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import cats.effect.Async
import cats.implicits.*
import org.scanamo.DynamoReadError.*
import org.scanamo.*
import org.scanamo.query.{Condition as ScanamoCondition, *}
import org.scanamo.request.RequestCondition
import{KeysAndAttributes, *}
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
import scala.language.{implicitConversions, postfixOps}
/** An DynamoDbAsync client. It is written generically so can be used for any effect which has an Async instance.
* Requires an implicit instance of cats Async which is used to convert CompletableFuture to F
* @tparam F
* Type of the effect
trait DADynamoDBClient[F[_]: Async]:
/** Takes a list of primary key attributes of type T and deletes the corresponding items from Dynamo. Unprocessed
* items will be retried
* @param tableName
* The name of the table
* @param primaryKeyAttributes
* A list of primary keys to delete from Dynamo (list can be any length; requests will be batched into groups of
* 25)
* @param format
* An implicit scanamo formatter for type T
* @tparam T
* The type of the primary keys to be deleted from Dynamo
* @return
* The List of BatchWriteItemResponse wrapped with F[_]
def deleteItems[T](tableName: String, primaryKeyAttributes: List[T])(using
): F[List[BatchWriteItemResponse]]
/** Writes a single item to DynamoDb
* @param dynamoDbWriteRequest
* a case class with table name, the attributes and values you want to write and the (optional) conditional
* expression you want to apply
* @return
* The http status code from the writeItem call wrapped with F[_]
def writeItem(dynamoDbWriteRequest: DADynamoDbWriteItemRequest): F[Int]
/** Writes the list of items of type T to Dynamo. Unprocessed items will be retried
* @param tableName
* The name of the table
* @param items
* A list of items to write to Dynamo (list can be any length; requests will be batched into groups of 25)
* @param format
* An implicit scanamo formatter for type T
* @tparam T
* The type of the items to be written to Dynamo
* @return
* The List of BatchWriteItemResponse wrapped with F[_]
def writeItems[T](tableName: String, items: List[T])(using
format: DynamoFormat[T]
): F[List[BatchWriteItemResponse]]
/** @param tableName
* The name of the table
* @param potentialGsiName
* The optional name of the global secondary index
* @param requestCondition
* This is not passed in directly. You construct either a Query[_] or a ConditionExpression instance. This is then
* converted to RequestCondition by the implicits in the companion object.
* @param returnTypeFormat
* An implicit scanamo formatter for return type U
* @tparam U
* The return type for the function
* @return
* A list of type U wrapped in the F effect
def queryItems[U](tableName: String, requestCondition: RequestCondition, potentialGsiName: Option[String] = None)(
using returnTypeFormat: DynamoFormat[U]
): F[List[U]]
/** Returns a list of items of type T which match the list of primary keys
* @param primaryKeys
* A list of primary keys of type K. The case class of type K should match the table primary key.
* @param tableName
* The name of the table
* @param returnFormat
* An implicit scanamo formatter for type T
* @param keyFormat
* An implicit scanamo formatter for type K
* @tparam T
* The type of the return case class
* @tparam K
* The type of the primary key
* @return
* A list of case classes of type T which the values populated from Dynamo, wrapped with F[_]
def getItems[T, K](primaryKeys: List[K], tableName: String)(using
returnFormat: DynamoFormat[T],
keyFormat: DynamoFormat[K]
): F[List[T]]
/** Updates an attribute in DynamoDb
* @param dynamoDbRequest
* a case class with table name, primary key and value, the name of the attribute to update and the value you want
* to update it with
* @return
* The http status code from the updateAttributeValues call wrapped with F[_]
def updateAttributeValues(dynamoDbRequest: DADynamoDbRequest): F[Int]
object DADynamoDBClient:
given [C: ConditionExpression]: Conversion[C, RequestCondition] =
given Conversion[Query[?], RequestCondition] = _.apply
given [T: UniqueKeyCondition, U: UniqueKeyCondition](using
qkc: QueryableKeyCondition[AndEqualsCondition[T, U]]
): Conversion[AndEqualsCondition[T, U], RequestCondition] = qkc.apply(_)
case class DADynamoDbRequest(
tableName: String,
primaryKeyAndItsValue: Map[String, AttributeValue],
attributeNamesAndValuesToUpdate: Map[String, Option[AttributeValue]]
case class DADynamoDbWriteItemRequest(
tableName: String,
attributeNamesAndValuesToWrite: Map[String, AttributeValue],
conditionalExpression: Option[String] = None
private lazy val dynamoDBClient: DynamoDbAsyncClient = DynamoDbAsyncClient
extension [K, T](l: util.List[util.Map[K, T]]) def toScala: List[Map[K, T]] =
def apply[F[_]: Async](dynamoDBClient: DynamoDbAsyncClient = dynamoDBClient): DADynamoDBClient[F] =
new DADynamoDBClient[F] {
extension [T](completableFuture: CompletableFuture[T])
private def liftF: F[T] = Async[F].fromCompletableFuture(Async[F].pure(completableFuture))
override def deleteItems[T](tableName: String, primaryKeyAttributes: List[T])(using
): F[List[BatchWriteItemResponse]] =
primaryKeyAttributesMap => {
val deleteRequest = DeleteRequest.builder().key(primaryKeyAttributesMap).build
override def writeItem(dynamoDbWriteRequest: DADynamoDbWriteItemRequest): F[Int] =
val putItemRequestBuilder = PutItemRequest
val putItemRequest: PutItemRequest =
override def writeItems[T](tableName: String, items: List[T])(using
format: DynamoFormat[T]
): F[List[BatchWriteItemResponse]] =
itemMap => {
val putRequest = PutRequest.builder().item(itemMap).build
override def getItems[T, K](primaryKeys: List[K], tableName: String)(using
returnFormat: DynamoFormat[T],
keyFormat: DynamoFormat[K]
): F[List[T]] =
val primaryKeysAsAttributeValues = primaryKeys
val keysAndAttributes = KeysAndAttributes.builder
val batchGetItemRequest = BatchGetItemRequest.builder
.requestItems(Map(tableName -> keysAndAttributes).asJava)
batchResponse <- dynamoDBClient.batchGetItem(batchGetItemRequest).liftF
result <- validateAndConvertAttributeValuesList[T](batchResponse.responses.get(tableName).toScala)
yield result
override def updateAttributeValues(dynamoDbRequest: DADynamoDbRequest): F[Int] =
val attributeValueUpdates = { case (name, attributeValue) =>
name -> AttributeValueUpdate
} asJava
val updateAttributeValueRequest = UpdateItemRequest
.key(dynamoDbRequest.primaryKeyAndItsValue asJava)
def queryItems[U](tableName: String, requestCondition: RequestCondition, potentialGsiName: Option[String] = None)(
using returnTypeFormat: DynamoFormat[U]
): F[List[U]] =
val expressionAttributeValues =
val builder = QueryRequest.builder
val queryBuilder = => builder.indexName(gsi)).getOrElse(builder)
def getAllItems(
lastEvaluatedKey: util.Map[String, AttributeValue] = Map.empty.asJava
): F[List[Map[String, AttributeValue]]] = {
val query =
if lastEvaluatedKey.isEmpty then
else queryBuilder.exclusiveStartKey(lastEvaluatedKey).build
for {
response <- dynamoDBClient.query(query).liftF
items <-
if response.hasLastEvaluatedKey then
getAllItems(response.lastEvaluatedKey).map(_ ++ response.items().toScala)
else Async[F].pure(response.items().toScala)
} yield items
private def writeOrDeleteItems[T](
tableName: String,
items: List[T],
mapToWriteRequest: util.Map[String, AttributeValue] => WriteRequest
format: DynamoFormat[T]
) = {
.map { batchedItems =>
val valuesToWrite: List[WriteRequest] = batchedItems
Async[F].tailRecM(valuesToWrite) { reqs =>
val req = BatchWriteItemRequest.builder().requestItems(Map(tableName -> reqs.asJava).asJava).build()
dynamoDBClient.batchWriteItem(req) {
case resUnprocessed
if resUnprocessed.hasUnprocessedItems && resUnprocessed.unprocessedItems.containsKey(tableName) =>
case res => Right(res)
private def validateAndConvertAttributeValuesList[T](
attributeValuesList: List[Map[String, AttributeValue]]
)(using format: DynamoFormat[T]): F[List[T]] =
attributeValuesList.traverse { res =>
val dynamoValue = DynamoValue.fromMap: { case (name, av) =>
name -> DynamoValue.fromAttributeValue(av)
Async[F].fromEither { => new RuntimeException(