org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright by the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments;
import org.bitcoinj.core.*;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.TrustStoreLoader;
import org.bitcoinj.params.MainNetParams;
import org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol.PkiVerificationData;
import org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI;
import org.bitcoinj.utils.Threading;
import org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest;
import org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* Provides a standard implementation of the Payment Protocol (BIP 0070)
* A PaymentSession can be initialized from one of the following:
* - A {@link BitcoinURI} object that conforms to BIP 0072
* - A url where the {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} can be fetched
* - Directly with a {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} object
* If initialized with a BitcoinURI or a url, a network request is made for the payment request object and a
* ListenableFuture is returned that will be notified with the PaymentSession object after it is downloaded.
* Once the PaymentSession is initialized, typically a wallet application will prompt the user to confirm that the
* amount and recipient are correct, perform any additional steps, and then construct a list of transactions to pass to
* the sendPayment method.
* Call sendPayment with a list of transactions that will be broadcast. A {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment} message will be sent
* to the merchant if a payment url is provided in the PaymentRequest. NOTE: sendPayment does NOT broadcast the
* transactions to the bitcoin network. Instead it returns a ListenableFuture that will be notified when a
* {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK} is received from the merchant. Typically a wallet will show the message to the user
* as a confirmation message that the payment is now "processing" or that an error occurred, and then broadcast the
* tx itself later if needed.
* @see BIP 0070
public class PaymentSession {
private static ListeningExecutorService executor = Threading.THREAD_POOL;
private NetworkParameters params;
private Protos.PaymentRequest paymentRequest;
private Protos.PaymentDetails paymentDetails;
private Coin totalValue = Coin.ZERO;
* Stores the calculated PKI verification data, or null if none is available.
* Only valid after the session is created with the verifyPki parameter set to true.
@Nullable public final PkiVerificationData pkiVerificationData;
* Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided uri.
* uri is a BIP-72-style BitcoinURI object that specifies where the {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} object may
* be fetched in the r= parameter.
* If the payment request object specifies a PKI method, then the system trust store will be used to verify
* the signature provided by the payment request. An exception is thrown by the future if the signature cannot
* be verified.
public static ListenableFuture createFromBitcoinUri(final BitcoinURI uri) throws PaymentProtocolException {
return createFromBitcoinUri(uri, true, null);
* Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided uri.
* uri is a BIP-72-style BitcoinURI object that specifies where the {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} object may
* be fetched in the r= parameter.
* If verifyPki is specified and the payment request object specifies a PKI method, then the system trust store will
* be used to verify the signature provided by the payment request. An exception is thrown by the future if the
* signature cannot be verified.
public static ListenableFuture createFromBitcoinUri(final BitcoinURI uri, final boolean verifyPki)
throws PaymentProtocolException {
return createFromBitcoinUri(uri, verifyPki, null);
* Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided uri.
* uri is a BIP-72-style BitcoinURI object that specifies where the {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} object may
* be fetched in the r= parameter.
* If verifyPki is specified and the payment request object specifies a PKI method, then the system trust store will
* be used to verify the signature provided by the payment request. An exception is thrown by the future if the
* signature cannot be verified.
* If trustStoreLoader is null, the system default trust store is used.
public static ListenableFuture createFromBitcoinUri(final BitcoinURI uri, final boolean verifyPki, @Nullable final TrustStoreLoader trustStoreLoader)
throws PaymentProtocolException {
String url = uri.getPaymentRequestUrl();
if (url == null)
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidPaymentRequestURL("No payment request URL (r= parameter) in BitcoinURI " + uri);
try {
return fetchPaymentRequest(new URI(url), verifyPki, trustStoreLoader);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidPaymentRequestURL(e);
* Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided url.
* url is an address where the {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} object may be fetched.
* If verifyPki is specified and the payment request object specifies a PKI method, then the system trust store will
* be used to verify the signature provided by the payment request. An exception is thrown by the future if the
* signature cannot be verified.
public static ListenableFuture createFromUrl(final String url) throws PaymentProtocolException {
return createFromUrl(url, true, null);
* Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided url.
* url is an address where the {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} object may be fetched.
* If the payment request object specifies a PKI method, then the system trust store will
* be used to verify the signature provided by the payment request. An exception is thrown by the future if the
* signature cannot be verified.
public static ListenableFuture createFromUrl(final String url, final boolean verifyPki)
throws PaymentProtocolException {
return createFromUrl(url, verifyPki, null);
* Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided url.
* url is an address where the {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest} object may be fetched.
* If the payment request object specifies a PKI method, then the system trust store will
* be used to verify the signature provided by the payment request. An exception is thrown by the future if the
* signature cannot be verified.
* If trustStoreLoader is null, the system default trust store is used.
public static ListenableFuture createFromUrl(final String url, final boolean verifyPki, @Nullable final TrustStoreLoader trustStoreLoader)
throws PaymentProtocolException {
if (url == null)
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidPaymentRequestURL("null paymentRequestUrl");
try {
return fetchPaymentRequest(new URI(url), verifyPki, trustStoreLoader);
} catch(URISyntaxException e) {
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidPaymentRequestURL(e);
private static ListenableFuture fetchPaymentRequest(final URI uri, final boolean verifyPki, @Nullable final TrustStoreLoader trustStoreLoader) {
return executor.submit(new Callable() {
public PaymentSession call() throws Exception {
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)uri.toURL().openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", PaymentProtocol.MIMETYPE_PAYMENTREQUEST);
Protos.PaymentRequest paymentRequest = Protos.PaymentRequest.parseFrom(connection.getInputStream());
return new PaymentSession(paymentRequest, verifyPki, trustStoreLoader);
* Creates a PaymentSession from the provided {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest}.
* Verifies PKI by default.
public PaymentSession(Protos.PaymentRequest request) throws PaymentProtocolException {
this(request, true, null);
* Creates a PaymentSession from the provided {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest}.
* If verifyPki is true, also validates the signature and throws an exception if it fails.
public PaymentSession(Protos.PaymentRequest request, boolean verifyPki) throws PaymentProtocolException {
this(request, verifyPki, null);
* Creates a PaymentSession from the provided {@link org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest}.
* If verifyPki is true, also validates the signature and throws an exception if it fails.
* If trustStoreLoader is null, the system default trust store is used.
public PaymentSession(Protos.PaymentRequest request, boolean verifyPki, @Nullable final TrustStoreLoader trustStoreLoader) throws PaymentProtocolException {
TrustStoreLoader nonNullTrustStoreLoader = trustStoreLoader != null ? trustStoreLoader : new TrustStoreLoader.DefaultTrustStoreLoader();
if (verifyPki) {
try {
pkiVerificationData = PaymentProtocol.verifyPaymentRequestPki(request, nonNullTrustStoreLoader.getKeyStore());
} catch (IOException x) {
throw new PaymentProtocolException(x);
} catch (KeyStoreException x) {
throw new PaymentProtocolException(x);
} else {
pkiVerificationData = null;
* Returns the outputs of the payment request.
public List getOutputs() {
List outputs = new ArrayList<>(paymentDetails.getOutputsCount());
for (Protos.Output output : paymentDetails.getOutputsList()) {
Coin amount = output.hasAmount() ? Coin.valueOf(output.getAmount()) : null;
outputs.add(new PaymentProtocol.Output(amount, output.getScript().toByteArray()));
return outputs;
* Returns the memo included by the merchant in the payment request, or null if not found.
@Nullable public String getMemo() {
if (paymentDetails.hasMemo())
return paymentDetails.getMemo();
return null;
* Returns the total amount of bitcoins requested.
public Coin getValue() {
return totalValue;
* Returns the date that the payment request was generated.
public Date getDate() {
return new Date(paymentDetails.getTime() * 1000);
* Returns the expires time of the payment request, or null if none.
@Nullable public Date getExpires() {
if (paymentDetails.hasExpires())
return new Date(paymentDetails.getExpires() * 1000);
return null;
* This should always be called before attempting to call sendPayment.
public boolean isExpired() {
return paymentDetails.hasExpires() && System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L > paymentDetails.getExpires();
* Returns the payment url where the Payment message should be sent.
* Returns null if no payment url was provided in the PaymentRequest.
public String getPaymentUrl() {
if (paymentDetails.hasPaymentUrl())
return paymentDetails.getPaymentUrl();
return null;
* Returns the merchant data included by the merchant in the payment request, or null if none.
@Nullable public byte[] getMerchantData() {
if (paymentDetails.hasMerchantData())
return paymentDetails.getMerchantData().toByteArray();
return null;
* Returns a {@link SendRequest} suitable for broadcasting to the network.
public SendRequest getSendRequest() {
Transaction tx = new Transaction(params);
for (Protos.Output output : paymentDetails.getOutputsList())
tx.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, tx, Coin.valueOf(output.getAmount()), output.getScript().toByteArray()));
return SendRequest.forTx(tx).fromPaymentDetails(paymentDetails);
* Generates a Payment message and sends the payment to the merchant who sent the PaymentRequest.
* Provide transactions built by the wallet.
* NOTE: This does not broadcast the transactions to the bitcoin network, it merely sends a Payment message to the
* merchant confirming the payment.
* Returns an object wrapping PaymentACK once received.
* If the PaymentRequest did not specify a payment_url, returns null and does nothing.
* @param txns list of transactions to be included with the Payment message.
* @param refundAddr will be used by the merchant to send money back if there was a problem.
* @param memo is a message to include in the payment message sent to the merchant.
public ListenableFuture sendPayment(List txns, @Nullable Address refundAddr, @Nullable String memo)
throws PaymentProtocolException, VerificationException, IOException {
Protos.Payment payment = getPayment(txns, refundAddr, memo);
if (payment == null)
return null;
if (isExpired())
throw new PaymentProtocolException.Expired("PaymentRequest is expired");
URL url;
try {
url = new URL(paymentDetails.getPaymentUrl());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidPaymentURL(e);
return sendPayment(url, payment);
* Generates a Payment message based on the information in the PaymentRequest.
* Provide transactions built by the wallet.
* If the PaymentRequest did not specify a payment_url, returns null.
* @param txns list of transactions to be included with the Payment message.
* @param refundAddr will be used by the merchant to send money back if there was a problem.
* @param memo is a message to include in the payment message sent to the merchant.
public Protos.Payment getPayment(List txns, @Nullable Address refundAddr, @Nullable String memo)
throws IOException, PaymentProtocolException.InvalidNetwork {
if (paymentDetails.hasPaymentUrl()) {
for (Transaction tx : txns)
if (!tx.getParams().equals(params))
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidNetwork(params.getPaymentProtocolId());
return PaymentProtocol.createPaymentMessage(txns, totalValue, refundAddr, memo, getMerchantData());
} else {
return null;
protected ListenableFuture sendPayment(final URL url, final Protos.Payment payment) {
return executor.submit(new Callable() {
public PaymentProtocol.Ack call() throws Exception {
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", PaymentProtocol.MIMETYPE_PAYMENT);
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", PaymentProtocol.MIMETYPE_PAYMENTACK);
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(payment.getSerializedSize()));
// Send request.
DataOutputStream outStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
// Get response.
Protos.PaymentACK paymentAck = Protos.PaymentACK.parseFrom(connection.getInputStream());
return PaymentProtocol.parsePaymentAck(paymentAck);
private void parsePaymentRequest(Protos.PaymentRequest request) throws PaymentProtocolException {
try {
if (request == null)
throw new PaymentProtocolException("request cannot be null");
if (request.getPaymentDetailsVersion() != 1)
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidVersion("Version 1 required. Received version " + request.getPaymentDetailsVersion());
paymentRequest = request;
if (!request.hasSerializedPaymentDetails())
throw new PaymentProtocolException("No PaymentDetails");
paymentDetails = Protos.PaymentDetails.newBuilder().mergeFrom(request.getSerializedPaymentDetails()).build();
if (paymentDetails == null)
throw new PaymentProtocolException("Invalid PaymentDetails");
if (!paymentDetails.hasNetwork())
params = MainNetParams.get();
params = NetworkParameters.fromPmtProtocolID(paymentDetails.getNetwork());
if (params == null)
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidNetwork("Invalid network " + paymentDetails.getNetwork());
if (paymentDetails.getOutputsCount() < 1)
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidOutputs("No outputs");
for (Protos.Output output : paymentDetails.getOutputsList()) {
if (output.hasAmount())
totalValue = totalValue.add(Coin.valueOf(output.getAmount()));
// This won't ever happen in practice. It would only happen if the user provided outputs
// that are obviously invalid. Still, we don't want to silently overflow.
if (params.hasMaxMoney() && totalValue.compareTo(params.getMaxMoney()) > 0)
throw new PaymentProtocolException.InvalidOutputs("The outputs are way too big.");
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
throw new PaymentProtocolException(e);
/** Returns the value of pkiVerificationData or null if it wasn't verified at construction time. */
@Nullable public PkiVerificationData verifyPki() {
return pkiVerificationData;
/** Gets the params as read from the field: main is the default if missing. */
public NetworkParameters getNetworkParameters() {
return params;
/** Returns the protobuf that this object was instantiated with. */
public Protos.PaymentRequest getPaymentRequest() {
return paymentRequest;
/** Returns the protobuf that describes the payment to be made. */
public Protos.PaymentDetails getPaymentDetails() {
return paymentDetails;