Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import static org.apache.camel.builder.ExpressionBuilder.append;
import static org.apache.camel.builder.PredicateBuilder.*;
import static uk.nhs.ciao.logging.CiaoCamelLogMessage.camelLogMsg;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Message;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import uk.nhs.ciao.camel.BaseRouteBuilder;
import uk.nhs.ciao.logging.CiaoCamelLogger;
import uk.nhs.ciao.util.Clock;
import uk.nhs.ciao.util.SystemClock;
* Provides methods to manage the in-progress folders associated with a document upload.
* The in-progress folder has the following structure:
* source/
* ${documentName} - original document content
* control/
* error-folder - single line file specifying location of error folder
* completed-folder - single line file specifying location of completed folder
* wants-bus-ack - empty file, present if an ITK business ack has been requested
* wants-inf-ack - empty file, present if an ITK infrastructure ack has been requested
* state/
* ${timestamp}-${messageType}-${eventType} - file contains the message associated with the event
* State event types:
- a message/document has failed preparation
* sending
- a message is being sent
* sent
- a message was successfully sent
* send-failed
- a message failed to send
* received
- a message was received
* State message types:
* document
- file related to the original source document
* bus-message
- file containing an ITK business message
* inf-ack
- file containing an ITK infrastructure ack
* bus-ack
- file containing an ITK business ack
* inf-nack
- file containing an ITK infrastructure nack
* bus-nack
- file containing an ITK business nack
* The timestamp format is yyyyMMdd-HHmmssSSS
(in UTC)
public class InProgressFolderManagerRoute extends BaseRouteBuilder {
private static final CiaoCamelLogger LOGGER = CiaoCamelLogger.getLogger(InProgressFolderManagerRoute.class);
private static final DateTimeFormatter TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMdd-HHmmssSSS").withZoneUTC();
* Enumeration of header names supported by the manager
public static final class Header {
public static final String ACTION = "ciao.inProgressFolder.action";
public static final String FILE_TYPE = "ciao.inProgressFolder.fileType";
public static final String EVENT_TYPE = "ciao.inProgressFolder.eventType";
// Internal (private) headers
private static final String MESSAGE_TYPE = "ciao.inProgressFolder.messageType";
private Header() {
// Suppress default constructor
* Enumeration of action header values supported by the manager
* @see Header#ACTION
public static final class Action {
public static final String STORE = "store";
private Action() {
// Suppress default constructor
* Enumeration of file type header values supported by the manager
* @see Header#FILE_TYPE
public static final class FileType {
public static final String CONTROL = "control";
public static final String EVENT = "event";
private FileType() {
// Suppress default constructor
* Enumeration of event type header values supported by the manager
* @see Header#EVENT_TYPE
public static final class EventType {
public static final String MESSAGE_PREPARATION_FAILED = "preparation-failed";
public static final String MESSAGE_SENDING = "sending";
public static final String MESSAGE_SENT = "sent";
public static final String MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED = "send-failed";
public static final String MESSAGE_RECEIVED = "received";
private EventType() {
// Suppress default constructor
* Enumeration of known message types
* Values are supplied via the {@link Exchange#FILE_NAME} header
public static final class MessageType {
public static final String DOCUMENT = "document";
public static final String BUSINESS_MESSAGE = "bus-message";
public static final String INFRASTRUCTURE_ACK = "inf-ack";
public static final String INFRASTRUCTURE_NACK = "inf-nack";
public static final String BUSINESS_ACK = "bus-ack";
public static final String BUSINESS_NACK = "bus-nack";
private MessageType() {
// Suppress default constructor
private String inProgressFolderManagerUri;
private String inProgressFolderRootUri;
private Clock clock = SystemClock.getInstance();
public void setInProgressFolderManagerUri(final String inProgressFolderManagerUri) {
this.inProgressFolderManagerUri = inProgressFolderManagerUri;
public void setInProgressFolderRootUri(final String inProgressFolderRootUri) {
this.inProgressFolderRootUri = inProgressFolderRootUri;
public void setClock(final Clock clock) {
this.clock = Preconditions.checkNotNull(clock);
private String getStoreEventFileUri() {
return internalDirectUri("store-event-file");
private String getStoreEventFileHandlerUri() {
return internalDirectUri("store-event-file-handler");
private String getStoreControlFileUri() {
return internalDirectUri("store-control-file");
public void configure() throws Exception {
private void configureRouter() throws Exception {
.when(isEqualTo(header(Header.ACTION), constant(Action.STORE)))
.when(isEqualTo(header(Header.FILE_TYPE), constant(FileType.CONTROL)))
.when(isEqualTo(header(Header.FILE_TYPE), constant(FileType.EVENT)))
private void configureStoreControlFileRoute() throws Exception {
.bean(new ControlFileNameCalculator())
.to(inProgressFolderRootUri + "?fileExist=Override")
.process("Stored control file in in-progress folder")
private void configureStoreEventFileRoute() throws Exception {
.process("Stored event file in in-progress folder")
.eventName(append(append(header(Header.MESSAGE_TYPE), constant("-")), header(Header.EVENT_TYPE)))
private void configureStoreEventFileHandlerRoute() throws Exception {
.bean(new EventFileNameCalculator())
.to(inProgressFolderRootUri + "?fileExist=Fail")
// Processor / bean methods
// The methods can't live in the route builder - it causes havoc with the debug/tracer logging
public class ControlFileNameCalculator {
public void calculateFileName(final Message message) throws Exception {
final String originalName = Strings.nullToEmpty(message.getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class));
final String id = message.getHeader(Exchange.CORRELATION_ID, String.class);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(id)) {
throw new Exception("Missing header " + Exchange.CORRELATION_ID);
final String fileName = id + "/control/" + originalName;
message.setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, fileName);
public class EventFileNameCalculator {
public void calculateFileName(final Message message) throws Exception {
final String messageType = Strings.nullToEmpty(message.getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class));
message.setHeader(Header.MESSAGE_TYPE, messageType);
final String id = message.getHeader(Exchange.CORRELATION_ID, String.class);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(id)) {
throw new Exception("Missing header " + Exchange.CORRELATION_ID);
final String eventType = message.getHeader(Header.EVENT_TYPE, String.class);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(eventType)) {
throw new Exception("Missing header " + Header.EVENT_TYPE);
final String timestamp = TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.print(clock.getMillis());
final String fileName = id + "/events/" + timestamp + "-" + messageType + "-" + eventType;
message.setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, fileName);