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A client to communicate with the Preservica API
The newest version!
import cats.{MonadError, Parallel}
import cats.effect.Async
import cats.implicits.*
import sttp.capabilities.Streams
import sttp.client3.*
import sttp.model.Method
import{Entity, IdentifierResponse}
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.UUID
import scala.xml.{Elem, Node, NodeSeq}
import scala.xml.Utility.escape
import scala.util.Try
/** A client to create, get and update entities in Preservica
* @tparam F
* Type of the effect
trait EntityClient[F[_], S] {
/** Used to format dates.
val dateFormatter: DateTimeFormatter
/** Returns metadata as an XML `Elem` for the provided entity
* @param entity
* The entity to return metadata for
* @return
* An EntityMetadata object containing the metadata (Entity node, Identifiers and metadata) wrapped in the F effect
def metadataForEntity(entity: Entity): F[EntityMetadata]
/** Returns a list of [[Client.BitStreamInfo]] representing the bitstreams for the content object reference
* @param contentRef
* The reference of the content object
* @return
* A `Seq` of [[Client.BitStreamInfo]] containing the bitstream details
def getBitstreamInfo(contentRef: UUID): F[Seq[BitStreamInfo]]
/** Returns an [[Entities.Entity]] for the given ref and type
* @param entityRef
* The reference of the entity
* @param entityType
* The [[EntityClient.EntityType]] of the entity.
* @return
* An [[Entities.Entity]] wrapped in the F effect
def getEntity(entityRef: UUID, entityType: EntityType): F[Entity]
/** Returns a list of [[Entities.IdentifierResponse]] for a given entity
* @param entity
* The entity to find the identifiers for
* @return
* A `Seq` of [[Entities.IdentifierResponse]] wrapped in the F effect
def getEntityIdentifiers(entity: Entity): F[Seq[IdentifierResponse]]
/** Returns a String for the given ref and representationType
* @param ioEntityRef
* The reference of the Information Object
* @param representationType
* The [[EntityClient.RepresentationType]] of the entity.
* @return
* A String wrapped in the F effect
def getUrlsToIoRepresentations(
ioEntityRef: UUID,
representationType: Option[RepresentationType]
): F[Seq[String]]
/** Returns a `Seq` of [[Entities.Entity]] for the given ref and representationType
* @param ioEntityRef
* The reference of the Information Object
* @param representationType
* The [[EntityClient.RepresentationType]] of the entity.
* @param repTypeIndex
* The index of the Representation.
* @return
* A `Seq` of [[Entities.Entity]] wrapped in the F effect
def getContentObjectsFromRepresentation(
ioEntityRef: UUID,
representationType: RepresentationType,
repTypeIndex: Int
): F[Seq[Entity]]
/** Adds an entity to Preservica
* @param addEntityRequest
* An instance of [[EntityClient.AddEntityRequest]] with the details of the entity to add
* @return
* The reference of the new entity wrapped in the F effect.
def addEntity(addEntityRequest: AddEntityRequest): F[UUID]
/** Updates an entity in Preservice
* @param updateEntityRequest
* An instance of [[EntityClient.UpdateEntityRequest]] with the details of the entity to update
* @return
* The string `"Entity was updated"`
def updateEntity(updateEntityRequest: UpdateEntityRequest): F[String]
/** Updates identifiers for an entity
* @param entity
* The entity to update
* @param identifiers
* A list of identifiers to update on the entity
* @return
* The original identifiers argument.
def updateEntityIdentifiers(entity: Entity, identifiers: Seq[IdentifierResponse]): F[Seq[IdentifierResponse]]
/** Streams the bitstream from the provided url into `streamFn`
* @param stream
* An instance of the sttp Stream type
* @param url
* The url to stream the data from
* @param streamFn
* The function to stream the data to
* @tparam T
* The return type of the stream function, wrapped in the F effect
* @return
* The return type of the stream function, wrapped in the F effect
def streamBitstreamContent[T](
stream: Streams[S]
)(url: String, streamFn: stream.BinaryStream => F[T]): F[T]
/** Returns any entity updated since the provided dateTime
* @param dateTime
* The date and time to pass to the API
* @param startEntry
* The entry to start from. Used for pagination
* @param maxEntries
* The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to 1000
* @return
* A `Seq` of [[Entities.Entity]] wrapped in the F effect
def entitiesUpdatedSince(
dateTime: ZonedDateTime,
startEntry: Int,
maxEntries: Int = 1000
): F[Seq[Entity]]
/** Returns a list of event actions for an entity
* @param entity
* The entity to return the actions for
* @param startEntry
* The entry to start from. Used for pagination
* @param maxEntries
* The maximum number of entries to return. Defaults to 1000
* @return
* A `Seq` of [[DataProcessor.EventAction]]
def entityEventActions(
entity: Entity,
startEntry: Int = 0,
maxEntries: Int = 1000
): F[Seq[EventAction]]
/** Find entities per identifier
* @param identifiers
* A Seq of identifiers
* @return
* A Map of Identifier -> Seq of Entities
def entitiesPerIdentifier(identifiers: Seq[Identifier]): F[Map[Identifier, Seq[Entity]]]
/** Adds an identifier for an entity
* @param entityRef
* The reference of the entity
* @param entityType
* The type of the entity
* @param identifier
* The identifier to add to the entity
* @return
* The string `"The Identifier was added"`
def addIdentifierForEntity(
entityRef: UUID,
entityType: EntityType,
identifier: Identifier
): F[String]
/** Gets the version of Preservica in the namespace
* @param endpoint
* The Entity endpoint to be called (this should exclude the baseUrl and path)
* @return
* The version of Preservica in the namespace as a Float
def getPreservicaNamespaceVersion(endpoint: String): F[Float]
/** An object containing a method which returns an implementation of the EntityClient trait
object EntityClient {
/** Creates a new `EntityClient` instance.
* @param clientConfig
* Configuration parameters needed to create the client
* @param me
* An implicit instance of cats.MonadError
* @param sync
* An implicit instance of cats.Sync
* @tparam F
* The type of the effect
* @tparam S
* The type of the Stream to be used for the streaming methods.
* @return
def createEntityClient[F[_]: Async: Parallel, S](clientConfig: ClientConfig[F, S])(using
me: MonadError[F, Throwable]
): EntityClient[F, S] = new EntityClient[F, S] {
val dateFormatter: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX")
private val apiBaseUrl: String = clientConfig.apiBaseUrl
private val apiVersion = 7.0f
private val apiUrl = s"$apiBaseUrl/api/entity/v$apiVersion"
private val namespaceUrl = s"$apiVersion"
private val missingPathExceptionMessage: UUID => String = ref =>
s"No path found for entity id $ref. Could this entity have been deleted?"
private val client: Client[F, S] = Client(clientConfig)
import client.*
override def getEntity(entityRef: UUID, entityType: EntityType): F[Entity] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
entity <- getEntityWithRef(entityRef, entityType, token)
} yield entity
override def getUrlsToIoRepresentations(
entityRef: UUID,
representationType: Option[RepresentationType]
): F[Seq[String]] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
urlsOfReps <- urlsToIoRepresentations(entityRef, representationType, token)
} yield urlsOfReps
override def getContentObjectsFromRepresentation(
ioEntityRef: UUID,
representationType: RepresentationType,
repTypeIndex: Int
): F[Seq[Entity]] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
representationsResponse <- ioRepresentations(ioEntityRef, representationType, repTypeIndex, token)
contentObjects <- dataProcessor.getContentObjectsFromRepresentation(
} yield contentObjects
override def getEntityIdentifiers(entity: Entity): F[Seq[IdentifierResponse]] = {
for {
path <- me.fromOption(
url = uri"$apiUrl/$path/${entity.ref}/identifiers"
token <- getAuthenticationToken
identifiers <- entityIdentifiers(url.toString.some, token, Nil)
} yield identifiers
override def addEntity(addEntityRequest: AddEntityRequest): F[UUID] = {
val path = addEntityRequest.entityType.entityPath
for {
_ <-
if (path == ContentObject.entityPath)
PreservicaClientException("You currently cannot create a content object via the API.")
else me.unit
nodeNameAndToken <- validateEntityUpdateInputs(
(nodeName, token) = nodeNameAndToken
addXipTag = path == InformationObject.entityPath
addRequestBody = createUpdateRequestBody(
// "Representations" can be appended to an 'information-objects' request; for now, we'll exclude it and instead, just close the tag
fullRequestBody = if (addXipTag) addRequestBody + "\n " else addRequestBody
url = uri"$apiUrl/$path"
addEntityResponse <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.toString, token, Method.POST, Some(fullRequestBody))
ref <- dataProcessor.childNodeFromEntity(addEntityResponse, nodeName, "Ref")
} yield UUID.fromString(ref.trim)
override def updateEntity(updateEntityRequest: UpdateEntityRequest): F[String] = {
for {
nodeNameAndToken <- validateEntityUpdateInputs(
(nodeName, token) = nodeNameAndToken
updateRequestBody = createUpdateRequestBody(
path = updateEntityRequest.entityType.entityPath
url = uri"$apiUrl/$path/${updateEntityRequest.ref}"
_ <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.toString, token, Method.PUT, Some(updateRequestBody))
response = "Entity was updated"
} yield response
override def getBitstreamInfo(
contentObjectRef: UUID
): F[Seq[BitStreamInfo]] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
contentObjectElement <- sendXMLApiRequest(
generationsEndpointUrl <- dataProcessor.generationUrlFromEntity(contentObjectElement)
allGenerationElements <- generationElements(generationsEndpointUrl, contentObjectRef, token)
allBitstreamInfo <- { generationElement =>
for {
generationType <- dataProcessor.generationType(generationElement, contentObjectRef)
bitstreamElements <- bitstreamElements(generationElement, token)
contentObject <- dataProcessor.getEntity(contentObjectRef, contentObjectElement, ContentObject)
allBitstreamInfo <- dataProcessor.allBitstreamInfo(bitstreamElements, generationType, contentObject)
} yield allBitstreamInfo
} yield allBitstreamInfo
override def metadataForEntity(entity: Entity): F[EntityMetadata] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
queryParams = Map("max" -> 1000, "start" -> 0)
path <- me.fromOption(
entityUrl = s"$apiUrl/$path/${entity.ref}"
entityType <- getEntityType(entity)
entityInfo <- sendXMLApiRequest(entityUrl, token, Method.GET)
entityNode <- dataProcessor.getEntityXml(entity.ref, entityInfo, entityType)
identifiers <- entityIdentifiersXml(Some(s"$entityUrl/identifiers"), token, Nil)
entityLinks <- entityLinksXml(entity.ref, uri"$entityUrl/links?$queryParams".toString.some, token, Nil)
fragmentUrls <- dataProcessor.fragmentUrls(entityInfo)
fragmentResponses <- => sendXMLApiRequest(url, token, Method.GET)).sequence
fragments <- dataProcessor.fragments(fragmentResponses)
fragmentsWithMetadataLabel = { node =>
new Elem(node.prefix, "Metadata", node.attributes, node.scope, false, node.child*)
eventActionResponseXmls <- eventActionsXml(uri"$entityUrl/event-actions?$queryParams".toString.some, token, Nil)
eventActions <-
entityMetadata <-
if (entityType.entityTypeShort == "CO")
for {
generationsEndpointUrl <- me.pure(s"$entityUrl/generations")
allGenerationsResponseElements <- generationElements(generationsEndpointUrl, entity.ref, token)
allGenerationElements <- allGenerationsResponseElements
bitstreamElements <-, token)).flatSequence
} yield CoMetadata(
bitstreamElements.flatMap(_ \ "Bitstream"),
else if (entityType.entityTypeShort == "IO")
for {
urlsToIoReps <- urlsToIoRepresentations(entity.ref, None, token)
representations <- { urlToIoRepresentation =>
val urlSplitOnForwardSlash = urlToIoRepresentation.split('/').reverse
val generationVersion = urlSplitOnForwardSlash.head.toInt
val representationType = RepresentationType.valueOf(urlSplitOnForwardSlash(1))
ioRepresentations(entity.ref, representationType, generationVersion, token).flatMap {
} yield IoMetadata(
StandardEntityMetadata(entityNode, identifiers, entityLinks, fragmentsWithMetadataLabel, eventActions)
} yield entityMetadata
override def entitiesUpdatedSince(
dateTime: ZonedDateTime,
startEntry: Int,
maxEntries: Int = 1000
): F[Seq[Entity]] = {
val dateString = dateTime.format(dateFormatter)
val queryParams = Map("date" -> dateString, "max" -> maxEntries, "start" -> startEntry)
val url = uri"$apiUrl/entities/updated-since?$queryParams"
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
updatedEntities <- getEntities(url.toString, token)
} yield updatedEntities
override def entityEventActions(
entity: Entity,
startEntry: Int = 0,
maxEntries: Int = 1000
): F[Seq[EventAction]] = {
val queryParams = Map("max" -> maxEntries, "start" -> startEntry)
for {
path <- me.fromOption(
url = uri"$apiUrl/$path/${entity.ref}/event-actions?$queryParams"
token <- getAuthenticationToken
allEventActionsResponseXml <- eventActionsXml(url.toString.some, token, Nil)
eventActions <- allEventActionsResponseXml
.map(eventActionsResponseXml => dataProcessor.getEventActions(eventActionsResponseXml))
} yield eventActions.reverse // most recent event first
override def entitiesPerIdentifier(identifiers: Seq[Identifier]): F[Map[Identifier, Seq[Entity]]] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
entities <- identifiers.distinct.parTraverse(identifier => entitiesForIdentifier(identifier, token))
} yield entities.toMap
override def addIdentifierForEntity(
entityRef: UUID,
entityType: EntityType,
identifier: Identifier
): F[String] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
_ <- sendXMLApiRequest(
Some(requestBodyForIdentifier(identifier.identifierName, identifier.value))
response = s"The Identifier was added"
} yield response
def streamBitstreamContent[T](
stream: Streams[S]
)(url: String, streamFn: stream.BinaryStream => F[T]): F[T] = {
val apiUri = uri"$url"
def request(token: String) = basicRequest
.headers(Map("Preservica-Access-Token" -> token))
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
res <- backend.send(request(token))
body <- me.fromEither { => PreservicaClientException(Method.GET, apiUri, res.code, err))
} yield body
override def updateEntityIdentifiers(
entity: Entity,
identifiers: Seq[IdentifierResponse]
): F[Seq[IdentifierResponse]] =
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
updateResponse <- { identifier =>
val requestBody = requestBodyForIdentifier(identifier.identifierName, identifier.value).some
for {
path <- me.fromOption(
url = uri"$apiUrl/$path/${entity.ref}/identifiers/${}"
_ <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.toString, token, Method.PUT, requestBody)
} yield identifier
} yield updateResponse
override def getPreservicaNamespaceVersion(endpoint: String): F[Float] = {
for {
token <- getAuthenticationToken
resXml <- sendXMLApiRequest(s"$apiBaseUrl/api/entity/$endpoint", token, Method.GET)
version <- dataProcessor.getPreservicaNamespaceVersion(resXml)
} yield version
private def entitiesForIdentifier(
identifier: Identifier,
token: String
): F[(Identifier, Seq[Entity])] = {
val queryParams = Map("type" -> identifier.identifierName, "value" -> identifier.value)
val url = uri"$apiUrl/entities/by-identifier?$queryParams"
for {
entitiesWithIdentifier <- getEntities(url.toString, token)
entities <- { entityWithId =>
for {
entityType <- getEntityType(entityWithId)
entity <- getEntityWithRef(
) // This is necessary to get the full entity information as by-identifier doesn't return it
} yield entity
} yield identifier -> entities
private def getEntityWithRef(entityRef: UUID, entityType: EntityType, token: String) =
for {
url <- me.pure(uri"$apiUrl/${entityType.entityPath}/$entityRef")
entityResponse <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.toString(), token, Method.GET)
entity <- dataProcessor.getEntity(entityRef, entityResponse, entityType)
} yield entity
private def urlsToIoRepresentations(
entityRef: UUID,
representationType: Option[RepresentationType],
token: String
) =
for {
url <- me.pure(uri"$apiUrl/information-objects/$entityRef/representations")
representationsResponse <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.toString(), token, Method.GET)
urlsOfRepresentations <- dataProcessor.getUrlsToEntityRepresentations(
} yield urlsOfRepresentations
private def getEntityType(entity: Entity): F[EntityType] =
PreservicaClientException(s"No entity type found for entity ${entity.ref}")
private def getEntities(url: String, token: String): F[Seq[Entity]] =
for {
entitiesResponseXml <- sendXMLApiRequest(url, token, Method.GET)
entitiesWithUpdates <- dataProcessor.getEntities(entitiesResponseXml)
} yield entitiesWithUpdates
private def eventActionsXml(
url: Option[String],
token: String,
currentCollectionOfEventActionsXml: Seq[Elem]
): F[Seq[Elem]] = {
if (url.isEmpty) {
} else {
for {
eventActionsResponseXml <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.get, token, Method.GET)
nextPageUrl <- dataProcessor.nextPage(eventActionsResponseXml)
allEventActionsXml <- eventActionsXml(
currentCollectionOfEventActionsXml :+ eventActionsResponseXml
} yield allEventActionsXml
private def requestBodyForIdentifier(identifierName: String, identifierValue: String): String = {
val identifierAsXml =
private def ioRepresentations(
ioEntityRef: UUID,
representationType: RepresentationType,
repTypeIndex: Int,
token: String
): F[Elem] =
for {
url <- me.pure(uri"$apiUrl/information-objects/$ioEntityRef/representations/$representationType/$repTypeIndex")
representationsResponse <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.toString(), token, Method.GET)
} yield representationsResponse
private def entityIdentifiers(
url: Option[String],
token: String,
currentCollectionOfIdentifiers: Seq[IdentifierResponse]
): F[Seq[IdentifierResponse]] = {
if (url.isEmpty) {
} else {
for {
identifiersResponseXml <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.get, token, Method.GET)
identifiersBatch <- dataProcessor.getIdentifiers(identifiersResponseXml)
nextPageUrl <- dataProcessor.nextPage(identifiersResponseXml)
allIdentifiers <- entityIdentifiers(
currentCollectionOfIdentifiers ++ identifiersBatch
} yield allIdentifiers
private def validateEntityUpdateInputs(entityType: EntityType, parentRef: Option[UUID]): F[(String, String)] =
for {
_ <-
if (entityType.entityPath != StructuralObject.entityPath && parentRef.isEmpty)
"You must pass in the parent ref if you would like to add/update a non-structural object."
else me.unit
token <- getAuthenticationToken
} yield (entityType.toString, token)
private def createUpdateRequestBody(
ref: Option[UUID],
title: String,
descriptionToChange: Option[String],
parentRef: Option[UUID],
securityTag: SecurityTag,
nodeName: String,
addOpeningXipTag: Boolean = false
): String = {
${if (addOpeningXipTag) s"""""" else ""}
<$nodeName xmlns="$apiVersion">
${ => s"$r").getOrElse("")}
.map(description => s"${escape(description)} ")
${ => s"$parent ").getOrElse("")}
private def generationElements(
generationsEndpointUrl: String,
contentObjectRef: UUID,
token: String
): F[Seq[Elem]] =
for {
generationsElement <- sendXMLApiRequest(generationsEndpointUrl, token, Method.GET)
allGenerationUrls <- dataProcessor.allGenerationUrls(generationsElement, contentObjectRef)
allGenerationElements <- { url =>
sendXMLApiRequest(url, token, Method.GET)
} yield allGenerationElements
private def bitstreamElements(generationResponseElement: Elem, token: String) =
for {
allBitstreamUrls <- dataProcessor.allBitstreamUrls(generationResponseElement)
bitstreamElements <- { url =>
sendXMLApiRequest(url, token, Method.GET)
} yield bitstreamElements
private def entityIdentifiersXml(
url: Option[String],
token: String,
currentCollectionOfIdentifiers: Seq[Node]
): F[Seq[Node]] =
if (url.isEmpty)
for {
identifiersResponseXml <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.get, token, Method.GET)
identifiersBatch <- dataProcessor.getIdentifiersXml(identifiersResponseXml)
nextPageUrl <- dataProcessor.nextPage(identifiersResponseXml)
allIdentifiers <- entityIdentifiersXml(
currentCollectionOfIdentifiers ++ identifiersBatch
} yield allIdentifiers
private def entityLinksXml(
ref: UUID,
url: Option[String],
token: String,
currentCollectionOfEntityLinks: Seq[Node]
): F[Seq[Node]] =
if (url.isEmpty) me.pure(currentCollectionOfEntityLinks)
for {
entityLinksResponseXml <- sendXMLApiRequest(url.get, token, Method.GET)
entityLinksXmlBatch <- dataProcessor.getEntityLinksXml(ref, entityLinksResponseXml)
nextPageUrl <- dataProcessor.nextPage(entityLinksResponseXml)
allEntityLinksXml <- entityLinksXml(
currentCollectionOfEntityLinks ++ entityLinksXmlBatch
} yield allEntityLinksXml
sealed trait EntityMetadata:
val entityNode: Node
val identifiers: Seq[Node]
val links: Seq[Node]
val metadataNodes: Seq[Node]
val eventActions: Seq[Node]
/** Represents a Preservica security tag
enum SecurityTag:
override def toString: String = this match
case Open => "open"
case Closed => "closed"
case Open, Closed
/** Represents an entity type
enum EntityType(val entityPath: String, val entityTypeShort: String):
case StructuralObject extends EntityType("structural-objects", "SO")
case InformationObject extends EntityType("information-objects", "IO")
case ContentObject extends EntityType("content-objects", "CO")
/** Represents a Preservica identifier
case class Identifier(identifierName: String, value: String)
/** Represents a Preservica representation tag
enum RepresentationType:
case Access, Preservation
/** Represents an entity to add to Preservica
* @param ref
* An optional ref. If one is not provided, one will be generated
* @param title
* The title of the new entity
* @param description
* The optional description of the new entity
* @param entityType
* The type of the new entity
* @param securityTag
* The security tag of the new entity
* @param parentRef
* An optional parent reference
case class AddEntityRequest(
ref: Option[UUID],
title: String,
description: Option[String],
entityType: EntityType,
securityTag: SecurityTag,
parentRef: Option[UUID]
/** Represents an entity to update in Preservica
* @param ref
* The ref of the entity to be updated
* @param title
* The title of the updated entity
* @param descriptionToChange
* The optional description of the updated entity
* @param entityType
* The type of the updated entity
* @param securityTag
* The security tag of the updated entity
* @param parentRef
* An optional parent reference
case class UpdateEntityRequest(
ref: UUID,
title: String,
descriptionToChange: Option[String],
entityType: EntityType,
securityTag: SecurityTag,
parentRef: Option[UUID]
enum GenerationType:
case Original, Derived
/* The non-specific (generic) metadata that is common for all Entity types; default for current/future Entities
that don't have an EntityMetadata implementation. */
case class StandardEntityMetadata(
entityNode: Node,
identifiers: Seq[Node],
links: Seq[Node],
metadataNodes: Seq[Node],
eventActions: Seq[Node]
) extends EntityMetadata
case class IoMetadata(
entityNode: Node,
representations: Seq[Node],
identifiers: Seq[Node],
links: Seq[Node],
metadataNodes: Seq[Node],
eventActions: Seq[Node]
) extends EntityMetadata
case class CoMetadata(
entityNode: Node,
generationNodes: Seq[Node],
bitstreamNodes: Seq[Node],
identifiers: Seq[Node],
links: Seq[Node],
metadataNodes: Seq[Node],
eventActions: Seq[Node]
) extends EntityMetadata
object SecurityTag:
def fromString(securityTagString: String): Option[SecurityTag] = Try(