securesocial.core.SecureSocial.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2012-2014 Jorge Aliss (jaliss at gmail dot com) - twitter: @jaliss
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package securesocial.core
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.i18n.Messages
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.http.HeaderNames
import securesocial.core.SecureSocial.{ RequestWithUser, SecuredRequest }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import play.twirl.api.Html
import securesocial.core.utils._
import securesocial.core.authenticator._
import play.api.mvc.Result
import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._
import play.api.Play.current
* Provides the actions that can be used to protect controllers and retrieve the current user
* if available.
trait SecureSocial extends Controller {
implicit val env: RuntimeEnvironment
implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext = env.executionContext
protected val notAuthenticatedJson = Unauthorized(Json.toJson(Map("error" -> "Credentials required"))).as(JSON)
protected def notAuthenticatedResult[A](implicit request: Request[A]): Future[Result] = {
Future.successful {
render {
case Accepts.Json() => notAuthenticatedJson
case Accepts.Html() => Redirect(env.routes.loginPageUrl).
flashing("error" -> Messages("securesocial.loginRequired"))
.withSession(request.session + (SecureSocial.OriginalUrlKey -> request.uri))
case _ => Unauthorized("Credentials required")
protected val notAuthorizedJson = Forbidden(Json.toJson(Map("error" -> "Not authorized"))).as(JSON)
protected def notAuthorizedPage()(implicit request: RequestHeader): Html = env.viewTemplates.getNotAuthorizedPage
protected def notAuthorizedResult[A](implicit request: Request[A]): Future[Result] = {
Future.successful {
render {
case Accepts.Json() => notAuthorizedJson
case Accepts.Html() => Forbidden(notAuthorizedPage())
case _ => Forbidden("Not authorized")
* A secured action. If there is no user in the session the request is redirected
* to the login page
object SecuredAction extends SecuredActionBuilder {
* Creates a secured action
def apply[A]() = new SecuredActionBuilder(None)
* Creates a secured action
* @param authorize an Authorize object that checks if the user is authorized to invoke the action
def apply[A](authorize: Authorization[env.U]) = new SecuredActionBuilder(Some(authorize))
* A builder for secured actions
* @param authorize an Authorize object that checks if the user is authorized to invoke the action
class SecuredActionBuilder(authorize: Option[Authorization[env.U]] = None)
extends ActionBuilder[({ type R[A] = SecuredRequest[A, env.U] })#R] {
override protected implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext = env.executionContext
private val logger = play.api.Logger("securesocial.core.SecuredActionBuilder")
def invokeSecuredBlock[A](authorize: Option[Authorization[env.U]], request: Request[A],
block: SecuredRequest[A, env.U] => Future[Result]): Future[Result] =
env.authenticatorService.fromRequest(request).flatMap {
case Some(authenticator) if authenticator.isValid =>
authenticator.touch.flatMap { updatedAuthenticator =>
val user = updatedAuthenticator.user
if (authorize.isEmpty || authorize.get.isAuthorized(user, request)) {
block(SecuredRequest(user, updatedAuthenticator, request)).flatMap {
} else {
case Some(authenticator) if !authenticator.isValid =>
logger.debug("[securesocial] user tried to access with invalid authenticator : '%s'".format(request.uri))
notAuthenticatedResult(request).flatMap { _.discardingAuthenticator(authenticator) }
case None =>
logger.debug("[securesocial] anonymous user trying to access : '%s'".format(request.uri))
override def invokeBlock[A](
request: Request[A],
block: (SecuredRequest[A, env.U]) => Future[Result]
): Future[Result] =
invokeSecuredBlock(authorize, request, block)
* An action that adds the current user in the request if it's available.
object UserAwareAction extends UserAwareActionBuilder {
def apply[A]() = new UserAwareActionBuilder()
* The UserAwareAction builder
class UserAwareActionBuilder extends ActionBuilder[({ type R[A] = RequestWithUser[A, env.U] })#R] {
override protected implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext = env.executionContext
override def invokeBlock[A](
request: Request[A],
block: (RequestWithUser[A, env.U]) => Future[Result]
): Future[Result] =
env.authenticatorService.fromRequest(request).flatMap {
case Some(authenticator) if authenticator.isValid =>
authenticator.touch.flatMap {
a => block(RequestWithUser(Some(a.user), Some(a), request))
case Some(authenticator) if !authenticator.isValid =>
block(RequestWithUser(None, None, request)).flatMap(_.discardingAuthenticator(authenticator))
case None =>
block(RequestWithUser(None, None, request))
object SecureSocial {
val OriginalUrlKey = "original-url"
* A request that adds the User for the current call
case class SecuredRequest[A, U](user: U, authenticator: Authenticator[U], request: Request[A]) extends WrappedRequest(request)
* A request that adds the User for the current call
case class RequestWithUser[A, U](user: Option[U], authenticator: Option[Authenticator[U]], request: Request[A]) extends WrappedRequest(request)
* Saves the referer as original url in the session if it's not yet set.
* @param result the result that maybe enhanced with an updated session
* @return the result that's returned to the client
def withRefererAsOriginalUrl[A](result: Result)(implicit request: Request[A]): Result = {
request.session.get(OriginalUrlKey) match {
// If there's already an original url recorded we keep it: e.g. if s.o. goes to
// login, switches to signup and goes back to login we want to keep the first referer
case Some(_) => result
case None => { { referer =>
request.session + (OriginalUrlKey -> referer)
* Gets the referer URI from the implicit request
* @return the path and query string of the referer path and query
def refererPathAndQuery[A](implicit request: Request[A]): Option[String] = {
request.headers.get(HeaderNames.REFERER).map { referer =>
// we don't want to use the full referer, as then we might redirect from https
// back to http and loose our session. So let's get the path and query string only
val idxFirstSlash = referer.indexOf("/", "https://".length())
val refererUri = if (idxFirstSlash < 0) "/" else referer.substring(idxFirstSlash)
val enableRefererAsOriginalUrl = {
import play.api.Play
* Returns the current user. Invoke this only if you are executing code
* without a SecuredRequest or UserAwareRequest available. For most cases what SecuredAction or UserAwareAction
* gives you will be enough.
* @param request the current request
* @param env the current environment
* @return a future with an option user
def currentUser(implicit request: RequestHeader, env: RuntimeEnvironment, executionContext: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[env.U]] = { {
case Some(authenticator) if authenticator.isValid => Some(authenticator.user)
case _ => None
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