Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import static;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.BuildPluginManager;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptor;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm;
public abstract class AbstractFitNesseMojo extends org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo {
* The Maven Session Object
* @parameter property="session"
* @readonly
* @required
protected MavenSession session;
* The Maven BuildPluginManager Object
* @component
* @readonly
* @required
protected BuildPluginManager pluginManager;
* Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.
* @component role="org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver"
* @readonly
* @required
protected ArtifactResolver resolver;
* Location of the local repository.
* @parameter property="localRepository"
* @readonly
* @required
protected ArtifactRepository localRepository;
* List of Remote Repositories used by the resolver
* @parameter property="project.remoteArtifactRepositories"
* @readonly
* @required
protected List remoteArtifactRepositories;
* Maven project, to be injected by Maven itself.
* @parameter property="project"
* @readonly
* @required
protected MavenProject project;
* @parameter property="plugin"
* @readonly
* @required
protected PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.port" default-value="9123"
protected Integer port;
* @parameter property="" default-value="src/test/fitnesse"
protected String testResourceDirectory;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.working" default-value="${}/fitnesse"
protected String workingDir;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.root" default-value="FitNesseRoot"
protected String root;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.logDir"
protected String logDir;
* fitnesse-launcher-maven-plugin unpacks a fresh copy of FitNesse under /target;
* Only your project specific FitNesse tests need go under src/test/fitnesse.
* By setting 'createSymLink' to 'true', fitnesse-launcher-maven-plugin will
* create a FitNesse SymLink directly to your test suite under src/test/fitnesse.
* This is most useful when developing tests in 'wiki' mode,
* as then you can directly scm commit your changes.
* If you prefer to copy-resources from src/test/fitnesse into /target/fitnesse,
* let 'createSymLink' be 'false'.
* @see FitNesse SymLink User Guide
* @parameter property="fitnesse.createSymLink"
protected boolean createSymLink;
* This is where build results go.
* @parameter default-value="${fitnesse.working}/results"
* @required
protected File resultsDir;
* This is where build results go.
* @parameter default-value="${fitnesse.working}/reports"
* @required
protected File reportsDir;
* The summary file to write integration test results to.
* @parameter default-value="${fitnesse.working}/results/failsafe-summary.xml"
* @required
protected File summaryFile;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.suite"
protected String suite;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.test"
protected String test;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.suiteFilter"
protected String suiteFilter;
* @parameter property="fitnesse.excludeSuiteFilter"
protected String excludeSuiteFilter;
protected FitNesseHelper fitNesseHelper;
protected abstract void executeInternal() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
this.fitNesseHelper = new FitNesseHelper(getLog());
private static final String LOG_LINE = "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
protected void exportProperties() throws MojoExecutionException {
final Properties projectProperties = this.project.getProperties();
final String mavenClasspath = calcWikiFormatClasspath();
setSystemProperty("maven.classpath", mavenClasspath);
// If a System property already exists, it has priority;
// That way we can override with a -D on the command line
for(String key : projectProperties.stringPropertyNames()) {
final String value = System.getProperty(key, projectProperties.getProperty(key));
setSystemProperty(key, value);
setSystemProperty("artifact", this.project.getArtifactId());
setSystemProperty("version", this.project.getVersion());
try {
final String basedir = this.project.getBasedir().getCanonicalPath();
setSystemProperty("basedir", basedir);
} catch (IOException e) {
protected void setSystemProperty(final String key, final String value) {
if(!isBlank(key) && !isBlank(value)) {
getLog().info(String.format("Setting FitNesse variable [%s] to [%s]", key, value));
System.setProperty(key, value);
protected String calcWikiFormatClasspath() throws MojoExecutionException {
final Set artifacts = new HashSet();
// We should always have FitNesse itself on the FitNesse classpath!
// We check plugin for null to allow use in standalone mode
final Plugin fitnessePlugin = this.project.getPlugin(this.pluginDescriptor.getPluginLookupKey());
if(fitnessePlugin == null) {
getLog().info("Running standalone - launching vanilla FitNesse");
} else {
final List dependecies = fitnessePlugin.getDependencies();
for(Dependency dependency : dependecies) {
final String key = dependency.getGroupId() + ":" + dependency.getArtifactId();
final StringBuilder wikiFormatClasspath = new StringBuilder("\n");
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
if(artifact.getFile() != null) {
getLog().debug(String.format("Adding artifact to FitNesse classpath [%s]", artifact));
this.fitNesseHelper.formatAndAppendClasspathArtifact(wikiFormatClasspath, artifact);
} else {
getLog().warn(String.format("File for artifact [%s] is not found", artifact));
return wikiFormatClasspath.toString();
private void setupLocalTestClasspath(final StringBuilder wikiFormatClasspath) throws MojoExecutionException {
try {
final List runtimeClasspathElements = this.project.getTestClasspathElements();
final ClassRealm realm = this.pluginDescriptor.getClassRealm();
for(final String element : runtimeClasspathElements) {
this.fitNesseHelper.formatAndAppendClasspath(wikiFormatClasspath, element);
final File elementFile = new File(element);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Exception setting up local project test classpath", e);
private Set resolveDependencyKey(final String key) {
final Artifact artifact = this.pluginDescriptor.getArtifactMap().get(key);
if(artifact == null) {
getLog().warn(String.format("Lookup for artifact [%s] failed", key));
return Collections.emptySet();
return resolveArtifactTransitively(artifact);
private Set resolveArtifactTransitively(final Artifact artifact) {
final ArtifactResolutionRequest request = new ArtifactResolutionRequest()
.setArtifact( artifact )
.setResolveRoot( true )
.setResolveTransitively( true )
.setRemoteRepositories( this.remoteArtifactRepositories )
.setLocalRepository( this.localRepository );
final ArtifactResolutionResult result = this.resolver.resolve(request);
if(!result.isSuccess()) {
for(Artifact missing : result.getMissingArtifacts()) {
getLog().warn(String.format("Could not resolve artifact: [%s]", missing));
if(result.hasExceptions() && getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
for(Exception exception : result.getExceptions()) {
final Set dependencies = result.getArtifacts();
return dependencies;