us.hebi.matlab.mat.ejml.Mat5Ejml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* #%L
* MAT File Library
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2018 HEBI Robotics
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
package us.hebi.matlab.mat.ejml;
import us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Array;
import us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Matrix;
import us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Sparse;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static us.hebi.matlab.mat.util.Preconditions.*;
* @author Florian Enner
* @since 09 Dec 2018
public class Mat5Ejml {
* Creates a thin wrapper around {@link} that serializes
* the contained data in a MAT-File format that is appropriate for the input
* type. Wrapper Arrays do not allocate additional storage for storing data.
* Wrapper arrays are also agnostic to the size, so the original matrices may
* be reshaped as needed.
* @param matrix Input Matrix. Not modified.
* @return Wrapper that handles serialization of the data.
public static Array asArray( matrix) {
checkNotNull(matrix, "Input matrix can't be null");
// Sparse CSC 64/32
if (matrix instanceof DMatrixSparseCSC)
return new DMatrixSparseCSCWrapper((DMatrixSparseCSC) matrix);
if (matrix instanceof FMatrixSparseCSC)
return new FMatrixSparseCSCWrapper((FMatrixSparseCSC) matrix);
if (matrix instanceof MatrixSparse)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Sparse Matrix Type: " + matrix.getClass().getSimpleName());
// Dense Real 64/32
if (matrix instanceof DMatrix)
return new DMatrixWrapper((DMatrix) matrix);
if (matrix instanceof FMatrix)
return new FMatrixWrapper((FMatrix) matrix);
// Dense Complex 64/32
if (matrix instanceof ZMatrix)
return new ZMatrixWrapper((ZMatrix) matrix);
if (matrix instanceof CMatrix)
return new CMatrixWrapper((CMatrix) matrix);
// Logical / Boolean
if (matrix instanceof BMatrixRMaj)
return new BMatrixRMajWrapper((BMatrixRMaj) matrix);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Dense Matrix Type: " + matrix.getClass().getSimpleName());
* Converts {@link Array} into {@link}. The output
* matrix will be reshaped as needed.
* Note that the there are no checks whether the output type is appropriate
* for the data, e.g., a sparse complex double array may convert to a dense
* float matrix without throwing an error.
* @param input Input Array of Matrix type. Not modified.
* @param output Output Matrix. Modified.
* @param Desired output object.
* @return Converted matrix
public static T convert(Array input, T output) {
checkNotNull(input, "Input array can't be null");
checkNotNull(output, "Output matrix can't be null");
checkArgument(input instanceof Matrix, "Input Array is not a Matrix type");
final Matrix array = (Matrix) input;
// Make sure dimensions match
reshapeOutputSize(array, output);
// Sparse MAT to Sparse 64/32
if (array instanceof Sparse && output instanceof MatrixSparse) {
// Convert to Sparse CSC 64/32
if (output instanceof DMatrixSparseCSC)
convertToDMatrixSparseCSC((Sparse) array, (DMatrixSparseCSC) output);
else if (output instanceof FMatrixSparseCSC)
convertToFMatrixSparseCSC((Sparse) array, (FMatrixSparseCSC) output);
// Convert to Sparse Triplet 64/32
else if (output instanceof DMatrixSparseTriplet)
convertToDMatrixSparseTriplet((Sparse) array, (DMatrixSparseTriplet) output);
else if (output instanceof FMatrixSparseTriplet)
convertToFMatrixSparseTriplet((Sparse) array, (FMatrixSparseTriplet) output);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported sparse output type: " + output.getClass());
} else {
// Sparse MAT to dense 64
if (array instanceof Sparse && output instanceof DMatrixD1)
convertToDMatrix((Sparse) array, (DMatrixD1) output);
else if (array instanceof Sparse && output instanceof ZMatrixD1)
convertToZMatrix((Sparse) array, (ZMatrixD1) output);
// Dense MAT to dense 64
else if (output instanceof DMatrix)
convertToDMatrix(array, (DMatrix) output);
else if (output instanceof ZMatrix)
convertToZMatrix(array, (ZMatrix) output);
// Sparse/Dense MAT to dense 32
else if (output instanceof FMatrix)
convertToFMatrix(array, (FMatrix) output);
else if (output instanceof CMatrix)
convertToCMatrix(array, (CMatrix) output);
// Logical/Boolean
else if (output instanceof BMatrixRMaj)
convertToBMatrixRMaj(array, (BMatrixRMaj) output);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported dense output type: " + output.getClass());
return output;
private static void reshapeOutputSize(Matrix input, output) {
checkArgument(input.getNumDimensions() == 2, "EJML only supports 2D matrices");
if (input.getNumRows() != output.getNumRows() || input.getNumCols() != output.getNumCols()) {
if (input instanceof Sparse && output instanceof MatrixSparse) {
((MatrixSparse) output).reshape(input.getNumRows(), input.getNumCols(), ((Sparse) input).getNzMax());
} else if (output instanceof ReshapeMatrix) {
((ReshapeMatrix) output).reshape(input.getNumRows(), input.getNumCols());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output matrix has incorrect size and can't be reshaped");
private static void convertToBMatrixRMaj(Matrix input, BMatrixRMaj output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);
final int rows = input.getNumRows();
final int cols = input.getNumCols();
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
output.unsafe_set(row, col, input.getBoolean(row, col));
private static void convertToFMatrix(Matrix input, FMatrix output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);
final int rows = input.getNumRows();
final int cols = input.getNumCols();
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
output.unsafe_set(row, col, input.getFloat(row, col));
private static void convertToDMatrix(Matrix input, DMatrix output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);
final int rows = input.getNumRows();
final int cols = input.getNumCols();
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
output.unsafe_set(row, col, input.getDouble(row, col));
private static void convertToCMatrix(Matrix input, CMatrix output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);
final int rows = input.getNumRows();
final int cols = input.getNumCols();
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
output.setReal(row, col, input.getFloat(row, col));
output.setImag(row, col, input.getImaginaryFloat(row, col));
private static void convertToZMatrix(Matrix input, ZMatrix output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);
final int rows = input.getNumRows();
final int cols = input.getNumCols();
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
output.setReal(row, col, input.getDouble(row, col));
output.setImag(row, col, input.getImaginaryDouble(row, col));
private static void convertToDMatrix(Sparse input, final DMatrixD1 output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);
Arrays.fill(, 0, output.getNumElements(), 0d);
input.forEach(new Sparse.SparseConsumer() {
public void accept(int row, int col, double real, double imaginary) {
output.unsafe_set(row, col, real);
private static void convertToZMatrix(Sparse input, final ZMatrixD1 output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);
Arrays.fill(, 0, output.getDataLength(), 0d);
input.forEach(new Sparse.SparseConsumer() {
public void accept(int row, int col, double real, double imaginary) {
output.setReal(row, col, real);
output.setImag(row, col, imaginary);
private static void convertToFMatrixSparseTriplet(Sparse input, final FMatrixSparseTriplet output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);;
input.forEach(new Sparse.SparseConsumer() {
public void accept(int row, int col, double real, double imaginary) {
output.addItem(row, col, (float) real);
private static void convertToDMatrixSparseTriplet(Sparse input, final DMatrixSparseTriplet output) {
reshapeOutputSize(input, output);;
input.forEach(new Sparse.SparseConsumer() {
public void accept(int row, int col, double real, double imaginary) {
output.addItem(row, col, real);
private static void convertToFMatrixSparseCSC(Sparse input, FMatrixSparseCSC output) {
SparseToCscConverter.convertToFMatrixSparseCSC(input, output);
private static void convertToDMatrixSparseCSC(Sparse input, DMatrixSparseCSC output) {
SparseToCscConverter.convertToDMatrixSparseCSC(input, output);