org.bitcoinj.core.Context Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright by the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bitcoinj.core;
import org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest;
import org.slf4j.*;
import static*;
// TODO: Finish adding Context c'tors to all the different objects so we can start deprecating the versions that take NetworkParameters.
// TODO: Add a working directory notion to Context and make various subsystems that want to use files default to that directory (eg. Orchid, block stores, wallet, etc).
// TODO: Auto-register the block chain object here, and then use it in the (newly deprecated) TransactionConfidence.getDepthInBlocks() method: the new version should take an AbstractBlockChain specifically.
// Also use the block chain object reference from the context in PeerGroup and remove the other constructors, as it's easy to forget to wire things up.
// TODO: Move Threading.USER_THREAD to here and leave behind just a source code stub. Allow different instantiations of the library to use different user threads.
// TODO: Keep a URI to where library internal data files can be found, to abstract over the lack of JAR files on Android.
// TODO: Stash anything else that resembles global library configuration in here and use it to clean up the rest of the API without breaking people.
* The Context object holds various objects and pieces of configuration that are scoped to a specific instantiation of
* bitcoinj for a specific network. You can get an instance of this class through calling {@link #get()}.
* Context is new in 0.13 and the library is currently in a transitional period: you should create a Context that
* wraps your chosen network parameters before using the rest of the library. However if you don't, things will still
* work as a Context will be created for you and stashed in thread local storage. The context is then propagated between
* library created threads as needed. This automagical propagation and creation is a temporary mechanism: one day it
* will be removed to avoid confusing edge cases that could occur if the developer does not fully understand it e.g.
* in the case where multiple instances of the library are in use simultaneously.
public class Context {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Context.class);
public static final int DEFAULT_EVENT_HORIZON = 100;
final private TxConfidenceTable confidenceTable;
final private NetworkParameters params;
final private int eventHorizon;
final private boolean ensureMinRequiredFee;
final private Coin feePerKb;
* Creates a new context object. For now, this will be done for you by the framework. Eventually you will be
* expected to do this yourself in the same manner as fetching a NetworkParameters object (at the start of your app).
* @param params The network parameters that will be associated with this context.
public Context(NetworkParameters params) {
this(params, DEFAULT_EVENT_HORIZON, Transaction.DEFAULT_TX_FEE, true);
* Creates a new custom context object. This is mainly meant for unit tests for now.
* @param params The network parameters that will be associated with this context.
* @param eventHorizon Number of blocks after which the library will delete data and be unable to always process reorgs (see {@link #getEventHorizon()}.
* @param feePerKb The default fee per 1000 bytes of transaction data to pay when completing transactions. For details, see {@link SendRequest#feePerKb}.
* @param ensureMinRequiredFee Whether to ensure the minimum required fee by default when completing transactions. For details, see {@link SendRequest#ensureMinRequiredFee}.
public Context(NetworkParameters params, int eventHorizon, Coin feePerKb, boolean ensureMinRequiredFee) {"Creating bitcoinj {} context.", VersionMessage.BITCOINJ_VERSION);
this.confidenceTable = new TxConfidenceTable();
this.params = params;
this.eventHorizon = eventHorizon;
this.ensureMinRequiredFee = ensureMinRequiredFee;
this.feePerKb = feePerKb;
lastConstructed = this;
private static volatile Context lastConstructed;
private static boolean isStrictMode;
private static final ThreadLocal slot = new ThreadLocal<>();
* Returns the current context that is associated with the calling thread. BitcoinJ is an API that has thread
* affinity: much like OpenGL it expects each thread that accesses it to have been configured with a global Context
* object. This method returns that. Note that to help you develop, this method will also propagate whichever
* context was created last onto the current thread, if it's missing. However it will print an error when doing so
* because propagation of contexts is meant to be done manually: this is so two libraries or subsystems that
* independently use bitcoinj (or possibly alt coin forks of it) can operate correctly.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if no context exists at all or if we are in strict mode and there is no context.
public static Context get() {
Context tls = slot.get();
if (tls == null) {
if (isStrictMode) {
log.error("Thread is missing a bitcoinj context.");
log.error("You should use Context.propagate() or a ContextPropagatingThreadFactory.");
throw new IllegalStateException("missing context");
if (lastConstructed == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("You must construct a Context object before using bitcoinj!");
log.error("Performing thread fixup: you are accessing bitcoinj via a thread that has not had any context set on it.");
log.error("This error has been corrected for, but doing this makes your app less robust.");
log.error("You should use Context.propagate() or a ContextPropagatingThreadFactory.");
log.error("Please refer to the user guide for more information about this.");
log.error("Thread name is {}.", Thread.currentThread().getName());
// TODO: Actually write the user guide section about this.
// TODO: If the above TODO makes it past the 0.13 release, kick Mike and tell him he sucks.
return lastConstructed;
} else {
return tls;
* Require that new threads use {@link #propagate(Context)} or {@link org.bitcoinj.utils.ContextPropagatingThreadFactory},
* rather than using a heuristic for the desired context.
public static void enableStrictMode() {
isStrictMode = true;
// A temporary internal shim designed to help us migrate internally in a way that doesn't wreck source compatibility.
public static Context getOrCreate(NetworkParameters params) {
Context context;
try {
context = get();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
log.warn("Implicitly creating context. This is a migration step and this message will eventually go away.");
context = new Context(params);
return context;
if (context.getParams() != params)
throw new IllegalStateException("Context does not match implicit network params: " + context.getParams() + " vs " + params);
return context;
* Sets the given context as the current thread context. You should use this if you create your own threads that
* want to create core BitcoinJ objects. Generally, if a class can accept a Context in its constructor and might
* be used (even indirectly) by a thread, you will want to call this first. Your task may be simplified by using
* a {@link org.bitcoinj.utils.ContextPropagatingThreadFactory}.
public static void propagate(Context context) {
* Returns the {@link TxConfidenceTable} created by this context. The pool tracks advertised
* and downloaded transactions so their confidence can be measured as a proportion of how many peers announced it.
* With an un-tampered with internet connection, the more peers announce a transaction the more confidence you can
* have that it's really valid.
public TxConfidenceTable getConfidenceTable() {
return confidenceTable;
* Returns the {@link org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters} specified when this context was (auto) created. The
* network parameters defines various hard coded constants for a specific instance of a Bitcoin network, such as
* main net, testnet, etc.
public NetworkParameters getParams() {
return params;
* The event horizon is the number of blocks after which various bits of the library consider a transaction to be
* so confirmed that it's safe to delete data. Re-orgs larger than the event horizon will not be correctly
* processed, so the default value is high (100).
public int getEventHorizon() {
return eventHorizon;
* The default fee per 1000 bytes of transaction data to pay when completing transactions. For details, see {@link SendRequest#feePerKb}.
public Coin getFeePerKb() {
return feePerKb;
* Whether to ensure the minimum required fee by default when completing transactions. For details, see {@link SendRequest#ensureMinRequiredFee}.
public boolean isEnsureMinRequiredFee() {
return ensureMinRequiredFee;