securesocial.core.providers.ConcurProvider.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2012-2014 Andreas Fuerer (afu at nezasa dot com) - twitter: @andreasfuerer
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package securesocial.core.providers
import org.joda.time.{ DateTime, Seconds }
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
import play.api.http.HeaderNames
import play.api.mvc.Request
import securesocial.core.{ AuthenticationException, BasicProfile, OAuth2Client, OAuth2Constants, OAuth2Info, OAuth2Provider }
import{ CacheService, RoutesService }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.xml.Node
* A Concur OAuth2 Provider
* For the documentation of Concur’s OAuth2 implementation please refer to
* Unfortunately, Concur does not implement the exact OAuth2 specification.
* It differs in two main points:
* - getAccessToken uses a HTTP GET request (instead of HTTP POST as specified
* in
* - the access token response is delivered in XML (instead of JSON as
* specified in
class ConcurProvider(
routesService: RoutesService,
cacheService: CacheService,
client: OAuth2Client
extends OAuth2Provider(routesService, client, cacheService) {
/** formatter used to parse the expiration date returned from Concur */
private val ExpirationDateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a")
override val id = ConcurProvider.Concur
* Unfortunately, Concur does not stick to the OAuth2 spec saying that a HTTP POST must be
* used to get the access token. Instead, a HTTP GET is used in their implementation.
override def getAccessToken[A](code: String)(implicit request: Request[A]): Future[OAuth2Info] = {
val url = settings.accessTokenUrl + "?" + OAuth2Constants.Code + "=" + code + "&" +
OAuth2Constants.ClientId + "=" + settings.clientId + "&" +
OAuth2Constants.ClientSecret + "=" + settings.clientSecret
logger.debug("[securesocial] accessTokenUrl = %s".format(settings.accessTokenUrl))
client.httpService.url(url).get().map { response =>
} recover {
case e =>
logger.error("[securesocial] error trying to get an access token for provider %s".format(id), e)
throw new AuthenticationException()
* Concur does not return a JSON structure, but uses an XML structure.
override def buildInfo(response: WSResponse): OAuth2Info = {
val xml = response.xml
logger.debug("[securesocial] got xml back [" + maskSensitiveInformation(xml) + "]")
(xml \\ ConcurProvider.AccessToken \\ ConcurProvider.Token)""),
(xml \\ ConcurProvider.AccessToken \\ ConcurProvider.TokenType),
(xml \\ ConcurProvider.AccessToken \\ ConcurProvider.ExpirationDate) => {
Seconds.secondsBetween(, ExpirationDateFormatter.parseDateTime(v.text)).getSeconds
(xml \\ ConcurProvider.AccessToken \\ ConcurProvider.RefreshToken)
override def fillProfile(info: OAuth2Info): Future[BasicProfile] = {
val accessToken = info.accessToken
HeaderNames.AUTHORIZATION -> "OAuth %s".format(accessToken),
HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/xml"
).get().map { response =>
val xml = response.xml
logger.debug("[securesocial] got xml back [" + xml + "]")
(xml \\ ConcurProvider.Error).headOption match {
case Some(error) =>
val message = (error \\ ConcurProvider.Message)"undefined error message")
val errorId = (error \\ ConcurProvider.Id)"undefined")
logger.error("[securesocial] error retrieving profile information from Concur. Error message = '%s', id = '%s'"
.format(message, errorId))
throw new AuthenticationException()
case _ =>
val me = xml \\ ConcurProvider.UserProfile
val userId = (me \\ ConcurProvider.LoginId)
val firstName = (me \\ ConcurProvider.FirstName)
val lastName = (me \\ ConcurProvider.LastName)
val email = (me \\ ConcurProvider.EmailAddress)
val fullName = Seq(firstName, lastName).flatten.mkString(" ").trim() match {
case s: String if !s.isEmpty => Some(s)
case _ => None
BasicProfile(id, userId, firstName, lastName, fullName, email, None, authMethod, oAuth2Info = Some(info))
} recover {
case e: AuthenticationException => throw e
case e =>
logger.error("[securesocial] error retrieving profile information from Concur", e)
throw new AuthenticationException()
* Masks sensitive information so that it doesn't end up in the logs.
def maskSensitiveInformation(node: Node): Node = node match {
case { ch @ _* } => { }
case { contents @ _* } => *** masked ***
case { contents @ _* } => *** masked ***
case other @ _ => other
object ConcurProvider {
val Concur = "concur"
val UserProfileApi = ""
val AccessToken = "Access_Token"
val Token = "Token"
val TokenType = "Token_Typed"
val ExpirationDate = "Expiration_date"
val RefreshToken = "Refresh_Token"
val Error = "Error"
val Message = "Message"
val Id = "Id"
val UserProfile = "UserProfile"
val LoginId = "LoginId"
val FirstName = "FirstName"
val LastName = "LastName"
val EmailAddress = "EmailAddress"
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