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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import convex.core.exceptions.BadFormatException;
import convex.core.exceptions.InvalidDataException;
import convex.core.exceptions.Panic;
import convex.core.util.Utils;

 * Implementation of a large Blob data structure consisting of 2 or more chunks.
 * Intention is to enable relatively large binary content to be handled without
 * too many tree levels, and without too many references in a single tree node
 * We choose a branching factor of 16 as a reasonable tradeoff.
 * Level 1 can hold up to 64k Level 2 can hold up to 1mb Level 3 can hold up to
 * 16mb Level 4 can hold up to 256mb ... Level 15 (max) should be big enough for
 * the moment
 * One smart reference is maintained for each child node at each level
public class BlobTree extends ABlob {

	public static final int BIT_SHIFT_PER_LEVEL = 4;
	public static final int FANOUT = 1 << BIT_SHIFT_PER_LEVEL;

	private final Ref[] children;
	 * Shift level for the BlobTree. 0 for minimum size BlobTree, increase by 4 for each level
	private final int shift;

	private BlobTree(Ref[] children, int shift, long count) {
		this.children = children;
		this.shift = shift;

	 * Create a BlobTree from an arbitrary Blob.
	 * Must be of sufficient size to convert to BlobTree
	 * @param blob Source of BlobTree data
	 * @return New BlobTree instance
	public static BlobTree create(ABlob blob) {
		if (blob instanceof BlobTree) return (BlobTree) blob; // already a BlobTree

		long length = blob.count();
		if (length<=Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't make BlobTree for too small length: "+length);
		int chunks = Utils.checkedInt(calcChunks(length));
		Blob[] blobs = new Blob[chunks];
		for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
			int offset = i * Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH;
			long take=Math.min(Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH, length - offset);
			blobs[i] = blob.slice(offset, offset+take).toFlatBlob();
		return create(blobs);
	 * Create a BlobTree with the given children.
	 * SECURITY: Does not validate children in any way
	 * @param children Child blobs for this BlobTree node
	 * @return New BlobTree instance
	public static BlobTree createWithChildren(ABlob[] children) {
		int n=children.length;
		long count=0;
		Ref[] cs = new Ref[n];
		for (int i=0; i> Blobs.CHUNK_SHIFT) + 1;

	private static BlobTree createSmall(Blob[] blobs, int offset, int chunkCount) {
		long length = 0;
		if (chunkCount < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create BlobTree without at least 2 Blobs");
		Ref[] children = new Ref[chunkCount];
		for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) {
			Blob blob = blobs[offset + i];
			long childLength = blob.count();

			if (childLength > Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("BlobTree chunk too large: " + childLength);
			if ((i < chunkCount - 1) && (childLength != Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH))
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal internediate chunk size: " + childLength);

			Ref child = blob.getRef();
			children[i] = child;
			length += childLength;
		return new BlobTree(children, 0, length);

	private static BlobTree create(Blob[] blobs, int offset, int chunkCount) {
		if (chunkCount<=FANOUT) {
			return createSmall(blobs, offset, chunkCount);
		} else {
			int shift = calcShift(chunkCount);
			int childChunks = 1 << shift; // number of chunks in children
			int numChildren = ((chunkCount - 1) >> shift) + 1;
			Ref[] children = new Ref[numChildren];

			long length = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
				int childOffset = i * childChunks;
				int chunks= Math.min(childChunks, chunkCount - childOffset);
				ABlob child;
				if (chunks==1) {
				} else {
					child=create(blobs, offset + childOffset,chunks);
				children[i] = child.getRef();
				length += child.count();
			return new BlobTree(children, shift, length);

// TODO: better implementation of this
//	@Override
//	public int compareTo(ABlob o) {
//		if (this==o) return 0;
//		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
//	}

	public boolean isCanonical() {
		// Should always be canonical as long as we enforce at least 2 children as an invariant
		return true;
		// return count>Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH;

	public int getBytes(byte[] dest, int pos) {
		int n = children.length;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			pos=getChild(i).getBytes(dest, pos);
		return pos;

	public ABlob slice(long start, long end) {
		if (start < 0L) return null;
		if (end >count) return null;
		long length=end-start;;
		if (length<0) return null;
		if (start==end) return Blob.EMPTY;
		if ((start == 0L) && (length == this.count)) return this;

		long csize = childLength();
		int ci = (int) (start / csize);
		int cilast=(int)((end - 1) / csize);
		if (ci == cilast) {
			// Slice within a single child
			long coffset=ci*csize;
			return getChild(ci).slice(start - coffset, end - coffset);

		// Construct using BlobBuilder iterating over relevant children
		BlobBuilder bb=new BlobBuilder();
		for (int i=ci; i<=cilast; i++) {
			ABlob child=getChild(i);
			long coff=i*csize;
			long cstart=Math.max(start-coff, 0);
			long cend=Math.min(end-coff, child.count());
		return bb.toBlob();

	private ABlob getChild(int childIndex) {
		return children[childIndex].getValue();
	private ABlob lastChild() {
		return children[children.length-1].getValue();

	public Blob toFlatBlob() {
		int len = Utils.checkedInt(count());
		byte[] data = new byte[len];
		getBytes(data, 0);
		return Blob.wrap(data);

	protected void updateDigest(MessageDigest digest) {
		int n = children.length;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	public byte byteAtUnchecked(long i) {
		long childLength = childLength();
		int ci = (int) (i >> (shift + Blobs.CHUNK_SHIFT));
		return getChild(ci).byteAtUnchecked(i - ci * childLength);

	 * Gets the length in bytes of each full child of this BlobTree
	 * @return
	private long childLength() {
		return 1L << (shift + Blobs.CHUNK_SHIFT);

	public boolean equals(ABlob a) {
		if (a.count()!=count) return false;
		// Canonical form of other Blob must be a BlobTree for this count
		BlobTree other=(BlobTree) (a.getCanonical());
		return equals(other); 

	public boolean equals(BlobTree b) {
		if (b == this) return true;
		if (b.count != count) return false;
		int n = children.length;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (!children[i].equals(b.children[i])) return false;
		return true;
	public boolean equalsBytes(byte[] bytes, long byteOffset) {
		long clen=childLength();
		for (int i=0; i> shift) + 1);

		Ref[] children = (Ref[]) new Ref[numChildren];
		int rpos=pos+headerLength; // ref position
		for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
			Ref ref = Format.readRef(src,rpos);
			children[i] = ref;

		BlobTree result= new BlobTree(children, shift, count);
		Blob enc=src.slice(pos, rpos);
		return result;

	public int estimatedEncodingSize() {
		return 1 + Format.MAX_VLC_LONG_LENGTH + Ref.INDIRECT_ENCODING_LENGTH * children.length;

	 * Appends another blob to this BlobTree. Potentially O(n) but can be faster.
	 * We are careful to slice from (0...n) on the appended array, to minimise reconstruction of BlobTrees
	public ABlob append(ABlob d) {
		BlobTree acc=this; // accumulator for appended BlobTree
		long off=0; // offset into d
		long dlen=d.count();
		// loop until d is fully consumed
		while (off=dlen) return acc; // Finished!
			if (!acc.isFullyPacked()) {
				// Need to add more children
				for (int i=acc.childCount(); i=dlen) return acc; // Finished!
			// Next level takes a following child with up to as many bytes as acc
			long take=Math.min(acc.count(), dlen-off);
			BlobTree nextLevel=BlobTree.createWithChildren(new ABlob[] {acc,d.slice(off,off+take)});
		return acc;

	private int childCount() {
		return children.length;

	 * Returns true if this is a fully packed set of chunks
	 * @return True if fully packed, false otherwise
	public boolean isFullyPacked() {
		return count==childLength()*FANOUT;

	public Blob getChunk(long chunkIndex) {
		long childSize = 1 << shift;
		int child = Utils.checkedInt(chunkIndex >> shift);
		return getChild(child).getChunk(chunkIndex - child * childSize);

	public void validate() throws InvalidDataException {
		int n = children.length;
		if ((n < 2) | (n > FANOUT)) throw new InvalidDataException("Illegal number of BlobTree children: " + n, this);
		long clen = childLength();
		long total = 0;
		// We need to validate and check the lengths of all child notes. Note that only the last child can
		// be shorted than the defined childLength() for this shift level.
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			ABlob child;
			child = getChild(i);
			long cl = child.count();
			total += cl;
			if (i == (n - 1)) {
				if (cl > clen) throw new InvalidDataException(
						"Illegal last child length: " + cl + " expected less than or equal to " + clen, this);
			} else {
				if (cl != clen)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Illegal child length: " + cl + " expected " + clen, this);
		if (total != count) throw new InvalidDataException("Incorrect total child count: " + total, this);

	public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
		return toFlatBlob().getByteBuffer();

	public boolean appendHex(BlobBuilder bb, long length) {
		for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
			ABlob child=children[i].getValue();
			if (!child.appendHex(bb,length)) return false; // bail out if not fully printed
			if (length<0) return false;
		return true;

	public void validateCell() throws InvalidDataException {
		int n = children.length;
		if ((n < 2) | (n > FANOUT)) throw new InvalidDataException("Illegal number of BlobTree children: " + n, this);
	public long hexMatch(ABlobLike b) {
		if (b instanceof ABlob) return commonHexPrefixLength((ABlob)b);
		return b.hexMatch(this);

	public long commonHexPrefixLength(ABlob b) {
		long cpl = 0;
		long maxChunk=(Math.min(count(),b.count())-1)/Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH;
		for (long i = 0; i<=maxChunk; i++) {
			long cl = getChunk(i).hexMatch(b.getChunk(i));
			if (cl < DIGITS_PER_CHUNK) return cpl + cl;
		return cpl;
	public long hexMatch(ABlobLike b, long start, long length) {
		long end = start + length;
		long endChunk = (end - 1) / HEX_CHUNK_LENGTH;
		for (long ci = start / HEX_CHUNK_LENGTH; ci < endChunk; ci++) {
			long cpos = ci * HEX_CHUNK_LENGTH; // position of chunk
			long cs = Math.max(0, start - cpos); // start position within chunk
			long ce = Math.min(HEX_CHUNK_LENGTH, end - cpos); // end position within chunk
			long clen = ce - cs; // length to check within chunk
			long match = getChunk(ci).hexMatch(b.toBlob().getChunk(ci), cs, clen);
			if (match < clen) return cpos + cs + match;
		return length;
	public long longValue() {
		return slice(count-8,count).longValue();

	public int getRefCount() {
		return children.length;

	public  Ref getRef(int i) {
		return (Ref) children[i];

	public BlobTree updateRefs(IRefFunction func) {
		Ref[] newChildren = Ref.updateRefs(children, func);
		return withChildren(newChildren);

	private BlobTree withChildren(Ref[] newChildren) {
		if (children == newChildren) return this;
		return new BlobTree(newChildren, shift, count);
	private BlobTree withChild(int i,ABlob newChild) {
		ABlob oldChild=children[i].getValue();
		if (oldChild == newChild) return this;
		Ref[] newChildren=children.clone();
		long newCount=count;
		if (i==(children.length-1)) {
			newCount+=newChild.count()-oldChild.count(); // update count if last child changed
		return new BlobTree(newChildren, shift, newCount);
	 * Appends a child. Assumes all previous children are fully packed
	 * @param newChild New child to append
	 * @return
	private BlobTree appendChild(ABlob newChild) {
		int ch=children.length;
		if (ch>=FANOUT) throw new Panic("Trying to add a child beyond allowable fanout!");
		Ref[] newChildren=new Ref[ch+1];
		System.arraycopy(children, 0, newChildren, 0, ch);
		long newCount=ch*childLength()+newChild.count();
		return new BlobTree(newChildren, shift, newCount);

	 * Gets the size of a BlobTree child for a blob of given total length.
	 * @param length Length of Blob
	 * @return Size of child, or 1 if not a BlobTree
	public static long childSize(long length) {
		long chunks=calcChunks(length);
		int shift=calcShift(chunks);
		return ((long)Blob.CHUNK_LENGTH)<this.count)) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
		int result=0;
		int childcount=childCount();
		long csize=childLength();

		for (int i=0; i0) {
					result+=getChild(i).read(offset,n, dest);
				offset=0; // offset is now the start of the next child 
			} else {
			if (count<=0) break;
		return result;


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