securesocial.core.OAuth2Provider.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2012-2014 Jorge Aliss (jaliss at gmail dot com) - twitter: @jaliss
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package securesocial.core
import play.api.Play
import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, JsSuccess, JsValue, Json }
import play.api.mvc._
import{ CacheService, HttpService, RoutesService }
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
trait OAuth2Client {
val settings: OAuth2Settings
val httpService: HttpService
def exchangeCodeForToken(code: String, callBackUrl: String, builder: OAuth2InfoBuilder): Future[OAuth2Info]
def retrieveProfile(profileUrl: String): Future[JsValue]
type OAuth2InfoBuilder = WSResponse => OAuth2Info
implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext
object OAuth2Client {
class Default(val httpService: HttpService, val settings: OAuth2Settings)(implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext)
extends OAuth2Client {
override def exchangeCodeForToken(code: String, callBackUrl: String, builder: OAuth2InfoBuilder): Future[OAuth2Info] = {
val params = Map(
OAuth2Constants.ClientId -> Seq(settings.clientId),
OAuth2Constants.ClientSecret -> Seq(settings.clientSecret),
OAuth2Constants.GrantType -> Seq(OAuth2Constants.AuthorizationCode),
OAuth2Constants.Code -> Seq(code),
OAuth2Constants.RedirectUri -> Seq(callBackUrl)
) ++ settings.accessTokenUrlParams.mapValues(Seq(_))
override def retrieveProfile(profileUrl: String): Future[JsValue] =
* Base class for all OAuth2 providers
abstract class OAuth2Provider(
routesService: RoutesService,
client: OAuth2Client,
cacheService: CacheService)
extends IdentityProvider with ApiSupport {
protected implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = client.executionContext
protected val logger = play.api.Logger(this.getClass.getName)
val settings = client.settings
def authMethod = AuthenticationMethod.OAuth2
protected def getAccessToken[A](code: String)(implicit request: Request[A]): Future[OAuth2Info] = {
val callbackUrl = routesService.authenticationUrl(id)
client.exchangeCodeForToken(code, callbackUrl, buildInfo)
.recoverWith {
case e =>
logger.error("[securesocial] error trying to get an access token for provider %s".format(id), e)
Future.failed(new AuthenticationException())
protected def buildInfo(response: WSResponse): OAuth2Info = {
val json = response.json
logger.debug("[securesocial] got json back [" + json + "]")
(json \ OAuth2Constants.AccessToken).as[String],
(json \ OAuth2Constants.TokenType).asOpt[String],
(json \ OAuth2Constants.ExpiresIn).asOpt[Int],
(json \ OAuth2Constants.RefreshToken).asOpt[String]
private[this] def validateOauthState(request: Request[AnyContent]): Future[Boolean] = {
val sessId: Option[String] = request.session.get(IdentityProvider.SessionId)
val stateInQueryString: Option[String] = request.queryString.get(OAuth2Constants.State).flatMap(_.headOption)
val cacheSessId: Option[Future[Option[String]]] =[String](_))
cacheSessId.fold(Future.successful(false))( == stateInQueryString))
private[this] def authenticateCallback(request: Request[AnyContent], code: String): Future[AuthenticationResult] = {
validateOauthState(request).flatMap(stateOk => if (stateOk) {
for {
accessToken <- getAccessToken(code)(request) if stateOk;
user <- fillProfile(OAuth2Info(accessToken.accessToken, accessToken.tokenType, accessToken.expiresIn, accessToken.refreshToken))
} yield {
logger.debug(s"[securesocial] user loggedin using provider $id = $user")
} else {
logger.warn("[securesocial] missing sid in session.")
// check if the state we sent is equal to the one we're receiving now before continuing the flow.
// todo: review this -> clustered environments
def authenticate()(implicit request: Request[AnyContent]): Future[AuthenticationResult] = {
val maybeError = request.queryString.get(OAuth2Constants.Error).flatMap(_.headOption).map {
case OAuth2Constants.AccessDenied => Future.successful(AuthenticationResult.AccessDenied())
case error =>
Future.failed {
logger.error(s"[securesocial] error '$error' returned by the authorization server. Provider is $id")
new AuthenticationException()
maybeError.getOrElse {
request.queryString.get(OAuth2Constants.Code).flatMap(_.headOption) match {
case Some(code) =>
// we're being redirected back from the authorization server with the access code.
authenticateCallback(request, code)
case None =>
// There's no code in the request, this is the first step in the oauth flow
val state = UUID.randomUUID().toString
val sessionId = request.session.get(IdentityProvider.SessionId).getOrElse(UUID.randomUUID().toString)
cacheService.set(sessionId, state, 300).map {
unit =>
var params = List(
(OAuth2Constants.ClientId, settings.clientId),
(OAuth2Constants.RedirectUri, routesService.authenticationUrl(id)),
(OAuth2Constants.ResponseType, OAuth2Constants.Code),
(OAuth2Constants.State, state))
settings.scope.foreach(s => {
params = (OAuth2Constants.Scope, s) :: params
settings.authorizationUrlParams.foreach(e => {
params = e :: params
val url = settings.authorizationUrl + => URLEncoder.encode(p._1, "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(p._2, "UTF-8")).mkString("?", "&", "")
logger.debug("[securesocial] authorizationUrl = %s".format(settings.authorizationUrl))
logger.debug("[securesocial] redirecting to: [%s]".format(url))
AuthenticationResult.NavigationFlow(Results.Redirect(url).withSession(request.session + (IdentityProvider.SessionId -> sessionId)))
def fillProfile(info: OAuth2Info): Future[BasicProfile]
* Defines the request format for api authentication requests
* @param email the user email
* @param info the OAuth2Info as returned by some Oauth2 service on the client side (eg: JS app)
case class LoginJson(email: String, info: OAuth2Info)
* A Reads instance for the OAuth2Info case class
implicit val OAuth2InfoReads = Json.reads[OAuth2Info]
* A Reads instance for the LoginJson case class
implicit val LoginJsonReads = Json.reads[LoginJson]
* The error returned for malformed requests
val malformedJson = Json.obj("error" -> "Malformed json").toString()
def authenticateForApi(implicit request: Request[AnyContent]): Future[AuthenticationResult] = {
val maybeCredentials = request.body.asJson flatMap {
_.validate[LoginJson] match {
case ok: JsSuccess[LoginJson] =>
case error: JsError =>
val e = JsError.toJson(error).toString()
logger.error(s"[securesocial] error parsing json: $e")
} { credentials =>
fillProfile( { profile =>
if ( && == {
} else {
AuthenticationResult.Failed("wrong credentials")
} recoverWith {
case e: Throwable =>
logger.error(s"[securesocial] error authenticating user via api", e)
} getOrElse {
* The settings for OAuth2 providers.
case class OAuth2Settings(authorizationUrl: String, accessTokenUrl: String, clientId: String,
clientSecret: String, scope: Option[String],
authorizationUrlParams: Map[String, String], accessTokenUrlParams: Map[String, String])
object OAuth2Settings {
val AuthorizationUrl = "authorizationUrl"
val AccessTokenUrl = "accessTokenUrl"
val AuthorizationUrlParams = "authorizationUrlParams"
val AccessTokenUrlParams = "accessTokenUrlParams"
val ClientId = "clientId"
val ClientSecret = "clientSecret"
val Scope = "scope"
* Helper method to create an OAuth2Settings instance from the properties file.
* @param id the provider id
* @return an OAuth2Settings instance
def forProvider(id: String): OAuth2Settings = {
import securesocial.core.IdentityProvider.loadProperty
val propertyKey = s"securesocial.$id."
val result = for {
authorizationUrl <- loadProperty(id, OAuth2Settings.AuthorizationUrl)
accessToken <- loadProperty(id, OAuth2Settings.AccessTokenUrl)
clientId <- loadProperty(id, OAuth2Settings.ClientId)
clientSecret <- loadProperty(id, OAuth2Settings.ClientSecret)
} yield {
val config = Play.current.configuration
val scope = loadProperty(id, OAuth2Settings.Scope, optional = true)
val authorizationUrlParams: Map[String, String] =
config.getObject(propertyKey + OAuth2Settings.AuthorizationUrlParams).map { o =>
val accessTokenUrlParams: Map[String, String] = config.getObject(propertyKey + OAuth2Settings.AccessTokenUrlParams).map { o =>
OAuth2Settings(authorizationUrl, accessToken, clientId, clientSecret, scope, authorizationUrlParams, accessTokenUrlParams)
if (!result.isDefined) {
object OAuth2Constants {
val ClientId = "client_id"
val ClientSecret = "client_secret"
val RedirectUri = "redirect_uri"
val Scope = "scope"
val ResponseType = "response_type"
val State = "state"
val GrantType = "grant_type"
val AuthorizationCode = "authorization_code"
val AccessToken = "access_token"
val Error = "error"
val Code = "code"
val TokenType = "token_type"
val ExpiresIn = "expires_in"
val RefreshToken = "refresh_token"
val AccessDenied = "access_denied"
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