src.java.org.codehaus.stax2.validation.ValidationContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.codehaus.stax2.validation;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.Location;
* Interface that defines functionality exposed by the "owner" of the
* content to validate (usually a stream reader or stream writer) to
* validators, needed in addition to actually validatable content, for
* succesful validation. It also defines methods needed for infoset
* augmentation some validators do, such as adding default values
* to attributes.
* Some of functionality is optional (for example, writer
* may not have any useful location information).
* The functionality included is close to the minimal subset of
* functionality needed to support 3 main streamable schema languages
* (DTD, W3C Schema, Relax NG).
public interface ValidationContext
// Basic configuration
* Method that validator can call to figure out which xml version
* document being validated declared (if none, "1.0" is assumed as
* per xml specifications 1.0 and 1.1).
* @return Xml version of the document: currently has to be either
* "1.0" or "1.1".
public String getXmlVersion();
// Input element stack access
* Method that can be used to access name information of the
* innermost (top) element in the element stack.
* @return Name of the element at the top of the current element
* stack, if any. During validation calls it refers to the
* element being processed (start or end tag), or its parent
* (when processing text nodes), or null (in document prolog
* and epilog).
public QName getCurrentElementName();
* Method that can be called by the validator to resolve a namespace
* prefix of the currently active top-level element. This may be
* necessary for things like DTD validators (which may need to
* heuristically guess proper namespace URI of attributes, esp.
* ones with default values).
public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix);
* This method returns number of attributes accessible from within
* currently active start element.
* Note: this method is only guaranteed to be callable during execution
* of {@link XMLValidator} methods
* {@link XMLValidator#validateElementStart},
* {@link XMLValidator#validateAttribute} and
* {@link XMLValidator#validateElementAndAttributes}. At other times
* implementations may choose to allow it to be called (for example,
* with information regarding last start element processed), to throw
* a {@link IllegalArgumentException}, or to return 0 to indicate no
* attribute information is available.
* Also note that whether defaulted attributes (attributes for which
* values are only available via attribute defaulting) are accessible
* depends on exact time when this method is called, and in general
* can not be assumed to function reliably.
* @return Number of attributes accessible for the currently active
* start element.
public int getAttributeCount();
public String getAttributeLocalName(int index);
public String getAttributeNamespace(int index);
public String getAttributePrefix(int index);
public String getAttributeValue(int index);
public String getAttributeValue(String nsURI, String localName);
* @return Index of the specified attribute, if one present;
* -1 otherwise.
public int findAttributeIndex(String nsURI, String localName);
// Access to notation and unparsed entity information
* @return True, if a notation with specified name has been declared
* in the document being validated; false if not.
public boolean isNotationDeclared(String name);
* @return True, if an unparsed entity with specified name has
* been declared
* in the document being validated; false if not.
public boolean isUnparsedEntityDeclared(String name);
// Location information, error reporting
* @return Base URI active in the current location of the document
* being validated, if known; null to indicate no base URI known.
public String getBaseUri();
* Method that will return the location that best represents current
* location within document to be validated, if such information
* is available.
* Note: it is likely that even when a location is known, it may not
* be very accurate; for example, when attributes are validated, it
* is possible that they all would point to a single location that
* may point to the start of the element that contains attributes.
public Location getValidationLocation();
* Method called by the validator, upon encountering a validation
* problem. Implementations are encouraged to allow an optional
* {@link ValidationProblemHandler} be set by the application,
* to define handling.
public void reportProblem(XMLValidationProblem problem)
throws XMLValidationException;
// Infoset modifiers
* An optional method that can be used to add a new attribute value for
* an attribute
* that was not yet contained by the container, as part of using attribute
* default value mechanism. Optional here means that it is possible that
* no operation is actually done by the context object. This would be
* the case, for example, when validation is done on the writer side:
* since default attributes are implied by a DTD, they should not be
* added to the output.
* Note: caller has to ensure that the addition would not introduce a
* duplicate; attribute container implementation is not required to do
* any validation on attribute name (local name, prefix, uri) or value.
* @return Index of the newly added attribute, if operation was
* succesful; -1 if not.
public int addDefaultAttribute(String localName, String uri, String prefix,
String value);