us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.codegeneration.MethodCall Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.codegeneration;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.codegeneration.params.BoolParam;
import us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.codegeneration.params.ChildrenParam;
import us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.core.DslTestPlan;
import us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.core.testelements.MultiLevelTestElement;
* Represents a method call, it's parameters and chained invocations.
* It's main purpose is to generate the code for the method call, parameters and chained methods
* invocations.
* @since 0.45
public class MethodCall implements CodeSegment {
* As of 1.3 use {@link Indentation#INDENT} instead.
public static final String INDENT = Indentation.INDENT;
private static final MethodCall EMPTY_METHOD_CALL = new EmptyMethodCall();
protected final String methodName;
private final Class> returnType;
private MethodCall childrenMethod;
private ChildrenParam> childrenParam;
private final List params;
private List chain = new ArrayList<>();
private final Set requiredStaticImports = new HashSet<>();
private boolean commented;
private String headingComment;
public MethodCall(String methodName, Class> returnType, MethodParam... params) {
this.methodName = methodName;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.params = Arrays.asList(params);
public static MethodCall fromBuilderMethod(Method method, MethodParam... params) {
MethodCall ret = from(method, params);
return ret;
private static MethodCall from(Method method, MethodParam... params) {
return new MethodCall(method.getName(), method.getReturnType(), params);
* Generates a new instance for a static method within a given class that is applicable to a given
* set of parameters.
* This is usually used to get clas factory methods calls. Eg: Duration.ofSeconds.
* @param methodClass the class that contains the static method.
* @param methodName the name of the method to search for in the given class.
* @param params the parameters used to search the method in the given class and to associate
* to the method call.
* @return the newly created instance
public static MethodCall forStaticMethod(Class> methodClass, String methodName,
MethodParam... params) {
Class>[] paramsTypes =
Method method = MethodCall.findRequiredStaticMethod(methodClass, methodName, paramsTypes);
return new MethodCall(methodClass.getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName(),
method.getReturnType(), params);
private static Method findRequiredStaticMethod(Class> methodClass, String methodName,
Class>... paramsTypes) {
try {
Method ret = methodClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, paramsTypes);
if (!Modifier.isPublic(ret.getModifiers()) || !Modifier.isStatic(ret.getModifiers())) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't access method " + ret + " which is no longer static or public. "
+ "Check that no dependencies or APIs have been changed.");
return ret;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't find method " + methodClass.getName() + "." + methodName
+ " for parameter types " + Arrays.toString(paramsTypes)
+ ". Check that no dependencies or APIs have been changed.", e);
* Allows to build a special method call used when some conversion is not supported.
* @return the special method call to include as child of other method calls.
public static MethodCall buildUnsupported() {
return new MethodCall("unsupported", MultiLevelTestElement.class);
* Marks or un-marks this method call as to be commented out.
* This is mainly used when you want to provide users with an easy way to enable an existing part
* of a test plan that is currently not enabled or used.
* @param commented specifies to comment or uncomment this method call.
* @since 1.3
public void setCommented(boolean commented) {
this.commented = commented;
* Allows to check if this method call is marked to be commented out.
* @return true if the method call is marked to be commented out, false otherwise.
* @since 1.3
public boolean isCommented() {
return commented;
* Allow to add a heading comment to the method call.
* This is helpful to add some note or comment on created element. Mainly comments that require
* users attention, like reviewing and/or changing a particular part of test plan.
* @param comment specifies the comment to add before the method call.
* @since 1.8
public void headingComment(String comment) {
headingComment = comment;
* Generates a method call that should be ignored (no code should be generated).
* This is helpful when some MethodCallBuilder supports a given test element conversion, but no
* associated generated DSL code should be included.
* @return the empty method call.
public static MethodCall emptyCall() {
private static class EmptyMethodCall extends MethodCall {
protected EmptyMethodCall() {
super(null, MultiLevelTestElement.class);
public MethodCall child(MethodCall child) {
// Just ignoring children
return this;
public String buildCode(String indent) {
return "";
public Set getStaticImports() {
Set ret = new HashSet<>(requiredStaticImports);
.filter(p -> !p.isIgnored())
.forEach(p -> ret.addAll(p.getStaticImports()));
chain.forEach(c -> ret.addAll(c.getStaticImports()));
.forEach(m -> ret.addAll(m.getStaticImports()));
return ret;
public Set getImports() {
Set ret = new HashSet<>();
.filter(p -> !p.isIgnored())
.forEach(p -> ret.addAll(p.getImports()));
chain.forEach(c -> ret.addAll(c.getImports()));
.forEach(m -> {
return ret;
public Map getMethodDefinitions() {
Map ret = new LinkedHashMap<>();
.filter(p -> !p.isIgnored())
.forEach(p -> ret.putAll(p.getMethodDefinitions()));
chain.forEach(c -> ret.putAll(c.getMethodDefinitions()));
return ret;
public Class> getReturnType() {
return returnType;
* Allows adding a child call to this call.
* This method should only be used in seldom scenarios where you need to manually add children
* calls. In most of the cases this is not necessary, since DSL framework automatically takes care
* of JMeter children conversion.
* If the call defines a {@link ChildrenParam} parameter, then children are just added as
* parameters of the call. Otherwise, a children method will be looked into the class retunrned by
* this method, and if there is, then chained into this call and used to register provided child
* element.
* Warning: You should only use this method after applying any required chaining.
* @param child specifies the method call to be added as child call of this call.
* @return the current call instance for further configuration.
public MethodCall child(MethodCall child) {
return this;
private ChildrenParam> solveChildrenParam() {
if (childrenMethod == null) {
MethodParam lastParam = params.isEmpty() ? null : params.get(params.size() - 1);
if (lastParam instanceof ChildrenParam && chain.isEmpty()) {
childrenMethod = this;
childrenParam = (ChildrenParam>) lastParam;
} else {
childrenMethod = findChildrenMethod();
childrenParam = (ChildrenParam>) childrenMethod.params.get(0);
return childrenParam;
private MethodCall findChildrenMethod() {
Method childrenMethod = null;
Class> methodHolder = returnType;
while (childrenMethod == null && methodHolder != Object.class) {
childrenMethod =
.filter(m -> Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) && "children".equals(m.getName())
&& m.getParameterCount() == 1)
methodHolder = methodHolder.getSuperclass();
if (childrenMethod == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No children method found for " + returnType + ". "
+ "This might be due to unexpected test plan structure or missing method in test element"
+ ". Please create an issue in GitHub repository if you find any of these cases.");
return new ChildrenMethodCall(childrenMethod);
private static class ChildrenMethodCall extends MethodCall {
protected ChildrenMethodCall(Method method) {
super(method.getName(), method.getReturnType(),
new ChildrenParam<>(method.getParameterTypes()[0]));
public String buildCode(String indent) {
String paramsCode = buildParamsCode(indent + INDENT);
return paramsCode.isEmpty() ? "" : methodName + "(" + paramsCode + indent + ")";
* Allows replacing a child method call with another.
* This is useful when some element has to alter an already built method call, for example when
* replacing module controllers by test fragment method calls.
* @param original the method call to be replaced.
* @param replacement the method call to be used instead of the original one.
* @since 1.3
public void replaceChild(MethodCall original, MethodCall replacement) {
solveChildrenParam().replaceChild(original, replacement);
* Allows adding a child method at the beginning of children methods.
* This is mainly useful when in need to add configuration elements, that are usually added at the
* beginning of children calls.
* @param child the child method to add at the beginning of children methods.
* @since 1.8
public void prependChild(MethodCall child) {
* Allows chaining a method call to this call.
* This method is useful when adding property configuration methods (like
* {@link DslTestPlan#sequentialThreadGroups()}) or other chained methods that further configure
* the element (like
* {@link us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.http.DslHttpSampler#post(String, ContentType)}.
* This method abstracts some common logic regarding chaining. For example: if chained method only
* contains a parameter and its value is the default one, then method is not chained, since it is
* not necessary. It also takes care of handling boolean parameters which chained method may or
* may not include a boolean parameter.
* @param methodName is the name of the method contained in the returned instance of this method
* call, which has to be chained to this method call.
* @param params is the list of parameters used to find the method and associated to the
* chained method call. Take into consideration that the exact same number and
* type of parameters must be specified for the method to be found, otherwise an
* exception will be generated.
* @return this call instance for further chaining or addition of children elements.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException when no method with given names and/or parameters can be
* found to be chained in current method call.
public MethodCall chain(String methodName, MethodParam... params) {
// this eases chaining don't having to check in client code for this condition
if (params.length > 0 && {
return this;
when chaining methods with booleans in some cases the parameter is required, and in some others
is not.
Method method = null;
if (params.length == 1 && params[0] instanceof BoolParam) {
method = findMethodInClassHierarchyMatchingParams(methodName, returnType, new MethodParam[0]);
if (method != null) {
params = new MethodParam[0];
if (method == null) {
method = findMethodInClassHierarchyMatchingParams(methodName, returnType, params);
if (method == null) {
throw buildNoMatchingMethodFoundException(
"public '" + methodName + "' method in " + returnType.getName(), params);
chain.add(MethodCall.from(method, params));
return this;
* Allows to chain a method call in current method call.
* This method is handy when you want to chain a method that actually currently is not available.
* Mainly as a marker of a feature that could be implemented in the future but still isn't (like
* authentication methods still not implemented).
* In general cases {@link #chain(String, MethodParam...)} should be used instead.
* @param methodCall specifies the method call to chain
* @return current method call for further usage.
* @since 1.5
public MethodCall chain(MethodCall methodCall) {
return methodCall;
private Method findMethodInClassHierarchyMatchingParams(String methodName, Class> methodClass,
MethodParam[] params) {
Method ret = null;
while (ret == null && methodClass != Object.class) {
ret = findMethodInClassMatchingParams(methodName, methodClass, params);
methodClass = methodClass.getSuperclass();
return ret;
private Method findMethodInClassMatchingParams(String methodName, Class> methodClass,
MethodParam[] params) {
Stream chainableMethods =
.filter(m -> methodName.equals(m.getName()) && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())
&& m.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(methodClass));
return findParamsMatchingMethod(chainableMethods, params);
protected static Method findParamsMatchingMethod(Stream methods,
MethodParam[] params) {
List finalParams =
.filter(p -> !p.isIgnored())
return methods
.filter(m -> methodMatchesParameters(m, finalParams))
private static boolean methodMatchesParameters(Method m, List params) {
if (m.getParameterCount() != params.size()) {
return false;
Class>[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
if (!params.get(i).getType().isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* Allows to add a comment as part of the chain of commands.
* This is useful to add notes to drive user attention to some particular chained method. For
* example, when parameters passed to a chained method need to be reviewed or changed.
* @param comment the comment to chain.
* @return the method call for further usage.
* @since 1.5
public MethodCall chainComment(String comment) {
chain.add(new Comment(comment));
return this;
protected static UnsupportedOperationException buildNoMatchingMethodFoundException(
String methodCondition, MethodParam[] params) {
return new UnsupportedOperationException(
"No " + methodCondition + " method was found for parameters " + Arrays.toString(params)
+ ". This is probably due to some change in DSL not reflected in associated code "
+ "builder.");
* Allows extracting from a given call the list of chained method calls and re assign them to this
* call.
* This is usually helpful when you provide in a DSL element alias methods for children elements.
* Eg: {@link us.abstracta.jmeter.javadsl.http.DslHttpSampler#header(String, String)}.
* @param other is the call to extract the chained methods from.
public void reChain(MethodCall other) {
* Allows to remove an existing chained method call.
* This is useful when you need to alter an already created method call, for example, when
* optimizing a conversion and removing settings that are already covered by some other
* configuration element (eg: httpDefaults).
* @param methodName specifies the name of the chained method to be removed. If there are multiple
* methods chained with same name, then all of them will be removed.
* @since 1.8
public void unchain(String methodName) {
chain =
.filter(m -> !(m instanceof MethodCall && methodName.equals(((MethodCall) m).methodName)))
* Allows to check the number of method calls chained into current method call.
* This is useful to check, for example, if a particular test element has any non default
* settings.
* @return the number chained method calls.
* @since 1.8
public int chainSize() {
return chain.size();
* Generates the code for this method call and all associated parameters, children elements and
* chained methods.
* @return the generated code.
public String buildCode() {
return buildCode("");
public String buildCode(String indent) {
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
if (headingComment != null) {
ret.append("// ")
String childIndent = indent + INDENT;
String paramsCode = buildParamsCode(childIndent);
boolean hasChildren = paramsCode.endsWith("\n");
if (hasChildren) {
String chainedCode = buildChainedCode(childIndent);
if (!chainedCode.isEmpty() && hasChildren) {
chainedCode = chainedCode.substring(1 + childIndent.length());
return commented ? commented(ret.toString(), indent) : ret.toString();
private String commented(String str, String indent) {
return "//" + str.replace("\n" + indent, "\n" + indent + "//");
public String buildAssignmentCode(String indent) {
String ret = buildCode(indent);
String indentedParenthesis = INDENT + ")";
return chain.isEmpty() && ret.endsWith(indentedParenthesis)
? ret.substring(0, ret.length() - indentedParenthesis.length()) + ")"
: ret;
protected String buildParamsCode(String indent) {
String ret =
.filter(p -> !p.isIgnored())
.map(p -> p.buildCode(indent))
.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
return ret.replace(", \n", ",\n").replaceAll("\n\\s*\n", "\n");
private String buildChainedCode(String indent) {
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
for (CodeSegment seg : chain) {
String segCode = seg.buildCode(indent);
if (!segCode.isEmpty()) {
.append(seg instanceof MethodCall ? "." : "")
return ret.toString();