src.java.com.ctc.wstx.io.DefaultInputResolver Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ctc.wstx.io;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URL;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLReporter;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLResolver;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import com.ctc.wstx.api.ReaderConfig;
import com.ctc.wstx.cfg.XmlConsts;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.StringUtil;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.URLUtil;
* Static utility class that implements the entity (external DTD subset,
* external parsed entities) resolution logics.
public final class DefaultInputResolver
private final static int DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH = 4000;
// Life-cycle
private DefaultInputResolver() { }
// Public API
* Basic external resource resolver implementation; usable both with
* DTD and entity resolution.
* @param parent Input source that contains reference to be expanded.
* @param pathCtxt Reference context to use for resolving path, if
* known. If null, reference context of the parent will
* be used; and if that is null (which is possible), the
* current working directory will be assumed.
* @param entityName Name/id of the entity being expanded, if this is an
* entity expansion; null otherwise (for example, when resolving external
* subset).
* @param publicId Public identifier of the resource, if known; null/empty
* otherwise. Default implementation just ignores the identifier.
* @param systemId System identifier of the resource. Although interface
* allows null/empty, default implementation considers this an error.
* @param xmlVersion Xml version as declared by the main parsed
* document. Currently only relevant for checking that XML 1.0 document
* does not include XML 1.1 external parsed entities.
* If XML_V_UNKNOWN, no checks will be done.
* @param customResolver Custom resolver to use first for resolution,
* if any (may be null).
* @param cfg Reader configuration object used by the parser that is
* resolving the entity
* @return Input source, if entity could be resolved; null if it could
* not be resolved. In latter case processor may use its own default
* resolution mechanism.
public static WstxInputSource resolveEntity
(WstxInputSource parent, URL pathCtxt, String entityName,
String publicId, String systemId,
XMLResolver customResolver, ReaderConfig cfg, int xmlVersion)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
if (pathCtxt == null) {
pathCtxt = parent.getSource();
if (pathCtxt == null) {
pathCtxt = URLUtil.urlFromCurrentDir();
// Do we have a custom resolver that may be able to resolve it?
if (customResolver != null) {
Object source = customResolver.resolveEntity(publicId, systemId, pathCtxt.toExternalForm(), entityName);
if (source != null) {
return sourceFrom(parent, cfg, entityName, xmlVersion, source);
// Have to have a system id, then...
if (systemId == null) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Can not resolve "
+((entityName == null) ? "[External DTD subset]" : ("entity '"+entityName+"'"))+" without a system id (public id '"
URL url = URLUtil.urlFromSystemId(systemId, pathCtxt);
return sourceFromURL(parent, cfg, entityName, xmlVersion, url, publicId);
* A very simple utility expansion method used generally when the
* only way to resolve an entity is via passed resolver; and where
* failing to resolve it is not fatal.
public static WstxInputSource resolveEntityUsing
(WstxInputSource refCtxt, String entityName,
String publicId, String systemId,
XMLResolver resolver, ReaderConfig cfg, int xmlVersion)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
URL ctxt = (refCtxt == null) ? null : refCtxt.getSource();
if (ctxt == null) {
ctxt = URLUtil.urlFromCurrentDir();
Object source = resolver.resolveEntity(publicId, systemId, ctxt.toExternalForm(), entityName);
return (source == null) ? null : sourceFrom(refCtxt, cfg, entityName, xmlVersion, source);
* Factory method that accepts various types of Objects, and tries to
* create a {@link WstxInputSource} from it. Currently it's only called
* to locate external DTD subsets, when overriding default DOCTYPE
* declarations; not for entity expansion or for locating the main
* document entity.
* @param parent Input source context active when resolving a new
* "sub-source"; usually the main document source.
* @param refName Name of the entity to be expanded, if any; may be
* null (and currently always is)
* @param o Object that should provide the new input source; non-type safe
protected static WstxInputSource sourceFrom(WstxInputSource parent,
ReaderConfig cfg, String refName,
int xmlVersion,
Object o)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, XMLStreamException
if (o instanceof Source) {
if (o instanceof StreamSource) {
return sourceFromSS(parent, cfg, refName, xmlVersion, (StreamSource) o);
/* !!! 05-Feb-2006, TSa: Could check if SAXSource actually has
* stream/reader available... ?
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not use other Source objects than StreamSource: got "+o.getClass());
if (o instanceof URL) {
return sourceFromURL(parent, cfg, refName, xmlVersion, (URL) o, null);
if (o instanceof InputStream) {
return sourceFromIS(parent, cfg, refName, xmlVersion, (InputStream) o, null, null);
if (o instanceof Reader) {
return sourceFromR(parent, cfg, refName, xmlVersion, (Reader) o, null, null);
if (o instanceof String) {
return sourceFromString(parent, cfg, refName, xmlVersion, (String) o);
if (o instanceof File) {
URL u = ((File) o).toURL();
return sourceFromURL(parent, cfg, refName, xmlVersion, u, null);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized input argument type for sourceFrom(): "+o.getClass());
public static Reader constructOptimizedReader(ReaderConfig cfg, InputStream in, boolean isXml11, String encoding)
throws XMLStreamException
/* 03-Jul-2005, TSa: Since Woodstox' implementations of specialized
* readers are faster than default JDK ones (at least for 1.4, UTF-8
* reader is especially fast...), let's use them if possible
/* 17-Feb-2006, TSa: These should actually go via InputBootstrapper,
* since BOM may need to be skipped; xml 1.0 vs. 1.1 should be
* checked, and so on. Given encoding could be just verified
* against suggested one.
int inputBufLen = cfg.getInputBufferLength();
String normEnc = CharsetNames.normalize(encoding);
BaseReader r;
if (normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
r = new UTF8Reader(cfg, in, cfg.allocFullBBuffer(inputBufLen), 0, 0);
} else if (normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
r = new ISOLatinReader(cfg, in, cfg.allocFullBBuffer(inputBufLen), 0, 0);
} else if (normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
r = new AsciiReader(cfg, in, cfg.allocFullBBuffer(inputBufLen), 0, 0);
} else if (normEnc.startsWith(CharsetNames.CS_UTF32)) {
boolean isBE = (normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF32BE);
r = new UTF32Reader(cfg, in, cfg.allocFullBBuffer(inputBufLen), 0, 0, isBE);
} else {
try {
return new InputStreamReader(in, encoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new XMLStreamException("[unsupported encoding]: "+ex);
if (isXml11) { // only need to set if we are xml 1.1 compliant (1.0 is the default)
return r;
// Internal methods
private static WstxInputSource sourceFromSS(WstxInputSource parent, ReaderConfig cfg,
String refName, int xmlVersion,
StreamSource ssrc)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
InputBootstrapper bs;
Reader r = ssrc.getReader();
String pubId = ssrc.getPublicId();
String sysId = ssrc.getSystemId();
URL ctxt = (parent == null) ? null : parent.getSource();
URL url = (sysId == null || sysId.length() == 0) ? null
: URLUtil.urlFromSystemId(sysId, ctxt);
if (r == null) {
InputStream in = ssrc.getInputStream();
if (in == null) { // Need to try just resolving the system id then
if (url == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not create StAX reader for a StreamSource -- neither reader, input stream nor system id was set.");
in = URLUtil.optimizedStreamFromURL(url);
bs = StreamBootstrapper.getInstance(in, pubId, sysId);
} else {
bs = ReaderBootstrapper.getInstance(r, pubId, sysId, null);
Reader r2 = bs.bootstrapInput(cfg, false, xmlVersion);
return InputSourceFactory.constructEntitySource
(cfg, parent, refName, bs, pubId, sysId, xmlVersion,
((url == null) ? ctxt : url), r2);
private static WstxInputSource sourceFromURL(WstxInputSource parent, ReaderConfig cfg,
String refName, int xmlVersion,
URL url,
String pubId)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
/* And then create the input source. Note that by default URL's
* own input stream creation creates buffered reader -- for us
* that's useless and wasteful (adds one unnecessary level of
* caching, halving the speed due to copy operations needed), so
* let's avoid it.
InputStream in = URLUtil.optimizedStreamFromURL(url);
String sysId = url.toExternalForm();
StreamBootstrapper bs = StreamBootstrapper.getInstance(in, pubId, sysId);
Reader r = bs.bootstrapInput(cfg, false, xmlVersion);
return InputSourceFactory.constructEntitySource
(cfg, parent, refName, bs, pubId, sysId, xmlVersion, url, r);
* We have multiple ways to look at what would it mean to get a String
* as the resolved result. The most straight-forward is to consider
* it literal replacement (with possible embedded entities), so let's
* use that (alternative would be to consider it to be a reference
* like URL -- those need to be returned as appropriate objects
* instead).
* Note: public to give access for unit tests that need it...
public static WstxInputSource sourceFromString(WstxInputSource parent, ReaderConfig cfg,
String refName, int xmlVersion,
String refContent)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
/* Last null -> no app-provided encoding (doesn't matter for non-
* main-level handling)
return sourceFromR(parent, cfg, refName, xmlVersion,
new StringReader(refContent),
null, refName);
private static WstxInputSource sourceFromIS(WstxInputSource parent,
ReaderConfig cfg,
String refName, int xmlVersion,
InputStream is,
String pubId, String sysId)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
StreamBootstrapper bs = StreamBootstrapper.getInstance(is, pubId, sysId);
Reader r = bs.bootstrapInput(cfg, false, xmlVersion);
URL ctxt = parent.getSource();
// If we got a real sys id, we do know the source...
if (sysId != null && sysId.length() > 0) {
ctxt = URLUtil.urlFromSystemId(sysId, ctxt);
return InputSourceFactory.constructEntitySource
(cfg, parent, refName, bs, pubId, sysId, xmlVersion, ctxt, r);
private static WstxInputSource sourceFromR(WstxInputSource parent, ReaderConfig cfg,
String refName, int xmlVersion,
Reader r,
String pubId, String sysId)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
/* Last null -> no app-provided encoding (doesn't matter for non-
* main-level handling)
ReaderBootstrapper rbs = ReaderBootstrapper.getInstance(r, pubId, sysId, null);
// null -> no xml reporter... should have one?
Reader r2 = rbs.bootstrapInput(cfg, false, xmlVersion);
URL ctxt = (parent == null) ? null : parent.getSource();
if (sysId != null && sysId.length() > 0) {
ctxt = URLUtil.urlFromSystemId(sysId, ctxt);
return InputSourceFactory.constructEntitySource
(cfg, parent, refName, rbs, pubId, sysId, xmlVersion, ctxt, r2);