance.
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param size the size
MultiSquare(int x, int y, int size) {
this.size = size;
minx = (long) x - size;
miny = (long) y - size;
maxx = (long) x + size;
maxy = (long) y + size;
* Adds the square centred at the given point.
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
void add(int x, int y) {
xp[np] = x;
yp[np] = y;
// Expand bounds
final long s = size;
if (x - s < minx) {
minx = x - s;
} else if (x + s > maxx) {
maxx = x + s;
if (y - s < miny) {
miny = y - s;
} else if (y + s > maxy) {
maxy = y + s;
* Adds the multi-square. Assumes the border is the same.
* @param ms the multi-square
void add(MultiSquare ms) {
if ( != 0) {
// Add all the squares
increaseCapacity(np +;
System.arraycopy(ms.xp, 0, xp, np,;
System.arraycopy(ms.yp, 0, yp, np,;
np +=;
// Expand bounds
minx = Math.min(minx, ms.minx);
maxx = Math.max(maxx, ms.maxx);
miny = Math.min(miny, ms.miny);
maxy = Math.max(maxy, ms.maxy);
} else {
// Only one square
add((int) (ms.minx + size), (int) (ms.miny + size));
* Creates the list of squares using the initial bounds. This should be called before adding to
* the multi-square.
private void createList() {
if (xp.length == np) {
// Special handling of empty points as we must add the starting point
if (np == 0) {
xp = new int[10];
yp = new int[10];
xp[0] = (int) (minx + size);
yp[0] = (int) (miny + size);
np = 1;
} else {
// Increase by 50%
increaseCapacity((np * 3) >>> 1);
* Increase capacity.
* @param minCapacity the min capacity
private void increaseCapacity(int minCapacity) {
final int size = MemoryUtils.createNewCapacity(minCapacity, np);
xp = Arrays.copyOf(xp, size);
yp = Arrays.copyOf(yp, size);
* Checks whether or not a square centred at the given point intersects with any square in the
* multi-square.
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @return true if the square intersects any square in the multi-square
boolean intersects(final long x, final long y) {
// Bounding region check
if (x > minx && x < maxx && y > miny && y < maxy) {
if (np == 0) {
// Single square
return true;
// Check each square
final long distance = size;
for (int i = np - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (LocalDensity.withinReach(xp[i], yp[i], x, y, distance)) {
return true;
return false;
* Compute the area of the multi-square.
* @return the area
double area() {
if (np == 0) {
return (double) size * size;
if (np == 2) {
return LocalDensity.getArea(xp[0], yp[0], xp[1], yp[1], size);
// Combine all squares
final Area area = new Area(new Rectangle(xp[0], yp[0], size, size));
for (int i = 1; i < np; i++) {
area.add(new Area(new Rectangle(xp[i], yp[i], size, size)));
// Compute the area
double sum = 0;
// Trust that the geometry of the path iterator will not return more vertices
// than the input squares.
// Note: This allocation has the potential to overflow. Clip it and
// leave the code to array index out of bounds if the path is that large.
// In this case we cannot compute the area anyway.
final double[] x = new double[MemoryUtils.createNewCapacity(np * 4, 0)];
final double[] y = new double[x.length];
int n = 0;
final double[] coords = new double[6];
final PathIterator pIter = area.getPathIterator(null);
while (!pIter.isDone()) {
final int segType = pIter.currentSegment(coords);
// We are only interested in move-to and line-to operations
switch (segType) {
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
// The start of a new path
sum += getArea(x, y, n);
n = 0;
// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: FallThroughCheck
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
// Add the point
x[n] = coords[0];
y[n] = coords[1];
// CHECKSTYLE.ON: FallThroughCheck
// assume it is PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE
return sum + getArea(x, y, n);
* Gets the area of a polygon using the Shoelace formula
* (
The area formula is valid for any non-self-intersecting (simple) polygon, which can be
* convex or concave.
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param n the count of points
* @return the area
private static double getArea(double[] x, double[] y, int n) {
double sum1 = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
for (int i = n, j = 0; i-- > 0; j = i) {
sum1 += x[i] * y[j];
sum2 += x[j] * y[i];
return Math.abs(sum1 - sum2) / 2;
* Get the size. This is the number of squares in the multi-square.
* @return the size
int size() {
// np is zero when there is only one square
return np == 0 ? 1 : np;
* No public constructor.
private LocalDensity() {}
* Estimate the local density of points. The border should be the extent around the point
* considered to be close to the point, for example the extent of the point spread function (PSF).
This function calls {@link #estimate(int[], int[], int, IntDoubleConsumer) estimate} with a
* {@code null} consumer for the regions.
* @param x the x positions
* @param y the y positions
* @param border the border
* @return the local density
* @see #estimate(int[], int[], int, IntDoubleConsumer)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if x and y lengths do not match; or if {@code 2 * border + 1}
* is greater than the maximum integer size.
public static double estimate(int[] x, int[] y, int border) {
return estimate(x, y, border, null);
* Estimate the local density of points. The border should be the extent around the point
* considered to be close to the point, for example the extent of the point spread function (PSF).
A bounding box is placed around each XY point defining the local region of interest. Any
* other point's bounding box that overlap the bounding box is considered to be local. The
* overlapping bounding box regions are combined to an area and the density computed as:
* density = points / (sum local areas)
* The count of points and area of each local region can be obtained using the {@code regions}
* consumer.
Any points that do not interact with other points have a minimum density of
* {@code Math.pow(2 * border + 1, -2)}.
Note: This estimate requires that each square can be represented using the {@link Rectangle}
* class. Thus the width and height of each square is limited to the maximum integer size.
* @param x the x positions
* @param y the y positions
* @param border the border (negative values are set to zero)
* @param regions the regions (can be {@code null})
* @return the local density
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if x and y lengths do not match; or if {@code 2 * border + 1}
* is greater than the maximum integer size.
public static double estimate(int[] x, int[] y, int border, IntDoubleConsumer regions) {
final int n = x.length;
ValidationUtils.checkArgument(n == y.length, "xy length mismatch: %d != %d", n, y.length);
// Check the border is positive and within the limit
if (border < 0) {
border = 0;
} else {
ValidationUtils.checkArgument(border <= BORDER_LIMIT, "border too large: %d", border);
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
final int size = 2 * border + 1;
if (n == 1) {
final double area = (double) size * size;
if (regions != null) {
regions.accept(1, area);
return 1.0 / area;
// Edge case for 2 points
if (n == 2) {
// The points interact if they are within the size for x and y.
if (withinReach(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], size)) {
final double area = getArea(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], size);
if (regions != null) {
regions.accept(2, area);
return 2.0 / area;
// Minimum density
final double area = (double) size * size;
if (regions != null) {
regions.accept(1, area);
regions.accept(1, area);
return 1.0 / area;
// Construct bounding boxes and test for intersections.
// Join intersecting squares to shapes.
final LinkedList areas = new LinkedList<>();
areas.add(new MultiSquare(x[0], y[0], size));
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
// Use long as the intersects method uses long
final long xx = x[i];
final long yy = y[i];
MultiSquare parent = null;
final Iterator iter = areas.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final MultiSquare mr =;
if (mr.intersects(xx, yy)) {
if (parent == null) {
// First intersection, add the square to the multi-square
parent = mr;
parent.add(x[i], y[i]);
} else {
// Another intersection. This square bridges between to other multi-squares.
// Combine the multi-squares and remove one from the list.
// Not found so start a new multi-square.
if (parent == null) {
areas.add(new MultiSquare(x[i], y[i], size));
// Compute the density of interacting regions
int sumCount = 0;
double sumArea = 0;
for (final MultiSquare mr : areas) {
final int count = mr.size();
final double area = mr.area();
sumCount += count;
sumArea += area;
if (regions != null) {
regions.accept(count, area);
return MathUtils.div0(sumCount, sumArea);
* Return true if the points are within the reach distance.
* {@code |x1-x2| < distance && |y1-y2| < distance}
* @param x1 the first point x
* @param y1 the first point y
* @param x2 the second point x
* @param y2 the second point y
* @param distance the reach distance
* @return true if within reach
static boolean withinReach(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, long distance) {
return diff(x1, x2) < distance && diff(y1, y2) < distance;
* Compute the absolute difference between the two values.
* @param x value x
* @param y value y
* @return the difference |x-y|
private static long diff(long x, long y) {
return x > y ? x - y : y - x;
* Gets the area of the overlapping squares.
* @param x1 the first point x
* @param y1 the first point y
* @param x2 the second point x
* @param y2 the second point y
* @param size the size
* @return the area
static long getArea(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, final int size) {
// Compute the union area.
final Rectangle r0 = new Rectangle(x1, y1, size, size);
final Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(x2, y2, size, size);
final Rectangle intersection = r0.intersection(r1);
return 2L * size * size - (long) intersection.width * intersection.height;